Top 499 Separate Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Separate Quotes from famous people such as Ella Woodward, Joe Buck, Amit Shah, Kevin Young, Paul Rodgers, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

You have to separate the negative into two categories -

You have to separate the negative into two categories – half of it is sensible, constructive things that has made us better. But half of the negative online is negative for the sake of being negative, and it’s important for us to remember it’s okay they don’t like us, and sometimes there’s no point in engaging in that.
Ella Woodward
Jeter was no choir boy, Jeter has lived a life. But it’s always stayed separate from what happened when he showed up at Yankee Stadium. And that’s really to his credit.
Joe Buck
I cannot see Modiji as separate from BJP. Both are the same.
Amit Shah
It’s hard to describe one’s own alchemy that makes one into a writer, but I definitely think American language is so interesting, and specifically Southern language and black Southern language; it’s hard to separate Southern language from black language.
Kevin Young
I love it when people come from all over the place in separate vehicles, and they all come to this venue and become one energy. When that happens, it’s a very magical thing. I think that helps the world go around, and it’s what we do as performers – bring people together.
Paul Rodgers
Some of the best art in the world is collaborative, a mix of voices that are stronger together than separate. Take the Beatles, for example. Or every great movie ever made. We like to say they’re the director’s vision, but really, they’re huge collaborations between directors, writers, actors, even producers.
Ted Naifeh
What I have said is that I think the federal government and we as a society have come too far in trying to separate good organizations that perform good functions for people just based on the fact one has a religious association and one doesn’t.
Ken Buck
From a child’s point of view, there is rarely a great time for parents to separate, even if there has been a lot of commotion and fighting.
Susie Orbach
My relationship with the national squad is a separate thing; I’ve always been lucky in that, for Argentina, I’ve always performed well, independently of what’s been going on at any club.
Gabriel Batistuta
I think you can separate yourself from your fears. You know what you should do, and it’s just scary to do it. But I’d hate to let the fact that I’m scared to do it make me not do it. It ends up defining you. Because the moves you make are then based on what you don’t want to do.
Josh Homme
I dropped the ‘Bundy’ with my country music because I wanted it to be two separate things: There’s me as a songwriter and a country singer, and there’s me as a Broadway performer.
Laura Bell Bundy
When the generation after me started getting on the cut, a lot of them would call me over to hang out or go jam and scratch and they were always separate from each other.
Eric San
Hotel rooms inhabit a separate moral universe.
Tom Stoppard
I have a personal life and a professional life, and there’s no way to separate them; for a while I tried, but no one could find me.
Mitchell Baker
There are no conditions in which we subordinate the interests of the class as a whole to the interests of any sect, any chapel, any separate organization.
Ernest Mandel
I’m a very separate person to my job.
Katherine Kelly
Virtue cannot separate itself from reality without becoming a principle of evil.
Albert Camus
We’ve overmedicated kids. Quite frankly, some of the overmedication of kids are because welfare moms want to get additional benefits, and if they can put them on SSI through maintenance drugs, they can also put them on Social Security disability and get a separate check. That is wrong on every single level.
James Lankford
I speak English. I dream in it. I cannot separate my English from my Shona; I see the world with those two languages.
Petina Gappah
A lot of my personal life feels very separate from my music.
Julia Holter
That’s the definition of love, that going out in spirit to a separate and other soul and being received similarly.
David Milch
Even though there’s an entertainment value to the film, I think it’s very important because you can’t really separate the impact of that political message from it. It’s rare that you get films like that I think; that really have an important message and are also entertaining.
Woody Harrelson
I’ve always wanted to be an actor. I’ve never planned on the acting and the stand-up feeding each other; they’ve always been separate desires.
Jim Gaffigan
I’ve been careful to keep my life separate because it’s important to me to have privacy and for my life not to be a marketing device for a movie or a TV show. I’m worth more than that.
Lisa Kudrow
Fashion is a way to separate yourself – to make a statement about who you are and that you’re different.
Matthew Ramsey
I work out regularly because I don’t see the mind and body as that separate.
Jamie Hyneman
Happy is said to be the family which can eat onions together. They are, for the time being, separate, from the world, and have a harmony of aspiration.
Charles Dudley Warner
The kids growing up is a separate strand to your life. However bad a day you’ve had, that’s the most important thing, and you have to remember that.
Michael Palin
Violence is very much with us, and we like to see it. I doubt if you can change that, and I’m not sure you should want to. I have occasionally been very upset by something I was writing, but it’s quite rare: I keep my writing very separate from my life.
Ruth Rendell
Affirmative action has a negative effect on our society when it means counting us like so many beans and dividing us into separate piles.
John Kasich
Since I entered the league, half of my checks have always gone into a separate account… I pride myself on doing that. I’ve done it no matter the size of my contract or salary.
Iman Shumpert
All of us are mad. If it weren't for the fact every one

All of us are mad. If it weren’t for the fact every one of us is slightly abnormal, there wouldn’t be any point in giving each person a separate name.
Ugo Betti
But separation of church and state was never meant to separate God and government.
Roy Moore
Parenting involves two separate activities. You have to change your child in that you need to educate your child and instill moral values in them. But you also need to celebrate your child for who he or she is and make them feel really good.
Andrew Solomon
Football is big business – you can’t get away from it. But you have to separate that side from the playing.
George Best
I worry about the very pernicious way we elevate and separate ourselves from other beasts, the way we rationalize our comfort and ease, our worship of the self, as healthy. It’s enticing, but with a terrible taint of evil.
Lydia Millet
You do not separate the human being from the actions he does or the actions which surround him, but you see what it is like to break these actions up in different ways, to allow passion – and it is passion – to appear for each person in his own way.
Merce Cunningham
I can’t imagine leaving the restaurant. It’s hard for me to separate my life from my work; I’m really thinking about what we’re doing every day.
Alice Waters
I don’t mind being, in the public context, referred to as the inventor of the World Wide Web. What I like is that image to be separate from private life, because celebrity damages private life.
Tim Berners-Lee
Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven.
Edward de Bono
The experience I don’t want to see repeated occurred in ‘Bush v. Gore.’ The Court divided five to four. There were four separate dissents, and that confused the press. In fact, some of the reporters announced that the decision was seven-two. There was no time to get together.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Now we have a whole separate supplier of data for Able Danger who’s verifying that same information.
Curt Weldon
The more I separate myself from my upbringing, the more I appreciate what it’s done for me.
Lucinda Williams
It is funny how we talk about nature as this separate entity when we are nature, and nature is us.
Jon Hopkins
I have always thought that the place where you sleep or the place you share with your partner should be separate from the place where you write. The domestic rituals and details somehow kill the imagination. They kill the demon in me.
Orhan Pamuk
It’s refreshing to see plus women being treated as part of the fashion community as a whole and not just a separate piece or separate different thing.
Philomena Kwao
I think the more complex your idea of who someone is or who a particular group is, the less able you are to separate ‘we’ and ‘outside’ or ‘us and them.’ I think that that’s something that we really, really need to pay attention to.
Uzodinma Iweala
It’s really hard for actors to cross over and get any respect as a singer, and if I could just keep it separate and not use my music in movies, it’s cool.
Taryn Manning
These groups within a society can he distinguished according as to whether, like an army or an orchestra, they function as a single body; or whether they are united merely to defend their common interests and otherwise function as separate individuals.
Herbert Read
I now rely on a scanner, which reproduces the passages I want to cite, and then I keep my own comments on those books in a separate file so that I will never confuse the two again.
Doris Kearns Goodwin
I got a cold feeling toward religion in general. I don’t think God would want to separate families.
Ja Rule
I don’t separate architecture, design, or culture. What’s more important is a language of creativity that carries meaning.
Neri Oxman
The last day of shooting, there were tears. It was this family that’s grown together over the years. Many of us have worked on it since the beginning, so there’s a sadness when we all go our separate ways.
David Heyman
The insurgents are Baathists and Sunnis in Iraq who have as their goal a separate and distinct one of toppling the government that is there and creating their own.
Ike Skelton
One of your tasks is to separate the ‘personal’ from the ‘substantive.’ The two can become confused, especially if someone rubs the President wrong.
Donald Rumsfeld
Separate inherently is not equal. There’s a reason why $45 million was spent against marriage equality. It’s because people understand the word does have meaning. And equality comes when we accept the same notions and the same institutions for everyone, regardless of race and gender and regardless of sex orientation.
Gavin Newsom
I still don’t feel I know Hitchcock at all. I find that the more one looks, the more elusive he becomes. But my admiration for Hitchcock the filmmaker remains undiminished. He is a giant of the cinema and the darkness in him informs his cinematic language. You can’t separate one from the other.
Toby Jones
As a novelist, you have to realise that the novel and the film have to live separate lives. They’re just different, like your kids, even if they look alike.
Don Winslow
You have to understand that under One Country, Two Systems, we are a separate customs authority in the same way we are a separate member of the World Trade Organization.
Carrie Lam
I think people who are destined to be friends, that are best friends, that genuinely, truly are invested in each other as human beings – a fight won’t separate you forever. I’ve definitely had fights with my best friend, but it has never made us sever ties.
Lili Reinhart
At first, almost everyone who got involved did so for philosophical reasons. We saw bitcoin as a great idea, as a way to separate money from the state.
Roger Ver
People who work for me know that family comes first. And I’m fortunate to have a family that is very supportive of the work I do, so I don’t have to live two separate lives.
Kamala Harris
The Animals were a very separate and dissonant group at

The Animals were a very separate and dissonant group at the time. We came from different backgrounds, different areas – we didn’t even come from the same town, basically.
Alan Price
There is no necessity to separate the monarch from the mob; all authority is equally bad.
Oscar Wilde
My work as an artist is completely separate from my work as a philanthropist.
Lady Gaga
Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Shawn Michaels, The NWO, The Invasion, the wild stories, and the Attitude Era. All the crazy stories – you love them, and you get addicted to them and the lifestyle. But you have to separate them and toe the line and separate yourself from what is real and what is not.
Enzo Amore
It’s better to keep your past and present loves separate.
Phoebe Robinson
I have a record as attorney general that is separate from my personal beliefs.
William H. Pryor
If I were not able to separate the art from the artists, I think I would limit myself a great deal, and life wouldn’t be nearly as interesting.
Jessye Norman
The problem of how we finance the welfare state should not obscure a separate issue: if each person thinks he has an inalienable right to welfare, no matter what happens to the world, that’s not equity, it’s just creating a society where you can’t ask anything of people.
Jacques Delors
Binaries, whether it’s ‘man’ or ‘woman,’ or ‘black’ and ‘white,’ were created to separate us. So without binary, there is only ‘us,’ which makes us all equal.
Asia Kate Dillon
The aim of the tests carried on with these syllable series was, by means of repeated audible perusal of the separate series, to so impress them that immediately afterward they could voluntarily be reproduced.
Hermann Ebbinghaus
There’s a lot of bad consequences that flow from segregation. The kids don’t do as well. We live separately. We don’t learn about each other. We’re all Americans. And yet, we separate based on, basically, race. And I believe it’s got to stop.
Walter F. Mondale
The people that watch or buy music or listen to TV, I don’t think they separate the two as much as the people that are in charge of the production of it.
Tina Yothers
God is not separate from anything, or anyone. So it’s impossible to prevent God from being visible in our government.
Yehuda Berg
Mainstream American society finds it easiest to be tolerant when the outsider chooses to minimize the differences that separate him from the majority. The country club opens its doors to Jews. The university welcomes African-Americans. Heterosexuals extend the privilege of marriage to the gay community.
Malcolm Gladwell
Lofts are great. But with a home, there is a lot to be said for delineated space. To have the luxury of a little separate work space is huge – and to have the dream-sequence master bath.
Mike D
If you only see ‘No Country for Old Men’ and ‘Sicario,’ you’ve seen two great, totally separate Josh Brolin performances.
Rob Liefeld
People often can’t separate, or can’t understand, that to be funny is to be serious; it’s a way of pulling people in and not scaring them off. I think a lot of the funny stuff, underneath it, there’s a deep anxiety going on.
Nick Cave
For me it would be unhealthy to be a method actor; I’m not mentally stable enough for that – I need to separate my two worlds.
Emily Browning
Each book is a separate entity for me. When I’m writing it, I enter its world and inhabit its vocabulary. I forget, as it were, that I ever wrote anything else.
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Our touchstones of slavery are ‘Song of the South,’ ‘Gone With the Wind’ and ‘The Birth of a Nation.’ It’s hard to separate the cinematic quality from the underlying themes. I appreciate the films, but the message was repugnant.
John Ridley
I realized that we don’t travel in such a linear way anymore but rather jump from one point to another and back again. So I got this idea for a ‘constellation’ novel recounting experiences that were separate from each other but could still be connected on different psychological, physical and political levels.
Olga Tokarczuk
I think that the practice of writing every day was what made me remember that writing doesn’t have anything to do with publishing books. It can be totally separate and private – a comforting thought.
Nell Freudenberger
Marriage helps young couples to raise themselves towards God. The bond of marriage unites two souls so firmly that though they are physically two separate entities, their souls are merged into one harmonious whole.
Dada Vaswani
Grief is an emotion that’s almost unplayable because you’re in a separate emotional state; it’s an inconsolable emotion.
Nicolas Roeg
When I cook a meal, I like to serve things one by one and keep them separate. I get that from my father – he’s such a purist. Some people even put their desserts on the main plate. It’s just wrong.
Yotam Ottolenghi
In the animal world, on the other hand, the process of evolution is characterised by the progressive discrimination of the animal and vegetative functions, and a consequent differentiation of these two great provinces into their separate departments.
Wilhelm Wundt
‘End strength’ – the total number of government employees you can have at the end of the year. That’s a separate exercise and requires independent energy, independent effort with the Congress to get the ceiling of your government employees raised.
Michael Hayden
When you reach that competing point, when you reach that time when the gun is about to go off, everyone’s level is pretty much the same. The one thing that’s going to separate you from everybody else is how you deal with those pressures, how you stay relaxed.
Apolo Ohno
I have so much hair; I have a separate wig closet in my house.
Sherri Shepherd
As actors, we’re so used to the axe falling, and then we all go our separate ways. I can tell you, the feeling amongst the cast in ‘Nashville’ is, we don’t feel like we’re done. It feels like, in some way, we’re just hitting our stride.
Chris Carmack
That’s when I hit the ground. So in the instant that that round landed and blew me in the air, I had those separate and distinct thoughts. The guy who was standing right next to where I had been standing had a hole in his back I could put my fist into.
Ed Bradley
An action movie should, like any other, follow the narr

An action movie should, like any other, follow the narrative traditions of literature. That means there should be subtlety, a slow build and a gradual bringing together of all the separate threads of the plot. To see all of it coming together slowly is very rewarding for the audience.
Shane Black
Like two sides of the same coin, you can’t separate IoT from underlying business processes.
Maciej Kranz
It is a mistake to separate learning for work and for community and personal development.
David Blunkett
I’m not a method actor. I try to stay separate but to imagine what they’d feel, to put myself in their shoes.
Tuppence Middleton
The reason most people get eating disorders is because they want to be skinny, but they do it stupidly, and they stop eating completely – nobody knows anything about nutrition or exercise. I think it should be a separate subject in school.
Kathryn Prescott
There are two Americas – separate, unequal, and no longer even acknowledging each other except on the barest cultural terms. In the one nation, new millionaires are minted every day. In the other, human beings no longer necessary to our economy, to our society, are being devalued and destroyed.
David Simon
In Paris in the late ’40s, I started making my first reliefs. They are separate panels. I wanted to do something coming out of the wall, almost like a collage. I did a lot of white reliefs when I started because I liked antique reliefs, really old stuff.
Ellsworth Kelly
As an actor, I think it’s always important to separate yourself from your characters because, when you include yourself in a character, you’re taking a liberty that you don’t really have unless you’re life is that incredibly close to the character.
Ashley Rickards
I’ve seen a couple white girls coming to my concerts wearing head wraps, and I think they look so cute. It’s kind of sad to see that people are really into separation, trying to separate everybody and making a clear division of ‘us against you,’ even with fashion. That sucks. It’s not the way the world is supposed to be.
Many of the Victorian and Edwardian activists who campaigned for Irish home rule, for instance, also wanted what they called ‘home rule all round’: separate parliaments not simply for Ireland but also for the Scots and the Welsh – and for the English.
Linda Colley
As separate people, we are weak, but we could be a peaceful, powerful nation.
Amity Gaige
Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.
Initially, before the modern state of Iraq was created, there were three separate provinces here: a Shiite in the south, a largely Sunni one in the middle, and a Kurdish one in the north.
Richard Engel
I talk about a Christianity that is enlightened enough to separate spirituality from the rest of life. Not just church and state, but knowledge and church.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
In Kid A and Amnesiac, the guitar becomes one more texture, difficult to separate from other textures.
Colin Greenwood
The idea that humanity is divided into these separate and distinct and disparate groups with clear boundaries has been disproven by science a long time ago, decades ago. Humanity really is more of a continuum, and that people belong on the same continuum and there are no clear breaks between these so-called races.
Alex Tizon
We’re not separate races. There’s only one human race.
Alveda King
Israel needs to separate from Netanyahu in order to separate from the Palestinians.
Isaac Herzog
It was there I met my future wife, Celeste Landry, although our lives took us separate ways for many years and we were not to marry until more than ten years later.
Eric Allin Cornell
The interesting thing about doing serial television is that the character is growing separate from you, the character and the show are growing, and you get to observe that and participate with it in a way that I think is actually really exciting for an actor.
Liev Schreiber
We need to treat the planet as a system, and up until now, we’ve operated more as if the world were made of separate parts – this part is environment, this part is economy. But everything is connected. You can’t fix global warming with a Ph.D. in thermodynamics!
Neri Oxman
I know that it’s the southern film industries that have made me an actor, and that is where people relate to me the most. I would never give it up or separate myself from it.
Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and those who do not. When I see a person beginning to separate themselves from the pack, it’s almost always due to personal growth.
John C. Maxwell
Midterms behave very differently than presidential elections. Midterms, for a federal candidate, often times are a referendum on the president, where in presidential years, voters make two separate choices: one for president and one for a federal officeholder.
Mike Coffman
Never separate the life you live from the words you speak.
Paul Wellstone
I have a lot of energy, and if I don’t keep myself busy, I go crazy. I alphabetise the spice rack, separate the Lego from the Playmobile, colour-code the knicker drawers – it’s scary! My house loves it when I’m working so the linen cupboard can get a rest. I just don’t sit around.
Jerry Hall
So I’m not really quite sure what Landis’ plans were to make another one. The American Werewolf in Paris was a completely separate story.
Jenny Agutter
My father is Emmit and my grandfather is Emmit, but I wanted something extra so I could separate my Emmitt from the rest of them. Even though on my birth certificate it has one T, I just added the extra T for me.
Emmitt Smith
It sounds simple telling people to work hard and never quit, but to really execute and demonstrate those principles takes discipline and faith. Those are the two factors that I believe separate the good from the great, the successes from the failures.
Nipsey Hussle
The digital world has been in a separate orbit from our medical cocoon, and it’s time the boundaries be taken down.
Eric Topol
Nothing has done more to separate and divide human beings one from another than exclusivist organized religion.
Neale Donald Walsch
Burzum is a projection of me or, at the very least, a p

Burzum is a projection of me or, at the very least, a projection of a side of me, but you can, of course, view Burzum and Varg as separate entities, as you surely can like the first and dislike the other, or vice versa for that sake, but to me, my music will always be a natural part of me.
Varg Vikernes
I lost my mother and my brother when I was 15 in two separate car accidents. I was doing well at school. I was a good sportsperson, but at that point, I gave up on all of those things that were there to be done. I couldn’t deal with them.
Manu Bennett
Attorneys general, district attorneys, and federal prosecutors have a responsibility to separate their politics from their law enforcement powers.
Richard Grenell
Ann Romney has been front-and-center. She’s held a lot of town halls, a lot of campaign rallies, on her own, separate from her husband. And she is dynamite out on the campaign trail.
Monica Crowley
I made the connection between food and weight, but feeling good or bad was a separate issue.
Robin Quivers
But I’ve always felt a need to have a life which is completely separate – at least as far as possible – from the kind of illusory lifestyle that comes with being a celebrity.
Winona Ryder
I must say, to be very honest about it, that I held in my mind during the life of the Commission, that there had been three shots and that a separate shot struck Governor Connally.
John Sherman Cooper
I rarely return to characters. My characters, at least most of them, are much more a part of that superorganism that is the story than separate and independent creatures.
Etgar Keret
I have never slept in a bed with anybody. Even when I was married we slept in separate beds.
Lady Colin Campbell
What firefighters and people in our military and cops do is separate from what the rest of us do; basically these people say, ‘I’m going to protect all these strangers.’
Denis Leary
Although the attorney general is a part of the president’s team, you’re really separate and apart. You have a special responsibility as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer. There has to be a distance that you keep – between this department and the White House.
Eric Holder
When you start performing, you realize that you have to separate yourself from the pack. So I would never wear bell-bottoms, which everybody else was wearing. I had short hair – and to see a 21-year-old guy walk onstage without longish hair was, in itself, weird. Every entertainer needs a shtick.
Loudon Wainwright III
I’ve auditioned for roles that involved voice, but I don’t like it. I feel like, I can’t do this in front of you. It seems so separate – I don’t share it with a lot of people. And I’m not into public performances.
Amanda Seyfried
Nature is simply the environment on earth in which man finds himself, and to treat it as a separate being in the image of man is sheer nonsense.
Murray Rothbard
I think ‘Cool Hand Luke’ was probably the first movie in which I was aware of the writing as its own separate thing. It was that speech when the guy reads Paul Newman the riot act. The speech about going in the box.
Brian Helgeland
Often, the people I’m working with on music are separate from the rest of my life.
Daveed Diggs
Separate but equal does not work.
Nicole Maines
Today the arts exist in isolation, from which they can be rescued only through the conscious, cooperative effort of all craftsmen. Architects, painters, and sculptors must recognize anew and learn to grasp the composite character of a building both as an entity and in its separate parts.
Walter Gropius
Reading and life are not separate but symbiotic. And for this serious task of imaginative discovery and self-discovery, there is and remains one perfect symbol: the printed book.
Julian Barnes
I feel when somebody has been playing cricket for a long time, he creates a separate identity for himself.
Sachin Tendulkar
Communication is always important, but it’s a separate type of language in football.
David Luiz
If I’m in the car after a bad game, I may think about ways I need to improve. But the second I reach home, the game’s over. Work doesn’t come inside with me. Same thing in reverse – I don’t bring my personal life into the ballpark. Learning to keep it all separate has made life easier.
Matt Kemp
I cannot separate the finances of India from those of England. If the finances of the Indian Government receive any severe and irreparable check, will not the resources of England be called upon to meet the emergency, and to supply the deficiency?
Richard Cobden
It might seem difficult to separate my artist and my writing career, but for me, it’s just music.
Ryan Hurd
I’m interested in creating a little sound world for songs, really crafting it, building it, and making it like a little doll’s house with little things inside it, staircases and rooms and everything kind of relates to everything else. I’ve never seen it as drums, bass, guitar and vocals in very separate spaces.
Imogen Heap
The truth is, I’d like to be closer to my kids. I’d like to share more with them. But that’s not what this time in their lives is about. This is their time to separate, to self-direct, to become independent.
Kelly Corrigan
In a sense, each of us is an island. In another sense, however, we are all one. For though islands appear separate, and may even be situated at great distances from one another, they are only extrusions of the same planet, Earth.
J. Donald Walters
I do not separate my job and my personal life; therefore, I never work and never rest.
Roustam Tariko
For a long time I was cautious of working with my parents because I wanted to feel separate from them in the community. Now there’s no more wasting time.
Lily Rabe
My friends told me that it’s the hardest thing to separate the personal life from their work.
Manny Montana
Fear, separation, hate and anger come from the wrong view that you and the Earth are two separate entities, the Earth is only the environment. You are in the centre and you want to do something for the Earth in order for you to survive. That is a dualistic way of seeing.
Thich Nhat Hanh
The mind and body are not separate units, but one integ

The mind and body are not separate units, but one integrated system. How we act and what we think, eat, and feel are all related to our health. Physicians should be capable of teaching this behavior to patients.
Bernie Siegel
Ninety years after slavery, blacks were still segregated from whites. They still had separate drinking fountains, separate restrooms, separate neighborhoods, and separate schools. They still were expected to sit at the back of the bus.
Benjamin Watson
I find the idea that some kids go into acting because of their parents butt-clenchingly embarrassing. I’ve gone out of my way to prove myself as a separate being. I don’t want to be seen as a subset of someone else.
Rachael Stirling
The sun and its retinue of planets drift as a group through the vast gulfs of space that separate the stars.
Barney Oliver
When man began to think he was a separate person with a separate soul, it created a violent situation.
Harry Dean Stanton
I try to keep it separate as I can, but also, I’m not going to live my life in complete privacy. If I’m feeling something, I’m going to live my life. I will not hide things.
David Harbour
I tend to live my life on planes, and I don’t separate my social life and my business life.
Robert Stigwood
Me and Kylie are sisters, but not everything we can always do together. She’s not trying to be a model. She’s trying to be more like a personality. We’re trying to kind of separate ourselves – not in a bad way!
Kendall Jenner
If art is any good, it has so much of a longer trajectory than one night. Contemporary art is separate from art openings. In the end, it depends on the strength of ideas in each piece.
Elizabeth Peyton
The differences that separate human beings are nothing compared to the similarities that bond us together.
Sophie Gregoire Trudeau
One of the problems of writing and working and looking at the Internet is that it’s very hard to separate fashion from deep change.
Yochai Benkler
I’ve always been a searcher – you know, a hunter. I’m certainly not the only one. They say actors shouldn’t get political and everything, but you can’t separate yourself. You can’t disconnect yourself from anything.
Harry Dean Stanton
Choice is more than picking ‘x’ over ‘y.’ It is a responsibility to separate the meaningful and the uplifting from the trivial and the disheartening. It is the only tool we have that enables us to go from who we are today to who we want to be tomorrow.
Sheena Iyengar
Didn’t know until my rookie year you could buy chicken parts separate, like drumsticks and thighs and breast. My granny always bought the whole chicken and cut it up.
Shannon Sharpe
We do not have a budget support. We are now fully independent in terms of requirements, but we still have a need for development assistance separate from the budget. So all the economic aid we receive is for development assistance.
Jose Ramos-Horta
I think the thing about business is that it’s not completely separate to life. You’re selling to people so it’s all about life skills – and common sense.
Deborah Meaden
Pollock said several times that he couldn’t separate himself from his art. Not knowing much about modern art when I began to read about him, I was much more his persona – his struggles as a human being – that was interesting to me.
Ed Harris
Any long work in which poetry is persistent, be it epic or drama or narrative, is really a succession of separate poetic experiences governed into a related whole by an energy distinct from that which evoked them.
John Drinkwater
I’m actually part of a number of minorities. I grew up being a horribly awkward kid. A terrible student. And now I find myself as a filmmaker, and you feel kind of alone in the world because you’re separate from everyone else.
Bryan Singer
It is difficult to separate, at times, the myth from the truth.
Bob Kane
The Bible does not isolate war, as if it were something separate and unique and quite apart, as we tend to do in our thinking. It is but one of the manifestations of sin, one of the consequences of sin.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
People desire to separate their worlds into polarities of dark and light, ugly and beautiful, good and evil, right and wrong, inside and outside. Polarities serve us in our learning and growth, but as souls we are all.
Joy Page
We cannot have a separate group of people that are military and a separate civilian society. Otherwise, it’s dangerous to democracy.
John McCain
To grow mature is to separate more distinctly, to connect more closely.
Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Yo La Tengo were a major inspiration for me because they’re one of the first bands that I got into on my own, separate from my parents, when I was in high school. I have all their albums. That’s the place we’d like be in someday.
Lucy Dacus
Although the ICRC and the World Economic Forum have separate missions, they both are centred on collaboration across sectors and between various actors in order to improve the state of the world.
Peter Maurer
If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Through his mastery of storytelling techniques, he has managed to separate his character, in the public mind, from his actions as president. He has, in short, mesmerized us with that steady gaze.
James Nathan Miller
There’s this idea out there that, had I not been trans, the leaks and stuff would never have happened. But to my mind, those are two completely separate things. Had I been out, I think I still would have been attracted to the military, but I would have been more comfortable and gotten along with people better.
Chelsea Manning
The U.S. is not constructing a palatial embassy, by far the largest in the world and virtually a separate city within Baghdad, and pouring money into military bases, with the intention of leaving Iraq to Iraqis.
Noam Chomsky
So many people’s parents separate and for my generation it is very normal. But I remember feeling as though nobody ever spoke about it.
Jessica Barden
It's like the old thing: The parents stay together for

It’s like the old thing: The parents stay together for the kids, but the kids know that you don’t want to be together. The kids would rather you be happy – and separate – than together and miserable. I don’t want my kid to grow up around two parents who just don’t work.
Jaime Pressly
Classical cooking and molecular gastronomy should remain separate. You can mix two styles and get fusion; any more, and you just get confusion.
Alain Ducasse
I did actually have a deal with Columbia, but it became increasingly clear to me after signing with them that they didn’t know what to do with me and I didn’t know what to do for them, so we agreed to go our separate ways.
Amanda Marshall
First you wonder if they’re separate stories, but no, they’re not, they’re contingent stories and they form a pattern. And you begin with some of the island as the place to which the heroine of the book returns.
Robert Creeley
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that we should be separate, all right, but in this separate state or separate existence, the black man should be given the opportunity and the incentive to do for himself what the white man has done for himself.
Malcolm X
I built the ideal house down in the Caribbean. All Englishmen dream of leaving the rain of England and getting a place in the sun – out in the grounds with separate guest houses; that is the ideal scenario.
Robin Leach
For years, I kept the two separate: Michael Horse the artist and Michael Horse the actor. I like the acting, but I’m an artist; that’s my identity.
Michael Horse
But certainly in my grandmother’s time – and when I was growing up, yeah, Demetrie’s bathroom was on the side of the house, it was a separate door. Still, to this day, I’ve never been in that room.
Kathryn Stockett
Religion and God are totally separate. Religion is created by government. God is God.
My protest about the post exchange seating bore some results. More seats were allocated for blacks, but there were still separate sections for blacks and for whites. At least I had made my men realize that something could be accomplished by speaking out, and I hoped they would be less resigned to unjust conditions.
Jackie Robinson
In college, my best friends were an offensive lineman, a wide receiver and defensive back. In the pros, when you leave the practice field, players go their separate ways because they are married.
Ryan Leaf
I have chosen to keep my personal life separate from my music, as the two are exclusive from each other, and I want to remain that way. I’ll talk music, production, writing songs, touring with anyone but keep religion, politics and world affairs off the table, as my expertise is in songs and music.
Randy Bachman
People lose it when I say this, but I’m a novelist who doesn’t read novels. There are lots of good reasons for not reading novels! I’m also a game writer who doesn’t play games – I keep everything very separate. The only crossover with me is comics. I write them, and I read them passionately.
Karen Traviss
I like to keep an open mind, but I do think there is some form of energy that exists separate to our flesh and blood. I do think that there’s some kind of an energy that leaves the body when it dies, but I certainly don’t have religious beliefs particularly.
Peter Jackson
It is time to effect a revolution in female manners – time to restore to them their lost dignity. It is time to separate unchangeable morals from local manners.
Mary Wollstonecraft
If people like something you’ve done – or don’t like it – this shouldn’t determine what you write or how you write it. Those are two separate things entirely: your work and the world’s response to it.
Claire Messud
You have to find a way – and thankfully for me, it’s been music – to separate yourself from the racial identity. It’s not easy, and I continue to work, God bless, and I’m really, truly appreciative of it.
Utkarsh Ambudkar
I want to separate my professional life from my personal life. I want to live a normal life and be a normal mother.
Frances McDormand
On the same line of reasoning, if Australians were to be Australians, or rather if Australians were as separate from any other nation as Australia from any other land, there would be no jealousy between them on England’s account.
Henry Lawson
When Muslims live and grow up in a separate neighborhood in London, they are surrounded only by their culture. They don’t need to integrate with other cultures, they don’t need to mix with other people… When we don’t live together, we start hating each other.
Nuseir Yassin
It happened on ‘Laguna Beach’ where you don’t know what’s real and fake, and I saw cast members who couldn’t distinguish what was real and what was fake anymore. It was kind of scary to see, so I kept them very separate so that I didn’t go crazy.
Kristin Cavallari
Civilization must be based on life. We should never forget that human life was created in and for millions of centuries, was nourished by primitive wildness. We cannot separate ourselves from this ancestral background.
Charles Lindbergh
I think one big thing for me that I need to work on is being able to separate my feelings and emotions from my matches.
Madison Keys
The perception of what a thing is and the perception of what it means are not separate, either.
James J. Gibson
Work infuses my whole life. My creative life is my real life, so it’s hard to separate.
Julia Leigh
When I was 5 years old, I was coming up the stairs, and I saw my mom standing there, singing ‘A Quiet Thing’ a cappella, and it was such a differentiating moment for me. I realized that we are separate from each other – she has dreams and goals.
Laura Benanti
I have never been able to separate – nor have I wanted to – my personal love and desire for truth, passion, and understanding from my lyrics.
Ed Kowalczyk
Vast sections of the world’s population are inspired by the same desires and live for common interests that bind them together far more than they separate them.
Mikhail Sholokhov
I’ve always said that it’s like being the winner of three separate lottery tickets – getting a pilot, getting the pilot picked up, and having a show that actually lasts. There are no guarantees, and no one knows where a show is going to go.
Rick Hoffman
We don’t want to go starting completely separate businesses that do nothing for our user base.
Nathan Blecharczyk
I was a businessman for 16 years of my life, so when I started writing, I wanted to keep my literary identity separate.
Ashwin Sanghi
I have long argued that ISIS and Assad are not separate

I have long argued that ISIS and Assad are not separate problems to be chosen between, but are action and reaction, cause and symptom, chicken and egg: impossible to untangle no matter how much we might like to.
Jo Cox
I cannot understand how the education of this United States of America has been fooled time and time again. Either make it separate but equal or integrate, therefore it will be equal. And it has been separate and unequal.
Bill Cosby
I think it’s better to have your personal life and your work life separate. That way they don’t corrupt each other, so to speak.
Zooey Deschanel
I cannot separate my achievements from what can be considered as the achievements of the ruling party.
Meles Zenawi
It’s normal for human beings to identify with their own separate self. The problem is that we get caught in that notion of ourself as a separate individual and caught in that individual self’s agenda.
Thich Nhat Hanh
I don’t know how much influence we really had, because we never put our pictures on the albums or anything and we never really promoted the Talking Heads connection, because we wanted to keep it separate from Talking Heads.
Chris Frantz
What bothers most critics of my work is the goofiness. One reviewer said I need to make up my mind if want to be funny or serious. My response is that I will make up my mind when God does, because life is a commingling of the sacred and the profane, good and evil. To try and separate them is fallacy.
Tom Robbins
I think the music industry is something that’s very separate from music. So, by always staying on the music side of it, I’ve found success.
Chance The Rapper
This match is about sport and I separate that completely from politics.
Oliver Kahn
I don’t separate things out between what’s personal and what’s my work. My passion is personal.
Only as you do know yourself can your brain serve you as a sharp and efficient tool. Know your own failings, passions, and prejudices so you can separate them from what you see.
Bernard Baruch
When I was young, I didn’t want to do traditional painting and calligraphy. I deliberately wanted to separate from my father so I could feel I existed myself.
Cai Guo-Qiang
The decathlon includes ten separate events and they all matter. You can’t work on just one of them.
Dan O’Brien
I mean, we are tribal by nature, and sometimes success and material wealth can divide and separate – it’s not a new philosophy I’m sharing – more than hardship, hardship tends to unify.
Colin Farrell
When was ‘again?’ Was it back when I was drinking from a separate water fountain? Was it when I couldn’t eat in that restaurant over there?… ‘Make America Great Again’ – before I had equality?
Daryl Davis
The interesting thing about improvisation is you’re making something up in front of the audience. Now music helps you out a little bit because you have an instrument that’ll separate you from the audience.
David Steinberg
You need to have a heart to help others and separate yourself from your money.
Yeah, I can’t separate the art from the music and the music from the art. I think that stems from going to school for film first, and kind of stumbling onto music as my career.
Karen O
In the US, banking and finance are regulated on the federal and state level, there are multiple federal bank regulators, and there are separate securities and commodities regulators.
Perianne Boring
When I’m back at home it’s just reality. I kind of separate myself from Hollywood.
Logan Lerman
An armchair Jungian would say the whole thing is about my own ongoing spiritual search. My interior life has always been one of trying to find a spiritual link, maybe because I’m from a family of separate religious philosophies: Protestant and Catholic.
David Bowie
I started to like my voice – the sound of it. So then I started to listen to it as something separate. To me, it sounded good that way as well.
Alice Smith
I had problems getting my words out. If people spoke directly to me, I understood what they said. But when the grownups got to yakking really fast by themselves, it just sounded like ‘oi oi.’ I thought grownups had a separate language. I’ve now figured out I was not hearing the hard consonant sounds.
Temple Grandin
When I like myself, which is not too often, but when I do like myself on film, it’s when I point, and I go, ‘Look what she did! She did the funniest thing – look at her!’ Where I can really separate back from it and I don’t see me anymore, then I’m really excited. That’s, like, really fun for me. That jazzes me.
Dinah Manoff
I would love to direct but I feel like directing is a whole separate craft and so I tend to respect it as a separate craft that I would need to study first. So, right now I’m still trying to do certain things as an actor and until I get bored of that or I feel completely fed by that then I’ll move into directing.
Michael Ealy
Let’s assume for the moment that the logic behind Presidents Day is actually sound for certain presidents. Why not have a separate holiday for Lincoln and one for Washington – as we used to do, before we became so concerned with the ‘Every President Gets a Trophy’ ethos?
Ben Shapiro
For some people, it is easier to command a nation, to send thousands to their deaths in unnecessary wars, to separate children from their families and inflict terrible suffering, than to process their own trauma and pain.
George Monbiot
The notion of the single man began in the 1950’s. The idea of the bachelor as a separate life was new and obscure.
Hugh Hefner
We certainly cannot have any further political connection with the Whigs of the South; they have rendered such connection impossible. An impassable gulf separates us, and must here-after separate us.
Benjamin F. Wade
It’s my personal opinion, and I firmly believe, that it’s important that I keep sports and politics separate.
Jeff Fisher
When I came to Delhi and noticed an insider view, I felt what it was, and I was surprised to see it. It seemed as if dozens of separate governments are running at the same time in one main government. It appeared that everyone has its own fiefdom.
Narendra Modi
You can't cancel my stand-up tours. It's impossible. Th

You can’t cancel my stand-up tours. It’s impossible. There’s too many separate bosses. There is no ‘bosses.’
Louis C. K.
Our aim is always to minimise casualties and to separate a hardline Taliban from those who have been caught up in the insurgency.
Bob Ainsworth
I always try to say, ‘If you want to help the environment, try to do just two things. One, use less of your car. Second, separate your garbage.’
Jaime Lerner
A good team, like a good show, comes into being when the separate individuals working together create, in essence, another separate higher entity – the team – the show – which is better than any of those individuals can ever be on their own.
Gary David Goldberg
Most guys have to go through this: When do you separate yourself from your friends? Some of them are going to go left, some of them are going to go right, some are going to go straight. And you have to go on your path.
Salim Akil
When you’re leading Marines, you don’t screw around, so the comedy is limited in uniform. And when you’re a comedian, you can’t be heavy handed and come across with tales of gore or material that people won’t understand, so I try to keep them separate.
Rob Riggle
There is not a separate God for each person. There is one universal intelligence flowing through all of us.
Wayne Dyer
When I first got into the league, I just used to run. Just run the route. Really no technique to it. I really couldn’t separate myself from the defender.
Rob Gronkowski
I think because there is the constant looming threat of nepotism and judgment, I really tried to separate what I was doing at MTV, my auditions, anything I was doing creatively, from my family.
Dan Levy
You cannot separate sexuality from cheerleading. It is inherently what it is – growing up with the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and all of that stuff.
Peyton Reed
I don’t think it’s possible to separate out the strands of a writer’s history, circumstances, life events, and that writer’s themes.
Dani Shapiro
In our Constitution governmental power is divided among three separate branches of the national government, three separate branches of State governments, and the peoples of the several States.
Robert W. Welch, Jr.
I’ve never been that comfortable with the acting thing. It’s difficult for me to separate what’s really going on. If there’s kissing, that’s kissing. I’m not acting; I don’t know how.
Brett Young
In the child, consciousness rises out of the depths of unconscious psychic life, at first like separate islands, which gradually unite to form a ‘continent,’ a continuous landmass of consciousness. Progressive mental development means, in effect, extension of consciousness.
Carl Jung
The concept of reason itself appears as an artificial attempt to separate intellectual powers from the frustrations, emotions, and accidents which cause events; the concept of reason is viewed as facade to prevent change.
Edward Levi
Conversations about money certainly are not sexy, but they should give each of you some clarity and enable you to enter into your marriage with a better understanding of each other and what is important. Work and home responsibilities, joint or separate accounts, budgets, etc. are all subjects which should be discussed.
Laura Wasser
And we lost a lot because of that, and I think this is future gymnastics to separate ages. Because kids can do it more than adult. A woman and adult woman can show more than the small kids.
Olga Korbut
Just to see what a pink dress can mean to a woman, any woman, but a disabled woman, that’s extra special and thrilling because they shouldn’t be separated and their disabilities don’t have to separate them in anyway.
Betsey Johnson
I’m a Slovak. And when I was growing up, I believed that I was Czechoslovakian because of what Russia did. They came in and took two separate countries – Slovakia and the Czech Republic – put them together as one.
Jesse Ventura
Being a good mother does not call for the same qualities as being a good housewife; a dedication to keeping children clean and tidy may override an interest in their separate development as individuals.
Ann Oakley
When you’re playing a superhero, you’re almost playing two different people. I separate when I’m playing Jefferson Pierce and the days when I’m playing Black Lightning.
Cress Williams
I don’t think that was too successful. Because I always thought that the two of them should have been more separate. Also I had planned the monorail station to be in the center. So that one day you would have go to World Showcase and then the other day to Future World.
John Hench
I’d say it’s okay to be political and to be a writer. Those streams can be separate, and they can be connected; for me, they’re both. Life is political, and I’m interested in my community and in a lot of issues – some of them American, some global.
Rachel Kushner
I think people want immigration reform. I think people want to see a path for citizenship. I don’t think we as a country want to discuss this in the way we do. I don’t think we want to separate families. I don’t think that’s part of our values.
Diane Guerrero
When Demetrie got sick, we knew it was our responsibility to take care of her and pay her medical bills. And we embraced that. But the tricky part is, like so many families in the South, we also expected her to use a separate bathroom, to use separate utensils.
Kathryn Stockett
Even things which seem separate and finished are infinitely connected and will infinitely connect. This connection happens as soon as you let it, as soon as you engage – as soon as you even attempt to engage.
Ali Smith
I think church and state should remain entirely separate at all costs, and that the decision of religious marriage should be of each faith to debate and decide free of political influence.
Adam Rickitt
But the best definition of it is to say that heaven is that state where we will always be with Jesus, and where nothing will separate us from Him any more.
William Barclay
Environmental protection doesn’t happen in a vacuum. You can’t separate the impact on the environment from the impact on our families and communities.
Jim Clyburn
When I’m writing, I’m trying to immerse myself in the chaos of an emotional experience, rather than separate myself from it and look back at it from a distance with clarity and tell it as a story. Because that’s how life is lived, you know?
Charlie Kaufman
If I’m doing a voice-over session, like animation or something, and I’m doing three different voices, you’ve gotta separate them. You’ve gotta find the different places and do your different things.
Pamela Adlon
Living, breathing, and being present is the practice th

Living, breathing, and being present is the practice that can lead us to having a full and authentic in-the-body experience. If we can shift our perspective from being separate to being part of it all, psychological hang-ups, insecurities, fears, and disorders dissolve.
Tara Stiles
I had been taught that if I cried, to be quiet about it, so whereas I never howled, the least thing made me cry both at school and at home. Crying tends to separate a child from other children, for even children dislike a cry baby, and I had no friends in the world.
Frederick Banting
It’s always been a conscious thing for us to do whatever will separate us from the pack and make us happy musically.
Zacky Vengeance
I think ‘Mudbound’ reveals the interconnectiveness of our stories. You can’t separate out threads of history and race as economic construct. ‘Mudbound’ makes it very plain. Race is about commerce; it’s not an actual thing. It’s a fiction that was created to basically divide resources unequally.
Dee Rees
There are people so alienated from the mainstream of American culture that it’s like a parallel universe. They don’t expect anything but trouble from the square world. Every time they interact with that world, they’re given a ticket, sent to jail, drafted. It’s never good. So they live by a separate value system.
Daniel Woodrell
From each one of them rose separate columns of smoke, meeting in a pall overhead, and through the smoke came stabbing flashes of fire as German shells burst with thudding shocks of sound. This was the front line of battle.
Philip Gibbs
Scotland is the only case in the world where the poor part of a territory wants to separate from the rich part. If independence came, one option is to keep the pound as its currency, so that all economic decisions will continue to be taken by the Bank of England.
Philip Kerr
We may regard the solar systems as separate sponges, swimming in a World of Divine Spirit, and thus it will be apparent that in order to travel from one solar system to another, it would be necessary to be able to function consciously in the highest vehicle of man, the Divine Spirit.
Max Heindel
I can separate very well. I can do everything I need to do as a player. I’m not the fastest guy always, or the strongest guy, or the biggest guy, but I always get the job done. I’m a workaholic.
Stefon Diggs
Sometimes people who sell books are seen as corporate salesmen, and people who sell reading are seen as literacy advocates, but you can’t really separate the two.
Margaret Stohl
Just because you’re married doesn’t mean that you have to spend 24/7 together and can’t have separate interests and hobbies. In a healthy relationship, you both understand – and respect – that you need time apart doing what you want to do.
John Rampton
I work hard, and I’m very separate from what my parents do.
As a fan of both media, I never had any qualms about an adaptation. I’ve always been able to separate books I’ve loved from their movies, no matter how the film turns out.
Markus Zusak
Editor: a person employed by a newspaper, whose business it is to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to see that the chaff is printed.
Elbert Hubbard
You can’t be different for different’s sake, and this doesn’t always work, but you have to separate yourself from the normal read. Of course, it has to be truthful. If it’s not truthful, don’t waste your time.
Brad Pitt
The type of work I do, which is often called ‘Pop Surrealism,’ is very separate from Gagosian and Mary Boone type of gallery art.
Molly Crabapple
How advertising is handled has always been a key distinction between low and high order publishing. The higher you stood, the more separate you were from advertising, and, in the logic of snobbery, the greater a premium price the top brands would pay to be in your company.
Michael Wolff
What a thing is and what it means are not separate, the former being physical and the latter mental as we are accustomed to believe.
James J. Gibson
Many locals in east Africa are calling for fences to separate wildlife and people. They argue it will reduce conflict and also make it easier to protect the wildlife from poachers. From my experience in Tanzania, no fence and no militia will hold back the tide of poachers drawn by the huge sums of money at stake.
Ben Fogle
New York isn’t segregated the way many American cities are, where there are specific ethnic neighborhoods that don’t necessarily co-exist, or they co-exist but in a much separate sense.
Mike D
Philosophically considered, the universe is composed of Nature and the Soul. Strictly speaking, therefore, all that is separate from us, all which Philosophy distinguishes as the ‘Not Me,’ that is, both nature and art, all other men and my own body, must be ranked under this name, ‘Nature.’
Ralph Waldo Emerson
When I am seriously composing, sometimes a phrase will come into my head, a catch phrase. When I was writing pop songs for a few years, as a career, separate from my folksinging career, I used to write songs for pop singers.
Tom Glazer
I’ve always been able to keep my private life separate from my business.
Ashley Tisdale
Never think you can separate who you are from what you’re doing.
Marianne Williamson
I would say both Western psychology and Eastern paths would recognize that we get caught up in feeling like a separate self and an unworthy self.
Tara Brach
Our dreams are a second life. I have never been able to penetrate without a shudder those ivory or horned gates which separate us from the invisible world.
Gerard De Nerval
I like quinoa. I like gingerbread. I feel they should be kept separate. I’m not in favor of this thing of making kind of raw, vegan chocolate cake and saying it’s as good as chocolate cake. I mean, just eat cake and be done with it. And then have a separate meal of quinoa.
Bee Wilson
We always correct people who say, ‘You’re trying to make this look better.’ Well yes, we want it to look better, but that’s easy. The look and the function are one and the same. They are not separate. It looks good because it functions beautifully. That message is very hard.
Michael Graves
It’s nice to socialize with some normal students, and kind of separate from my skating life with academics.
Tessa Virtue
Going to school, everybody expected you to be Stephanie Tanner. Establishing a separate entity from Stephanie after all those years, I did everything I could in the beginning to be everything but Stephanie Tanner.
Jodie Sweetin
What is a wife and what is a harlot? What is a church and what is a theatre? are they two and not one? Can they exist separate? Are not religion and politics the same thing? Brotherhood is religion. O demonstrations of reason dividing families in cruelty and pride!
William Blake
You've got to internalize the character. You've got to

You’ve got to internalize the character. You’ve got to learn the words. These are separate things, but they work together.
Robert Forster
I can actually build my equipment at the back end of the telescope such that it takes the data from all of the separate antennas and adds the signal together with different time delays and different phase shifts – it’s as if I were picking out up to eight individual pixels in this large field of view.
Jill Tarter
A major concern of some of us who were not sympathetic to the separate Telangana movement was with respect to the future of Hyderabad.
Sanjaya Baru
A lot of guys are able to separate how they act off the court versus how they act on the court.
Stephen Curry
Acting and directing are two separate disciplines that rarely mix.
Vijay Sethupathi
Most Americans are unaware that Thomas Jefferson was the first American president to go to war against radical Islam. Jefferson was very concerned with Islam’s war-like doctrine and its inability to separate mosque and state.
Brad Thor
I have a tremendous support from a lot of the Underground fans. They believe in me, they want to see me do well, and they’re behind me. But there are a lot of people out there who don’t believe it, and so I want to separate perception and reality. I want to be able to do that.
Eddie Alvarez
Old Newtonian physics claimed that things have an objective reality separate from our perception of them. Quantum physics, and particularly Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, reveal that, as our perception of an object changes, the object itself literally changes.
Marianne Williamson
I don’t really think about a visual aspect to the work at all; I just think about making the piece. And everything that occurs visually comes out of the subject matter you are dealing with so that I find it difficult to treat the visual element as a separate entity.
Simon McBurney
If you want to read about love and marriage, you’ve got to buy two separate books.
Alan King
What conflicting ideas that we love and embrace these women, and entrust them to raise our children and to feed us and to bathe us, but we keep something as silly as a bathroom separate.
Kathryn Stockett
I like to think of my books and the movies of my books living in two separate universes. Each is very nice, but only one is correct – the book. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the other versions, and I always do.
Meg Cabot
I left science, then I went into art, but I approach things very analytically. I choose to pursue both art and architecture as completely separate fields rather than merging them.
Maya Lin
Declare Church and State forever separate and distinct, but each free within their proper spheres, and that all church property shall bear its own proportion of taxation.
Ulysses S. Grant
I remember once I had lunch with George W Bush, his father, and Condoleezza Rice. Then I went home to find my dog and my neighbour’s dog fighting over a dead rabbit, and I had to separate them. I like that my home life keeps things real.
Jeff Kinney
The five separate fingers are five independent units. Close them and the fist multiplies strength. This is organization.
James Cash Penney
When cerebral processes enter into sports, you start screwing up. It’s like the Constitution, which says separate church and state. You have to separate mind and body.
Bill Lee
Justification and sanctification are both God’s work, and while they can and must be distinguished, the Bible won’t let us separate them. Both are gifts of our union with Christ, and within this double-blessing, justification is the root of sanctification and sanctification is the fruit of justification.
Tullian Tchividjian
It’s always agonising to separate my life as an actress and personal life. Just because I’m happy with my acting life doesn’t mean I’m happy with my personal life. I’m always making an effort to balance between the two.
Son Ye-jin
Over the years, people have asked me, ‘Do you think there should be a separate category for acting in the digital realm? Or hybrid sort of awards for digital characters?’ and so on. And I’ve always really maintained that I don’t believe so.
Andy Serkis
Every art form has its own beauty, but blending it with other forms in separate ways is okay.
Hema Malini
This kind of ‘separate but equal,’ I’ve seen what it’s done in the history here in America, and it didn’t work. And it still hasn’t worked, I mean, even in continued segregation of our schools, which has increased with the privatization of our school system.
Rashida Tlaib
I have always had a separate walk-in wardrobe, so I have the luxury of a fairly sparse bedroom.
Kylie Minogue
I don’t really have a schedule; I just get up in the morning. I work at home. I don’t feel that my work is a separate thing from living – I get ideas about what I want to write about from the real things that I’m worrying about as I live.
Sheila Heti
Krishna children were taught that in the spiritual world there were no parents, only souls and hence this justified their being kept out of view from others, cloistered in separate buildings and sheltered from the evil material world.
Mary Garden
We need to separate the process of evolution – which is, indeed, a self-serving process – and the actual motivations of animals.
Frans de Waal
Sometimes I feel like I finish a song, and there’s another song that I have to write in response to that song. Each is like its own separate feeling, its own separate universe.
Cass McCombs
I consider myself a showman, and I love magic, and I love art, and I love performance, and they’re all separate.
David Blaine
There’s this tendency to think of the individual and the collective are somehow at odds or separate. But I think that’s really false. We’re all both. And when the individual suffers, the collective suffers, and vice versa.
Eula Biss
Oh, there’s going to be debate because you’re dealing with the Bible and religion is supposed to be separate from state and that to me is already a conflict before it even hits the gay issue.
Pam Grier
I believe in literature which ties people together, that highlights what people have in common, despite the differences – color, sexual orientation, or anything which may separate us on the surface.
Olga Tokarczuk
Some people separate their work and home lives, but I l

Some people separate their work and home lives, but I love the idea of having my studio and house in the same space.
Cornelia Parker
The philosophical connection between the Islamic world and the West is much closer than I thought. Doubt did not begin with Descartes. We have this construction today that the West and Islam are entirely separate worlds. This is wrong.
Tariq Ramadan
Some people give themselves over to their most evil desires, and those people becomes evil. But in general, it’s reductive to think of evil as something foreign and separate from the rest of us. Evil is part of everyone. We all have the capacity to commit evil acts.
Bill James
When you come off ‘The X Factor,’ you’re more likely to be a failure than a success because people almost want you to fail. There’s this kind of feeling that you’re separate from everyone else. You get it from artists, people in the industry, people at record labels.
Olly Murs
Independence is fun, especially when there’s a beloved waiting in the wings, and freedom makes you a more interesting person. Having separate lives brings fresh air into a relationship.
Deborah Moggach
Of course it would depend on the project, but I don’t think I could ever separate myself from my aesthetic.
Zack Snyder
I think it’s important to incorporate everything into all parts of your life. I don’t separate all the things – during the day, I talk to my kids; they come and visit. On weekends, we go crazy and do lots of activities. I’m just not good at relaxing.
Cynthia Rowley
I saw a guy being really abusive to his girlfriend. She was asking people to help, but no one would. When he grabbed her, I tried to separate them, but he turned on me. I punched him and knocked him down. It wasn’t a scandal; I was just doing what anybody should.
Timothy Hutton
A lot of people… kind of make heroes that are separate from us, people who are, you know, like… John Wayne and Errol Flynn and, you know, Denzel Washington… people who are different, who are larger than life.
Walter Mosley
Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.
Earl Warren
My working habit is to separate my aims as a painting from my aims as a poet. They come from very different places and ultimately lead me to very different places… I’ll leave what I mean by ‘places’ ambiguous.
Terrance Hayes
I started out as an actor but now I act to fund my own productions. I’ve managed to separate my mindset.
Crispin Glover
Learning to read, for the brain, is a lot like an amateur ringmaster first learning how to organise a three-ring circus. He wants to begin individually and then synchronise all the performances. It only happens after all the separate acts are learned and practised long and well.
Maryanne Wolf
After six months of playing Chris Darden, it’s very hard for me to separate my views from his.
Sterling K. Brown
I don’t think having separate bathrooms is a key to a successful marriage, if you love one another.
Ewan McGregor
I think it’s all the same animal for me. There are actors who sing, and there are actors who direct, and I also improvise. That’s one thing I do as part of my acting. I don’t really separate the two.
Scott Adsit
I never wanted to separate from either wife. It was accumulated stress. We had virtually no time to ourselves. After politics we were both working very hard to establish new careers.
John Hewson
I learned to not separate writing, shooting, and editing, it’s all sort of one big mess of creative output.
David Lowery
People want something that’s going to really separate them – something that will help them keep the job they have, get a new job, and advance their careers.
Scott Kelby
You need to come up with a reason to make a movie, separate from the commercial side.
Christopher Miller
I think they want to keep it separate, but I’ve never been a crossover artist for some reason.
Reba McEntire
How can we love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength if we must separate our minds from our faith? Such a separation violates the very meaning of faith.
Hugh Ross
What I learned from the Beastie Boys was to be independent. They set up their own world separate from the label. They built their own studio.
Spike Jonze
You cannot separate the buildings out from the infrastructure of cites and the mobility of transit.
Norman Foster
One thing bothered me as a student. In the 1960s, human behavior was totally off limits for the biologist. There was animal behavior, then there was a long time nothing, after which came human behavior as a totally separate category best left to a different group of scientists.
Frans de Waal
Hollywood screwed up in the past. They made Asians the other – a separate group that could only hang out with each other.
Lana Condor
I never intended to be a professional writer; as the story developed, the one thing I had in my hopes was that this would be something tangible to separate me from the nameless, numbered masses.
R. A. Salvatore
Although NFL teams have common interests such as promoting the NFL brand, they are still separate, profit-making entities, and their interests in licensing team trademarks are not necessarily aligned.
John Paul Stevens
If you lived next door to me and didn’t know what I did, you wouldn’t know I was a celebrity. I don’t have that lifestyle, nor do I want that lifestyle. I want to know that I can have a separate life with my wife and my kids and just be normal and go camping and fishing and outdoor stuff.
Bill Engvall
You think 24-7 when you’re a creative person. And I find pleasure in everything – if I’m in a flea market, I’m there on my downtime, but I’m also there searching for the collection. I don’t separate the two.
Francisco Costa
I feel like ‘Gossip Girl’ isn’t really ‘Gossip Girl’ anymore when they’re away at school because they don’t go to NYU; they go to, like, Yale and Brown. New York City is just as much a character as anyone else in the books, and I was really sort of reluctant to show them off in their separate college worlds.
Cecily von Ziegesar
If it was up to me, I'd have everybody's jersey differe

If it was up to me, I’d have everybody’s jersey different. Each player would have their separate one. I think the game should be a joy, I think the game should be colorful.
Metta World Peace
I had found again and again that the most aberrant population of a species – often having reached species rank, and occasionally classified even as a separate genus – occurred at a peripheral location, indeed usually at the most isolated peripheral location.
Ernst Mayr
One reason for keeping Disney animation separate from Pixar was that by solving their own problems when they finished a film, Disney could say, ‘Nobody bailed us out; we did it.’ And it’s a very important social thing for them to do that.
Edwin Catmull
My mom is a white Jewish lady, and my dad is black. The cultures never seemed separate – I had a lot of mixed friends. When I was young, I identified with being Jewish, but I embraced my dad’s side, too.
Daveed Diggs
Entrepreneurs in the United States and Europe finally figured out how to separate aluminum from minerals cheaply and also how to produce it on an industrial scale.
Sam Kean
The world has placed chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in a separate category because their use constitutes a crime against all humanity.
Charles B. Rangel
When you play arenas you can create whatever you want. At a theater the height of the stage and the limitations of the theater can make you feel more separate from the audience.
Sade Adu
I don’t see making films to entertain and making films to inform as separate things.
Tom Shadyac
Stanley Kubrick was a big inspiration. People accuse me of never using my own material. But when did Kubrick? You look at his films and they are completely unique… completely separate entities.
Frank Darabont
If faith produce no works, I see That faith is not a living tree. Thus faith and works together grow, No separate life they never can know. They’re soul and body, hand and heart, What God hath joined, let no man part.
Hannah More
Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together.
Eugene Ionesco
When you live in a networked environment, it’s possible to separate data from applications.
Stephen Cambone
Certainly, in the course of time, the splendid things will separate from the hateful.
Werner Heisenberg
We will never allow anybody to separate Taiwan from China.
Hu Jintao
For the most part, Americans speak of culture and politics as if they were two separate realms.
Ellen Willis
Finally, as the digestive canal is a complex system, a series of separate chemical laboratories, I cut the connections between them in order to investigate the course of phenomena in each particular laboratory; thus I resolved the digestive canal into several separate parts.
Ivan Pavlov
I have a few celebrity friends, but I’m really not into the whole Hollywood scene. I like to separate myself from my work. It stresses me out if I do too much of the same.
Keke Palmer
It is difficult to separate oneself from one’s design moralities.
David Chipperfield
I think one of the blessings that I’ve had in watching, you know, films be made now from four of my books is to realize that it’s a separate thing. It’s a separate work.
Scott Turow
I don’t look at family and what I do for a living as separate things. They’re all kind of one thing, and this is part of their life just like it’s part of mine.
Chris Stapleton
If you’re really being honest with yourself when you’re acting, part of it is touching the real you. You can only separate yourself so much from the character. Those vulnerable moments do touch me.
John C. Reilly
You ask for your audience’s investment in your music; you’re in a relationship with them. And their relationship with the E Street Band is separate from whatever else I might do. I like the idea of us being something that people rely on.
Bruce Springsteen
I try to keep my private life private and the acting stuff separate.
Yvonne Strahovski
The best player’s responsibility is to unite and inspire your teammates to play up to their full maximum ability, and that never occurs if you try to separate yourself as part of the problem.
Jeff Van Gundy
Your work is a separate thing from you. You are this person who has your friends and your life, and you have to see the separation. If you see the separation between your work and yourself it’s so much easier.
Julie Brown
You can separate the church and state all you like, but Christmas is inescapable, and it’s marvellous, and it’s not going away.
Robert Rinder
Until you separate the speculative behaviour of the financial sector from the real economy and the financing of the real economy, then we are not going to see the kind of stability or the capacity to drive genuine, income-led growth as opposed to debt-fuelled, speculative behaviour.
Sharan Burrow
We need to fight for women’s rights, but I don’t want to separate women from men. We’re separated already because we’re not made the same, and it’s the difference that creates this energy in creation and love.
Marion Cotillard
The most significant thing is to always stay true to yourself. What brought you to where you are will continue to separate you. The thing is to be different.
Mickie James
I attack ideas. I don’t attack people. And some very good people have some very bad ideas. And if you can’t separate the two, you gotta get another day job. You don’t want to be a judge. At least not a judge on a multi-member panel.
Antonin Scalia
I would be lucky to be remembered as Harry Crane. That being said, I think it’s a goal for most actors to have the opportunity to play a variety of characters, so I hope any non-‘Mad Men’ role feels as separate as possible from Harry.
Rich Sommer
Every human being has hundreds of separate people livin

Every human being has hundreds of separate people living under his skin. The talent of a writer is his ability to give them their separate names, identities, personalities and have them relate to other characters living with him.
Mel Brooks
I can’t separate the process of writing from the visual process. I’m speaking only for myself here, but I’m a highly visual writer. In my imagination, when I’m thinking of a scene, I think of every last detail of it: The space, the color palette, the blocking of the actors, the placement of the camera.
Stephen Gaghan
When we separate music from life we get art.
John Cage
We are seeing the cells of plants and animals more and more clearly as chemical factories, where the various products are manufactured in separate workshops.
Eduard Buchner
There are so many things in life that divide us, that separate us and tear us apart, be it race, religion, creed, socioeconomic level, nationality or any variety of other factors. But running is something that we all share in common.
Dean Karnazes
Immigration and border security are two separate issues, but Paul Ryan has taken the wrong side on both of those, in fact.
Paul Nehlen
We who curate our Twitter feeds and Facebook walls understand that at least part of what we’re doing publicly, ‘like’-ing what we like, is trying to separate ourselves from the herd.
Garth Risk Hallberg
You have a different personality in front of the world than you do in front of your pals at home. I like to keep them separate.
John Stockton
It can have a secular purpose and have a relationship to God because God was presumed to be both over the state and the church, and separation of church and state was never meant to separate God from government.
Roy Moore
People always try to separate the good from the bad in Clinton and say that, if he had not done certain things, he would have been a great president. But you can’t do that. Those were his major characteristics.
David Maraniss
People always make that mistake when they talk about theatre – the notion of the ‘theatrical’ meaning something separate from life. If it doesn’t relate to life, it doesn’t relate to anything.
Brian Cox
What I like in novels that I read and enjoy is interplay of theme: the mystery of how we seem to be so separate as human beings.
Sebastian Faulks
Everyone Instagrams all the people they are with. I get that it’s part of the job. But there’s a point where it’s like, ‘Can’t you just be a person and have a separate life to your job?’
Edie Campbell
I’m not super-easily offended, but it’s a problem when someone’s making you feel different or separate because of your race.
Emma Weymouth
Having a separate bathroom for the black domestic was just the way things were done. It had faded out in new homes by the time the ’70s and ’80s rolled up.
Kathryn Stockett
Human beings around the world have to be taught to go, ‘Tamil equals Tamil civilians first, and the Tamil Tiger is a separate thing.’ And both of those groups are different. It’s like a square and a circle.
If I could separate ‘The Originals’ from ‘The Vampire Diaries’ in a nutshell, I’d say that ‘The Vampire Diaries’ is more coming-of-age, and we’re more these monsters reveling in who they are and what they are.
Joseph Morgan
It took me years to separate Nick Foles the person from Nick Foles the football player.
Nick Foles
I’m in a sport where people don’t look at us like women: they don’t look at us like being girls or feminine. But I’ve been girly all my life, and so I couldn’t separate… between the sport and being a woman.
Michelle Carter
Talent is talent, but fashion is separate, and it shouldn’t be used to judge me as a singer.
Alessia Cara
Presidential campaign and White House are two aggressively separate things. They still think I’m the weird kid in the corner, so I don’t have much power. But I’ll definitely do something to help.
Harper Reed
You know a lot of times wrestlers get too full of themselves. They can’t separate themselves from the characters. They get used to the excitement, the energy, the lifestyle and the money and with a lot of these guys, when it stops, they self-destruct.
Hulk Hogan
I never felt happy with the idea that part of what I do is to be an object to be looked at. I thought of my public persona as an entity separate to myself.
Juliana Hatfield
To separate children from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone.
Earl Warren
We were called, male and female, to do great works with separate approaches and separate assignments.
James E. Faust
I think in some ways I’m quite lucky to be living in London, there’s this certain separation from the movie business. In that way, it’s been quite easy to separate acting and going back to a normal life.
Freddie Highmore
A lot of the great songwriters in history have been collaborators, with a separate lyricist.
Mike Gordon
Every year I spend one month just sailing, but I still work when I’m on the boat. You never separate work from leisure. A boat is like a magic world, like a little island.
Renzo Piano
Boyfriends have to understand me and my needs. They have to know what I want out of my life and about my strict regime. I go to bed at 10pm and not later. I separate my professional and private lives.
Anna Kournikova
When sadness happens in the middle of work, I separate my personal grief from my train of thought.
Sergio Aragones
What can separate us from the love of God? Not life, not death, nothing in the present, nothing in the future. Not angels, not demons nothing is able to stand between us and his loving plans because you can’t stop them.
Kirk Cameron
The thing with Joy Division's music is that each member

The thing with Joy Division’s music is that each member was playing like a separate line. We hardly ever played together; we all played separately. But when you put it together, it was like the ingredients in a cake.
Peter Hook
The difference between graphic novels and web comics is even greater than graphic novels and story boarding. Web comics really is a legitimately separate genre.
Doug TenNapel
Going in and out of a proverbial ‘poor door’ – a separate entrance for income-restricted residents of mixed-income housing – of your city every day has its costs, even if the ‘poor door’ woman would be considered affluent in another location.
Alissa Quart
It shouldn’t be two separate styles between the first and second unit as much.
Nick Nurse
Artistry is important. Skill, hard work, rewriting, editing, and careful, careful craft: All of these are necessary. These are what separate the beginners from experienced artists.
Sarah Kay
I separate the world of startup communities into two constituencies – leaders and feeders. The leaders are entrepreneurs and the feeders everyone else.
Brad Feld
The realms of life are many. For each one, special sciences develop. But life itself is a unity, and the more deeply the sciences try to penetrate into their separate realms, the more they withdraw themselves from the vision of the world as a living whole.
Rudolf Steiner
I vividly remember segregation – separate schools, sitting in the balcony at the movie theater, being barred from the public swimming pool.
David Steward
We’re introducing separate rooms with double beds in all of our planes so people can actually go with their partner and have a proper night’s sleep.
Richard Branson
If the Pentagon truly confined itself to providing defense, then presumably we wouldn’t need a whole separate government agency to provide ‘Homeland Security.’
Timothy Noah
I am interested in exploring encounters where worlds meet and not where they separate.
Yasmine Hamdan
Anybody who respects democracy has to keep in mind that never in this country was a separate state carved out without a resolution being passed in the assembly.
Y. S. Jaganmohan Reddy
A person needs at intervals to separate himself from family and companions and go to new places. He must go without his familiars in order to be open to influences, to change.
Katharine Butler Hathaway
My normal cycle for movies is eighteen months and each part is separate.
M. Night Shyamalan
Growing up in New Orleans and just being in a poverty-stricken neighborhood gave me that same fire that Eazy had to separate himself from what could have ended up being such a bad situation.
Jason Mitchell
I am a Brazilian before I am an architect. I cannot separate the two.
Oscar Niemeyer
Your personal life is something that’s gonna last forever, and your career in stage, film, television, whatever, is not necessarily going to do that, so to keep the two separate’s a very good thing.
Lucy Griffiths
I love Kanye West. I think he’s a visionary. He’s one of those people for whom I separate his personality from his artistry.
Kane and Glenn Jacobs are two separate entities, you know.
Of course, all writers draw upon their personal experiences in describing day-to-day life and human relationships, but I tend to keep my own experiences largely separate from my stories.
Jeffery Deaver
I’ve always believed in good music over bad music. I believe in two sorts of musics. And the lines that separate us, I don’t believe in that. That’s for people who need to easily define what they’re hearing. Me, I’m cool with everything and anything I’m hearing that’s music. It comes under one definition for me.
I think of the Tycho sound as something separate from the band. I think the methodology and approach to production I use on the Tycho records can be applied to a lot of things. But from a performance and songwriting perspective, yes, Tycho is a live band.
I refuse to allow any man-made differences to separate me from any other human beings.
Maya Angelou
Sixty years after Brown v. Board of Education, it’s time for us to take a hard look at the separate and unequal conditions that still exist in our schools and our communities and rededicate ourselves to fulfilling the promise of equal opportunity for all.
Donna Brazile
I’m in the gym three to four days a week, depending on how I’m feeling. With chest, legs and back being the most important parts of any athlete’s body, I try to train these on separate days with at least a day off in between.
Albert Pujols
You know, we’re very private, and I think that we really separate and try to keep our privacy to ourselves. There’s things that people assume a lot of times, and we understand that people are interested, but we really try to keep our family life private as much as we can.
Tim McGraw
When we have a lot of the running, which we do on green screen, that is actually the hardest… I swear I have, like, four separate scenes in a row running, and I’d only done one at a time before.
Keiynan Lonsdale
Offense cuts you off from God. We separate ourselves from the pipeline. I’ve never seen anything block blessings from Heaven except offense.
John Bevere
I think of a book and a play, or a book and a movie, as two separate things – I don’t think of it as my novel having a new life.
Louis Sachar
Common sense steps in here and says: Separate the parts you want to be mobile from the parts you want to be inert. You have seen the result, and I know many have the skill to apply it.
Lawrence Hargrave
There’s a bit more of a safe distance when you’re making a narrative movie, a bit more perspective. Audiences can separate themselves from the harsh reality of the facts a little bit more and think: ‘Okay, how do I consider this?’
Tom McCarthy
We want the N.W.S.L. to grow. It is growing; it's conti

We want the N.W.S.L. to grow. It is growing; it’s continuously growing every year. We want it to be sustainable. It’s separate in the sense that this is a U.S. Soccer thing, but the idea is to grow soccer in general, and we want to do that any way we can.
Julie Ertz
I hate the way market forces try to separate us out in to the appropriate demographic – basically in order to sell us things. We need to find stories that we can enjoy together, not separately.
Emma Thompson
School systems should base their curriculum not on the idea of separate subjects, but on the much more fertile idea of disciplines… which makes possible a fluid and dynamic curriculum that is interdisciplinary.
Ken Robinson
The grand surprise has really been the fact that being an author, which to me had always implied being a private person, actually requires you to be a public person as well, and those are two separate entities to me.
Lois Lowry
I’m Irish; I grew up in Ireland, and it’s impossible to separate my background from who I am as a filmmaker.
Lenny Abrahamson
‘Gathering Blue’ was a separate book. I wanted to explore what a society might become after a catastrophic world event. Only at the end did I realize I could make it connect to ‘The Giver.’
Lois Lowry
Legally speaking, the term ‘public rights’ is as vague and indefinite as are the terms ‘public health,’ ‘public good,’ ‘public welfare,’ and the like. It has no legal meaning, except when used to describe the separate, private, individual rights of a greater or less number of individuals.
Lysander Spooner
I don’t understand this concept of women-oriented films or stories based on women, because nobody uses the term, a ‘man-oriented’ film. Why do you have to separate girls from boys?
Disha Patani
Islam does not believe in democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, or freedom of assembly. It does not separate religion and politics. It is partly a religion, but it is much more than that. It has a political agenda that goes far outside the realm of religion.
Pauline Hanson
I’m trying to be an activist, and I think of that as separate from my work as an artist. But it isn’t.
Ezra Furman
I lead two totally separate lives. There are times when I have to slip into rock star mode.
Martin Gore
I’m a severe graphic novels junkie. People ask me about it, and I say I like the graphic novels. Comic books are for kids, and graphic novels are for adults. But you can’t really separate the two.
Dave Pirner
At a time when too many people want to separate us by building walls, we here in Michigan are going to get back to building bridges together.
Gretchen Whitmer
I try to keep my professional life and my actual kid social life separate.
Emma Kenney
When you’re trying to bring the streets into rap to prove a point, then you already lost. You separate the two, and that ain’t to be played with. You’ve got people that lost their lives and people that are doing real time. If we gon’ make music, let’s just make music.
Young Jeezy
In the very beginning we were a real tight family but now it’s different. You know, toward the end, we had separate limos, stuff like that. It’s hard to get six giant egos in the same place.
Bill Kreutzmann
Now a lot has changed and I can separate a lot of things.
Jennifer Capriati
It’s like I cannot separate myself from Jon Jones.
Daniel Cormier
The arts equally have distinct departments, and unless photography has its own possibilities of expression, separate from those of the other arts, it is merely a process, not an art.
Alfred Stieglitz
People don’t realize there’s a whole separate entrance to the White House for journalists.
Sebastian Gorka
I don’t think we should see the world of books as fundamentally separate from the world of the Internet. Yes, the Internet contains a lot of videos of squirrels riding skateboards, but it can also be a place that facilitates big conversations about books.
John Green
There were 23 or 24 separate tax cuts during the Giuliani administration. I’d love to be able to equal that.
Joe Lhota
In ‘Finding Nemo,’ all of the voices were recorded separate – so I would be in a sound booth in a studio by myself reading the lines with just the director. Basically, you can just come in, and it doesn’t matter what you are wearing or what you look like; it is all about how your voice sounds.
Alexander Gould
The Semantic Web is not a separate Web but an extension of the current one, in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation.
Tim Berners-Lee
We will never allow anyone, any organization, or any political party, at any time or in any form, to separate any part of Chinese territory from China.
Xi Jinping
For years, the Bush Administration eviscerated all the military and legal structures that were designed to separate the innocent from the guilty in the ‘Global War on Terror.’
Alex Gibney
Before the boat docked, however, he confessed because he was contemplating running for president, he couldn’t separate from his wife. I believed him when he told me he faced a difficult choice between pursuing personal happiness and his political destiny.
Donna Rice
I’m not a huge Lovecraft fan as far as that goes; I think there are some stories of his that are really quite wonderful, but for the most part, I have great difficulties with his prose – and the more you know about the man, the harder it is to separate him from the work in many ways.
Greg Rucka
For me, writing is a job. I do not separate the work from the act of writing like two things that have nothing to do with each other. I arrange words one after another, or one in front of another, to tell a story, to say something that I consider important or useful, or at least important or useful to me.
Jose Saramago
CrowdStrike stands fully by its analysis and findings identifying two separate Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries present in the DNC network in May 2016.
Dmitri Alperovitch
Can miles truly separate you from friends… If you want to be with someone you love, aren’t you already there?
Richard Bach
I hope to do multiple characters throughout my life tha

I hope to do multiple characters throughout my life that are separate from me. I think it’s a cop-out if you play yourself in everything.
Kat Graham
I’ve been an art collector since the Sixties, and I kept it very separate from my showbusiness career. I’ve had art shows since the early Nineties, a museum show that travelled to four countries. I’ve had three or four art books; it’s just another way I have to tell stories.
John Waters
Moving to one show each season will significantly help to simplify many aspects of our business. Maintaining two separate, disconnected calendars has been a result of tradition rather than practicality.
Marco Bizzarri