Top 505 Anyway Quotes

I had the good fortune of speaking with Orson Wells many decades ago and he said ‘Success is primarily luck anyway.’ And I have been very lucky. Of course, Orson Wells was enormously talented and brilliant – so who am I to argue with him!
George Kennedy
The other puppeteers are really good, often when they are singing together, they go left, right, left… But if they are all moving to the left, I’m moving to the right. Big Bird and Oscar, that’s okay, because they are individuals anyway.
Caroll Spinney
What is beauty, anyway? It’s more than something pleasant looking. If it doesn’t stop us in our tracks and make us unable to move for a moment, unable to put into words what’s closing off the breath in our throats, then maybe it’s pretty, but it probably isn’t beauty.
Alan Alda
The words I use too often are X-rated, something an old man like me shouldn’t be talking about anyway.
George Clinton
I don’t like to make a big splash anyway.
Larry David
Hong Kong cinema is something you can’t duplicate anyway.
Martin Scorsese
Because success is such a weasel word anyway, it's such

Because success is such a weasel word anyway, it’s such a horribly American word, and it’s such a vamp and, I think it’s a death trap.
Daniel Berrigan
If I get to be president, what can I do anyway? With Congress and the press, what chance do I have to make basic changes?
Robert Kennedy
I think everyone can relate to the idea of making a bad choice – and knowing it’s a bad choice – but doing it anyway.
Kathleen Robertson
All the president is, is a glorified public relations man who spends his time flattering, kissing, and kicking people to get them to do what they are supposed to do anyway.
Harry S Truman
I got married very young and put my career on the back burner for the most part because that’s what you did in those days. I’ve never been a pushy, ambitious type of person anyway.
Michael Learned
I miss my parents a lot. I obviously don’t see them loads anyway because they live up north. But knowing that they’re only a couple of hours away is a lot different than knowing that they’re 12 hours away.
Harry Styles
I got a lot of flak originally for writing with photographs, because the great cliche in photography is that one photograph is worth a thousand words, and photographers are usually dodo birds anyway.
Duane Michals
I think I just pick really smart and motivated people to work with – people who are probably going to do great things anyway – and I just teach them what I know, maybe teach them how to think a little clearer than they did before, and then off they go.
Tucker Max
Time dissolves in summer anyway: days are long, weekends longer. Hours get all thin and watery when you are lost in the book you’d never otherwise have time to read. Senses are sharper – something about the moist air and bright light and fruit in season – and so memories stir and startle.
Nancy Gibbs
There’s something that happens in that delivery room, when a woman becomes ten times more a woman, and a guy becomes six times less a man. You feel really dopey and useless and like a spectator. I did, anyway.
Paul Reiser
I want to be a better person in every aspect. I really don’t feel I’ve in anyway fulfilled my potential in every area of my life. But I’m optimistic.
Damon Albarn
Keep your eyes open. Make mistakes – because you will anyway – and remember that small stuff stinks but that it’s also essential.
Adam Sadowsky
You always have guilt as a working mum, and you overcompensate by buying them loads of things. That was what I was doing, anyway. I’ve kind of realised now that I’m the best mum that I can be.
Rebecca Ferguson
I’ve done a lot of costume drama and theatre – the National Theatre and In fact, most of my work at the theatre, at the National Theatre anyway, was period.
Brenda Blethyn
It’s about getting in position and taking a swing. I don’t care if you’re taking steroids or not; if you don’t do those two things, it’s not going to matter anyway.
Tony Gwynn
I do feel that the boys are getting left out. Girls will read boys’ books, but boys won’t read girls’ books. If you’re writing for a girl, you’ve got most of the audience on your side anyway.
S. E. Hinton
But Sneaky Pete was great. I didn’t bug him about Gram. Not too much, anyway.
Evan Dando
When my children were very young, I was slated to go on a business trip. When it was nearly canceled, I decided I wouldn’t tell anyone and go off for a week’s vacation anyway. In the end, the trip went off as planned. But I was intrigued by the idea of an illicit holiday.
Sophie Hannah
Anyway, the title The War of the Insect Gods came before we had that ending, before we knew they had become gods. That we knew the evolutionary cycle they went through. Before we even knew anything about that. We had an ending.
Michael O’Donoghue
He used to have a tent show, a little tent show, and I thought I was going to get a job working one year on the tent show, but he closed it down and I never got to go out there, but anyway, he had a sax and played drums.
Earl Scruggs
What’s revolting is the body-positivity movement. What’s revolting is this idea now that you can tell women they’ll be happy and healthy at any size. Why? Because it tells women that you can be fat, and you can be unattractive, and you can be happy anyway. That’s a lie.
Milo Yiannopoulos
I just randomly fell into acting. I was so young at the time that I never really thought about acting… After I was into it, I had a feeling that I was going to end up doing this anyway somehow.
Tye Sheridan
I want the people of New Jersey to jump off a cliff like Kurt Vonnegut so I can show them how to fly. This way, nobody needs to grow any wings, which would be impossible anyway because we’re humans and not some kind of bird.
Richie Sambora
People speculate on your personal life all the time anyway. So I just think it’s important to keep my private life private and my public persona more into music, you know?
My sense is if the Episcopal Church can’t stand challenge within its own ranks, then it is not a church I would want to be a member of anyway.
John Shelby Spong
If someone has it inside them to commit an act, then that act would be committed anyway. It’s very easy for someone to place the blame on something other than the person who committed the act. It’s people looking for scapegoats, you know?
Cliff Burton
That’s not the part of the story that I’m interested in, anyway. The part that I’m interested in is all the personal stuff. I tried to base the powers on family archetypes.
Brad Bird
I was a pretty scrappy, tough kid; I got in all sorts of fights at school. I defended myself – boys didn’t mess with me. But as one of seven children, you have to fight for everything anyway.
Amy Adams
There’s no doubt in the world that directing makes you a better actor. Me, anyway. There’s no doubt in the world that it makes me a more collaborative actor.
Campbell Scott
I’ve occasionally wished I had Caller ID. Even telemarketers, I hate to hang up on them. I try to explain I’m not interested, but they have all these canned responses so I end up having to hang up on them anyway.
John Shelton Reed
I like acting impulsively, but I’m also extremely thoughtful about what I do. So, it’s not like someone would say ‘Don’t do something,’ and I’d automatically go, ‘I’m gonna do it anyway.’
Lily Collins
The work which is manipulated looks a little boring to

The work which is manipulated looks a little boring to me. I think life is pretty strange anyway. It is wooo, wooo, wooo!
Annie Leibovitz
There’s nothing to be said for being famous. It’s a pain. You can’t be rude to people – it’s inexcusable not to be nice. Anyway, it’s not in my nature. I was trained to be nice.
Terry Wogan
I wrote that letter, and the one to Nixon. And I wrote more letters, and I thought it might be a magazine article. At that time I sent it to Esquire and Playboy, but anyway, I kept writing, and all of sudden I had enough and thought, well maybe it is a book.
Don Novello
We don’t get groupies, well I don’t see them, anyway. That was something that I always looked forward to and am constantly disappointed by the lack of!
Mark Webber
I suppose there are times when I can’t believe that I’ve lived the way that I have and done the things that I’ve done. Life’s a joke anyway. It’s all ridiculous. It’s all so short.
Lauren Bacall
I’ve reached the point where I hardly care whether I live or die. The world will keep on turning without me, and I can’t do anything to change events anyway.
Anne Frank
With social networks these days, everyone needs to know everything all the time. But the problem is, people are so used to short snippets of information that no one has any attention span anymore. I don’t, anyway.
Eliot Sumner
I don’t think there’s anything cliche feminine about Jane Austen. And, anyway, her earliest champions were Sir Walter Scott and the Prince Regent.
Whit Stillman
Novel-writing is a bit like deception. You lie as little as you possibly can. That’s the way I do it, anyway.
Joseph O’Neill
Some of you guys are going to boo, but I’m going to say it anyway. I don’t like dogs.
Jill Soloway
I directed before I was even in television; I directed in the theatre for seven years, so that was my trade anyway. But in the UK, I’ve given up any hope of being considered a director.
Mel Smith
The thing with TV and filming is the timing is all faked anyway. You do it so many times, from so many different angles. You never really do it all in one go anyway, so they just fix it all in the edit.
Simon Bird
There’s no point thinking about dying, because it’s going to happen anyway, isn’t it? I don’t waste my time worrying about that.
I urge you children to be patient with your parents. If they seem to be out of touch on such vital issues as dating, clothing styles, modern music, and use of family cars, listen to them anyway. They have the experience that you lack.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
I’ve noticed that my resolutions involve me not doing stuff that I wasn’t going to do anyway so here’s something more positive. I’m going to retrain as a Latin teacher in a provincial public school.
Arthur Smith