Top 505 Taxes Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Taxes Quotes from famous people such as Pierre Poilievre, Lori Lightfoot, Brian Baird, Stephen Moore, Jason Day, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Any politician promising not to raise your taxes is lik

Any politician promising not to raise your taxes is like a vampire promising to become a vegetarian.
Pierre Poilievre
I support progressive revenue sources that ease the burden on low-income and working-class individuals and families who are least able to shoulder the burden of regressive taxes and fees.
Lori Lightfoot
Governing isn’t as easy as you think. Many of you have taken pledges that are contradictory – to balance the budget and cut taxes, for example. You must be honest about the numbers, since our annual deficit now exceeds all discretionary spending combined.
Brian Baird
The war on driving includes calls for carbon and gas taxes, tens of billions of gas tax money diverted to inefficient and little-used mass transit projects, and opposition to building new roads and highways.
Stephen Moore
I don’t feel that old, but when I talk to these kids, I do feel old. Because I’m talking about taxes and all this other stuff that is very, very boring. And these guys are talking about music, and I’m like, ‘Oh, I remember those days.’
Jason Day
If you want to know why Republicans and conservatives are in a political crisis, you need only consider the fact that the Right’s deeply held view now boils down to this: Taxes should not go up on the wealthy, and your health benefits should be cut.
John Podhoretz
In 2008, Goldman Sachs only paid 1.1 percent of its income in taxes even though it earned a profit of $2.3 billion and received an almost $800 billion from the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury Department.
Bernie Sanders
People ask how I can be a conservative and still want higher taxes. It makes my head spin, and I guess it shows how old I am. But I thought that conservatives were supposed to like balanced budgets. I thought it was the conservative position to not leave heavy indebtedness to our grandchildren.
Ben Stein
When I left Washington, we actually had a balanced budget and we paid down the most amount of the national debt in modern history and cut taxes and created jobs. And I was the chief architect of that plan in ’97.
John Kasich
Retired Americans living on Social Security, exempt from taxes because their income is modest, are not the problem.
Pat Buchanan
Men at a distance, who have admired our systems of government unfounded in nature, are apt to accuse the rulers, and say that taxes have been assessed too high and collected too rigidly.
Henry Knox
Washington has got to, across the board, lower taxes for small businesses so that our mom and pops can reinvest and hire people, so that our businesses can thrive.
Sarah Palin
We have to have an adequate number of taxes and an adequate amount of taxes.
Robert J. Bentley
If you are extremely well known and have a very desirable product, then yes, you probably do suffer a bit from piracy, in the same way that if you make a lot of money, you pay more in taxes than if you don’t make any money.
Tim O’Reilly
It’s critical to show that we can meet our commitment to students with disabilities without raising taxes and without increasing the deficit. In the past, there’s been strong support for full funding and I’m still hearing that from many of my colleagues.
Jared Polis
I have every right to know how my taxes are spent, how every single penny of it is spent. I have the right to know that.
Jesse Ventura
I don’t rule out raising some taxes into the future.
Leo Varadkar
Every time you cut programs, you take away a person who has a vested interest in high taxes and you put him on the tax rolls and make him a taxpayer. A farmer on subsidies is part welfare bum, whereas a free-market farmer is a small businessman with a gun.
Grover Norquist
Inheritance taxes are so high that the happiest mourner at a rich man’s funeral is usually Uncle Sam.
Olin Miller
Political leaders in Illinois kicked the can down the road, raised taxes, and ignored fiscal realities. Now, they’re realizing the consequences of their actions: credit downgrades and negative outlooks.
Scott Walker
The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of the recession because that would just suck up and take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole.
Barack Obama
So, in Europe, they’re cutting people’s retirement and health benefits. And that’s what we want to avoid from happening. They’re raising taxes, entering a recession. That’s the kind of economic program that President Obama has put in place.
Paul Ryan
There were no jobs created in America from 1945, when the war ended, through 2003. How could there be? Taxes were too high. Preposterously so under Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan (who left office with a 28 percent rate on long-term capital gains) and Bush the Elder.
Andrew Tobias
Some solutions are relatively simple and would provide economic benefits: implementing measures to conserve energy, putting a price on carbon through taxes and cap-and-trade and shifting from fossil fuels to clean and renewable energy sources.
David Suzuki
While the Left seems obsessed with increasing taxes and spending even more money, conservatives have focused more heavily on the need for spending restraint and entitlement reform – primarily to preserve and protect the future of the Medicare program. Overlooked in all of this is the future of Medicaid.
Fred Upton
If I had the day off and knew everyone else was voting, I wouldn’t miss it. It would become a routine part of my responsibility as a citizen – like paying taxes, only less soul crushing.
Adam Grant
What hinders the middle class the most is taxes, and what hinders business from creating jobs and moving people into the middle class are regulations.
Kathy Szeliga
I believe that hardworking people should retain as much of the money as they can in terms of the taxes that they pay. But I think everybody should pay their taxes.
Karren Brady
The argument that any income redistribution is tantamount to socialism, and that socialism has always been unAmerican, has helped legitimise keeping taxes on America’s very wealthy very low.
Linda Colley
The big winners under the American fiscal system are the rich, who pay some of the lowest taxes anywhere in the world; the old, who are the main beneficiaries of the American social service state; farmers, rural people. These are Republican constituencies.
David Frum
I am favor of cutting taxes under any circumstances and for any excuse, for any reason, whenever it’s possible.
Milton Friedman
The traditional divide between left and right, capital

The traditional divide between left and right, capital and labor, small state and big state, high taxes and low taxes doesn’t define politics in the way it did in the past.
Leo Varadkar
I plan to lower corporate taxes to create an environment that encourages companies to invest more.
Lee Myung-bak
Governments should end the extreme concentration of wealth in order to end poverty. This means tackling tax dodging but also increasing taxes on wealth and high incomes to ensure a more level playing field and generate the billions of dollars needed to invest in healthcare, education, and job creation.
Winnie Byanyima
Jesus said that we should render to the state what properly belongs to the state, and though he had taxes in mind, we might reasonably infer that giving the state the job of punishing wrongdoers is one way of giving the state its due.
Lewis B. Smedes
How does one leave Social Security and Medicare untouched, grow defense by more than $50 billion, slash taxes, launch a $1 trillion infrastructure program – and not explode the deficit and national debt?
Pat Buchanan
I hate talking to media. I hate it, man. You have to. But it’s crazy. I thought there were only two things in this world that you had to do, and that was die and pay taxes. Now I know that you’ve got to talk to media. And I hate it.
D’Angelo Russell
People try to live within their income so they can afford to pay taxes to a government that can’t live within its income.
Robert Half
Those who want low taxes and healthy job creation know that an unnecessary dollar going to these unions is a dollar that cannot reduce the tax burden on homeowners, small businesses, and job creators.
Bruce Rauner
I can make a firm pledge, under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.
Barack Obama
Now that my wine has been served in the White House, why not me? Who could talk to farmers better than I? Somebody even asked me the other day if I had anything in my platform about taxes. ‘Hell yes,’ I said. ‘Great state. But I wouldn’t want to live there.’
Pat Paulsen
In order to fix Social Security, we must restructure it so that we continue to provide for our Nation’s seniors that are approaching retirement age, but allow for younger taxpayers to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in private accounts.
Herman Cain
Let’s stop talking about new taxes and start talking about creating new taxpayers, which basically means jobs.
Marco Rubio
Some taxes are really dumb.
Maxime Bernier
A Harris poll I’ve seen says only 12 percent of the electorate names taxes as one of the most important issues facing the nation. Voters put tax cuts dead last, behind education, Social Security, health care, Medicare and poverty.
Lane Evans
You know, if you are kind of rich, the best thing is that you don’t have to think about money. The best thing you can buy with money is freedom, time. I don’t know how much I earn a year. I have no idea. I don’t know how much I pay in taxes.
Haruki Murakami
Swedish taxes are high, and we don’t get as much as we used to for them. And our schools aren’t so good.
Camilla Lackberg
I never had the high-paying job or the company car. It took me over a decade to pay off my student loans. I never had to worry about where to dock my yacht to reduce my taxes.
Christine O’Donnell
From the perspective of corporations, taxes are an additional cost of doing business. If you increase their taxes, to remain profitable they will have to find ways to lower other costs, or to increase revenues.
Maxime Bernier
Taxes are way too complicated, and people spend way too much time worrying about ways to get them lower.
Steve Mnuchin
Think what a revolution it will be if we manage to get everyone to pay their taxes.
Romano Prodi
I think for some, the very wealthiest among us, for corporations, taxes are too low.
Beto O’Rourke
When a nation is over-reliant on one or two commodities like oil or precious minerals, corrupt government ministers and their dodgy associates hoard profits and taxes instead of properly allocating them to schools and hospitals.
Washington has got to, across the board, lower taxes for small businesses so that our mom and pops can reinvest and hire people, so that our businesses can thrive.
Sarah Palin
Most of us have not heard about Master Limited Partnerships. These special financing arrangements allow oil and gas investors to avoid paying certain corporate income taxes, but are not available to clean energy businesses.
Bernie Sanders
I didn’t pay my taxes for years.
Noam Chomsky
There are a few things that we can do. One of them is that we can increase the taxes that people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our communities. So, 70 percent, 80 percent, we’ve had it as high as 90 percent.
Ilhan Omar
It’s a privilege to pay taxes. Yeah! It’s not a political question, folks. We have to pay for stuff.
Lewis Black
We can push Montana forward and we can do it with out raising taxes.
Brian Schweitzer
We cannot collect enough taxes to catch up with spending. Do I know a solution? Not really. Do your politicians know a solution? Does our commander-in-chief offer a solution? Absolutely not.
Rick Santelli
In speech after speech on his health care plan, the President has tried to convince us that what he is proposing will be good for America. But, how can it be good for America if it raises taxes by a half trillion dollars and costs a trillion dollars or more to implement?
Scott Brown
Reforms to product and labour markets, education, innovation, green growth, competition, taxes, health – they are the things that should be the object of our primary focus in the context of a long-term strategy to restore sustained growth.
Jose Angel Gurria
Nothing is more important in the face of a war than cut

Nothing is more important in the face of a war than cutting taxes.
Tom DeLay
We have a system that increasingly taxes work and subsidizes nonwork.
Milton Friedman
We had 90 percent taxes before in America. All right? Didn’t work.
Kenneth Langone
I get how devastating high taxes are to job creation.
Michele Bachmann
You can raise taxes on the rich in America! We should raise taxes on the rich in America. But we can’t do that in Rhode Island.
Gina Raimondo
When Governor Romney was out here, I told him, I said, ‘we are following the formula of streamlining regulations, being job creating friendly, balancing budgets, cutting taxes, and, you know, using common sense. And if you get to be president, we are going to do more of that.’
John Kasich
I’m all for lifting the payroll-tax cap, if only to make payroll taxes a little less regressive.
Timothy Noah
Taxes are never popular.
Luis Videgaray Caso
My position has been consistent that middle class families should not pay more taxes. That hasn’t changed.
Brad Schneider
I don’t blame or complain about things like the economy, the government, taxes, employees, gas prices, or any of the external things that I don’t have control over. The only thing I have control over is my response to these things.
Jack Canfield
Solar power is the last energy resource that isn’t owned yet – nobody taxes the sun yet.
Bonnie Raitt
Raising taxes won’t create private sector jobs.
Marco Rubio
In the United States, the wealthy have a tradition of charity. But in Germany, the rich say, ‘We pay taxes. It’s enough.’
Gunter Blobel
Using political power, the elite can induce local authorities to facilitate enclosure and privatisation of land, water, and other hitherto public amenities. And they can pressurise public administrations to cut taxes, reducing financial resources for maintaining the remaining commons.
Guy Standing
The combination of Obamacare and taxes would be a disaster.
David A. Siegel
I believe that the decisions which govern all our lives, the laws we must all obey, and the taxes we must all pay should be decided by people we choose and who we can throw out if we want change.
Michael Gove
Taxes are what we pay for civilized society, for modernity, and for prosperity. The wealthy pay more because they have benefitted more.
Jill Lepore
I like to tell small business owners and entrepreneurs, ‘I get it. I have your back on this. I understand about regulation. I understand how taxes are taxing. I understand what it is like not to be able to borrow money when you need it.’
Linda McMahon
A common man, even like myself, I don’t know how to pay my taxes.
Kid Rock
The difficulty for Mr. Obama will be when the public sees where his decisions lead – higher inflation, higher interest rates, higher taxes, sluggish growth, and a jobless recovery.
Karl Rove
We have proven that conservative principles work: less taxes, less government, and more freedom.
Carlos Lopez-Cantera
When you reduce taxes on higher earners it’s vital to be reducing them on lower earning people as well so the nation shares in the approach.
William Hague
Democrats want to use the slowdown as an excuse to do what their special interests are always begging for: higher taxes, bigger government and less trade with other nations.
Mitt Romney
Good governance takes behavior that is negative or not helpful to the greater good of society, whether it’s polluting behaviour, plastics, or whatever, and taxes the behaviour.
Edward Burtynsky
In normal times, at the beginning of each month, the federal government makes a cash advance to the Social Security Trust Fund called the ‘normalized tax transfer,’ in an amount equal to the estimated payroll taxes for the coming month.
Jerome Powell
I go for all sharing the privileges of the government, who assist in bearing its burdens. Consequently, I go for admitting all whites to the right of suffrage, who pay taxes or bear arms (by no means excluding females).
Abraham Lincoln
Would higher taxes and a crumbling economy help women succeed, either personally or professionally? I don’t think so.
Lara Trump
I think most people… would be glad to pay the same taxes they paid when Bill Clinton was president, if only they could have the same economy they had when Bill Clinton was president.
Howard Dean
It’s time the government stopped using taxes to reward winners and losers in love.
S.E. Cupp
Mr. Obama plans to boost federal spending 25 percent while nearly tripling the national debt over 10 years. Americans know that this kind of spending will have economic consequences, including new taxes being imposed by the new progressives.
Karl Rove
In reality, every time the government takes an additional dollar in taxes out of someone’s pocket, it’s a dollar that person will not be able to spend or invest. When government spending goes up, private spending goes down. There is no net effect. No wealth creation.
Maxime Bernier
It's exciting to sing in the place where you pay your t

It’s exciting to sing in the place where you pay your taxes.
Nell Carter
What we lack is a good, strong business climate with lower taxes, fairer regulation.
Kevin Brady
‘Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars.’ Guess what? Yes, we do in one regard: We want to let that trillion dollar tax cut expire so the middle class doesn’t have to bear the burden of all that money going to the super-wealthy. That’s not a tax raise. That’s called fairness where I come from.
Joe Biden
Having won re-election convincingly and against the economic odds, President Obama quickly made good on his promise of maintaining taxes as they are for the middle class while raising them on the wealthiest Americans.
Kevin O’Leary
Where Republicans encourage popular myths about taxes, spending, and climate change, Democrats tend to stoke our fantasies about the sustainability of entitlement spending as well as about the cost of new programs.
Jacob Weisberg
Every time the Fed implements ‘quantitative easing,’ a.k.a. printing more money, two things go up: taxes and inflation. When taxes and inflation go up, more jobs are lost.
Robert Kiyosaki
The true principle of taxation is the benefit principle – those who benefit from a government service should pay for it. It’s also known as the ‘user pay’ principle. Every effort should be made to link the payment of taxes or fees to the cost associated with the government service.
Mark Skousen
More freedom means more jobs… less government and less taxes.
Todd Akin
I just want Texas to be number one in something other than executions, toll roads and property taxes.
Kinky Friedman
Most people sell stock to pay taxes, but I didn’t want to sell any stock.
Christie Hefner
Tea Party attendees and health care town-hall protesters share the common belief that the extravagant spending of President Obama and the Democratic Party – absent any checks and balances – will eventually lead more people into government dependency, higher taxes, and, perhaps, our country’s financial ruin.
Andrew Breitbart
For Indias 40 million taxpayers, the bulk of whom are salaried employees, forking out hefty service tax is a double whammy the government taxes them on income earned as well as all their expenditure.
Sucheta Dalal
You don’t get an economy growing by raising taxes.
John Hoeven
Between income taxes and employment taxes, capital gains taxes, estate taxes, corporate taxes, property taxes, Social Security taxes, we’re being taxed to death.
Chuck Norris
Washington is a place where politicians don’t know which way is up and taxes don’t know which way is down.
Robert Orben
In the European context tax rates are high and government expenditure is focused on current expenditure. A ‘good’ consolidation is one where taxes are lower and the lower government expenditure is on infrastructures and other investments.
Mario Draghi
I believe in lower taxes. I believe in more efficient government. I believe in reducing bureaucracy. I believe that we shouldn’t have lobbyists who can go in or former government workers who can come back and lobby.
Mark Cuban
It is logical for a U.S. person to give their money away while they are alive, as the government will take it from you when you die in taxes.
Chuck Feeney
My first year on ‘SNL’, I made $90,000 dollars. And I bought a red Corvette for $45,000 dollars. I’m thinking, ‘I’ve got 45 grand left!’ Taxes didn’t even come into my equation. At the end of the first year of making 90 grand I was 25, 30 in the hole. We live in this baller, spend-money culture.
Chris Rock
Women want fair taxes, a growing economy, affordable health care, secure borders, and the defeat of ISIS. They don’t need the solutions to be wrapped in pink. They just want problems solved.
Kristen Soltis Anderson
Most Republicans have made it very clear they’re not interested in raising taxes. They want to reform government.
Grover Norquist
Our families are overburdened with taxes.
Dan Donovan
You’ve got to either say you’re going to cut taxes and find some spending cuts. I think we ought to reform long-term entitlement spending in the country, but you can’t out of one side of your mouth say, ‘Yes, we’re for tax cuts, we’re for spending discipline, and we’re for bringing down the debt.’
Harold Ford, Jr.
I did not use a Cayman Island entity to avoid paying taxes for myself.
Steve Mnuchin
Mom and pop shops paying taxes while Amazon got billions just to come to town didn’t seem right, and, post-FoxxConn, people are less likely to fall for the promised jobs numbers.
Zephyr Teachout
Steve Jobs is considered an amazing genius and made billions of dollars. Sure, we overlook that he didn’t pay his share of taxes and didn’t believe in charity. But other than these occasional rumblings of dissent, he is pretty much held in high esteem.
Tom Green
Whether we look at capitalism, taxes, business, or government, the data show a clear and consistent pattern: 70 percent of Americans support the free enterprise system and are unsupportive of big government.
Arthur C. Brooks
There’s not an appropriations bill in the last 10 years that the-that Democrats passed in the Congress. We haven’t spent any money of your taxes in the last decade.
Chaka Fattah
I’ll happily pay more taxes if we all have equal human rights.
Trisha Paytas
The American taxpayers are a powerful force. They don’t want their taxes raised.
Grover Norquist
Greece has been, in many ways, a partially dysfunctional society. For example, the wealthy barely pay taxes… to an extent, that’s true elsewhere, including the United States, but it’s been pretty extreme in Greece.
Noam Chomsky
Non-fiction is a big responsibility. Rationality. Facts

Non-fiction is a big responsibility. Rationality. Facts. The urgent need to reflect some small aspect of reality. But fiction is a private autism, a self-referential world in which the writer is omnipotent. Gravity, taxes, and death are mere options, subject to the writer’s fancy.
Katherine Dunn
Big business never pays a nickel in taxes, according to Ralph Nader, who represents a big consumer organization that never pays a nickel in taxes.
Dave Barry
Note, besides, that it is no more immoral to directly rob citizens than to slip indirect taxes into the price of goods that they cannot do without.
Albert Camus
The U.S. states that allow for citizens’ initiatives tend to have fewer laws and lower taxes than the ones that don’t. But the beauty of the system is that it encourages the spread of best practice.
Daniel Hannan
I wouldn’t mind paying taxes – if I knew they were going to a friendly country.
Dick Gregory
The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it’s just sort of a tired feeling.
Paula Poundstone
I’m proud to pay taxes in the United States; the only thing is, I could be just as proud for half the money.
Arthur Godfrey
In fact, the best thing we could do on taxes for all Americans is to simplify the individual tax code. This will be a tough job, but members of both parties have expressed an interest in doing this, and I am prepared to join them.
Barack Obama
I was using computers for music in the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s, and people didn’t get it. They thought you should only use computers for your taxes and making pie charts.
Buffy Sainte-Marie
I feel like there’s this misconception that immigrants come here and just don’t care about the system and paying taxes, and that’s not true.
Diane Guerrero
I had applied to become French – or, rather, Franco-American, as I’m now a dual citizen – partly because I could: I’d lived and paid taxes here for long enough.
Pamela Druckerman
‘Simplifying’ the tax code is a priority mainly for people who make enough money to want to avoid paying taxes, and who make their money by means unorthodox enough to make avoiding taxes possible and desirable.
Alex Pareene
Democrats who see virtue in the estate tax are doing the equivalent of aborting future enterprises. They deprive businesses of oxygen with their support for capital gains taxes and disregard for contracts.
Amity Shlaes
You do need more revenues, and you do need to cut expenses. But you also don’t want to go in a direction whereby increasing taxes creates a reticence to create new jobs. You don’t want to increase taxes on work. You don’t want to increase taxes on investment and the creation of wealth.
Jose Angel Gurria
It is Trump who plays with the tax code to pay no taxes; it is Trump whose Trump-brand products are made overseas by cheap labor; it is Trump who hires undocumented workers from Poland to work on his projects, then refuses to pay them minimum wages.
Bob Beckel
The rapid growth in many of our suburbs has spawned a booming construction industry eager to hire low wage immigrants who gladly fill these jobs, many of them happy to be paid in cash, free of federal and state taxes.
Spencer Bachus
Private monopolies run by special interests should not get to raise taxes and set regulatory policy for the United States.
Mike Pompeo
Most Americans want their government to be smaller, not larger; they want their taxes to be lower, not higher.
John Barrasso
We have to deal with two issues. Spending and taxes.
John Boehner
If Warren Buffett made his money from ordinary income rather than capital gains, his tax rate would be a lot higher than his secretary’s. In fact a very small percentage of people in this country pay a big chunk of the taxes.
Michael Bloomberg
Zombies have no memories of their former life. You wont see the undead trying to wash windows or do your taxes. All they know how to do is swarm and feed.
Max Brooks
While American taxes pay for much of the research and development that goes into creating the new, life-saving drugs, American consumers continue to subsidize the cost of the drugs for consumers across the world.
Mike Simpson
The citizens of Puerto Rico pay taxes with no representation every day, because Puerto Rico is not a state. And the rules only became more confusing the more I looked into them during my time there.
W. Kamau Bell
There is a way for the IRS to be able to have a double check to make sure individuals don’t file on your Social Security number early and try to get a tax return and make it chaotic for you to file your own taxes. That’s not been done.
James Lankford
I favor the abolition of all Social Security, Medicare and estate taxes. In their place, we should create a simple income tax system that has no deductions or credits at all.
Ari Fleischer
Instead of raising the minimum wage, let’s lower taxes for the working poor.
Kathy Szeliga
Attracting business to a city is of huge benefit for taxes, jobs, purchasing of homes and home goods.
Hilary Farr
Stacey Abrams – very articulate, very smart, but she just has radical views on wanting to grow government, raising taxes, trying to have these big government policies that didn’t work in the Barack Obama administration.
Brian Kemp
In Europe, it’s common to hear about young professionals living with their parents. With the continent’s high rents and taxes and its population density, it makes sense.
Rosecrans Baldwin
Opportunity expands when there is excellence and choice in education, when taxes are lowered, when every citizen has affordable, portable health insurance and when constitutional freedoms are preserved.
Mitt Romney
The benefits cap is right in principle because people don’t pay their taxes so that families who could work don’t work. People pay their taxes so we support people who really need to be supported.
David Cameron
I ran for governor because I was worried about my kids'

I ran for governor because I was worried about my kids’ future. Then, I took on the big government union bosses, and we won. They tried to recall me, and we won. They target us again, and we won. We balanced the budget, cut taxes, and turned our state around with big, bold reforms.
Scott Walker
Can America continue down the path President Obama is taking us on, to a time soon and certain when a majority of wage-earners pay no income taxes but a majority of citizens receive federal benefits?
Pat Buchanan
If low taxes were the way that people like me created wealth, then we’d be starting our companies in the Congo or Somalia or Afghanistan, but we’re not. We come to places where there are lots and lots of customers.
Nick Hanauer
Well, you have the public not wanting any new spending, you have the Republicans not wanting any new taxes, you have the Democrats not wanting any new spending cuts, you have the markets not wanting any new borrowing, and you have the economists wanting all of the above. And that leads to paralysis.
Michael Bloomberg
Congress seems to want to cure every ill known to man except unconstitutional government and high taxes.
Charley Reese
In New Mexico, I inherited the largest structural deficit in state history, and our legislature is controlled by Democrats. We don’t always agree, but we came together in a bipartisan manner and turned that deficit into a surplus. And we did it without raising taxes.
Susana Martinez
There aren’t many downsides to being rich, other than paying taxes and having relatives asking for money. But being famous, that’s a 24 hour job right there.
Bill Murray
My son was killed in 2004. I am not paying my taxes for 2004. You killed my son, George Bush, and I don’t owe you a penny… You give my son back, and I’ll pay my taxes.
Cindy Sheehan
Presidential elections and the voter experience have long been fraught for black people. From racist poll taxes to made-up literacy tests to the egregious rollback of voting rights over the past 50 years, American democracy has, at times, felt like a weird and failed social experiment.
Patrisse Cullors
Reforming Social Security to make it fully funded and independently held, that’s compassionate because it allows people to control their own lives; cutting taxes on families and all Americans to let people have more control over their lives.
Grover Norquist
Raising taxes is the last thing we should do amid the weakest economic recovery since World War II. Unfortunately, even if we avoid the full ‘Taxmageddon’ scenario, President Obama’s health care law also contains a new surtax on investment that will take effect in 2013.
John Cornyn
The New York Times editorial page is like a Ouija board that has only three answers, no matter what the question. The answers are: higher taxes, more restrictions on political speech and stricter gun control.
Ann Coulter
In 1993, as House Democratic Leader, I led the fight to pass the Clinton-Gore economic plan – a plan designed to slash the deficit, invest in education, cut taxes for working families, and ask the wealthy among us to pay their fair share… Not one Republican voted for that plan. They said it was a job killer.
Dick Gephardt
Big swings in the wholesale price of electricity are not unusual in the summer, when high demand taxes generators’ ability to supply power.
Alex Berenson
Huguette Clark has had her own tax liens – four times, the IRS has filed to collect taxes from her.
Bill Dedman
The problem with being an employee or self-employed is you pay the highest taxes.
Robert Kiyosaki
I’m always working. I don’t really set limits. I tend to go in bursts. And in between, I’m doing my taxes, answering the phone, and all those kinds of things. I waste a lot of time. Computers take a lot of time. I love computers.
Richard Dooling
Put simply, the rich pay a lot of taxes as a total percentage of taxes collected, but they don’t pay a lot of taxes as a percentage of what they can afford to pay, or as a percentage of what the government needs to close the deficit gap.
Ben Stein
According to our estimates, the Hungarians working in the U.K. altogether pay more contributions and taxes than the benefits that they get. So we belong to the world of the fair working people.
Viktor Orban
As New York’s United States Senator, I promise to reinstate the Moynihan ‘Fisc Report’ and work every day to address the imbalance of payments, first by focusing on reducing the amount of taxes we send to Washington, and second, by ensuring that funding formulas don’t disadvantage New York.
Wendy Long
In a system where the cost of care is hidden by taxes levied on your income, property, and business activities, it is no wonder why so many Americans rely on Medicaid to pay their long term care.
Michael C. Burgess
The income tax is a twentieth-century socialist experiment that has failed. Before the income tax was imposed on us just 80 years ago, government had no claim to our income. Only sales, excise, and tariff taxes were allowed.
Alan Keyes
I really think people understand that in New York City we have high taxes.
John Liu
I don’t act because I love doing it, I act because it’s my job. At the end of the year, I gotta pay my taxes, bills, doctors, insurance, car insurance, the occasional vacation. It’s a wonderful job. The upside is that it is exciting and different… the downside is that it is an extremely insecure job.
Clint Howard
I’m a Conservative. I don’t believe there should be too many rules. There should be lower taxes.
Alistair Brownlee
The legal right of a taxpayer to decrease the amount of what otherwise would be his taxes, or altogether avoid them, by means which the law permits, cannot be doubted.
George Sutherland
Benjamin Franklin said there were only two things certain in life: death and taxes. But I’d like to add a third certainty: trash. And while some in this room might want to discuss reducing taxes, I want to talk about reducing trash.
Ruth Ann Minner
Labour want to control all parts of the economy and society so that they can pursue the politics of envy. It would leave us all paying higher taxes and the economy in tatters.
Liz Truss
Though I don’t personally believe that Bitcoin is true money, it should be perfectly legal, and there should be no restrictions on it; there should be no taxes on it.
Ron Paul
An unregulated derivatives market essentially gives Wall Street a way to place hidden taxes on everything in the world.
Matt Taibbi
Tax rates aren’t everything with regard to incentives to work. I would probably work at a 100% tax rate next to a nude modeling studio. I’m joking, but you know what I’m saying. There’s a lot more to it than just tax rates. It’s economics that I do; I don’t do nude modeling studio economics. People do respond to taxes.
Arthur Laffer
I'm not for a temporary war tax. We're putting actual d

I’m not for a temporary war tax. We’re putting actual dollars in one way or the other, and so if we’re gonna look at taxes, we ought to look at a comprehensive tax reform policy.
Stephen Pagliuca
I’m careful to pay every single penny on my taxes. I don’t have any money offshore.
Jerry Della Femina
I believe we now have a glorious opportunity: we can pass our laws and set our taxes entirely according to the needs of the U.K. economy.
Boris Johnson
Most people I know have had problems paying their taxes. I am just like everybody else.
Michael Caputo
The truth is that as we move forward, if one side says we can’t raise any taxes on anybody or any interest, and the other side says we can’t cut anything, we’re obviously not going to make progress on this. And our interest is in making progress on this.
David Axelrod
I just want Texas to be number one in something other than executions, toll roads and property taxes.
Kinky Friedman
When you’re undocumented, you’re supposed to keep your head down and be quiet and pay taxes, social security – even though people don’t know that we do those things – and not say anything.
Jose Antonio Vargas
Americans want and deserve a broad array of health insurance choices so they can identify those that best fit their own individual or family needs. These choices expand when we allow free enterprise to foster innovation, not smother it with taxes and one-size fits all ideology.
Fred Upton
As far as I’m concerned, the people who aren’t paying taxes don’t get to run around claiming that they built everything, that the built the roads and that they built the bridges and so forth.
Rush Limbaugh
It’s time to acknowledge that more government and higher taxes is not the answer to our problem.
Dan Coats
I have no problem paying taxes. It doesn’t bother me, because I want to live in a society that’s happy.
Deborah Meaden
Government needs to get out of the way, focus more on affordability, manage taxes properly so we get the services we expect.
Caroline Mulroney
The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.
Will Rogers
Raising taxes does nothing to allow the economy to recover.
Susana Martinez
Taxes should be simple and fair… I’m not for increasing income taxes – if we even have an income tax.
Virgil Goode
If the parties would brand themselves the way Coke and Pepsi and other products do so that you knew what you were buying, it had quality control. I vote for the Republican. He or she will not raise my taxes. I’ll buy one. I’ll take that one home.
Grover Norquist
Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes.
Alexander Haig
People really have to believe in their tax system. They have to believe that there is an equitable distribution of the burden, but there is also an important investment based upon the potential achievements that come from us paying our taxes.
Richard Neal
Many scientists and economists also say putting a price on carbon through carbon taxes and/or cap-and-trade is necessary.
David Suzuki
It’s a lethal thing to suddenly raise taxes.
Robert Mundell
Americans for Tax Reform is a national taxpayer organization dedicated to opposing any and all tax increases. We work at the national, state and local level for lower taxes, less government spending and limited government.
Grover Norquist
Preventing global warming from becoming a planetary catastrophe may take something even more drastic than renewable energy, superefficient urban design, and global carbon taxes.
Jamais Cascio
There are no taxes that are unpaid, nor were there any taxes that I was responsible for that didn’t get paid.
Matt Bevin
When I see stimulus money being used to attack American companies and American workers, I think it would be very unsettling to be working on the assembly line of Coca Cola, look up, and see an ad that’s trying to hurt the very job that you make your wages and pay taxes from.
Scott DesJarlais
When there is conflict between what God requires and the demands of the government, each of us has an important decision to make concerning taxes.
Tony Campolo
If you think we are going to gain ground by holding the American people hostage, saying that their taxes are at risk, I actually disagree.
Tom Cole
But let me perfectly clear, because I know you’ll hear the same old claims that rolling back these tax breaks means a massive tax increase on the American people: if your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime.
Barack Obama
When we were at peace, Democrats wanted to raise taxes. Now there’s a war, so Democrats want to raise taxes. When there was a surplus, Democrats wanted to raise taxes. Now that there is a mild recession, Democrats want to raise taxes.
Ann Coulter
High taxes on guns and strong restrictions on their availability are the only realistic hope for avoiding many more Sandy Hooks.
Martin Seligman
Republicans seem to be gambling that most Americans won’t care about a few rich private equity managers if their own taxes go down, their stock portfolio goes up, and economic growth accelerates.
James B. Stewart
The ancient Greeks and Romans were comfortable with any number of deities and were quite open to allowing conquered nations to continue to worship in whatever ways they saw fit, as long as they didn’t mind having an emperor who required taxes and tributes.
Jay Parini
Having billions of dollars immediately available to plu

Having billions of dollars immediately available to plug budget holes without raising taxes is very appealing. And to the delight of Wall Street investors, state and local governments often fail to ask the important questions or consider the long-term impact.
Dick Durbin
I will cut taxes – cut taxes – for 95 percent of all working families, because, in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle class.
Barack Obama
If you are born poor, whether white or black, you are going to be in a bad neighborhood and go to a bad school. If you are making three million dollars a year, a couple hundred thousand in taxes ain’t gonna kill you.
Charles Barkley
I’m a fiscal hawk. I vote against all taxes, but I do believe the environment, and climate change, is a bigger issue than fiscal deficits are as a risk to the nation.
Vinod Khosla
Companies pay taxes, not individual persons. They do not pay for their wealth. And that must be changed.
Alberto Fernandez
Trump gives progressives a way to channel whatever guilt they might have – whether from preventing homebuilding, benefitting from unfair taxes and pensions, or depriving black and Latino students the teacher quality and school funding they need – into a sanctimonious tribal rage against Republican racism.
Michael Shellenberger
In the middle of a recession, where we’re just climbing out of it, where the economy -unemployment is still at 9.7 percent, the idea of raising taxes and reducing spending is a prescription for disaster.
Joe Biden
There was no measure that required greater caution or more severe scrutiny than one to impose taxes or raise a loan, be the form what it may. I hold that government has no right to do either, except when the public service makes it imperiously necessary, and then only to the extent that it requires.
John C. Calhoun
I’ll happily pay more taxes if we all have equal human rights.
Trisha Paytas
Little else is requisite to carry a state to the highest degree of opulence from the lowest barbarism but peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice: all the rest being brought about by the natural course of things.
Adam Smith
Obama has demonstrated no desire to make tough choices. Americans demand a more efficient, effective government, but his budget calls for more taxes and more spending. It employs deceptive accounting gimmicks but does nothing to tackle long-term entitlement problems, nothing to save Medicare or fix Social Security.
Reince Priebus
Little else is requisite to carry a state to the highest degree of opulence from the lowest barbarism but peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice: all the rest being brought about by the natural course of things.
Adam Smith
During the Jim Crow era, poll taxes and literacy tests kept the African-Americans from polls. But today, felon disenfranchisement laws accomplished what poll taxes and literacy tests ultimately could not, because those laws were struck down. But felony disenfranchisement laws had been allowed to stand.
Michelle Alexander
After 20 years in Congress, I still believe that smaller government and lower taxes are the most effective economic policies.
Howard Coble
It isn’t inevitable that we have a globalization which is used by the corporations not to pay taxes. It is not inevitable that we have a form of globalization in which corporations use the threat of moving jobs abroad to lower wages. None of this is inevitable.
Joseph Stiglitz
When, as an individual, you are not paying taxes, it is evasion. As a corporate, it is legal shrewdness or tax engineering.
Jose Angel Gurria
No matter what heights you achieve, even if you’re Brad Pitt, the slide is coming, sure as death and taxes.
James Caan
So, for instance, let me make this clear: You know I signed a statement. I will not raise taxes on anybody. I don’t want to raise taxes on the American people.
Mitt Romney
When the federal government spends more each year than it collects in tax revenues, it has three choices: It can raise taxes, print money, or borrow money. While these actions may benefit politicians, all three options are bad for average Americans.
Ron Paul
And I will repeat today what I have said throughout this campaign. I will not raise taxes on the middle class. I will give you tax relief to help ease these burdens.
Hillary Clinton
If taxes and government spending are both slashed, then the salutary result will be to lower the parasitic burden of government taxes and spending upon the productive activities of the private sector.
Murray Rothbard
You grow up, no one really teaches you about taxes, especially as an athlete.
Martellus Bennett
If we increase spending, we have got to raise taxes or any combination.
Bobby Scott
You know, to preserve our job-friendly climate the Texas legislature didn’t raise taxes this last legislative session while balancing their budget and maintaining their reserves – and might I add that our budget leaves $6 billion dollars in a rainy day fund?
Rick Perry
Raising property taxes in Alabama is never going to happen. The people are never going to vote for that. I don’t like property taxes, either.
Robert J. Bentley
I’m proud to pay taxes in the United States; the only thing is, I could be just as proud for half the money.
Arthur Godfrey
Warren Buffett pays taxes on a smaller percentage of his billions in income than his cleaning lady.
Eric Alterman
If New Mexican voters believe the path to create American jobs is keeping taxes low, then they have an option. That’s my campaign.
Heather Wilson
People’s taxes spent on servicing our national debt, instead of funding public services. This isn’t just a waste – it’s also a risk.
Liz Kendall
I would rather we limited – for the sake of transparency – we limited the number of taxes that we had and we were right up front about what they are, how much they are, and so forth.
Ken Cuccinelli
I’m like the guy who prepares your taxes or a dentist. I’m very conservative and boring in a lot of ways.
Augusten Burroughs
For the first time in history, we declared war without

For the first time in history, we declared war without financing it. Americans have not been asked to pay for it through taxes.
David Broder
Nobody is opposed to paying taxes; governments need to coordinate, work together and simplify the law.
Jon Oringer
I don’t see a groundswell of people willing to raise gas taxes right now. That leaves fuel economy standards as the only effective tool we have as a nation to make a dent in our dangerous and ever growing consumption of oil.
Sherwood Boehlert
I pay my taxes, but I’ve never voted and I never will vote as long as the system works the way it does. Even when Obama was running, I wanted to see a woman run! I’d rather see a woman in the White House as opposed to Obama.
Lupe Fiasco
The Democrats for the most part want to raise taxes, we don’t.
Charlie Baker
The vast majority of people back higher taxes on the rich. Yet these are fringe ideas within most of the mainstream media, which marginalises those who support them.
Owen Jones
War involves in its progress such a train of unforeseen circumstances that no human wisdom can calculate the end; it has but one thing certain, and that is to increase taxes.
Thomas Paine
Governor Romney has paid 100 percent of his taxes that are owed. He has complied 100 percent with what the law requires.
Jason Chaffetz
I think that taxes would be fair if we first get rid of the tax code. This is the ultimate solution, not to just say we’re going to trim around the edges, not to say that we will try to simplify a little of this and a little of that. The problem is, replace the tax code, so we can establish tax fairness for everybody.
Herman Cain
Outside of Washington, D.C., most Americans aren’t concerned with doing things ‘big.’ They’re looking for less government spending, lower taxes, and good jobs.
Elaine Chao
Read my lips: no new taxes.
George H. W. Bush
The stagflation of the 1970s blessed us with damaging wage and price controls and the utterly counterintuitive supply-side notion – famously drawn on a napkin – that cutting taxes would lead to higher tax revenues.
Steven Rattner
I think young people of all races are interested in justice; maybe not so much taxes and regulations, but they’re interested in justice and the right to privacy on the Internet.
Rand Paul
Taxes are like abortion, and not just because both are grotesque procedures supported by Democrats. You’re for them or against them. Taxes go up or down; government raises taxes or lowers them. But Democrats will not let the words ‘abortion’ or ‘tax hikes’ pass their lips.
Ann Coulter
Power is not nearly enough for Trump. Power he already possessed, starting with the money his father gave him, which grew into the money he never paid in taxes because he is ‘smart.’ No: Power and ambition pale in comparison to Trumpbeth’s rapacious grab for applause.
Faith Salie
What I want to do is create more taxpayers, not more taxes.
Geoff Davis
The bill that job creators and out-of-work Americans need us to pass is the one that ensures taxes won’t go up – one that says Americans and small-business owners won’t get hit with more bad news at the end of the year.
Mitch McConnell
If all you think we need to do to get this economy going and get this country on the right track is to cut government and reduce taxes, you don’t understand America. America is a moral enterprise, not an economic enterprise.
Rick Santorum
Obamacare comes to more than two thousand pages of rules, mandates, taxes, fees, and fines that have no place in a free country.
Paul Ryan
To take part in this brothel through the payment of my taxes, that had become to me unbearable.
Yannick Noah
For the last 50 years, the federal government has taken out of the Gulf Coast $165 billion in taxes that came from oil and gas off of our coast that went to the federal Treasury, to rebuild all places in America except the place that it came from.
Mary Landrieu
I’m not for no taxes. That would be an anarchist. I am for lower taxes.
Grover Norquist
I’m an American citizen. I pay my taxes. I want my equal rights. But this is my country, and consequently, I don’t want to open up for ISIS or for anybody that will take away what we’ve already gained.
Jim Brown
Well, the taxes that everyone else is paying are supporting lots of programs that were in place prior to Obama’s new spending. So new spending has too be paid for by new taxes, or by eliminating existing tax breaks. And Obama wants that burden to be borne exclusively by the rich.
Dinesh D’Souza
When I was elected Governor, we had an audacious agenda that naysayers said couldn’t be enacted with a Democrat majority in the state legislature. However, we worked across party lines and enacted historic reforms. Working together, we cut taxes by more than $600 million.
George Allen
Wealthy people don’t even pay taxes. But everybody must pay taxes.
Petter Stordalen
Past experience with fiscal austerity at home and overseas strongly suggests that it is best for the economy’s long-run performance to restrain government spending rather than raise taxes.
Mark Zandi
Americans are hard working, innovative, proud people who want bad government policies and high taxes to get out of the way so they can take care of their families and pursue their dreams.
Tim Walberg
Do not consider that to be wealth which is hoarded away, for how is it better than sand gathered from the nearest heap? Nor that which comes in from men who groan at their taxes: for the gold that is wrung from tears is of base alloy and black.
Apollonius of Tyana
Hillary Clinton would raise taxes on so-called rich people, corporations, capital gains, financial transactions, and inheritance. Has there ever been an example where America has taxed its way into prosperity? Never. Trump has an economic-recovery-and-prosperity plan. Clinton has an austerity-recession plan.
Lawrence Kudlow
Every time we’ve cut the capital gains tax, the economy has grown. Whenever we raise the capital gains tax, it’s been damaged. It’s one of those taxes that most clearly damages economic growth and jobs.
Grover Norquist
I think Americans raise eyebrows when you tell them tha

I think Americans raise eyebrows when you tell them that IRS agents are training with a type of weapon that has stand-off capability. It’s not like they’re carrying a sidearm, and they knock on someone’s door and say, ‘You’re evading your taxes.’
Jeff Duncan
Despite the debt, the traffic, the one-party rule, the taxes, and the eagerness of politicians to overwhelm small businesses and large corporate job producers with red tape and unnecessary regulations, the Golden State is still the most beautiful place to live and work in the United States.
Richard Grenell
Open the borders to willing workers from any and all nations. They will create businesses that pay taxes, especially payroll taxes to fund Medicare and Social Security benefits of retiring baby boomers.
Louis Navellier
President Bush has a record of cutting taxes, has provided a prescription drug benefit for seniors, has upheld the Second Amendment and remains committed to stopping liberal activists judges who are redefining marriage.
Bill Shuster
Obviously a Conservative government will always leave taxes lower than they have been under Labour. Those things go with the territory of the Conservative Party.
William Hague
There’s no reason to raise taxes. Taxes should be lower… The problem we have is that government spends too much, not that taxes are too low.
Grover Norquist
After 2003, we lowered taxes across the board. And by 2004, revenue to the federal government grew. In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan cut taxes dramatically. And by the end of the decade, revenue coming in the federal government had doubled.
Pat Toomey
I want to live a good life and pay my taxes. ‘The Killing’ was a blessing. It was two wonderful years. But I had reached a point in my life, especially with a young son, that I was no longer willing to compromise my life for the sake of a paycheque. I was no longer willing to move where the tax credits are strong.
Kristin Lehman
The only question where there is disagreement is should the highest income rates above a quarter million dollars a year go back to where they were under Bill Clinton. That is the dispute about the taxes.
Austan Goolsbee
They say death and taxes are the only things that are inevitable. The truth is, you can not pay your taxes. I’ve done it, and there’s consequences, but it can be done. Death you’re not going to get out of, and you kind of got to deal with it.
Steve Earle
The real problem in Greece is not cutting taxes, it’s making sure that we don’t have tax evasion.
George Papandreou
Taxes are an important tool for us together with infrastructure investments, research, and development to create more jobs.
Erna Solberg
A great deal has been said about my commitment not to raise taxes. It’s a core value – it’s common sense – it’s important to keeping and growing jobs – and it’s mainstream!
Tim Pawlenty
I’m a Conservative who believes in lower taxes. They lead to a more enterprising economy. But I’m not somebody who believes you can fund lower taxes by borrowing more money.
George Osborne
I’m always for lower taxes because lower taxes make people want to do things. Less burden, more fun, and economics is about people wanting to have fun. Growth is fun for people in the marketplace.
Amity Shlaes
The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward.
John Maynard Keynes
Innovations in science and technology are the engines of the 21st-century economy; if you care about the wealth and health of your nation tomorrow, then you’d better rethink how you allocate taxes to fund science. The federal budget needs to recognize this.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
I always want to say to people who want to be rich and famous: ‘try being rich first’. See if that doesn’t cover most of it. There’s not much downside to being rich, other than paying taxes and having your relatives ask you for money. But when you become famous, you end up with a 24-hour job.
Bill Murray
Puerto Rico loses out on billions of dollars annually because it is treated unequally under a range of federal programs, including tax credits available to millions of households in the States that do not pay federal income taxes.
Pedro Pierluisi
We vetoed five income tax increases during my time as governor. We cut business taxes $2.3 billion, and we cut regulation by one-third of what my predecessor put in place.
Chris Christie
I talked to a lot of employers who just are, are fearful of what’s coming next out of Washington. It’s all the spending, it’s all the debt. It’s their national energy tax, they want to call it cap and trade – more mandates, higher costs, more taxes. Their healthcare bill – more mandates, higher costs, higher taxes.
John Boehner
In levying taxes and in shearing sheep it is well to stop when you get down to the skin.
Austin O’Malley
I go for all sharing the privileges of the government, who assist in bearing its burdens. Consequently, I go for admitting all whites to the right of suffrage, who pay taxes or bear arms (by no means excluding females).
Abraham Lincoln
People are increasingly frustrated that decisions taken further and further away from them mean their living standards are slashed through enforced austerity or their taxes are used to bail out governments on the other side of the continent.
David Cameron
I believe I was sent to Washington to fight for and defend our traditional values of smaller government, lower taxes, a strong national defense, and the lives of the unborn.
Phil Gingrey
I’m a conservative who likes small government and lower taxes.
Charlie Sykes
The Irish move to a very low corporation tax has generated very significant revenue growth, considerably in excess of Britain’s, where a slower economy has been combined with a number of stealth taxes.
John Redwood
Tax reform is taking the taxes off things that have been taxed in the past and putting taxes on things that haven’t been taxed before.
Art Buchwald
You don’t pay taxes – they take taxes.
Chris Rock
This idea that you’re a successful tough guy if you evade taxes and deceive the state has got to change.
George Papandreou
If the goal of the DOT’s rule is to prevent companies from deceiving passengers about the total cost of their ticket, why is the department mandating that airlines hide the taxes, surcharges and government fees in the fine print?
Tom Graves
Everybody should pay taxes.

Everybody should pay taxes.
Thomas Peterffy
I am not going to fiddle taxes. I pay my accountant a fortune to look after me.
Harry Redknapp
Fortunately, good policy, true principles, and effective leadership work whenever they are tried. When we reduce government, balance budgets, and keep taxes as low as possible, states respond in a positive way.
Brian Sandoval
Innovations in science and technology are the engines of the 21st-century economy; if you care about the wealth and health of your nation tomorrow, then you’d better rethink how you allocate taxes to fund science. The federal budget needs to recognize this.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
We have always looked at taxes as a cost, just as any other cost that comes with doing business.
Ingvar Kamprad
Taxes can set the level of activity around which the economy fluctuates, but they have very little effect on the fluctuations themselves.
Kevin Hassett
In six short years, small business owners and family farmers will once again be assessed a tax on the value of their property at the time of their death, despite having paid taxes throughout their lifetime.
Doc Hastings
The Republican promise is for policies that create economic growth. Republicans believe lower taxes, less regulation, balanced budgets, a solvent Social Security and Medicare will stimulate economic growth.
Rand Paul
The people are hungry: It is because those in authority eat up too much in taxes.
Lao Tzu
I want to lower taxes for the middle class.
Donald Trump
One side of the American psyche wants smaller government, lower taxes, and more choices for individuals, even if those choices increase risk. The other wants a strong social safety net to protect the weakest among us, even if it costs more to minimize risk.
Ron Fournier
We need to reclaim our American system of limited government, low taxes, reasonable regulations, and sound money, which has blessed us with unprecedented prosperity. And it has done more to help the poor than any other economic system ever designed.
Paul Ryan
It is very clear that the Republicans do not want to raise taxes.
Al-Waleed bin Talal
Gen. Banks has issued an order for the instruction of Negro children. Schoolhouses are to be built or rented and Teachers hired for this purpose, and the farmers and planters are to pay the Taxes in support of this.
Knute Nelson
There are big winners in Paul Ryan’s ‘Roadmap,’ and you can guess who they are. He would cut taxes for the wealthy, completely eliminate the corporate income tax, and create a value added tax.
Jan Schakowsky
I think that taxes have to exist. They should exist at the lowest possible level, and to the extent that we can, we shouldn’t invent more. Maybe that’s my experience being mayor of New York City, where we had so many taxes.
Rudy Giuliani
In these times of the ‘Great Recession’, we shouldn’t be trying to shift the benefits of wealth behind some curtain. We should be celebrating and encouraging people to make as much money as they can. Profits equal tax money. While some people might find it distasteful to pay taxes, I don’t. I find it patriotic.
Mark Cuban
The difference between American parties is actually simple. Democrats are in favor of higher taxes to pay for greater spending, while Republicans are in favor of greater spending, for which the taxpayers will pay.
P. J. O’Rourke
So I don’t feel particularly wealthy-but, you know, I pay my taxes and I know that I am.
Dan Savage
Life is full of joys and sorrows, much of it our own making. Sadly, the West has voted time and time again for bigger government, more inflation, higher taxes and excessive regulation – all policies that have kept us from Adam Smith’s vision of an opulent society.
Mark Skousen
President Obama wants to increase the size of government and raise taxes, while I support less government and more individual freedom.
Ralph Hall
We want to cut the corporate taxes, which will bring back growth.
Steve Mnuchin
When I started to make more or less serious money – for those times – then, of course, I wanted to show everyone that life is different: it’s a new kind of life; we are earning this money. We wanted to pay taxes and live honestly.
Roman Abramovich
The biggest reason we know Justin Trudeau will raise taxes is because his never-ending deficits will force him to.
Andrew Scheer
Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes.
Alexander Haig
Rich people don’t pay taxes? Of course they pay taxes – they pay tons in taxes. They pay for everyone else who doesn’t pay taxes.
Adam Carolla
I am for anyone that will give me lower taxes, stop all this stupid spending. Whoever promises me that gets this chicken’s vote.
Joan Rivers
On economic policy, my support of smaller government, lower taxes and economic reform is consistent with the mainstream of the Republican Party in the United States and with many Democrats as well.
John Howard
Just dying should not be a reason for taxes.
Todd Akin
When you know the truth is on your side, when you have dutifully paid all your taxes, but you are still targeted for non-payment of dues, then what do you do? You grin and bear the harassment because you have nothing to hide.
Namrata Shirodkar
I always want to say to people who want to be rich and famous: ‘try being rich first’. See if that doesn’t cover most of it. There’s not much downside to being rich, other than paying taxes and having your relatives ask you for money. But when you become famous, you end up with a 24-hour job.
Bill Murray
The problem with Mr. Obama is that you get more regulat

The problem with Mr. Obama is that you get more regulation and it’s a disincentive for businessmen to hire people. You probably also get higher taxes, so in terms of the economy, he is very negative in my view.
Marc Faber
At a time of economic recession, the need for Medicaid and other safety net services is even greater. And we don’t want to raise taxes on people who are having a tough time paying their bills.
James Douglas
People question me all the time about my experience. They question my experience in politics, and the first thing I always tell them is yes, I have no experience raising taxes over and over. I have no experience increasing the debt in a state.
Jon Runyan
Argentina shows opportunity for doing good business, taking care of the environment to fight climate change, paying taxes. Argentina will continue to grow.
Mauricio Macri
The Dalmatian tribes and the Pannonians, at least of the region of the Save, for a short time obeyed the Roman governors; but they bore the new rule with an ever increasing grudge, above all on account of the taxes, to which they were unaccustomed, and which were relentlessly exacted.
Theodor Mommsen
The idea of a financial transaction tax on Wall Street trades is gaining momentum. I have a bill called – nicknamed the Robin Hood tax also. It’s a bill that taxes stock trades, derivatives and bonds, and would generate in the neighborhood of $300 billion a year.
Keith Ellison
People making $1 million a year are not going to do anything different if they pay more taxes.
Kenneth Langone
The number of business leaders who asked me to lower their taxes can be counted on one hand.
Jack Markell
Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
We were promised we could keep our healthcare plans. We were promised that Obamacare would not raise middle class taxes. Instead, the law brought the American people rising premiums, unaffordable deductibles, fewer insurance choices, and higher taxes. We were let down.
Ronna McDaniel
In addition to reining in spending, taxes, tolls and fees, let’s rein in how much the state borrows.
Larry Hogan
Not a whole lot of us are wrestling somebody for a canned food item in the supermarket or having an ax fight in the jungle clearing. Instead, we sit and think about taxes and the ozone layer.
Robert Sapolsky
President Obama has lowered taxes more than he has raised them, and they are today lower than they were in President Reagan’s time. But you don’t hear conservatives crowing about that.
Eric Alterman
The number one thing in this world that has brought people out of poverty is the ease of doing business. And it’s getting harder and harder and harder. I mean, you basically have the Democrats out there saying I should pay more and more taxes on the profits I make.
Rick Harrison
A universal basic income means not only that millions of people would receive unconditional cash payments, but also that millions of people would have to cough up thousands more in taxes to fund it. This will make basic income politically a harder sell.
Rutger Bregman
On Capitol Hill, House Republicans have been doing our part. We’ve been hard at work developing policies that will help empower all Americans. We’re beginning to see results. We reduced taxes for everyone.
Dennis Hastert
Obama sees everything backward. Where Americans see individual achievement, he sees government’s work. Where we see failing companies, he sees innovation worth subsidizing. Where we see the need for economic growth, he sees a need for higher taxes.
Reince Priebus
The push to defund public schools and reroute taxpayer money to charters and private institutions is actually a very clever strategy by the Right Wing, which has always had a great deal of disdain for a system that forces them to pay taxes toward some other kid’s non-religious, science-based education.
Ana Kasparian
We need to focus on reducing property taxes. We need to focus on education funding. We need to focus on getting term limits on elected officials.
Bruce Rauner
You raise taxes during an economic crisis time, as we did in – back in the time of Herbert Hoover, you send the country into a depression.
John McCain
Raising taxes is not a frivolous venture that you do on the editorial page of ‘The New Republic,’ for god sakes. It’s something that you really have to think about and go through carefully.
Arthur Laffer
As president, Reagan worked very well with Democrats to do big things. It is true that he worked to reduce the size of government and cut federal taxes and he eliminated many regulations, but he also raised taxes when necessary.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
You don’t create jobs by passing bills, you create jobs by cutting taxes.
Carly Fiorina
As more and more money is coming into the formal economy, one can look at more attractive tax rates and lower tax slabs. Even if half the people who were in the informal sector move in to the formal economy and more taxes get collected, more money can be spent on the welfare.
Piyush Goyal
Any customer of government – whether it’s with education, taxes, housing, or health care – understands the frustrations when they have a bad experience. They’re stuck and can’t go anywhere else.
Pete Hoekstra
If there are healthy – and growing – numbers of people working and paying taxes, we are better able to pay the costs of people living longer.
Nicola Sturgeon
To impose taxes when the public exigencies require them is an obligation of the most sacred character, especially with a free people.
James Monroe
Taxes are nice in Florida.
Gary Woodland
We need a smaller, leaner Washington. It won’t happen if we raise taxes without any coinciding reform and serious slashing of spending.
David Harsanyi
If Obama raises my company’s taxes by 20 percent, how am I going to be able to survive as a company? Well, if I’ve got 30 employees, that means I’m going to have to lay off 10 employees so I can be able to keep up with the health and benefits and pension plans for my other 20 employees.
Chuck Norris
As I have consistently argued, leaving the E.U. needs to be accompanied by a strong set of pro-enterprise policies to counteract any disruption: cut corporate taxes to make the U.K. an attractive destination for business and investment.
Steve Hilton
You don't boost growth by cutting taxes, you do that by

You don’t boost growth by cutting taxes, you do that by giving money to people.
Abhijit Banerjee
I have a proven record, a record of accomplishment, a record of cutting taxes, of shrinking the government, of reforming education, of challenging the status quo, eliminating career civil service protections, shrinking the government workforce by 11 percent, but leading the nation in job growth.
Jeb Bush
Higher taxes still does not create prosperity for all. And, more government still does not grow jobs.
Bobby Jindal
Elections should be held on April 16th- the day after we pay our income taxes. That is one of the few things that might discourage politicians from being big spenders.
Thomas Sowell
If you’re going to go increase taxes on small businesses, you’re going to slow down the extent to which we’re able to reduce unemployment. So I think it’s a serious mistake; the wrong time to raise taxes.
Dick Cheney
I do my taxes. I do my own bookkeeping. I pay rent.
Amber Liu
The way we are getting parts and services is just in time, at the last minute, into the U.K., and any major disruption in borders and taxes would massively damage the Formula One industry in the U.K.
Toto Wolff
Increased government spending can provide a temporary stimulus to demand and output but in the longer run higher levels of government spending crowd out private investment or require higher taxes that weaken growth by reducing incentives to save, invest, innovate, and work.
Martin Feldstein
Getting rid of the deductibility of state and local taxes will force the highest corporate tax states to lower their rates, or fewer corporations over time will headquarter there.
Stephen Moore
I am going to confront the old-fashioned negative thinking which says that all government needs to do to generate growth is cut worker and environmental protections, cut taxes on the rich and stroke ‘fat cats’ until they purr with pleasure. I’m completely repudiating the idea that government has to get out of the way.
Vince Cable
I support both a Fair Tax and a Flat Tax plan that would dramatically streamline the tax system. A Fair Tax would replace all federal taxes on personal and corporate income with a single national tax on retail sales, while a Flat Tax would apply the same tax rate to all income with few if any deductions or exemptions.
Ralph Hall
Eastern Washington families and businesses should be able to deduct every penny of state and local sales tax they pay throughout the year from their federal tax bill, especially when people in most states are deducting their state income taxes.
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
I don’t think the folks in the low-tax states really want to go into a fairness discussion. Residents of Connecticut and New York would love to remind them how much they pay in federal taxes to support programs for Mississippi and South Dakota.
Gail Collins
You’ve seen my statements; I do very well. I don’t mind paying some taxes. The middle class is getting clobbered in this country. You know the middle class built this country, not the hedge fund guys, but I know people in hedge funds that pay almost nothing, and it’s ridiculous, OK?
Donald Trump
I wanted to live the life my characters were living, so I rented a yacht and sailed from Naples to Capri before taking a helicopter back. Got to write the whole thing off as research on my taxes.
Brad Thor
Taxes have been complicated. Every single time I spend a Bitcoin, it’s a taxable event. It’s like I bought and sold an asset. It counts as an investment, with a short- or long-term capital gain or loss.
Olaf Carlson-Wee
A common man, even like myself, I don’t know how to pay my taxes.
Kid Rock
By its nature, governments and taxes are not voluntary. Government actions are violent and coercive, and theft as well.
Jeff Berwick
And let me make this very clear – unlike President Obama, I will not raise taxes on the middle class. As president, I will protect the sanctity of life. I will honor the institution of marriage. And I will guarantee America’s first liberty: the freedom of religion.
Mitt Romney
As paradoxical as life would have it, some of these same persons who were beaten are terrorized by the Nazis are assisting the die-hards of the Citizens’ Councils in bringing about economic pressure on Negroes who pay their poll taxes and register in Humphry County.
Medgar Evers
I think we’re pretty much where we need to be on corporate taxes.
Justin Trudeau
Taxes aren’t the way to go. They’d strangle the economy; you wouldn’t create the wealth. And nothing squanders money as well as a government. What we need is to encourage rich people to give.
John Caudwell
We should make it as easy as possible to be able to get a legal work visa – not citizenship, not a green card. Just a work visa, with a background check and a Social Security card so that applicable taxes would get paid.
Gary Johnson
President George Herbert Walker Bush ran as a strong conservative, ran to continue the third term of Ronald Reagan, continue the Ronald Reagan revolution. Then he raised taxes and in ’92 ran as an establishment moderate – same candidate, two very different campaigns.
Ted Cruz
The most important ways in which I think the Internet will affect the big issue is that it will make it more difficult for government to collect taxes.
Milton Friedman
No matter what heights you achieve, even if you’re Brad Pitt, the slide is coming, sure as death and taxes.
James Caan
As more and more Americans own shares of stock, more and more Americans understand that taxing businesses is taxing them. Regulating businesses is taxing them. They ought to be thinking long-term about their ownership, not just their income, and that they should pay taxes on capital, as well as taxes on labor.
Grover Norquist
There are going to be no income taxes and no wealth taxes.
Mohammad bin Salman
If you can manipulate news, a judge can manipulate the law. A smart lawyer can keep a killer out of jail, a smart accountant can keep a thief from paying taxes, a smart reporter could ruin your reputation- unfairly.
Mario Cuomo
Sugary drinks are blamed for increasing the rates of chronic disease and obesity in America. Yet efforts to reduce their consumption through taxes or other measures have gone nowhere. The beverage industry has spent millions defeating them.
Robert Reich
What was interesting about Trump, I mean, people always say they want a non-politician. Well, you got it with Donald Trump. And there’s good to that, and there’s bad to that. The bad is that he can be distracted by talking about these stupid things that – I promise you, no one cares about his taxes.
Ann Coulter
In levying taxes and in shearing sheep it is well to st

In levying taxes and in shearing sheep it is well to stop when you get down to the skin.
Austin O’Malley
Ronald Reagan’s vision of smaller government, less taxes, and a strong national defense has led to a prosperous America. As president, he rebuilt our military and reinvigorated our confidence in ourselves.
David Vitter
Every American, I think, should be able to fill out their taxes on a postcard.
Ted Cruz
During my 30 years on Wall Street, taxes on ‘unearned income’ have bounced up and down with regularity, and I’ve never detected any change in the appetite for hard work and accumulating wealth on the part of myself or any of my fellow capitalists.
Steven Rattner
I’ve always been paying my taxes and I’ve always been trying to comply.
Wesley Snipes
I can assure you that my wife and I – every penny of income we’ve ever had, our taxes were paid in West Virginia.
Joe Manchin
When I wake up in the morning, I feel like a billionaire without paying taxes.
Ernie Banks
I am obligated and I will pay hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes to the American government. I already paid and I will keep paying whatever taxes I owe based on my time as a U.S. citizen.
Eduardo Saverin
On Hillary’s side, I don’t think it gets more establishment than Hillary Clinton. If I had one word to describe Hillary, it would be ‘beholden.’ Nothing’s gonna really change. Government’s gonna have the answer to everything, and that’s gonna mean taxes are gonna go up.
Gary Johnson
The people are hungry: It is because those in authority eat up too much in taxes.
Lao Tzu
We all have to pay our bills. We all have to pay our taxes. Straight up.
Tony Ferguson
Certainly, the job of a U.S. senator is to create a climate conducive to creating jobs, which is lower taxes and less government regulation. What Harry Reid has been doing is putting forward those policies that actually put more regulation on business.
Sharron Angle
The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward.
John Maynard Keynes
Bill Clinton was a brilliant politician. If President Obama was a brilliant politician he would have come out before the election and said ‘Hey we’re gonna cut taxes, grow the economy, what I’m doing’s not working, and we’re gonna change course’ like Clinton did.
Dan Bongino
Obama not only falsely represented the Republican position – as usual – he shamelessly pretended that he was The One ‘fighting so hard to cut middle-class taxes.’ Baloney!
Bob Beauprez
I think, in effect, in most of the European countries, the total marginal tax rate is over 50 percent; that’s to say, add on other taxes like VAT to the income tax.
James Mirrlees
On issues relating to taxes, you don’t always speak with one voice.
Tom Daschle
You know, I like to think that I will subscribe very much to the core Republican principles of small government. Making a small number of rules and getting out of the way. Keeping taxes low. Creating an environment for small businesses to grow and thrive.
Meg Whitman
This is what the election of 2010 was about. We didn’t send conservatives to Washington to flirt with Democrat proposals for higher taxes and more debt. We sent leaders to stop them.
Adam Hasner
It’s really a question of fairness and what kind of country we’re going to live in. There are 22,000 people making over $1 million. They’re paying an effective tax rate in the teens. As Warren Buffett said, he pays less in taxes effectively than his secretary does. That’s not right.
David Plouffe
The key to revenue growth is tax reform that closes loopholes and that is pro-growth. Then with a growing economy, that’s where your revenue growth comes in, not from higher taxes.
John Hoeven
All’s the government should do is keep the taxes and regulations at a manageable rate, keep a decent standing army and get out of the way.
Adam Carolla
I hope we can agree that it’s better to cut taxes substantially, robustly, for the middle class as opposed to the top 1 percent. That would lift people’s wages or take-home pay. And when you do that, you automatically are reducing somewhat the big costs in their lives.
Bob Casey, Jr.
I recognize that Republicans see a moral difference between a dollar taken away from a millionaire in government benefits and a dollar taken away from a millionaire in taxes.
Timothy Noah
It’s unnecessary for elected officials to release their taxes because they are already required by law to submit a personal financial disclosure.
Chris Collins
I’m a small businessman and I’m well aware of the uncertainties of the economy, exactly what the ‘inflationary spiral’ means when I’m forced to raise prices to my customers, and how taxes can eat into your earnings.
Harvey Milk
Let’s be clear: raising taxes during a very slow recovery is likely to lead to another recession, and it will do absolutely nothing to balance the budget.
John Fleming
Nevada Energy doesn’t lose money. The gaming industry loses money. It employs all the people. It pays all the taxes. And if you take the P&L, the profit and loss, of the hotels in Las Vegas and Reno, it is a number that is minus, not plus, minus.
Steve Wynn
Many small business owners want to pass their family legacy on to their kids and grandkids, but they are turned over to vulture funds because the family may be asset rich but lacks the cash to pay the estate taxes. I have met people who literally sold the farm to pay the taxes.
Stephen Moore
It should be a matter of pride for all of us that the taxes we pay are used for nation building – to help the poor and the marginalised, to build rural and urban infrastructure, and to strengthen our border defences.
Ram Nath Kovind
I just don’t want to pay taxes.
Bobby Kotick
I look forward to working with our leadership team to a

I look forward to working with our leadership team to advance the causes of smaller government, lower taxes, eliminating terrorism, and providing affordable health care, among other issues.
Howard Coble
Apart from death and taxes, the one thing that’s certain in this life is that I’ll never be a fashion icon.
Bruce Dickinson
The public hasn’t learned that businesses don’t pay taxes: only people do. They’re confused, and this makes an adviser’s job all the harder.
Edgar Fiedler
What we won’t become is a ‘Democratic Party lite!’ We are a party that wants smaller government and lower taxes. Obama and the Democrats do not. We are a party that wants to encourage small business. We are a party that has a large constituent group that believes in a social agenda and we will not abandon them.
Ed Rollins
A huge segment of the country has always felt overtaxed. In 1938, when taxes were roughly 17% of income, a ‘Fortune’ survey found that nearly half of all Americans thought they paid too much relative to what they got in return.
Nina Easton
Good governance takes behavior that is negative or not helpful to the greater good of society, whether it’s polluting behaviour, plastics, or whatever, and taxes the behaviour.
Edward Burtynsky
The biggest source of getting the country to a balanced budget is not by raising taxes or by cutting spending. It’s by encouraging the growth of the economy.
Mitt Romney
I always had a long-term view of going into politics, so I suppose I was always careful. I mean, I got offered all these rinky dink tax deals, but I always paid my taxes. I am naturally quite conservative.
John Key
John McCain was one of the senators who voted against George Herbert Walker Bush’s disastrous break of his no new taxes pledge when he raised taxes in 1990. That’s really important. He’s a supply-sider. And he’s got supply siders like Phil Graham and Jack Kemp to vouch for that.
Kellyanne Conway
I love talking about taxes.
Michael Arrington
The rich support the poor primarily via taxes.
Thomas Peterffy
Between income taxes and employment taxes, capital gains taxes, estate taxes, corporate taxes, property taxes, Social Security taxes, we’re being taxed to death.
Chuck Norris
Look, only in Washington is not raising taxes considered a tax cut. Nobody’s getting a tax cut here. We’re not cutting taxes. We’re preventing tax increases from occurring.
Paul Ryan
Simplicity just isn’t a word synonymous with taxes.
Mike Crapo
Democrats are people who raise your taxes and spend your money on weird stuff. They steal your guns, and they spit on your faith.
Grover Norquist
As I’ve often said, Wisconsin’s greatest strength continues to be the dedicated, hardworking people of our state. They go to work everyday, pay their taxes, and raise their kids with good, Midwestern values.
Jim Doyle
In Washington, I will never vote to raise taxes, I will fight to repeal healthcare reform, and I will work to balance the budget.
Andrew P. Harris
We have a system that increasingly taxes work and subsidizes nonwork.
Milton Friedman
Sixteen- and 17-year-olds pay taxes and can join the army, so surely they should in turn be given their right to vote.
Lucy Powell
Taxes suck. They really stink.
Zach LaVine
We want to go back to a tax system where Americans sit down at their kitchen table, and they do their taxes on a single sheet of paper. That’s what we should have in this America.
Gary Cohn
Fraud, robbery, and murder have characterized the English usurpation of the government of our country. Why, for the last fifty years we have been robbed in the matter of taxes of hundreds of millions.
John Edward Redmond
Why shouldn’t 16-year-olds who pay taxes and drive not be allowed to vote?
Mehdi Hasan
Now the truth of the matter is that there are a lot of things people don’t understand. Take the Einstein theory. Take taxes. Take love. Do you understand them? Neither do I. But they exist. They happen.
Dalton Trumbo
An Arab who works and pays taxes is good for everyone. An Arab who doesn’t work and receives social security stipends is bad for everyone.
Ayman Odeh
A variety of factors contribute to the price of gasoline in the United States. These factors include worldwide supply, demand and competition for crude oil, taxes, regional differences in access to gasoline supplies and environmental regulations.
Gary Miller
The generosity of the super-rich is sometimes proffered as evidence they’re contributing as much to the nation’s well-being as they did decades ago when they paid a much larger share of their earnings in taxes.
Robert Reich
The American Revolution was sparked by a series of taxes and tariffs on tea. More recently, the Thatcher and Reagan ‘revolutions’ were rooted in overturning the status quo – excessive taxation – to empower the individual and encourage a free society and prosperous economy.
Priti Patel
We need to stop illegal immigration. We need to put people back to work. We need to cut taxes.
Corey Lewandowski
Unlike most government programs, Social Security and, in part, Medicare are funded by payroll taxes dedicated specifically to them. Some of the tax revenue pays for current benefits; anything that’s left over goes into trust funds for the future. The programs were designed this way for political reasons.
James Surowiecki
For more than forty years, the United States Congress has shamelessly used payroll taxes intended for Social Security to fund big government spending.
Mike Pence
There are things in life that don't come to me naturall

There are things in life that don’t come to me naturally, and social media and the Internet and all those things are some of them, somewhere between taxes and cooking!
Margot Robbie
Today the salaries of stars are astronomical in comparison with the 20’s, but the high cost of today’s living and taxes takes a huge bite out of these salaries.
Pola Negri
When you try to figure out what the religious right is, it ultimately comes down either to one man, Pat Robertson, or anyone who believes in a higher being and wants their taxes cut.
Ann Coulter
I pay my taxes when I was with ABS-CBN as an actress; when I was with Binibini, so I’ll continue on doing that as long as I’m earning money here, like everybody else.
Pia Wurtzbach
The basic idea that if you increase government spending or you cut people’s taxes that stimulates the economy and lowers the unemployment rate, is a very widely accepted idea. It’s in every economics textbook, that’s what we teach our undergraduates, and I certainly try to teach them the truth.
Christina Romer
Gone are the days when the upper classes were terrified of the angry mob wanting to smash their skulls and confiscate their properties. Now their biggest enemy is the army of lazy bums, whose lifestyle of indolence and hedonism, financed by crippling taxes on the rich, is sucking the lifeblood out of the economy.
Ha-Joon Chang
France is the country with the highest taxes in Europe along with Sweden… something of which I am not proud.
Nicolas Sarkozy
Religions take donations and don’t pay taxes.
Deepak Chopra
Leaving America means renouncing your citizenship, moving out of the country and leaving family and friends behind. You can retain your citizenship if you like, but you’ll still be away from loved ones and still be paying taxes. You lose all the good stuff about America and have to keep all the bad stuff.
Michael Arrington
Every two weeks, I’d get a small pay-check and notice the line where federal and state income taxes were deducted from my wages. At least as often, our drug-addict neighbor would buy T-bone steaks, which I was too poor to buy for myself but was forced by Uncle Sam to buy for someone else.
J. D. Vance
You need basically some accountability rules, which means democratic checks and balances at the euro zone level, and definitely, you have to increase convergence in terms of taxes, in terms of social affairs and so on.
Emmanuel Macron
It’s not fair to say that people who work with their head or with their hands ought to pay taxes, but people who earn their living with capital ought not to.
Phil Gramm
I have been very aggressively campaigning on Kansas needs to cut its taxes.
Kris Kobach
I hope that the Senate acts quickly to pass this legislation so that Americans will no longer worry about having to sell the family farm or business to pay taxes after the death of a loved one.
Doc Hastings
I don’t know whether other people should or shouldn’t pay taxes. I know I can, and I am willing, to pay more taxes. I know I should not get Social Security. I don’t need it.
Kenneth Langone
I just simply can’t support having my constituents pay more taxes and not receive more benefits for their tax payments.
Dan Donovan
I don’t have a real attraction or interest to national politics, so I want to see Republicans win across the board in the state of Arizona, because those policies of lower taxes and lighter regulation and strong foreign policy are important to me.
Doug Ducey
You don’t hear many stories about people who grow up, have normal lives, pay taxes and pay bills, have mortgages and have kids. You hear stories about Billy the Kid for a reason.
Finn Cole
Well, I think lower taxes and less regulation would actually promote growth.
Jeb Bush
The curious thing is Americans don’t mind individual mandates when they come in the form of payroll taxes to buy mandatory public insurance. In fact, that’s the system we call Social Security and Medicare, and both are so popular politicians dare not touch them.
Robert Reich
Danes pay very high taxes, but in return enjoy a quality of life that many Americans would find hard to believe.
Bernie Sanders
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.
Benjamin Franklin
Failing to appropriately fund our schools creates more pressure on local communities who are forced to make up the state’s shortfall by increasing property taxes.
Sara Gideon
Multi-millionaires who pay half or less than half of the percentage of tax the rest of us pay justify their actions by saying they pay what the law requires. Though true, the fact is they found ways within the law to beat the purpose of the law – which, in the case of taxes, is that we all pay our fair share.
Simon Sinek
I only have disdain for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He raised taxes and has increased regulations. What else is new? He’s a bully who wants to micro-manage people’s lives by mandate, not persuasion.
Mark Skousen
Read my lips: no new taxes.
George H. W. Bush
Wrestling is a lot like any other workplace. You don’t really talk religion or politics. But we are all independent contractors, so we pay our taxes quarterly. And we talk about taxes.
I believe very firmly that we can get to balanced budgets without raising taxes and without cutting transfers to the provinces or to individuals.
Andrew Scheer
A long time ago, I watched President Reagan repeat a few simple points about the benefits for everyone of lower taxes, light regulations, and limited government. Successful policies are sold by repetition, not unrelated tangents.
Lawrence Kudlow
The reality is that the workforce relative to the number of people retired has shrunk and today in America there are only 3.3 working Americans paying payroll taxes to support each individual currently retired and collecting Social Security taxes.
John Shadegg
While the wealthiest families completely benefit from the tax cuts targeted towards the upper brackets, middle-income families were hit with the unwelcome surprise of higher taxes on tax day.
Tim Bishop
The cost of airline tickets will never be transparent a

The cost of airline tickets will never be transparent as long as the Department of Transportation requires airlines to hide taxes, surcharges, and fees from consumers.
Tom Graves
I think we should have basically the same tax policy that Germany, Japan, the U.K., everybody else has, which is a tax rate in the mid-20s and no loopholes. Zero. The U.S. has the most antiquated tax system. And that means some people are going to pay more taxes, and some people are going to pay less.
Jeffrey R. Immelt
Let me tell you, the heart of my tax proposal: I will not raise taxes on the American people. I will not raise taxes on middle-income Americans.
Mitt Romney
Until the province is willing to look internally at their inflated budget, to engage the private sector, to exhaust every other available avenue, we can’t justify a series of costly new taxes on residents who are already telling us that they just can’t afford it.
Doug Ford
The TT taxes your mind.
Guy Martin
We say that anytime budgets are balanced and an ample savings account has been set aside, government should just stop collecting taxes. Better to leave that money in the pockets of those who earned it, than to let it burn a hole, as it always does, in the pockets of government.
Mitch Daniels
The problem is government spends too much. So raising taxes is what politicians do, instead of reducing spending.
Grover Norquist
There is an old adage that the quickest way to drop your tax take is to increase taxes. If capital gains tax is going to be 50 percent, my contingent capital gains tax is going to be 250 million pounds.
Peter Hargreaves
I paid $1.9 billion in taxes in my lifetime.
Thomas Peterffy