Top 50 Adam West Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Adam West Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

How many actors have a shot at being a part of somethin

How many actors have a shot at being a part of something that became a part of pop culture? It’s been very rewarding. I’m not getting the 20 million bucks for the new movies, but at least I’m getting warmth and recognition from people wherever I go.
Adam West
I don’t paint butter dishes, doilies, or hummingbirds in my garden. It’s more raw, I suppose. But it always creates a reaction.
Adam West
The wonderful thing with some of the things I’ve done – most of them, really – is to be trusted. To be able to do your thing, to work on it, hone it into my gem of creativity!
Adam West
Any incarnation of ‘Batman’ I am delighted to do.
Adam West
I like Christian Bale. I’ve heard he’s a big fan of mine, but I certainly reciprocate. I think he’s really very good.
Adam West
Anything with ‘Family Guy’ is great.
Adam West
I’ve always tried to fit what I do professionally into my family, rather than the other way around.
Adam West
It’s a wonderful thing to be able to make fun of yourself and to do it in a way that sort of preserves your dignity but, at the same time, lets you play the theater of the absurd.
Adam West
I love to do voiceover because, for me, if you know what you’re doing, it’s simple. No makeup, no costuming, none of the baloney. None of the egos – you don’t have to deal with all that crap. I love voiceovers.
Adam West
I’ve hung on for a long time in this business and had some success, and I think it’s keeping an open mind and being curious and having a sense of humor about oneself that’s important.
Adam West
I’m like Madonna: I keep reinventing myself.
Adam West
If you paint a picture and I paint a picture, we each want to do it our own way. And we’ll stand or fall on whatever we did.
Adam West
Anything that triggers good memories can’t be all bad.
Adam West
Look at ‘Batman’ – that was theater of the absurd, as is ‘Family Guy.’
Adam West
When you wear a mask and create a character, nothing will pigeonhole you faster.
Adam West
Typecasting is really rampant in Hollywood, and because I played a costumed character and did it successfully, it was a real stigma.
Adam West
When I got the part, I tried to remember Batman as I knew him when I was a kid – with emotional recall.
Adam West
I’ve been able to reinvent myself and to keep an audience going at whatever age. This is terrific. I mean, how many actors get that chance?
Adam West
‘Batman’ was a colorful and wild ride.
Adam West
Burgess Meredith taught me a lot about wine.
Adam West
I’m not a vindictive kind of guy.
Adam West
I have no patience with dinosaurs.
Adam West
I’m very lucky. I do voiceovers, ‘Family Guy,’ on and on, and quite frankly, I’m one of the luckiest actors in the world. I was able to create a character who became iconic.
Adam West
I grew up on a ranch in Walla Walla, Washington. Except for one lawyer, I don’t remember anyone in my family being anything else but ranchers.
Adam West
I was victimized by the old Hollywood typecasting thing. I had to really fight to get out of it, so I was uncomfortable with it.
Adam West
I think it’s an actor’s job, if you can, to keep working and to keep using that muscle. First of all, you’ve got to pay the bills, but it also helps you develop.
Adam West
Playing Batman is an actor’s challenge. First, it’s different; then, you have to reach a multi-level audience. The kids take it straight, but for adults, we have to project it further.
Adam West
Life is full of ironies and absurdities.
Adam West
I’m interested in film – any aspect – acting, directing, writing.
Adam West
The new ‘Dark Knight’ movies, they’re wonderful in their own way.
Adam West
In the late ’60s, there were the the three B’s: The Beatles, Batman, and Bond.
Adam West
Some nights, I wear my cape, and I go out on the pier.

Some nights, I wear my cape, and I go out on the pier. It is foggy… I look for… Riddler.
Adam West
I have become convinced that everything that is classy doesn’t go away.
Adam West
You have no idea the people I meet when I do these Comic-Cons. When I go sign autographs and say hello to people, I see everything!
Adam West
Oh, it’s fun to be an icon!
Adam West
I just go my own way. If my agent calls and presents me with something, and I find it refreshing or illuminating, yeah, I’ll do it.
Adam West
I am a simple man, though my wife says I am complicated. I’ll trust her on that one.
Adam West
To play the leading man in a ‘Three Stooges’ movie, you’ve got to think funny. Thank God I think funny.
Adam West
When I got to Hollywood, there wasn’t even a Boulevard. I’m that old. It was just a little dirt trail. I’m kidding.
Adam West
My paintings capture the humor, zaniness, and depth of the Batman villains as well as the Freudian motivations of Batman as an all-too-human, venerable, and funny vigilante superhero.
Adam West
My grandfather and my father had wheat ranches, so we had quite a few trucks around and a lot of mules. Talk about horsepower – we had mule power.
Adam West
Isn’t it fun to be nuts? Isn’t it fun to be crazy?
Adam West
Favorite Bat-gadget was probably the Batboat, because it was fun to get out on the ocean and run that thing around at high speed.
Adam West
The Batmobile wasn’t a stickshift, and it was a challenge to drive, believe me.
Adam West
I’ve been almost everywhere. But I’ve never been to the steppes of Latvia. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do.
Adam West
To be an icon… I guess that’s a privilege.
Adam West
You’ve got a guy in a cape and tights running around fighting crime 24-7; this is not normal. But it worked because the kids loved it and the adults laughed with it.
Adam West
I am a private person. I don’t need a lot of company. And I find it really, really difficult to talk about myself.
Adam West
It’s part of my character not to take myself too seriously. That’s one of the reasons I’ve been able to survive.
Adam West
I don’t want to be Batman. Let Val Kilmer do it. I just want to be Uncle Batman. I have this whole ‘warm relationship’ plot in my mind. In the final scenes, the new Batmobile breaks down, the new Batman’s stranded on the side of the road. We grab our old Batmobile, pick him up and drive away.
Adam West