Top 505 Anyway Quotes

I’ve done a lot of that kind of work before, anyway, and I was in good hands.
Marton Csokas
Before I’d even started doing music or having opportunities with my own music, I was studying production and business and stuff anyway. I knew there were so many jobs within the music industry – songwriting or session playing or working at a label – and I was really interested in how it all works.
Gabrielle Aplin
As soon as someone tells me: ‘You’re rather sexy,’ I wish I could disappear. If somebody says: ‘You were voted the world’s sexiest man,’ I have no idea what that means. How do I respond? ‘Thank you’ is the best you can do. George Clooney is the world’s sexiest man, anyway.
Daniel Craig
Some people can’t sing – like honestly – but they’re famous anyway, and they might be famous for being an artist, which is completely different from being a singer.
Zara Larsson
I’m into all things German. Everything that I own is German. As far as cars go, anyway.
Jason Statham
The ego mind both professes its desire for love and does everything possible to repel it, or if it gets here anyway, to sabotage it. That is why dealing with issues like control, anger, and neediness is the most important work in preparing ourselves for love.
Marianne Williamson
Maybe I should say that memory interests me a great deal, because I think we all tell stories of our lives to ourselves as well as to other people. Well, women do, anyway. Women do this a lot. And I think when men get older, they do this too, but maybe in slightly different terms.
Alice Munro
German readers are much like Brits or Americans: They read for the thrill of it, the occasional shudder down the spine, knowing it’s not real – but looking over their shoulders anyway, just in case.
Brian Lumley
It’s a very telling thing when you have children. You have to be there for them, you’ve got to set an example, when you’re not sure what your example is, and anyway the world is changing so fast you don’t know what is appropriate anymore.
Annie Lennox
I’m from Jersey, so I have a love of T.G.I. Friday’s and chain restaurants in general. When you go to a Friday’s, it seems like everyone’s on ecstasy and way too happy anyway.
Lorene Scafaria
If we focus on our health, including our inner health,

If we focus on our health, including our inner health, our self-esteem, and how we look at ourselves and our confidence level, we’ll tend to be healthier people anyway, we’ll tend to make better choices for our lives, for our bodies, we’ll always be trying to learn more, and get better as time goes on.
Queen Latifah
As a coach, you’ve got to do what’s best for the team. If guys don’t like it, they’re going to leave. If they stay and don’t like it, well, your team’s going to suck anyway. Even if this happens, you still have to do it. You can’t coach worrying about any individual.
Doc Rivers
First, philosophy concerns itself with all kinds of issues that don’t get much airtime in day-to-day life. What’s the nature of reality? Can we ever truly know anything, and if so, how? What does it mean to be a moral agent? And while we’re at it, is there any such thing as agency anyway?
Kathryn Schulz
My first single I was nominated for a Grammy with ‘Crank That,’ and I lost a Grammy to Kanye West, but it was still such a big deal for me to be nominated anyway.
Soulja Boy
In my final year of law school, everything became real. Malaysian TV shows wanted me to perform big concerts. So, after graduating, I decided to go for it. I didn’t think I’d be a good lawyer anyway.
I don’t really have that much contact with Americans. I mean, I see the oddest things on the Internet, I suppose. And I’ve got a couple of American friends, but they are Anglophiles anyway because they’ve decided to come live here.
Robert Webb
My diet is mostly chicken and fish. I make sure I get a lot of vegetables, a lot of fruit. I am a big fruit man, I am a vegetable man anyway. And I also get a lot of rest. That’s the key I may be up early, but I’m in bed early too.
Magic Johnson
I had this dream in my head of, if I got hired by ‘SNL, what that moment would be like. And I dreamed that I would, like, collapse on the sidewalk and cry to the heavens. I got this call, and it didn’t happen naturally. But I did it anyway because I wanted to have that moment. So I did collapse.
Kate McKinnon
It’s always been said that comedy comes mostly out of the dark side anyway.
Alan Thicke
It’s true, you can never eat a pet you name. And anyway, it would be like a ventriloquist eating his dummy.
Alexander Theroux
You’re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway.
Walt Disney
I refuse to dance. And I can’t dance anyway. I’m not in a band for that.
Liam Gallagher
As my family saw them, men were untrustworthy, weak, and selfish. Our mother taught us to get along without them, to get along without much of anything, and to live well and have fun anyway.
Kate Christensen
But do I think that our actions in anyway violate the War Powers Resolution, the answer is no.
Barack Obama
My process is very disempowering to the director anyway, so it’s essential that you be respectful. Once we’ve sort of found the scene, I have to get out of there, because you don’t want to split the actor’s idea of who’s in charge.
David Milch
Celebrities become excluded from everyday life, kind of in exile in an echelon that is deemed better, anyway: Life of celebrity, all the fame and glamor.
Jack Gleeson
I was a fat kid who didn’t discover the joys of active play at the time of life when we’re supposed to be imprinted with a love of movement. That means that I’d rather be called for jury duty than go to the gym, but I go anyway.
Victoria Moran
Because so many voters happen to be illiterate, India invented the party symbol, so that voters who could not read the name of their candidate could vote for him or her anyway by recognizing the symbol under which they campaigned.
Shashi Tharoor
I think women are sick and tired of being portrayed as victims, a lot of the time anyway, the bulk of their time on film.
Troy Duffy
I’m not affiliated with either Wikileaks or Anonymous – of course, it’s not like I would tell you anyway if I were because the whole point is to be anonymous.
Jonathan Nolan
I get to actually experience what it would be like to be a psycho, which is not a fun one, or to be a cowboy, or to be a weird character of some sort. For me, it suits me. It suits my personality. I’m an emotional kind of person anyway.
Josh Holloway
If fans are going to turn on me because of this, they weren’t my fans anyway. I couldn’t betray a whole 25 years of record making and not do this. I had to.
John Mellencamp
I do find it strange, doing magazine shoots. Photographers always go, ‘Why don’t you like to have your picture taken? That’s what you do for a living anyway. Just pretend you’re acting. It’s the same thing!’
James McAvoy
I can understand there are things like shadows they need to fix after a shoot, but it’s unfair to represent an image of yourself if it’s not true. They’re gonna see what you look like on film anyway, so why try to cover all your wobbly bits in a photo?
Emily Blunt
Frankly, as much as I love to improvise, it hasn’t been difficult to stick to the script on ‘Mad Men.’ The writing is so precise, and the story so carefully crafted, that I don’t think there’s room – or need – for ad libbing. I could never come up with dialogue as lovely as these writers do, anyway.
Rich Sommer
I believe in Father Frost. But not too deeply. But anyway, you know, I’m not one of those people who are able to tell the kids that Father Frost does not exist.
Dmitry Medvedev
There was a minor burst of macho nuttiness after ‘Jaws’ came out, in which people would go off in shark tournaments and come back holding the bloody heads of these animals and say, ‘Look what I did.’ But they’ve been doing that for hundreds of thousands of years anyway.
Peter Benchley
I had a lil’ chub-chub moment from ages 7 to 11. If somebody was teasing, they’d go straight to my fat. I was so insecure, I kept my shirt on in the pool, which is the worst because it sticks to your stomach anyway.
Jason Derulo
We were just a gaggle of kids, and everybody played together and had a good time. You know how kids can be completely horrible – abusive but fun. But anyway, it was a nice childhood.
Peter Jurasik
Sometimes we feel like we’re only interacting with what’s already happening; we don’t actually affect anything – sometimes I feel like that, anyway.
I guess I just don’t have a talent for it, some women just aren’t the marrying kind – or anyway, not the permanent marrying kind, and I’m one of them.
Jane Wyman
I'm proud of my lineage but never really depended on it

I’m proud of my lineage but never really depended on it anyway whatsoever.
Shruti Haasan
History proves that most writers get forgotten anyway. That’s very likely to happen to my books, and if I’m extremely lucky, maybe one of my books will survive.
Michel Faber
I don’t like most Christmas movies. They’re pretty bad, though they seem to make tons of money anyway. Like this movie ‘Elf,’ I got the script for that, and I turned it down right away. Against my wife’s better judgment.
Terry Zwigoff
When I decided to be a musician I reckoned that that was going to be the way of less profit, less money. I was sort of giving up the idea of making a lot of money. It was what I loved to do. I would have done it anyway. If I’d had to work at Taco Bell I’d have still been out at night trying to play music.
Tom Petty
But the answer to how to live is to stop thinking about it. And just to live. But you’re doing that anyway. However you intellectualise it, you still just live.
Damien Hirst
I think, for me anyway, music and film is where you can really transport yourself to another universe.
Teresa Palmer
I’ve never been that guy who says, ‘Ooh, I have to play King Lear’. First off, that’d be a disaster anyway. I tend to read something and see who’s involved, and then know I want to be part of it. But I don’t think I’m through with comedy. I still love to make people laugh.
Ted Danson
My feeling is, I do a lot of low-budget films. I don’t do low-budget acting. I have no interest in just goofballing my way through, thinking, ‘Ah, no one’s ever going to see this anyway.’
Lance Henriksen