Top 499 Truly Quotes

It’s got to do with putting yourself in other people’s shoes and seeing how far you can come to truly understand them. I like the empathy that comes from acting.
Christian Bale
A job should bring enough for a worker and family to live on, but after that, self-realization, the exercise of one’s gifts and talents, is what truly matters.
Michael Dirda
The day will come, however, when they will truly know the Unification Church and me. The day will come when the truth will be known and the message of love will be taught. On that day, their regret will be deep.
Sun Myung Moon
I doubt that the imagination can be suppressed. If you truly eradicated it in a child, he would grow up to be an eggplant.
Ursula K. Le Guin
I truly, truly believe that I was going in that direction and all of a sudden fate took me and put me here. It’s like something else has other plans for me.
Christopher Atkins
I sometimes truly despair at ever being meaningfully altered and affected by the things I claim are so important to me.
Olympia Dukakis
When shooting in real spaces, the work of a cinematographer begins where location meets production design meets time of day. No movie light will ever look as real as the sun, so scheduling becomes truly paramount to naturalistic lighting.
Rachel Morrison
I feel like a survivor from an age that people no longer understand. I want to try to explain what the 1930s – the golden age of Hollywood – was truly like. People forget that America was such a different place then, not yet the dominant force in the world.
Olivia De Havilland
There will be no end to the troubles of states, or of humanity itself, till philosophers become kings in this world, or till those we now call kings and rulers really and truly become philosophers, and political power and philosophy thus come into the same hands.
American football seems to resemble soccer in that one scores by putting the ball through the opponent’s goal; but football, truly is about land. The Settlers want to move the line of scrimmage Westward, the Native Americans want to move it East.
David Mamet
To truly repent of a big thing, you have to go into it with your heart open and force yourself to deal with it at that level and to apologize to God.
Bruce Wilkinson
Without peace, there is nothing truly human. Peace is harmony. And harmony is the highest ideal of life.
Klas Pontus Arnoldson
As chefs, especially pastry chefs, your creativity plays such an important part in your daily work. We truly do have a blank canvas to work with every time we create a new dish.
Johnny Iuzzini
If happiness truly consisted in physical ease and freedom from care, then the happiest individual would not be either a man or a woman; it would be, I think, an American cow.
William Lyon Phelps
Every observation that we make, every mission that we send to various places in the solar system is just taking us one step further to finding that truly habitable environment, a water-rich environment.
Heidi Hammel
You’re not the only one who’s made mistakes, but they’re the only things that you can truly call your own.
Billy Joel
Medical Device technology is truly interdisciplinary.

Medical Device technology is truly interdisciplinary.
Chris Toumazou
To build a truly diverse economy with a pipeline of skilled labor, technical college in Georgia should be free, and students should be able to graduate debt-free from the public institution of their choice.
Stacey Abrams
I truly believe that getting dressed in the morning is about deciding who you want to be, what you’re saying in the world, and how you want people to see you. It’s so much more than superficial.
Elaine Welteroth
Be that self which one truly is.
Soren Kierkegaard
To truly rid the oceans of plastic, what we need to do is two things: One, we need to clean up the legacy pollution, the stuff that has been accumulating for decades and doesn’t go away by itself. But, two, we need to close the tap, which means preventing more plastic from reaching the oceans in the first place.
Boyan Slat
For a truly religious man nothing is tragic.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Being yourself is one of the hardest things because it’s scary. You always wonder whether you’ll be accepted for who you really are. I decided to call my record ‘Inside Out’ because that’s my motto about life. I don’t think you ever succeed at trying to be anyone else but who you truly are.
Emmy Rossum
Climate change is a global problem. The planet is warming because of the growing level of greenhouse gas emissions from human activity. If this trend continues, truly catastrophic consequences are likely to ensue from rising sea levels, to reduced water availability, to more heat waves and fires.
Malcolm Turnbull
The Germanic invasions destroyed neither the Mediterranean unity of the ancient world, nor what may be regarded as the truly essential features of the Roman culture as it still existed in the 5th century, at a time when there was no longer an Emperor in the West.
Henri Pirenne
You become a better dater when you have a truly fulfilling life that is not dependent on someone else. Even if someone leaves, your life continues unscathed.
Matthew Hussey
I have campaigned all over the state of South Carolina. It is the friendliest state in the country. And truly here people judge you by the content of your character not the color of your skin.
Tim Scott
It was an experience that was exceptional. People frequently ask what it was like and it truly was inspiring. Sometimes during his lifetime, people would try and put him on a pedestal and that’s not where he wanted to be, but he was really a great individual.
John Sexton
We will act consistently with our view of who we truly are, whether that view is accurate or not.
Tony Robbins
I truly believe you have to take things as they come, win or lose, and keep believing in how you want to do things and how you want to play.
Nuno Espirito Santo
But what is after all the happiness of mere power? There is a greater happiness possible than to be lord of heaven and earth; that is the happiness of being truly loved.
Lafcadio Hearn
The only truly affluent are those who do not want more than they have.
Erich Fromm
Many jobs at Google require math, computing, and coding skills, so if your good grades truly reflect skills in those areas that you can apply, it would be an advantage. But Google has its eyes on much more.
Thomas Friedman
I always feel like it’s two key ingredients when it comes to following your dreams, making something happen that the average person deems difficult. If you truly believe it, that’s step one. Step two, is, you know, the hard work that goes along with it.
J. Cole
I think every player who truly loves basketball wants to be in the game at all times.
Jalen Brunson
The human eye uses the eyebrow as an anchor point for the rest of the face. This is why a woman can look truly stunning without any makeup but perfectly shaped, full eyebrows.
Anastasia Soare
I had been an eyewitness to a truly historic moment in American pop culture.
Jean Shepherd
What is happiness? Happiness, I think, has to come in the beginning, truly, from feeling a sense of well-being within yourself.
Goldie Hawn
I think modern medicine has become like a prophet offering a life free of pain. It is nonsense. The only thing I know that truly heals people is unconditional love.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Katherine Johnson is a shining example of what you can truly do with hard work and persistence. Under what had to be the most difficult of circumstances she persevered and stuck to her values. She is a real West Virginia and American hero. To honor her legacy every August 26th, on her birthday, is the least we can do.
Jim Justice
If you are with people you truly love, then the simplest meal can feel so romantic.
Fala Chen
If we look to the saints, this great luminous wake with which God has passed through history, we truly see that here is a force for good that survives through millennia; here is truly light from light.
Pope Benedict XVI
And what unity is to be had, at a time when orchestras are dying out, and when opera houses are about to close their doors; what’s going to come next – when nothing new in music, for the orchestra, is truly lasting: pieces are performed once, and then they’re thrown away.
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Unfortunately, we can never truly know if we’re making the right decision. What we do know is that wherever we are, that’s where the Light wants us to be. It’s the best place for us to be now. And as long as we don’t try to control the situation, then we won’t end up in the place we shouldn’t be.
Yehuda Berg
Laverne Cox, Isis King, Janet Mock, Our Lady J, Ryan Murphy, Steven Canals, the people I’ve met growing up, and even me – all have inspired me to see that it is possible to get far anywhere and that the capacity for positive and motivating influence is truly unlimited.
Indya Moore
Man has, as it were, become a kind of prosthetic God. When he puts on all his auxiliary organs, he is truly magnificent; but those organs have not grown on him and they still give him much trouble at times.
Sigmund Freud
I certainly want people to like my writing, but I know that if I write with the intention of trying to please people, the writing will not be good because it will not be authentic. So, ironically, I have to be willing to write something strange or unlovable in order to write anything truly good.
Amity Gaige
It's difficult to feel as though you are truly being ef

It’s difficult to feel as though you are truly being effective at work. Many of us feel trapped in endless meetings, with barely any time to grab lunch, let alone do any work. Overarching strategies and key priorities seem completely divorced from the day-to-day tactics.
Chris Fussell
Having your worst nightmares kind of come true is truly liberating.
Eddie Alvarez
The world has never yet seen a truly great and virtuous nation because in the degradation of woman the very fountains of life are poisoned at their source.
Lucretia Mott
When we, as a nation, put our minds to something, when we truly choose to care about something, change always happens.
Megan Rapinoe