Top 515 Nearly Quotes

The difference between a remarkable life and a mediocre one is not nearly as large as you might imagine. Nope, we all pretty much start out with the same raw stuff.
Robin S. Sharma
It is nearly always the most improbable things that really come to pass.
E. T. A. Hoffmann
Southampton is for sporting rich; Bridgehampton is for nearly rich; East Hampton is for the very rich.
Steven Gaines
Four hundred or so people lived in Knockemstiff in 1957, nearly all of them connected by blood through one godforsaken calamity or another, be it lust or necessity or just plain ignorance.
Donald Ray Pollock
Obamacare is simply incapable of doing what it is supposed to do – provide nearly universal care at an affordable and sustainable cost.
Marcia Angell
The real exertion in the case of an opera singer lies not so much in her singing as in her acting of a role, for nearly every modern opera makes great dramatic and physical demands.
Maria Jeritza
I’ve been trekking the hills and lanes of the British countryside for nearly four decades now and I’ve come to associate my passion with overexcited poets rather than pampered painters.
Arthur Smith
The days when the words ‘Hollywood actor’ framed Ronald Reagan like bunny fingers as an ID tag and an implied insult seem far-off and quaint: nearly everybody in politics – candidate, consultant, pundit, and Tea Party crowd extra alike – is an actor now, a shameless ham in a hoked-up reality series that never stops.
James Wolcott
The population of the U.S. is nearly 300 million, including many of the best educated, most talented, most resourceful, humane people on earth. By almost any measure of civilised attainment, from Nobel prize-counts on down, the U.S. leads the world by miles.
Richard Dawkins
Nearly everything faith-related that I have done at Harvard has been followed by free food, from going to services at Harvard’s Episcopal Chaplaincy to attending a day of interfaith discussion and dialogue hosted by the university chaplains in the fall.
Alexandra Petri
The strongest signals leaking off our planet are radar transmissions, not television or radio. The most powerful radars, such as the one mounted on the Arecibo telescope (used to study the ionosphere and map asteroids) could be detected with a similarly sized antenna at a distance of nearly 1,000 light-years.
Seth Shostak
When the Jewish people, after nearly 2,000 years of exi

When the Jewish people, after nearly 2,000 years of exile, under relentless persecution, became a nation again on 14 May 1948 the ‘fig tree’ put forth its first leaves. Jesus said that this would indicate that He was ‘at the door,’ ready to return.
Hal Lindsey
Don’t undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible.
Edwin Land
It’s just wrong to work your whole life to build up a nest egg, build your own business – you pass away, and Uncle Sam can swoop in and take away nearly half of everything you’ve earned. Can you imagine that? Having to sell off most of your land just to keep it from the government, just to save the house.
Kevin Brady
I rode it once, which was up the driveway in the opening credits of the show. I didn’t know how to stop it. I actually nearly killed the director of photography, and I smashed into the sound truck.
Henry Winkler
To the scientist there is the joy in pursuing truth which nearly counteracts the depressing revelations of truth.
H. P. Lovecraft
I am gentle. I think nearly everyone who makes music is sensitive – I don’t care how hard they pretend they are.
Ian Brown
If ‘American Beauty’ came out today, it wouldn’t make nearly as much money.
Robin Wright
Government needs to stay out of nearly everything.
John Layfield
High-end BREW phones aren’t nearly as limited a gaming platform as you might think – they are a lot more powerful than an original Play Station, for example. Java phones, however, are saddled with a huge disadvantage for gaming.
John Carmack
I think it’s nearly impossible to write something fictional without having it be about yourself in some way or another.
Jami Attenberg
When you’re 21, you think, ‘Oh God, when I’m 36, oh God, that’s nearly 40 and I’ll look really old and wrinkly by then.’ And actually, I quite like the way I look.
Kate Winslet
When I found the book was condemned as soon as the book was printed, or rather as soon as it was set up ready to print, I held it in plates for a year nearly, waiting to see what would come out of all this discussion.
John Harvey Kellogg
It is indeed an odd business that it has taken this Court nearly two centuries to ‘discover’ a constitutional mandate to have counsel at a preliminary hearing.
Warren E. Burger
Every time one can write a self-deluded song, you are way ahead of the game, way ahead. Self-delusion is the basis of nearly all the great scenes in all the great plays, from ‘Oedipus’ to ‘Hamlet.’
Stephen Sondheim
I read a great number of press reports and find comfort in the fact that they are nearly always conflicting.
Harold MacMillan
The Clinton tax increase – which was an increase in taxes primarily on upper-income people – not only made the tax code more nearly progressive, it preceded one of the most productive economic periods in American life.
Barney Frank
In the documentary ‘Facing Ali,’ nearly half the fighters involved required subtitles despite speaking English, their speech slurred by the physical toll of their ring lives. This was their reward for testing their furthermost physical and mental boundaries.
Brin-Jonathan Butler
I live in southern Appalachia, so I’m surrounded by people who work very hard for barely a living wage. It’s particularly painful that people are working the farms their parents and grandparents worked but aren’t living nearly as well.
Barbara Kingsolver
Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom.
Benjamin N. Cardozo
Linda Svendsen’s ‘Marine Life’ was important. I was nearly 22. Larry Mathews discussed the book in a creative writing class. We examined her stories, figured out how they worked.
Michael Winter
More Americans own their home than ever before. Nearly 70 percent of American’s are homeowners. So it is a good time for us to asses the positive impacts of homeownership on families, communities and on the nation’s economy.
Randy Neugebauer
I wouldn’t get nearly as many books written if I lived in New York. The Columbia Gorge is fantastic. When the sun shines, I just want to be outdoors.
Chuck Palahniuk
A couple of weeks after the Olympics, I thought I’d pop down to my local supermarket and do some grocery shopping. One person came up to me in the frozen food aisle, and that was it. I was mobbed, and I had to leave my shopping. Now, I either shop online or go very late at night when the supermarket’s nearly empty.
Nicola Adams
I’ve found even after nearly 30 years of doing this, there are all kinds of new surprises that rear their heads at various times and I truly believe that 51% of the images, success takes place in the darkroom.
John Sexton
We’re constantly told that running will ruin our knees and outrage our hearts, but for nearly all of human existence, it was associated with freedom, vitality, and eternal youth.
Christopher McDougall
Beginning in the Clinton administration, there was, for nearly two decades, a broad bipartisan consensus that the best Internet policy was light-touch regulation – rules that promoted competition and kept the Internet ‘unfettered by federal or state regulation.’ Under this policy, a free and open Internet flourished.
Ajit Pai
For every family in liberal San Francisco that went solar with SunRun in 2010, nearly eight families in more conservative Fresno made the switch to our solar power service.
Lynn Jurich
The amount of money we spend on education is important, but not nearly as important as how the money is spent.
Bob Riley
Research shows that when we read words on paper, it reduces our stress levels by nearly 70 percent. We also read more carefully than on tablets or laptops.
Margaret Heffernan
While China succeeded in transferring nearly 150 million people from agriculture to manufacturing, we could not do so, due to lack of skilled manpower.
Pallam Raju
There is not anything that can so suddenly flood the mind with shame as the conviction of ignorance, yet we are all ignorant of nearly everything there is to be known.
Hilaire Belloc
I was nearly a teen-ager before I stopped assuming that

I was nearly a teen-ager before I stopped assuming that everyone I met was Jewish.
Kenneth Lonergan
My goal, as always, is simply to inform the public about an issue that is nearly impossible for them to learn about on their own. That is my only goal as a reporter.
Dana Priest
George W. Bush has dutifully, if not intentionally, provided Americans with laughs for nearly a decade. He has also made them cry, sometimes for the same reason.
Alexandra Petri
There is Rio in 2016, but it won’t be the same as going to London and hearing 24,000 people – nearly all British – cheering, stamping their feet, and screaming your name.
Charlotte Dujardin
I had several near death experiences or very, you know, close calls, if you may, in Iraq. You know, there was an incident where I was nearly kidnapped.
Farnaz Fassihi
This idea that the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact is being proven over and over again around the world nearly on a daily basis – and for Secretary Clinton to recognize that, I think, is a huge step.
Biz Stone
As income inequality increases, the social and political sway of those at the very, very top grows, too. They are nearly all men, and men whose lived experience tells them that women, for whatever reason, just don’t have what it takes.
Chrystia Freeland
According to FBI statistics for 2008, only 22 percent of murder victims were killed by strangers. More than 30 percent were slain by family members, boyfriends, and girlfriends. Nearly half of all murders were committed by friends, neighbors, and casual acquaintances.
Alafair Burke
When you have those two languages – an analytic one like English and a synthetic, very sensual thing like Russian, you get almost a psychotic sense of humanity that permeates nearly everything. It can help you understand, and it can discourage you, because you see how little can be done.
Joseph Brodsky