Top 495 Search Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Search Quotes from famous people such as Andrew Adonis, Baron Adonis, Taj Mahal, Andrea Bocelli, Ken Leung, Martin Filler, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

My father came to Britain in search of a better life. M

My father came to Britain in search of a better life. My aunts, uncles and cousins fled here in search of safety as Cyprus’s Greek and Turkish populations fell into open hostility.
Andrew Adonis, Baron Adonis
I’m perceived as someone who goes out and searches for new music, but it was all present in my household.
Taj Mahal
The feeling of an evolution is a constant for every artist who is pursuing the search of refinement and enlargement of his/her own means of expression.
Andrea Bocelli
I did this thing for HBO called ‘Strip Search’ with Sidney Lumet, who was one of the best directors I’ve ever worked with. We actually had a rehearsal period before we shot, which is unusual.
Ken Leung
Some museum boards think that choosing an architect can be reduced to a science, but it comes down to a matter of taste, pure and simple. A shortlist of prospective designers speaks volumes about the likely outcome. If the candidates’ styles are too divergent, the search committee doesn’t know what it wants.
Martin Filler
In writing, I search for believability, simplicity and emotional impact.
Hal David
Among my favorite half-dozen topics is the field of Victorian female explorers, the intrepid women who packed up their parasols and petticoats and roamed the world in search of adventure. Some were scientists, some artists, some unabashed curiosity-seekers who simply went out to see what they could see.
Deanna Raybourn
You run the floor. Kick the ball out, repost, keep moving around, search it out, get to the offensive board. You’ve got to sprint around. You learn when teams are double-teaming you – that’s what you have to do. You have to make the right play.
Tom Thibodeau
Our vision is to allow users to search for content like movies, music, and songs with your voice or using gestures on the Kinect and sync that with your TV screen, phone, PC, or any other device.
Jean-Philippe Courtois
Search folks don’t understand editorial. I’m not afraid of editorial costs, just like machine-search folks are not afraid of computer servers.
Jason Calacanis
My cousin, Rip Torn, persuaded me not to change my name. You shouldn’t change what you are in the search for success.
Sissy Spacek
The total funding of SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) in the U.S. is 0.0003 percent of the tax monies spent on health and human services. And it’s not even tax money. The SETI Institute’s hunt for signals is funded by donations.
Seth Shostak
We are excited about the prospect of working with the Google Maps team to enhance our search capabilities and to join them in their ongoing efforts to build the best map of the world.
Noam Bardin
We go along, without a fixed itinerary, yet at the same time with an end (what end?) in mind, and with the aim of reaching the end. A search for the end, a dread of the end: the obverse and the reverse of the same act.
Octavio Paz
I want to be able to speak with errors in my wording, errors in my grammar. When you type things into Google search, it corrects your words. With speech, I want it to be general enough, smart enough, to know ‘No, he couldn’t have meant these words that I think he said. He must have really meant something similar.’
Steve Wozniak
Finding your way doesn’t mean surviving, just as pleasing an audience doesn’t mean twisting your editorial around search engine optimization and Facebook algorithms.
Anna Wintour
I love French films, and I copy things I see in them. I read magazines and also look at Tumblr. I love nails, so I literally just search the word ‘nails’ on Tumblr and start looking.
Felicity Jones
I can’t really put it in one sentence because although on one hand Preacher is about faith and yes it is also about, I suppose, the search for God, the search for faith and the manipulation and the abuse committed by figures in whom I suppose people have faith.
Garth Ennis
In writing, one searches, and that is what keeps one writing, that one sees and experiences things from another angle entirely; one experiences oneself during the process of writing.
Herta Muller
Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital – the world’s best talents and greatest ideas.
Jack Welch
I like a director who is very observant and is watching what I’m doing and noticing what I’m doing but is giving me time to figure it out. They don’t jump right in and give you a note before you’ve had time to really search on your own with how to do a scene. I like a director that encourages me to be playful.
Julia Stiles
Yahoo! is the only company with both scale and leadership in branded and search advertising.
Terry Semel
When the intensity of emotional conviction subsides, a man who is in the habit of reasoning will search for logical grounds in favour of the belief which he finds in himself.
Bertrand Russell
I have respect for what other people believe. What I believe in my own life is that it’s a search for how I can do things better, whether it’s being a better man or a better father or finding ways for myself to improve.
Tom Cruise
I’m not a guy who looks for signs in the universe to tell him things. I believe that if you search hard enough for the answer you already know, you will find it.
Bobby Bones
Since my life has been wayward and impulsive, always a search for something that is not there, and then disillusionment, I believe I need all the excuses I can make.
Lana Turner
Of all the passions of mankind, the love of novelty most rules the mind. In search of this, from realm to realm we roam. Our fleets come loaded with every folly home.
Shelby Foote
At a minimum the majority of search dollars will flow to a social media model because people care most about what their peers think and the technology is there for that information to be quickly shared on products and services.
Erik Qualman
My two brothers and myself never had to look outside of our house in search of a hero. We got to witness one up close every day.
Jason McCourty
A person’s mere propinquity to others independently suspected of criminal activity does not give rise to probable cause to search that person.
Potter Stewart
There are some Christian people who taste and see and enjoy religion in their own souls, and who get at a deeper knowledge of it than books can ever give them, though they should search all their days.
Charles Spurgeon
Microsoft could help Facebook with one of the biggest c

Microsoft could help Facebook with one of the biggest challenges, namely monetizing its traffic without reducing the user’s experience. It’s obvious that Microsoft needs traffic and Facebook needs search.
David Einhorn
I tend to do something for two years then move on to something new. Yoga, then biking, then weight lifting, then back to biking. The moment it feels like a rut, I switch and search for a new love. It’s like having a midlife crisis, but without the new wife or cheesy BMW.
Brad Meltzer
Unlike with the majority of library books, when you enter a term into a search engine there is no guarantee that what you will find is authoritative, accurate or even vaguely true.
Howard Rheingold
Search is an unsolved problem.
Marissa Mayer
All that I say is, examine, inquire. Look into the nature of things. Search out the grounds of your opinions, the for and against. Know why you believe, understand what you believe, and possess a reason for the faith that is in you.
Frances Wright
As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom.
Anthony Kennedy
The Coast Guard evokes images of search and rescue operations, maybe during Hurricane Katrina, or guys jumping out of helicopters wearing snorkels and fins – and that’s accurate, but only part of the picture.
Brianna Keilar
It was never the case that prisoners were simply allowed unlimited parcels – books or otherwise… It would be a logistical impossibility to search them all, and they would provide an easy route for illegal materials.
Chris Grayling
One of the great values of the theater is a communal search for truth; I believe that sincerely.
F. Murray Abraham
Unwarranted search and seizure by the government officials was unacceptable to the American revolutionaries. Shouldn’t it be unacceptable in the digital age, too?
Heather Brooke
It is good to be tired and wearied by the futile search after the true good, that we may stretch out our arms to the Redeemer.
Blaise Pascal
When Larry and Sergey founded Google Search, one of the things that struck me is that it was available for everyone to use. We deeply desire our services to work for everyone. And that inherently means we have to work with partners. That is the thesis underlying everything we do.
Sundar Pichai
The main thing that those two albums have in common aside from my music, which of course, a sense of it, you can recognize, it is that the bass on Infinite Search was playing much, much less like a bass.
Miroslav Vitous
In a sense, the searches for both magnetic monopoles and gravity waves are very similar. But, theoretically, gravity waves are more solid.
Barry Barish
Mental health really is a search to be happy, I think that’s what people want in life – and if you’re happy you’re winning.
Konnie Huq
Over time, our emerging high-usage products will likely generate significant new revenue streams for Google as well as for our partners, just as search does today.
Larry Page
I’d rather have a search engine or a compiler on a deserted island than a game.
John Carmack
Control of the browser that people use to access the Web turned out to be far less meaningful than the search engine we use as the starting point for finding Web information. I switch between Safari, Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome browsers all day. I never stray from Google search.
Glenn Kelman
Why do alcoholics begin down the same hazardous road day after day? They are in search of that elusive window of well-being that opens when you drink your way out of a hangover and aren’t yet drunk all over again. The alcoholic’s day consists of trying to keep that window open.
Roger Ebert
In the search for culpability for the tragedy in Ferguson, I mostly blame politicians.
Rand Paul
In its fifty-first year of publication, ‘The Paris Review’ continues to search for new ways to bring together writers and readers.
John D’Agata
Search is essential to every service that Yahoo offers.
David Filo
Google is arguably one of the greatest inventions. The search engine is one of the greatest inventions in human history.
Franklin Foer
Trending topics helped make Twitter a more relevant metric of what the world was talking about at any given moment. Google has worked for years in the space, most notably with Google Trends and Hot Searches, but Google+ offers the search giant the ability to see what is truly trending in real time.
Ben Parr
When a great team loses through complacency, it will constantly search for new and more intricate explanations to explain away defeat.
Pat Riley
When I left art school and went in search of work, visiting publishers and showing them my drawings and illustrations, I was met with a polite and sometimes enthusiastic response but no commissions.
Chris Riddell
I don’t like to search too much. I find it is easier when romance finds you.
Michelle Trachtenberg
The search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness.
Eric Hoffer
I want to show the young generation that success is not something you search for externally: it is from within.
A company should search for every instance of the use of its name and zoom in when there are issues – both good and bad.
Guy Kawasaki
I may be old-fashioned. But I believe there is such a thing as a search for beauty – a delight in the nice things in the world. And I don’t think one should have to apologise for it.
Saul Leiter
News seems to travel far more quickly on Twitter and Fa

News seems to travel far more quickly on Twitter and Facebook than through search.
Marvin Ammori
There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful.
Henry A. Wallace
The noblest search is the search for excellence.
Lyndon B. Johnson
I almost never pitch myself. Me being an independent producer, never having a manager and never being signed, I pretty much just did my own thing: go out and search for the new talent, and when the new talent blows up, it just kinda brings everyone else to me.
I defected to South Korea in search of freedom of speech and movement. I had longed to put my feet on this soil, even in my dreams.
Lee Hyeon-seo
We want to make Bing more than just search: to be the key intelligence engine behind the phone, get people to navigate, and present information in a meaningful way.
Jean-Philippe Courtois
Like many readers, I am continually in search of books that allow me to lose myself in an entirely unique universe.
Anita Shreve
I like Diaspora because it’s audacious, it’s driven by passion, and it’s very, very hard to do. After all, who in their right mind would set as a goal taking on Facebook? That’s sort of like deciding to build a better search engine – very expensive, with a high likelihood of failure.
John Battelle
When your opponent is tied up, always be patient and search for the simplest option.
Daniel Naroditsky
Half of Google’s revenue comes from selling text-based ads that are placed near search results and are related to the topic of the search. Another half of its revenues come from licensing its search technology to companies like Yahoo.
Eric Schmidt
I just didn’t know where I fit in – I didn’t seem to fit in my parent’s generation. I didn’t seem to fit in my own generation. Little by little, this took me into a spiritual search for understanding; a search for meaning and fulfillment.
Radhanath Swami
I feel like I’m totally me, and I feel like the show reflects my intensity, my vibe, and my search for evidence and answers.
Ari Melber
The new book is a result of my well-documented… absorption in Samurai movie culture. It’s called ‘The 47th Samurai: A Bob Lee Swagger novel,’ and it takes Bob to Japan in search of the sword his father recovered on Iwo that has gone missing under extremely violent circumstances.
Stephen Hunter
So I say to you, Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.
Jesus Christ
Information is not knowledge, and knowledge is not wisdom. Reading – even browsing – an old book can yield sustenance denied by a database search. Patience is a virtue, gluttony a sin.
James Gleick
For me, poetry is always a search for order.
Elizabeth Jennings
I never search for a reason why – I have faith in the Lord’s purpose.
Willie Stargell
Some say Google is God. Others say Google is Satan. But if they think Google is too powerful, remember that with search engines unlike other companies, all it takes is a single click to go to another search engine.
Sergey Brin
I guess I’m kind of interested in that elusive search for a bond between life and work and between compassion and competitiveness. There’s always something at the end you have to find to live a full life, but it’s hard to find.
Damien Chazelle
The search for justice and security, the struggle for equality of opportunity, the quest for tolerance and harmony, the pursuit of human dignity – these are moral imperatives which we must work towards and think about on a daily basis.
Aga Khan IV
With DNS, it’s possible to control key components of Internet navigation. Google already controls search, they are quickly gaining market share to control the browser, and when you put in DNS, it becomes the trifecta of complete navigational control.
David Ulevitch
The fact that free men persist in the search for the truth is the essential difference between Communism and Democracy.
Robert Kennedy
At Affectiva, we hire top talent – and the entire world is our search space. I take pride in the cultural diversity of our team, and we celebrate it.
Rana el Kaliouby
And if my 10-year-old is Googling or looking on YouTube then she’s got to do it in a room where we’re present. We’ve put all the child safety settings in place, but you still can’t predict what might turn up on a YouTube or Google search.
Tess Daly
If a Hollywood studio needed a fighter to play the hero in an old-time boxing movie, the search could begin and end with John Duddy.
Thomas Hauser
AI does not keep me up at night. Almost no one is working on conscious machines. Deep learning algorithms, or Google search, or Facebook personalization, or Siri or self driving cars or Watson, those have the same relationship to conscious machines as a toaster does to a chess-playing computer.
Ramez Naam
I have discovered that inner search by far is the most uncharted domain and it needs great courage and determination to cut through the dense vegetation of the mind so to speak before arriving at the core.
Yossi Ghinsberg
Anyone unhappy with Google can use other search engines – including DuckDuckGo and Blekko, along with Bing or Yahoo.
Marvin Ammori
By the time I was a teen, I was an expert at scanning people’s faces, always in search of eyes like mine. I devoured glossy magazines, ever mindful of the language we used to talk about beauty. The sections on how to apply makeup intrigued me most precisely because their audience never included me.
Crystal Hana Kim
There are lots of jobs in search of talent. And there’s lots of talent in search of meaningful work.
Maynard Webb
Thanks to our modern era, facts are incredibly easy to come by. A few web searches for your subject matter, and you have all the information you could dream of.
Andy Weir
China's Internet will continue to be policed and contro

China’s Internet will continue to be policed and controlled, information filtered, sites prohibited, noncompliant search engines excluded, and sensitive search words disallowed. And where China goes, others, also informed by different values, are already and will follow.
Martin Jacques
Moral certainty, clear standards, and a commitment to spiritual ideals will set you apart in a world that searches for meaning.
Mitt Romney
Much of the lifeblood of blogs is search engines – more than half the traffic for most blogs.
Matt Mullenweg
My search for ways to improve my touch has never ended. We players tried a lot of different things and compared notes. Little fads would set in.
Arnold Palmer
Search for the truth is the noblest occupation of man; its publication is a duty.
Madame de Stael
Ultimately there’s a dirty secret about the Internet, which is nothing disappears. All these companies have all your information. They have your search history.
Ashton Kutcher
It’s very clear to users, more clear than in other apps, that Foursquare is an app for search and discovery, and we’re very good at delivering you a social map that will show you friends’ faces on the map and things that you might like.
Dennis Crowley
A search for truth seems to me to be full of pitfalls. We all have different understandings of what truth is, and we’ll each believe – or we are in danger of each believing – that our truth is the one and only absolute truth, which is why I say it’s full of pitfalls.
Jocelyn Bell Burnell
When documents were analog, they were protected by government laws against unreasonable search and seizure. When they live in the cloud… the ground is shifting.
John Battelle
He who would search for pearls must dive below.
John Dryden
I believe President Bush is one of the most dangerous leaders in the world. He is not in search of peaceful and diplomatic solutions.
Bianca Jagger
Let me alone, and go in search of someone else.
Ali ibn Abi Talib
Here is how I work: when I think that a film needs to have a principal theme, I search for a melody.
Michel Legrand
Only a crazy person wouldn’t fear approaching a car with tinted windows during a late-night car stop, or pounding up a flight of stairs to execute a search warrant, or fast-roping from a helicopter down into hostile fire. Real agents, like real people, feel that fear in the pit of their stomachs.
James Comey
We go to learn about our solar system, to search for life, and to understand what happened to Mars so we avoid it ourselves.
Rick Tumlinson
I search for records that I’ve found on YouTube. If I can’t get the record it doesn’t matter to me, I’ll bump the YouTube rip.
I think most artists create out of despair. The very nature of creation is not a performing glory on the outside, it’s a painful, difficult search within.
Louise Berliawsky Nevelson
The United States has an unfair advantage, as most of the popular cloud services, search engines, computer and mobile operating systems or web browsers are made by U.S. companies. When the rest of the world uses the net, they are effectively using U.S.-based services, making them a legal target for U.S. intelligence.
Mikko Hypponen
If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge? We shouldn’t marginalise people for this. They must be integrated into society.
Pope Francis
If you do a Google search, you will probably read a lot of stuff about how I am someone who wants to kill all the Jews and hates the United States.
Noam Chomsky
The Internet creates as well as destroys. Social networks, search advertising, and cloud computing are multibillion dollar industries that didn’t exist 10 years ago. They are products of the same force that has rendered the Postal Service’s core business obsolete.
John Sununu
I’m an ocean, because I’m really deep. If you search deep enough you can find rare exotic treasures.
Christina Aguilera
There’s no question that looking down to search the Web, send a text message, or log onto Facebook puts you in danger and puts people around you on the road in danger.
Ted Deutch
I always liked to draw, and when I was a kid, the Internet wasn’t big at all, so I would go to Internet cafes and search Google images for cartoon characters and save it to my USB drive.
Rich Brian
Google’s competitors argue that Google designs its search display to promote Google ‘products’ like Google Maps, Google Places, and Google Shopping, ahead of competitors like MapQuest, Yelp, and product-search sites.
Marvin Ammori
There’s a very long tail of all sorts of creative products – beyond our core web search, image search and advertising businesses – that are powered by deep learning.
Andrew Ng
A day spent without the sight or sound of beauty, the contemplation of mystery, or the search of truth or perfection is a poverty-stricken day; and a succession of such days is fatal to human life.
Lewis Mumford
I discover real-time news far more often on Facebook than on Google News or a regular Google search.
Marvin Ammori
Essentially, Louis XIV created exclusivity. If we look at how we live our lives today, many of us are members of clubs or gyms. We search out exclusivity. He created the world of fashion at Versailles.
George Blagden
Passion is in all great searches and is necessary to all creative endeavors.
W. Eugene Smith
Furthermore, neither of our research groups set out in search of RNA catalysis.
Sidney Altman
We have got to go out there and deliver, go on the stre

We have got to go out there and deliver, go on the streets and find athletes, improve facilities around the country and find coaches. We have got to go out there and search for a star.
Linford Christie
The government can still conduct clandestine searches of innocent people’s private information such as library, medical, and financial records. This is wrong and should have been addressed in a true compromise.
Jose Serrano
Homo Sapiens is a frontier creature. It is what we do; it defines what we are. This has been true from our very beginnings. It is the core reason our progenitors wandered forth from the first primordial valleys in search of more room, better hunting, or more fertile soil.
Rick Tumlinson
What person doesn’t search online about their disease after they are diagnosed?
Howard Rheingold
As I approach my 88th birthday, it’s become apparent to me that my eyes and ears, among other appurtenances, aren’t quite what they used to be. The prospect of long flights to wherever in search of whatever are not quite as appealing.
Mike Wallace
We should not be so taken up in the search for truth, as to neglect the needful duties of active life; for it is only action that gives a true value and commendation to virtue.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.
Albert Camus
The sensation of writing a book is the sensation of spinning, blinded by love and daring. It is the sensation of a stunt pilot’s turning barrel rolls, or an inchworm’s blind rearing from a stem in search of a route. At its worst, it feels like alligator wrestling, at the level of the sentence.
Annie Dillard
I’m always in search of something, in search of losing myself to the music.
Bruce Springsteen
Art is always a search for understanding, and the different levels and frequencies of that search feel completely comfortable and natural to me.
Doug Aitken
Reading ‘Search Sweet Country’ is like reading a dream, and indeed, at times, it feels like the magical landscapes of writers like the Nigerian Ben Okri or the Mozambican Mia Couto.
Uzodinma Iweala
Maintaining order in the classrooms has never been easy and it is evident that the school setting requires some easing of the restrictions to which searches by public authorities are ordinarily subject.
Byron White
Writers do well to carefully attend to those moments of inspiration, because chances are that they’re writing from a very deep place. The subsequent search that ensues to continually attend to that voice that you hear is what is going to give the story drive.
Adam Ross
Just as we descend into our consciences to judge of actions which our minds can not weigh, can we not also search in ourselves for the feeling which gives birth to forms of thought, always vague and cloudy?
Alfred de Vigny
Has Google appropriated the word ‘search?’ If so, I find it sad. Search is a deep human yearning, an ancient trope in the recorded history of human life.
Ellen Ullman
It didn’t matter what we did or where we did it as long as we were together. We knew we’d found what most people either pursue in years of futile search or dismiss as a fantasy at the outset: the missing half of ourselves. The real thing.
John Perry Barlow
It’s something that I had been pushing down my whole life. The search for meaning, I guess, the whispering of the soul.
Ricky Williams
If the search engines don’t respect the creators, there won’t be anything to search in the future because creators have to make a living too.
Patricia Schroeder
Our government should not be spying on the electronic communications of American citizens. Nor should our iPhones or Android devices be subject to unreasonable searches and seizures.
Gary Johnson
To get people to switch from Google, you have to offer something twice as better. But the truth is, the world doesn’t actually need better-quality search. I think we’ve got good enough search.
Jason Calacanis
A search is a search, even if it happens to disclose nothing but the bottom of a turntable.
Antonin Scalia
I was at this model search with a friend, supporting her, and next thing you know I ended up in it.
Kim Smith
If leaders in the space program had at its beginning in the 1940s, pointed out the benefits to people on earth rather than emphasizing the search for proof of evolution in space, the program would have saved $100 billion in tax money and achieved greater results.
Walter Lang
For me, the martial arts is a search for something inside. It’s not just a physical discipline.
Brandon Lee
Critics search for ages for the wrong word, which, to give them credit, they eventually find.
Peter Ustinov
Loneliness is proof that your innate search for connection is intact.
Martha Beck
I loved fun. I spent my whole life in search of fun. I have not given up that part of myself.
Rob Lowe
The next Bill Gates will not start an operating system. The next Larry Page won’t start a search engine. The next Mark Zuckerberg won’t start a social network company. If you are copying these people, you are not learning from them.
Peter Thiel
When man fell from grace, he lost a kingdom, not a religion. He lost dominion over the earth; He did not lose Heaven. Therefore, mankind’s search is not for a religion or for Heaven but for his kingdom.
Myles Munroe
In spite of my own reservations about Bing’s ability to convert Google users, I have to admit that the search engine does offer a genuine alternative to Google-style browsing, a more coherently organized selection of links, and a more advertiser-friendly environment through which to sell space and links.
Douglas Rushkoff
Many try to search for peace and God outside. They constantly search for it, and get depressed. Why search the outside world when there is God with us?
Raghava Lawrence
An armchair Jungian would say the whole thing is about

An armchair Jungian would say the whole thing is about my own ongoing spiritual search. My interior life has always been one of trying to find a spiritual link, maybe because I’m from a family of separate religious philosophies: Protestant and Catholic.
David Bowie
Digital world is changing its home, and I am in search of an evolution that exists beyond the digital world.
Pranav Mistry
Before anything else, we need a new age of Enlightenment. Our present political systems must relinquish their claims on truth, justice and freedom and have to replace them with the search for truth, justice, freedom and reason.
Friedrich Durrenmatt
The search for someone to blame is always successful.
Robert Half
Google and Facebook, each in their own way, have revolutionized the delivery of advertising based on search and social networking, creating a sort of anti-Spam: targeted, relevant ads that a consumer might actually welcome rather than spurn.
Marcus Buckingham
The Seven Cities of Gold always fascinated me. Southwestern U.S. history especially fascinates me. The whole spur of the Spanish exploration of the Southwestern U.S. was the search for these mythical Seven Cities of Gold.
Neil Peart
I think I’m evolving, I’m always in search of bettering myself, how I can improve as a sportsman and as a person.
Sonny Bill Williams
As both developed and developing nations search for alternative sources of energy in response to the growing energy crisis, we at Acumen Fund believe that investing in entrepreneurs who provide innovative energy solutions is an increasingly critical part of the solution.
Jacqueline Novogratz
As CEO of Cold Stone Creamery, we used a concept called ‘search and reapply,’ which meant that if we found better ways of doing something, then we would do it.
Doug Ducey
I’ve never done it, but I think if you do a Google search for ‘People who will help me travel across the country to meet my online love,’ I’m probably the only person that comes up.
Nev Schulman
With WWE, I got this audition and thought there was no way that I was going to actually get the job. They were doing the WWE Diva Search at the time, and I didn’t think I would get the job because I wasn’t a wrestler.
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
John Kenneth Galbraith
You have to intervene really, really strongly with people who are habitual knife-carriers, that includes stop and search definitely, you have to keep them locked up.
Cressida Dick
It is the cells which create and maintain in us, during the span of our lives, our will to live and survive, to search and experiment, and to struggle.
Albert Claude
Despite my firm convictions, I have always been a man who tries to face facts, and to accept the reality of life as new experience and new knowledge unfolds. I have always kept an open mind, a flexibility that must go hand in hand with every form of the intelligent search for truth.
Malcolm X
I think today we recognize that economic activity needs to search for ways to protect the environment.
Gale Norton
In short, Now is Google’s attempt at becoming the real time interface to our lives – moving well beyond the siloed confines of ‘search’ and into the far more ambitious world of ‘experience.’ As in – every experience one has could well be lit by data delivered through Google Now.
John Battelle
My whole drive is to make sure that music is a common space where we search for beauty and share it. It needs to be louder than any conversation. That’s where we have to go as a human race.
Abigail Washburn
I was only 26 when I started my career. Those days I only wanted to work. When my films did not work, I didn’t know what to do. But I never went to anyone for work. Work came in search of me.
It’s time to commit to finding the answer, to search for life beyond Earth. Mankind has a deep need to explore, to learn, to know. We also happen to be sociable creatures. It is important for us to know if we are alone in the dark.
Stephen Hawking
A very Faustian choice is upon us: whether to accept our corrosive and risky behavior as the unavoidable price of population and economic growth, or to take stock of ourselves and search for a new environmental ethic.
E. O. Wilson
Theater is there to search for questions. It doesn’t give you instructions.
Vaclav Havel
The Philippines, it might be said, is a country in search of an identity.
Raymond Bonner
I kind of embarked on a fruitless search to find information about my character, Frederick Aiken. And it was fruitless, unfortunately, because there’s so little about him.
James McAvoy
Art is the provocation for talking about enigma and the search for sense in human life. One can do that by telling a story or writing about a fresco by Giotto or studying how a snail climbs up a wall.
John Berger
I’m never going to search for anyone’s acceptance. I’m just going to be me, and people are eventually going to have to accept it.
Kevin Abstract
In search of a complete education with the ideals of trust, faith, understanding and compassion, many families are turning to the structure, discipline and academic standards of Catholic schools.
Mark Foley
I’m on a search for the truth.
Nancy Grace
I was on ‘In Search of the Partridge Family,’ MTV’S ‘Miss Seventeen,’ and the comedy ‘Love Monkey.’
Teddy Geiger
Religion is a search for transcendence. But transcendence isn’t necessarily sited in an external god, which can be a very unspiritual, unreligious concept.
Karen Armstrong
The spirituality of the music is something that I always search for in what I do, because I think that music has to have everything inside: a strong architecture, a support, the emotion.
Ludovico Einaudi
I play guitar quite a bit, because I'm always in search

I play guitar quite a bit, because I’m always in search of something. I don’t play to jam, but because I’m fishing. I’m looking for something, that I hope you can never find. If I do find it, I’m afraid I won’t have a need to do this any more.
Robbie Robertson
Two things happened – One, I was already in search of a positive role for a long time when I came across ‘Shastri Sisters.’ Two, I missed being a part of Hindi television.
Sudha Chandran
To me, the fact that the Mexican came North in search of a better life is a tremendous epic that hasn’t been written. It’s an odyssey that we know nothing about. And they came with a dream for a better life.
Rudolfo Anaya
Nothing gives rest but the sincere search for truth.
Blaise Pascal
‘Betsy’ is one of my favorites because it is the one to which I’ve imposed the least clear narrative. To me, it’s so much more about the feeling – desperation – than any kind of story at all. There’s very little imagery or character development; it’s just about a deep and desperate search for something.
Julia Holter
The eye searches for shapes. It searches for a beginning, a middle, and an end.
John Polanyi
No company is hiring anyone to search for messages from aliens. Most people don’t seem to think there’s much benefit to it. The lack of interest is, I think, because most people don’t realize what even a simple detection would really mean.
Frank Drake
When you’re young and search your name on Twitter to see what everyone is saying about you, which everyone does when you’re young… it was one of those things I had to get on with.
Ben Chilwell
My Dad was so open creatively that I was off in search of black turtleneck bathing suits with long sleeves.
Moon Unit Zappa
‘In Search of Excellence’ – even the title – is a reminder that business isn’t dry, dreary, boring, or by the numbers. Life at work can be cool – and work that’s cool isn’t confined to Tiger Woods, Yo-Yo Ma, or Tom Hanks. It’s available to all of us and any of us.
Tom Peters
Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
Bertrand Russell
We need more partnerships like Vigor Industrial and Portland Community College where men and women in search of a career can get the training they need to get hired right out of school.
Kate Brown
A world where everyone creates content gets confusing pretty quickly without a good search engine.
Ethan Zuckerman
Virginia Woolf came along in the early part of the century and essentially said through her writing, yes, big books can be written about the traditional big subjects. There is war. There is the search for God. These are all very important things.
Michael Cunningham
I have fallen in love so many times. If one relationship ended, I would search for another girl. I was always madly in love with all the girls that I dated.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui
We cannot go up on a wire. We cannot do a search without a judge on the FISA Court approving it and determining that we have met the standard that has been set forth by Congress in order to utilize these techniques.
Robert Mueller
To me, at forty-four years old, my book was a search for truth and identity.
Melissa Gilbert
It annoys me when contemporary films and television shows create artificial tensions that could easily be resolved by a quick email or the use of a search engine. ‘La La Land’ was guilty of this several times, as well as a more generalised aesthetic nostalgia.
Sally Rooney
Google appears to be the worst of the major search engines from a privacy point of view;, with AskEraser turned on, is among the best.
Barton Gellman
Go where you will, if a shilling can there be procured, you may expect to meet with individuals in search of it.
John James Audubon
Searches of al Qaeda sites in Afghanistan, undertaken since American-backed forces took control there, are not known to have turned up a significant cache of nuclear materials.
Barton Gellman
Every time I start a new work, I try to be different and to start with a new perspective, so I search for a new idea, something which gives me a new way to access my creativity.
Ludovico Einaudi
We may define therapy as a search for value.
Abraham Maslow
I was adopted by a Salvadorian mother and a white father. Growing up having complete identity crisis. Then my search for my mother and trying to find out why I was given up, and how could a mother give up a child, then finding out the circumstances of my birth was pretty traumatizing.
Gina Prince-Bythewood
Both need each other: The agnostic cannot be content to not know, but must be in search of the great truth of faith; the Catholic cannot be content to have faith, but must be in search of God all the time, and in the dialogue with others, a Catholic can learn more about God in a deeper fashion.
Pope Benedict XVI
Search engines generally treat personal names as search terms like any others: Data is data.
Jonathan Zittrain
I was allowed to wander where I could. Here is a case in which you search for your independence and allow something creative to come out of that.
George Woodcock
The invisible pieces of code that form the gears and cogs of the modern machine age, algorithms have given the world everything from social media feeds to search engines and satellite navigation to music recommendation systems.
Hannah Fry
You search for images and stories and movies and music from people that look like you and sound like you and speak like you because you want to feel like, ‘Oh, if they can do it, so can I.’ There’s a little bit of that need for validation, especially when you’re younger and trying to look to someone to look up to.
Kelly Marie Tran
The search for truth is not a trade by which a man can support himself; for a priest it is a supreme peril .
Alfred Loisy
If you’re brave enough to search ‘Franchesca Ramsey’ on YouTube, you’ll find a sea of ranting white dudes pinning the ‘angry black woman’ stereotype onto my smiling face.
Franchesca Ramsey
Google+ was, to my mind, all about creating a first-par

Google+ was, to my mind, all about creating a first-party data connection between Google most important services – search, mail, YouTube, Android/Play, and apps.
John Battelle
I adore people who ask questions and who cause others to share in their search.
Anne Parillaud
The fabled musk deer searches the world over for the source of the scent which comes from itself.
They’ve just gone over the line in my opinion, and again, there’s a proper time for a pat down, there’s a proper time for an advanced technology body search, but it has to be done with some thought.
John Mica
I was injured by an enemy hand grenade in Afghanistan in 2010. I spent three years recovering at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center… And through that three years, I was forced to search for the silver linings during the long dark and painful nights and days in the hospital.
Kyle Carpenter
Making ‘Fargo’ for FX has been the highlight of my career. A writer can search his or her whole career for a network partner who truly understands and encourages their vision. For me, the search is over.
Noah Hawley
I believe that all my work explores the human desire or obsession for utopias, and the structure of all my works is the search for utopias lost and rediscovered.
Marguerite Young
To properly prepare to receive personal revelation, we must repent, ask through prayer, be obedient, search the scriptures, fast, think pure thoughts, and develop a spirit of reverence.
L. Lionel Kendrick
With comedy I can search for the profound.
Dario Fo
Violating the 4th Amendment guarantees against illegal searches and seizures is not the way to solve crime problems.
Tim Wise
In the US, you even lose legal rights if you store your data in a company’s machines instead of your own. The police need to present you with a search warrant to get your data from you; but if they are stored in a company’s server, the police can get it without showing you anything.
Richard Stallman
I remember when metal was something you really had to search out, and now I hear it on car commercials.
Trevor Dunn
Starting a band is the easy part. Once you’ve formed the band, you have to tell a story, and that story requires songs. And not just good songs, but great songs. After a while, great songs won’t do – they have to be the best. Success doesn’t make it any easier. Each time I start a new record, it’s a brand-new search.
The Edge
It’s like you’re waiting on the world to change, but I’m actually living it, because I wonder: If there was a DragCon when I was a child or even a search engine or ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race,’ maybe my father would have been different. Maybe our relationship now wouldn’t be different.
Alyssa Edwards
For my art, there is a common theme most of the time: it is using the things we can see to search for the world we cannot see.
Cai Guo-Qiang
The house a woman creates is a Utopia. She can’t help it – can’t help trying to interest her nearest and dearest not in happiness itself but in the search for it.
Marguerite Duras
I think every writer is in search of the truth. We are trying to psychoanalyze ourselves.
Christopher Priest
I have long been interested in landscape history, and when younger and more robust I used to do much tramping of the English landscape in search of ancient field systems, drove roads, indications of prehistoric settlement.
Penelope Lively
I’m predicting that we’ll finally have a computer will search my e-mail automatically and delete every message that begins with ‘thought you’d be interested,’ and then give an electrical shock to the sender to remind him or her to stop send that kind of message.
Scott Adams
The CIA’s research program is described in a book called The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.
Ken Follett
America is the sum of all our journeys as we search for our national community and our national culture.
Paul Tsongas
When I visited YouTube headquarters, they told me that Delhi searches me the most on YouTube.
Diljit Dosanjh
Comedy is probably a lot harder for me. Maybe it’s because I’ve been doing drama for so long or maybe it’s because… you don’t want to search for a laugh; you can’t try to be funny, you just have to naturally be funny or be in a situation that’s funny.
Nina Dobrev
Just as it had taken centuries to determine the true nature of the universe, so also the search for the beginning of human life proceeded well into the 20th century.
Wellington Mara
Look into the nature of things. Search out the grounds of your opinions, the for and against.
Frances Wright
In the past, when venture-funded startups told their investors they’d found a profitable business model, the first thing VCs would do is to start looking for an ‘operating exec’ – usually an MBA who would act as the designated ‘adult’ and take over the transition from Search to Build.
Steve Blank
Good website practice and optimizing for conversion usually makes for good search engine optimization. These work together to ensure you drive quality traffic and can persuade that traffic to help you meet your business goals.
Marc Ostrofsky
Anything you care about, from vacation plans to exercise to the best Ethiopian restaurant, is going to be guided by your individual search history.
Daniel Levitin
We need to coordinate closely with international partners, right down to tightly-coordinated execution of seizures, searches, and arrests, so that instead of capturing a single criminal, we’re taking down an entire enterprise.
Christopher A. Wray
There’s no reason why there needs to be one search engine or one social network or one store that we buy all of our crap from. It’s possible to imagine a world in which there’s actually competition.
Franklin Foer
In the years of the Red Terror that followed the Bolshevik Revolution, the voice of dissent was stifled by universal denunciations, house searches, and preventive arrests.
Norman Davies
The kind of environment that we developed Google in, th

The kind of environment that we developed Google in, the reason that we were able to develop a search engine, is the web was so open. Once you get too many rules, that will stifle innovation.
Sergey Brin
In other words, I’d say the whole story of Bob Dylan is one man’s search for God. The turns and the steps he takes to find God are his business. I think he went to a study group at the Vineyard, and it created a lot of excitement.
T Bone Burnett
The motivations of kings in British history can generally be reduced to two: the quest for territory and the search for a male heir. No king was secure on his throne until he had a son, and no queen consort was ever really safe without a boy.
Kate Williams
The U.S. Supreme Court has eviscerated Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures, giving the police license to sweep communities, to conduct ‘stop and frisk’ operations.
Michelle Alexander
No tools have yet been met with in any of the gravels occurring at the higher levels of the valley of the Seine; but no importance can be attached to this negative fact, as so little search has yet been made for them.
Charles Lyell
The thing to keep in mind is that we’re still in the very early days when it comes to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Saying there’s a silence is a bit like if Columbus, looking to discover a new continent, only sailed 10 miles off the coast of Spain before turning back to say, ‘Nothing out there!’
Seth Shostak
I didn’t know that there was such a thing as butter carving. But then, I poked around a little bit. A quick Google search will show you 55,000 images of butter carvings, and they’re extraordinary.
Ty Burrell
I’m thrilled when I hear the greatest jazz musicians. They continue to search in ways other musicians do not.
Kurt Elling
Everybody loves good humour and in movies, we are in search of things that make viewers laugh.
No company has embraced the liberating aspects of the Internet as a ‘new marketplace of ideas’ more than the search giant Google.
Steven Levy
In an era of global value chains, worldwide sourcing and the never-ending search for new markets, we must be careful to avoid the proliferation of regional standards. A multilateral approach holds wider benefits for more actors.
Roberto Azevedo
The ‘Shawshank Redemption’ has nothing to do with China, but that hasn’t kept social media censors from blocking the movie’s title from searches on the country’s most popular Twitter-like microblogging service, Weibo.
Rebecca MacKinnon
I’m a psychologist. I was a psychology faculty member, and then I became an administrator of the department, then the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. At the time of the presidential search, I was the dean.
I. King Jordan
The U.S. obviously has all the evidence they need to prosecute bankers. They just need to search their own spy database and then there you go – 1,000 bankers in jail, a trillion dollars in fines. But it doesn’t happen. Instead, the spy network is being used to fight a copyright case. They used Prism to spy on me.
Kim Dotcom
I often stumble upon new stories when I am wandering on the roads in search of information.
Ravish Kumar
All I cared about was ‘TRL.’ I was studying communications at school, and one day before class, I heard about the ‘Search For An Apprentice’ program.
Karen Civil
YouTube is, at the end of the day, a search engine… that’s why Google bought it.
Jake Paul
Normal kids in their teens want to go and date girls and do mischievous things, your hormones are jumping around, but I stayed in my bedroom in search of something.
Grandmaster Flash
It’s amazing what you can get on open source now if you actually use the right search engines to find the material.
Gus O’Donnell
I started when I was 13 years old by entering ‘Elle Girl”s search for the next supermodel in the U.K. I got to the finals and was signed by Storm.
Iskra Lawrence
For many years I saw the world as two sides: east and west, two powers. And I was trying to search what is white, what is black. Both sides wanted me.
Sergei Polunin
I was taught that the search for truth and the search for justice are not incompatible and are, in fact, essential.
Gwen Ifill
Google demotes search results that don’t get clicked on.
Nick Denton
Something mystical happens to every writer who goes to the Masters for the first time, some sort of emotional experience that results in a search party having to be sent out to recover his typewriter from a clump of azaleas.
Dan Jenkins
My goal is to make Italian food clean and accessible and beautiful and tasty, with simple ingredients that people can find at a local grocery store, because people don’t want to go to a gourmet shop in search of items that will sit in their pantry for years after they use just a teaspoon or pinch of them.
Giada De Laurentiis
I’ve learnt that there’s a soul mate somewhere in this world. Till you don’t find that person, the search goes on.
Preity Zinta
My ultimate search has been for a muse.
Dominic Monaghan
I am like a sponge: I adore reading, watching films, and visiting museums and exhibitions. I am always in search of new things in many spheres.
Patrick Cox
Yet higher religion, which is only a search for a larger life, is essentially experience and recognized the necessity of experience as its foundation long before science learnt to do so.
Muhammad Iqbal
At the age of eighty, the Dalai Lama has begun to discuss a range of prospects for the future disposition of his soul. Traditionally, after he dies, a search party of senior monks would set out to locate his new incarnation, who is most often a boy toddler, who goes on to be trained as a monk and a leader.
Evan Osnos
In search of my mother’s garden, I found my own.
Alice Walker
In the U.S., search engines are king. That is because e

In the U.S., search engines are king. That is because everyone already knows what they are looking for. Brands have been around for a long time.
Victor Koo
My parents fled from a Cuban dictatorship in search of freedom. Growing up, I saw my parents struggle… I am here today because of them. My success is their success. Their sacrifice and perseverance made my education possible.
Alexander Acosta
The movement of search can only be from the known to the known, and all that the mind can do is to be aware that this movement will never uncover the unknown. Any movement on the part of the known is still within the field of the known.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Mr. Steven Bochco is a very wise man. After a many-monthed nationwide search to find a precocious teenage doctor, he hired me.
Neil Patrick Harris
It took two months from the day my fiance proposed to my first Google search for ‘wedding planning: how?’ Now, let me interrupt myself here and share how much I hate using the word ‘fiance.’ It’s so fancy, and it’s hard not to sound like a jerk saying it. Which is why I will be using my own word for fiance: gloob.
Ellie Kemper
I was very pleased to see that things have come far, far away from the Diva Search days where it was, ‘Let’s have a bunch of girls in bikinis flop around and look stupid so the public can vote them on or off the show.’
There are excellent public interest grounds to have a search engine whose rankings are transparent.
Mitch Kapor
‘In Search of Excellence’ was an afterthought, the runt of the McKinsey consulting litter, a hip-pocket project that was never supposed to amount to much.
Tom Peters
When combining the elements on the Total Guide Solution, we believe we are positioning it to be the starting point for consumers to discover and enjoy digital entertainment on their television. And our name changed to Rovi embodied the ability to be that homepage for consumer search through the TV.
Alfred Amoroso
My search is always to find ways to chronicle, to share and to document stories about people, just everyday people. Stories that offer transformation, that lean into transcendence, but that are never sentimental, that never look away from the darkest things about us.
Chris Abani
At Year Up, our students – low income 18-24 year olds – come to us having already faced substantial obstacles in life. They are not in search of a handout; what they want most of all is the ability to take ownership of their own futures.
Gerald Chertavian
In the development of antibiotics, the soil microbiological population has contributed more than its share. It is to the soil that the microbiologists came in search of new antibacterial agents.
Selman Waksman
That’s the mark of a really great actor, when he can make you feel the emotion without having to search for it.
Remember, when you go to YouTube, you do a search. When you go to Google, you do a search. As we get the search integrated between YouTube and Google, which we’re working on, it will drive a lot of traffic into both places. So the trick, overall, is generating more searches, more uses of Google.
Eric Schmidt
Enterprise search is becoming an indispensable tool to businesses of all sizes, helping people to find, use and share critical business information quickly.
Jeff Raikes
If so many Americans are looking for the government to save them, then it is hard to have a dignified search for a shepherd in chief.
James Bovard
I love researching all sorts of weird stuff. I always say, ‘God help me if the FBI came across my Internet search history.’
Simon Toyne
In the late ’70s I started to search for the perfect sound – whatever that might be, before that I was mainly interested in drugs, insanity and the rock’n’roll lifestyle.
Lou Reed
Traditional local media are adding local search capabilities to their sites so they can share in the local search traffic and ad revenues in the local markets they serve.
Marc Ostrofsky
When theology erodes and organization crumbles, when the institutional framework of religion begins to break up, the search for a direct experience which people can feel to be religious facilitates the rise of cults.
Daniel Bell
Man – a being in search of meaning.
I’m quite certain the Windows 8 team is preparing to market IE 10 – and by extension, Windows 8 – as the safe, privacy-enhancing choice, capitalizing on Google’s many government woes and consumers’ overall unease with the search giant’s power.
John Battelle
Stop and search has a controversial history and has not always been carried out professionally by individual officers. Liberal-minded people are right to be wary about its overuse. However, it is also regarded by most people as a legitimate and necessary tactic.
Munira Mirza
I think I’m slightly impulsive, sometimes organised and always in search of a bargain!
Lisa Snowdon
If you search and search and stop searching, then ultimately you’ll find what you need. It is the experience of living.
Marion Cotillard
I don’t search it out – I really want to be clear, I don’t search out the misery! I’m not sitting at home going, ‘I can’t wait to do another harrowing piece of work.’
Sarah Lancashire
I want to believe that while we may sometimes read in the misguided pursuit of preserving our separation, there is a greater impulse inside us that compels us to read in search of the common heart.
Sue Monk Kidd
The thing is, about a character, it’s not about being right, it’s about the truth. The truth comes from within, so you have to search as an artist for the truth.
Russell Hornsby
Users are trying to discover apps; we are trying to improve the app discovery process, and developers are trying to reach users. If you step back, it’s a problem we solved with search and ads in search.
Sundar Pichai
Our field is very focused on finding Earth 2.0, and anything we can do to narrow the search is helpful.
Debra Fischer
The best way to promote and protect opportunity is through collaboration, consensus-building, and pragmatic problem-solving. Throughout nearly 30 years in public service, I have approached tough challenges by making room for as many people as possible around the table in search of common ground.
Tom Perez
We're living at a time where if you do a Google search

We’re living at a time where if you do a Google search for a ‘show, review and network,’ you’ll get ‘The New York Times’ and Pete Billingsley from a town you’ve never heard of on the same results page. It’s kind of democratizing the process so that everyone has access to a distribution system to express themselves.
J. J. Abrams
I’m constantly trying to work on the person that I am and work on my shortcomings, and I guess I want people to know that it’s ok to be a work in progress, as long as you keep trying to figure it out. But that search and that discovery is what makes life kind of rich, and it’s what makes life rich… period.
Idina Menzel
A ‘Magik’ session is a journey through different stages of emotions and the ‘Search for Sunrise’ is more chilling music for when you come home after a party or when you are just about to go to one.
Americans are grateful for the connection and convenience their phones provide, helping them search for a lower price, navigate a strange city, expand a customer base or track their health and finances, their family and friends.
Nancy Gibbs
I think that all writing is in search of lost time. I’m starting to realise that very clearly.
Ruth Ozeki
The search for a Jewish national home came about due to centuries of anti-Semitic pogroms, expulsions, discrimination and hate. The Holocaust was simply the evil culmination of all that came before it.
Edgar Bronfman, Sr.
I am in constant search of charitable work and thank Allah that I am happy, that my children are happy, and I like that all of my family is happy.
Sulaiman Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi
Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt. Nothing’s so hard but search will find it out.
Robert Herrick
It is not accidental that all phenomena of human life are dominated by the search for daily bread – the oldest link connecting all living things, man included, with the surrounding nature.
Ivan Pavlov
‘MasterChef’ is the search for America’s culinary amateur talent, so this is a search for the best home cook in America, and it’s our job to figure out who that is.
Joe Bastianich
Heresies are experiments in man’s unsatisfied search for truth.
H. G. Wells
I would say that an understanding of man’s intrinsic needs, and of the necessity to search for a climate in which those needs could be realized, is fundamental to the education of the designer.
Paul Rand
We see Google experimenting in so many places outside of its core search and advertising business, whether that’s bringing broadband Internet to the world or funding an entirely separate company to pursue solutions to disease and mortality. Amazon’s one of the few other companies that thinks as big as Google does.
Brad Stone
One can state, without exaggeration, that the observation of and the search for similarities and differences are the basis of all human knowledge.
Alfred Nobel
To reject the word is to reject the human search.
Max Lerner
Among the Internet’s many gains for humanity, decreasing paranoia has not been one of them. Anything from that lump under your armpit to what’s lurking in the sea – just type it into a search engine and watch your nerves explode.
John Niven
Search for beauty without features, something deeper than any signs.
Francesca da Rimini
Our lands and waters share incredible bounty and beauty. Trekking across forests and mountains, exploring beaches in search of shellfish, and fishing from clear waters are all part of our regional way of life and economy.
Jay Inslee
What Google did in Web 1.0 was take a feature, which was search, and built an entire business around that utility. In Web 2.0, Twitter took a feature, which is sharing, and built a utility that allowed people to do that on a massive scale.
Peter Fenton
One cannot live on potatoes alone. It is said that one wants bread with potatoes. And when there’s no bread, a Jew takes his stick, and goes through the village in search of business.
Sholom Aleichem
If God be God and man a creature made in image of the divine intelligence, his noblest function is the search for truth.
Morris West
What search is for the Web, maps are for mobile.
Noam Bardin
One of the things that always comes up in my writing is the search for freedom, especially in women. I always write about women who are marginalized, who have no means or resources and somehow manage to get out of those situations with incredible strength – and that is more important than anything.
Isabel Allende
Officers who use stop and search appropriately, with reasonable grounds and in a targeted and intelligence-led way, will always have my full support.
Amber Rudd
Religion is the search for ultimate meaning.
Viktor E. Frankl
I am planning to leave Mumbai and go somewhere else in search of guys. I don’t want to settle with a guy from the industry.
Sana Khan
If you can use a search engine, you can find any piece of music that’s been recorded for free. I’m not saying that’s right, but it’s a fact, and I’m surprised that more people don’t accept or acknowledge that and try to adapt in some way.
Trent Reznor
Documentary people have to know that, particularly nowadays, they have to be on a mission. And part of the mission is to – is to be like good journalists: search for the truth, have an open mind, listen to as much as you can of different sides of things.
Haskell Wexler
I grew up in the early 2000s, being one of the first-generation wrestlers to have access to the Internet and watch independent wrestling. We usually didn’t have to trade tapes anymore. We could just get online and search A. J. Styles or Low Ki.
Seth Rollins
People are going to copy your product if you build great stuff. Just because Yahoo has a search box doesn’t make it Google.
Evan Spiegel
I think of Google as a set of overlapping things. It’s a consumer platform, consumer phenomenon of which search is its fundamental activity, but there are many other things you can do than search… I think of Google as an advertising company who services the broader advertising industry in the ways that you know.
Eric Schmidt
I will never be satisfied. Life is one constant search

I will never be satisfied. Life is one constant search for the betterment for me.
Jayne Mansfield
Google actually relies on our users to help with our marketing. We have a very high percentage of our users who often tell others about our search engine.
Sergey Brin
I go for a nice walk in my neighborhood and search for vinyl, old jazz, classics. Then I go home and listen to them.
Savion Glover
You traverse the world in search of happiness, which is within the reach of every man. A contented mind confers it on all.
When you’re looking back at your ancestral history or the cultural context of your identity, it’s natural to search for that in the food.
Michelle Zauner
We live in a time where it’s very much in vogue, constant search for pure utopian equality, and which, on one level, is quite amusingly silly but also on another probably very important.
Nicolas Winding Refn
Boys want to grow up to be like their male role models. And boys who grow up in homes with absent fathers search the hardest to figure out what it means to be male.
Geoffrey Canada
I was born in Hoboken. I am an American. Photography is my passion. The search for Truth my obsession.
Alfred Stieglitz
Golf is a search for perfection, for balance. It’s about meditation and concentration. You have to use hand and brain.
Celine Dion
I had no idea what I was doing when I wrote ‘Search.’ There was no carefully designed work plan. There was no theory that I was out to prove.
Tom Peters
My big break was when I won ‘Search for a Supermodel Australia,’ and then I came second in the world series, and that was all good, but I was just having fun; it wasn’t real to me.
Nicole Trunfio
Because a person has to be either working or looking for work to be counted as part of the labor force, an increase in the number of people too discouraged to continue their search for work would reduce the unemployment rate, all else being equal – but not for a positive reason.
Ben Bernanke
The most difficult problems are naturally not involved in the search for forms for contemporary life. It is a question of working our way to forms behind which real human values lie.
Alvar Aalto
The Constitution defends all of us against unreasonable search and seizure. What constitutes reasonableness depends upon threat.
Michael Hayden
Scientists search for truth. Philosophers search for morality. A criminal trial searches for only one result: proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
Alan Dershowitz
The experience of being able to search back over all your team’s communications for, in our case, millions of messages, is super-valuable. But you don’t know what that’s like until you actually have it.
Stewart Butterfield
Just as my search for my mother had in some ways shaped my life, her faith that I was alive had shaped hers. She couldn’t search, but she did the next best thing: She stayed still.
Saroo Brierley
With police wielding unprecedented powers to invade privacy, tap phones and conduct searches seemingly at random, our civil liberties are in a very precarious condition.
Walter Cronkite
Increasingly, consumers don’t search for products and services. Rather, services come to their attention via social media.
Erik Qualman
Some people must go to extremes to get the world in balance for themselves. Some can’t bear bright lights, so wherever they go they search for the dark; they turn the lights down, anything to sustain some level of comfort.
Julian Schnabel
I have a real weakness for Generation One Transformers. Only Generation One. I loved them as a kid, and I will, when I have the money, search occasionally for the toys that I could not afford but deeply desired as a child.
Ben Peek
You have a generation that is saying we are tapping out of religion in many ways. But what they are not saying is that we are tapping out of a serious search for meaning in life.
Erwin McManus
I used to be followed by a moon shadow. Now I’m followed by all these misconceptions, and they’re like a ball and chain. I just want to write music from my heart and give people a message of hope and the search for a better place.
Cat Stevens
If you search for poverty, you’ll find it, often in the family. Why? Because the family makes this great investment, from which we all benefit, but for which no-one helps. We have to point the spotlight on the family, and make political choices that sustain the family.
Rocco Buttiglione
We will bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Everyone – male and female – is biased. But no one wants to admit it, so our brains search for examples that disprove the accusation.
Nell Scovell
You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.
I loved acting, which was never about money, the fame. It was about a search for meaning. It was painful.
Kim Novak
Each one of us, and, indeed, all those who aspire to national leadership must bring their own visions, views and styles to the business of reforming Nigeria, and the search for solutions.
Ibrahim Babangida
There’s a long list of technologies that have now made it possible to carry out very precise search efforts in the deep sea.
Robert Ballard
I search for different tonalities in my taps. But my greatest pleasure is hearing a note I haven’t heard before, hearing a chord that sparks something new.
Savion Glover
The biggest problem is startups in search of a problem.

The biggest problem is startups in search of a problem. Chase what you’re passionate about; you’ll probably already have knowledge in the space.
Mike Krieger
Proust’s ‘In Search of Lost Time,’ especially ‘Time Regained,’ made me think differently about what the novel is and can do. Then I forgot about it, then reread it and remembered again.
Elif Batuman
Let us search into the records of Holy Writ, if out of this their great charter, there be not a seal grant of a lesser, though like privilege, and this by virtue of Christ, in that we have the honour to be accounted Abraham’s seed as truly as they.
Thomas Goodwin
Answers are what we are trying to get at; search is a process by which you may be able to get answers, but it’s not the end goal. It’s a mechanism.
Conrad Wolfram
Just as infinite access to free music ultimately leads to no one making a living at music anymore, free journalism just doesn’t pay for itself – particularly not when a search engine is serving all the ads.
Douglas Rushkoff
Man is more than merely an animal to exist and propagate his species. His mind gives him capacity to search out the great truths in God’s arrangement and this lifts him far above the other animal creation.
Joseph Franklin Rutherford
My parents immigrated to California from Mexico in the 1960s in search of a better life. They arrived from different regions of Mexico with little formal education, but a tremendous work ethic and big dreams.
Alex Padilla
To turn our hearts to our fathers is to search out the names of our deceased ancestors and to perform the saving ordinances in the temple for them. This will forge a continuous chain between us and our forefathers eventually all the way back to Father Adam and Mother Eve.
James E. Faust
If the courts regarded tweets and other social media information as private, it would not prevent the law enforcement from getting information it really needs. But the government would have to get a search warrant, which requires it to show that it has probable cause connecting what is being searched to a crime.
Adam Cohen
Search for the truth. I tell you things and I always ask you to verify what I say. I told you yesterday that there was an attack and a retreat at Saddam’s airport.
Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf
Science, almost from its beginnings, has been truly international in character. National prejudices disappear completely in the scientist’s search for truth.
Irving Langmuir
People forget that YouTube is the second-largest search site on the Web. It just tells you the power of how many people live on YouTube.
Patrick Pichette
I’m obsessed with shopping. I’ll get these urges to buy, like to shop for stuff on the Internet. I search for all kinds of weird gizmos I could get.
Tom Felton
Put ‘Luis Suarez’ into an Internet search engine, and up comes the word ‘racist.’ It’s a stain that is there for ever. And it is one that I feel I do not deserve.
Luis Suarez
We groove off of everything, any sort of live show. The inner dialogue you’re having with yourself, between you and the music, is for me the search for God.
Tina Weymouth
We always called ourselves Divas. I came in through Diva Search. I was a Divas Champion. I always felt like it had this negative feeling to it because a Diva is so much more high maintenance, and that’s the last thing we women wrestlers are.
Brie Bella
When you close a tab or when you finish an article on the web, it’s gone unless you go back into your history or search for it or explicitly try to find it. Apps on your phone have this special property: they hang around. In some ways, they’re more like a book on a bookshelf than they are like web pages.
Robin Sloan
I know well what I am fleeing from but not what I am in search of.
Michel de Montaigne
When you start with a portrait and search for a pure form, a clear volume, through successive eliminations, you arrive inevitably at the egg. Likewise, starting with the egg and following the same process in reverse, one finishes with the portrait.
Pablo Picasso
I think science is about the search for God; it just comes at it from a different angle than religion.
Chris Carter
I kind of came about at the same time as Instagram, and it becomes, like, your portfolio. When people search who you are, they search Instagram, and I feel like people aren’t even using Google anymore.
Justine Skye
I think it’s a part of us as human beings that we search outside of ourselves for meaning.
Nick Cave
Transactive memory works best when you have a sense of how your partners’ minds work – where they’re strong, where they’re weak, where their biases lie. I can judge that for people close to me. But it’s harder with digital tools, particularly search engines.
Clive Thompson
We know that Google Earth and Google Maps have had a tremendous impact on Google traffic, users, brand, adoption, and advertisers. We also know Google News, for example, which we don’t monetize, has had a tremendous impact on searches and on query quality. We know those people search more. Because we’ve measured it.
Eric Schmidt
Cell-site data – like mailing addresses, phone numbers, and IP addresses – are information that facilitate personal communications rather than part of the content of those communications themselves. The government’s collection of business records containing these data, therefore, is not a search.
Raymond Kethledge
You work with stand-up comedians or you work with somebody in theater, you work with somebody from ‘Star Search’ or ‘Survivor’ or a kid, it constantly changes how you play with people.
Steve Zahn
As a touring musician over the last 15 years, before streaming and iPods, you had to listen to terrestrial radio wherever you were. That’s always been my way of connecting to a location. Turn on the radio, search through the dial.
Maren Morris
I went to a ‘Divas’ search because I live in L.A. It continued from there. The final portion was in-ring training. I fell in love with it the first day.
Eva Marie
All too often, vital electronic evidence has been made unavailable through encryption that doesn’t allow for execution of legal process including court-approved search warrants.
Christopher A. Wray
The model of Yood is ‘taking search out of search.’
Kevin Jonas
It must always be remembered that what the Constitution forbids is not all searches and seizures, but unreasonable searches and seizures.
Potter Stewart
If we stop exploring space, we're going to lose the sam

If we stop exploring space, we’re going to lose the same part of us that found vaccines and penicillin, the part that searches for cures to cancer and AIDS.
Corbin Bernsen
Search, which is extremely important, represents about 5% of the page views on the Internet and 40% of the revenue. So, highly monetized.
Terry Semel
His unit is in charge of 5,000 homes, and they’ve only been able to search about 2 percent of them. People are standing on roofs or sticking their hands out of air vents so they can get rescued.
Allen Johnson
To leave in search of yourself, of your real needs, is easier when you don’t have to justify yourself to anyone, when there are not too many people bestowing you their attention.
Isabelle Adjani
You need not search for the compassionate mind from outside. To know yourself, to know your nature, your mind will automatically be the compassionate one.
Lobsang Tenzin
At 33 years old, I didn’t have to work anymore. I had to search through ‘What am I going to do for the rest of my life?’ I wasn’t ready to fly-fish for the rest of my life.
Greg Gianforte
The small visual inconvenience of e-books is made up for with find and search functions, and the fungibility of digital text.
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Google’s done a super good job on search; Apple’s done a great job on the IPod.
Bill Gates
I think that ‘Floor Sample’ is a story of resiliency, a lifelong spiritual search, and a lifelong sense of spiritual companionship that is most often expressed as creativity. My desire in writing the book was to step from behind the icon of ‘Julia the teacher’ and introduce ‘Julia the artist.’
Julia Cameron
For me, it’s always this constant battle and search when I’m out on stage as to where and when do I really open myself up to the people that are there. How do I let myself feel present in the space, and how do I allow myself to get into the music and interact with the band members.
Science is the search for truth, that is the effort to understand the world: it involves the rejection of bias, of dogma, of revelation, but not the rejection of morality.
Linus Pauling
Google started out when the dot-com boom was happening. It grew under the radar of big companies that were competing in but basically ignoring search. Then they were able to really invest during the bust for a long time.
Evan Williams
I think we have become obsessed with beauty and personally I’m really saddened by the way women mutilate their faces today in search of that.
Halle Berry
By turning every Yahoo search box into a Bing box, Microsoft may have bought itself the exposure it needs to be the next Google.
Douglas Rushkoff
If you have everything, then you don’t want to go on. It’s the lacking that makes you search for something better.
Juliette Binoche
I like to say StumbleUpon provides a personal tour of the Internet. The responses are more targeted to your interests than they would be with a regular search engine. If you choose a topic on our site that you’re interested in, such as art, Web sites related to art appear, as if you’re leafing through an art magazine.
Garrett Camp
Well, the average person comes home from work really tired, and just wants to flip through channels until they land on the thing that’s the least objectionable to them. They’re not looking for their new favorite TV show because they know that that search will take forever and they’ll go to bed unhappy.
Dan Harmon
In a world lit by data, street corners are painted with contextual information, automobiles can navigate autonomously, thermostats respond to patterns of activity, and retail outlets change as rapidly (and individually) as search results from Google.
John Battelle
While Google no longer has a search engine operation inside China, it has maintained a large presence in Beijing and Shanghai focused on research and development, advertising sales, and mobile platform development.
Rebecca MacKinnon
The Fourth Amendment is quite clear on the notion that search and seizure must not be unreasonable. It is difficult to think of something more unreasonable than searching the private phone records and digital information of citizens who are suspected of nothing.
Ben Shapiro
So important is this dark matter to our understanding of the size, shape, and ultimate fate of the universe that the search for it will very likely dominate astronomy for the next few decades.
Vera Rubin
To this day I over prepare. I draw storyboards for every scene – chicken scratches so crude that they amuse and horrify the crew. I send out shot lists, act out the scenes, and search for a theme that I can relate to. It’s my favorite time of the process.
Eric Stoltz
Consciously or not, we are all on a quest for answers, trying to learn the lessons of life. We grapple with fear and guilt. We search for meaning, love, and power. We try to understand fear, loss, and time. We seek to discover who we are and how we can become truly happy.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
I thought that was actually kind of boring, that search for perfection.
Katherine Dunn
On Amazon, you find retailers that want Amazon to do part of their services. Those, you don’t find to the same degree on Google Shopping. On Google Shopping, you find sort of the bigger brands, those who want to have the customer relationship themselves – the data, the payment details, the search patterns.
Margrethe Vestager
Making a wrong decision is understandable. Refusing to search continually for learning is not.
Phil Crosby
Statutes authorizing unreasonable searches were the core concern of the framers of the 4th Amendment.
Sandra Day O’Connor
The search for the truth is not for the faint hearted.
Vincent D’Onofrio
The greater the step forward in knowledge, the greater is the one taken backward in search of wisdom.
Stephen Gardiner
In music you have people exposing this very vulnerable part of themselves, and you also have the lifestyle is so fast that oftentimes people search for whatever the easiest way to feel relaxed in the midst of all of it, or the easiest way to have energy.
John Frusciante
I am going to have to search for Whitaker. I intend to throw punches at him from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.
Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.
As the editor of 'Cosmopolitan,' I talk to hundreds of

As the editor of ‘Cosmopolitan,’ I talk to hundreds of young women about the sometimes bewilderingly rapid changes taking place in our romantic lives and the role new technology plays in our search for intimacy and commitment.
Joanna Coles
In the frantic search for an elusive ‘cure,’ few researchers stand back and ask a very basic question: why does cancer exist? What is its place in the grand story of life?
Paul Davies
We know everything about what you know and how you learn best because we get so much data. And education is the highest-stakes media product in your life. It’s infinitely more important than your Facebook friends’ status updates or your Google search results because it’s your future.
Jose Ferreira
I came along in the ’60s having absorbed as much as I could up until then and added my own tastes and search into the equation. I guess that’s how I see ‘Now He Sings, Now He Sobs’ in relation to the development of jazz in general.
Chick Corea
Google did a great job hacking the Web to create search – and then monetizing search with advertising. And Apple did a great job humanizing hardware and software so that formerly daunting computers and applications could become consumer-friendly devices – even a lifestyle brand.
Douglas Rushkoff
I think all actors are on the constant search for a real challenge just to keep things interesting.
Benjamin Bratt
When we got down from the ambulances there were sharp cracks about us as bursts of shrapnel splashed down upon the Town Hall square. Dead soldiers lay outside and I glanced at them coldly. We were in search of the living.
Philip Gibbs
How do you solve a mystery? How do you write a book? The techniques for starting both are surprisingly similar. Find an intriguing question and, pen and dagger tucked under cloak, search for clues.
Claire Cameron
We must trust to nothing but facts: these are presented to us by nature and cannot deceive. We ought, in every instance, to submit our reasoning to the test of experiment, and never to search for truth but by the natural road of experiment and observation.
Antoine Lavoisier
When you can type a few words into a search engine and land on your topic – or when you can scan a Shakespeare play for specific words or symbols – what opportunities might you miss to expand your thinking in unexpected ways?
Christina Baker Kline
One thing you can’t intend is how you will be read. I hear it said a lot that my books are about the ‘search for identity’, and this is said admiringly, as if I meant to encourage such a search.
Zadie Smith
When I was growing up, rock & roll helped give me my sense of identity, but I had to search for it.
Trent Reznor
The search for human freedom can never be complete without freedom for women.
Betty Ford
Vast volumes of mixed media surround us, from music to games and videos. Yet almost all of our online actions still begin and end with writing: text messages, status updates, typed search queries, comments and responses, screens packed with verbal exchanges and, underpinning it all, countless billions of words.
Tom Chatfield
I think as more people use the phones to access the Internet, they have a lot less patience for trying to find things on the search engines. That is because you need to figure a lot of things out for search to work.
Adam D’Angelo
Those who manage to keep the offensive and defensive balance are more successful. We search for balance in order to keep a stable level, which is the most difficult thing to do.
Diego Simeone
I like to score and create goals. If a team-mate is in a better position, you need to search for him.
Dusan Tadic
All sorts of factors contribute to what Facebook or Twitter present in a feed, or what Google or Bing show us in search results. Our expectation is that those intermediaries will provide open conduits to others’ content and that the variables in their processes just help yield the information we find most relevant.
Jonathan Zittrain
Everything else can wait, but the search for God cannot wait.
George Harrison
When you go in search of honey you must expect to be stung by bees.
Joseph Joubert
Nowadays, if somebody in America is feeling alone and wants to find a coming out story, they just search ‘coming out,’ and they’ll find millions of first-person examples of people telling their story.
Tyler Oakley
I’d always sing ‘Greatest Love of All’ by Whitney Houston. I just want to make clear, though, you know those people on ‘Star Search’ who are the little 7-year-olds that sound like Christina Aguilera? That wasn’t me.
Bishop Briggs
If you think about YouTube, YouTube is a ‘searching the world’s videos’ problem, right? They all have to be there, but how do you find them? What I guess I’m trying to say is that search is still the killer app.
Eric Schmidt
I’m always looking to make something that didn’t exist before, fumbling about in the dark, not just while making a collection. The search for something new is a constant in my everyday life. But constantly searching for something new is like looking for a well in a desert.
Rei Kawakubo
Google is basically this idea that sites that link to other sites create a better way to search.
Chad Hurley
‘The Searcher,’ as the title suggests, is about someone in search of something, and I have always loved quest stories and so was drawn to writing one myself.
Simon Toyne
I saw no African people in the printed and illustrated Sunday school lessons. I began to suspect at this early age that someone had distorted the image of my people. My long search for the true history of African people the world over began.
John Henrik Clarke
A reforming liberal leader in Russia is the Holy Grail of Kremlinology, but the search for one is as misguided and hopeless as that for the relic of the Last Supper.
Simon Sebag Montefiore
I love computers. I think it’s a miracle that you can type ‘coffee stain’ into a search engine and get a page of answers, but I don’t like the viciousness of the Internet. It gives public voice to quite mad people.
Sheila Hancock
In the search for a new challenge I’m glad that I came across ADO Den Haag.
Alan Pardew
With movies, you are always in search is a good story, one that everyone will relate to and love. I love finding those stories and creating a visual world to tell the story.
Don Bluth
Giving up your core business in search of a phantom aud

Giving up your core business in search of a phantom audience is not wise.
Roger Ailes
In the coming days, I know there will be some reflecting on my time as mayor. Many of you will search to find what’s behind my decision. It’s simple. I have always believed that every person, especially public officials, must understand when it is time to move on. For me, that time is now.
Richard M. Daley
It’s easy to imagine that because a certain company has a prestigious reputation or everyone says it’s a great place to work, that it will be the perfect fit for you. But, in reality, the search to find a career is a much more individual process.
Kathryn Minshew
I left Google after four years of working on Google Maps, search, and Google TV as a product marketing manager. I knew I wanted to do something on my own.
Brit Morin
In a lot of these areas, from machine translation to search quality, you’re always trying to balance what you can do computationally with each query.
Jeff Dean
Everyone liked me when I went up on the stage at a talent search in elementary school, and that’s when I decided to become a music artist.
Culture is mix. Culture means a mix of things from other sources. And my town, Istanbul, was this kind of mix. Istanbul, in fact, and my work, is a testimony to the fact that East and West combine cultural gracefully, or sometimes in an anarchic way, came together, and that is what we should search for.
Orhan Pamuk
We aren’t into the consumer space because that space is largely dominated by search and advertising, and it has a consumer face to it.
Jack Dangermond
So the search for a father in Central Station is also a search for a country.
Walter Salles
If you run an Internet search on Vietnam and the war, most of the information you get begins at about 1962. I think this is telling. It is missing the whole period that led up to the reasons the war happened in the first place.
Brendan Fraser
Vertical search engines that match your business, service or products with a target market offer you a higher conversion rate than traditional search engines. Because they have already qualified their interest by coming to a search engine with a specific focus, searchers will be more receptive to targeted advertising.
Marc Ostrofsky
As a teenager I was severely, cripplingly dramatic and in search of self.
Juliette Lewis
Chance explorations on search engines do not ‘accidentally’ lead users to extremist websites.
Maajid Nawaz
Do I have a reasonable expectation of privacy in any information that I share with a company? My Google searches? The emails I send? Do I have a reasonable expectation of privacy in anything but maybe a letter I hand deliver to my wife?
Blake Farenthold
Without computers, in the 17th century, we could classify the entire animal kingdom… there was this idea of the speciation, right? And now, all a search engine is is essentially the mathematical speciation of ideas – and these things really derive from the way that language is used and the way words relate.
Joshua Cohen
Search occupies this wonderful moment in a user’s day where it doesn’t even really break along demographics, right?
Marissa Mayer
PWR BTTM isn’t the only queer rock band. We’ve been lucky to receive a platform. If you go on Bandcamp and search for ‘queer rock,’ you can find 150,000 bands that you could love more than PWR BTTM.
Ben Hopkins
With Internet technology you can capture a photo, a quote, or an article, store it locally and upload it into the Net more than once, if you wish, to multiple sites. Can you imagine then forcing the search engines to somehow not index that information?
Vint Cerf
I search my name on Tumblr more than I Google myself, and I Google myself every day.
Hari Nef
The materialism, the brashness, the misogyny – everything in hip-hop is amplified. Misogyny is a good example of something that is completely amplified in hip-hop. I do think there is more than enough of a balance, though, for fans who are willing to search it out.
Talib Kweli
I would always encourage people of any age not to be so quick to follow other people’s truths but to search and follow your own moral code and live by your own integrity, and mostly just be brave.
Truth in drama is forever elusive. You never quite find it, but the search for it is compulsive. The search is clearly what drives the endeavour. The search is your task.
Harold Pinter
Google attempted to run a search engine in China, and they ended up giving up.
Rebecca MacKinnon
I am a man, and God is hiding from us humans. We are unable to see Him, we can only search for Him.
Friedrich Durrenmatt
I search for thrill in my characters because I am a boring person.’
Mohit Raina
Literature – Eastern and Western – abounds with stories, myths, legends about the search for youth, for eternal life.
F. Sionil Jose
When we’re trying to form and keep habits, we often search – even unconsciously – for loopholes. We look for justifications that will excuse us from keeping this particular habit in this particular situation.
Gretchen Rubin
Consistently, Baidu has censored politically sensitive search results much more thoroughly than
Rebecca MacKinnon
The thing that brings people to wail at a wall, or face Mecca, or to go to church, is a search for that feeling of purity.
Michael J. Fox
Music is love in search of a word.
Sidney Lanier