Top 55 Deb Haaland Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Deb Haaland Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I think Nancy Pelosi is extremely qualified to be speak

I think Nancy Pelosi is extremely qualified to be speaker of the House, because she has been speaker of the House. I trust her leadership. I trust her judgment.
Deb Haaland
I was a chairwoman of my state Democratic party.
Deb Haaland
I’m not exceptional. I didn’t grow up with privilege.
Deb Haaland
Immigrants and Native Americans have made our country what it is today, and if we’ve learned anything through these hundreds of years – it should be that we can accomplish more when we work together.
Deb Haaland
Over-dependence on finite resources, like oil, ignores the ability of our great minds to develop alternative energy for the masses, and in doing so ignores climate change and sets up our students and workforce for failure by not educating them about the needs of our future.
Deb Haaland
Elizabeth Warren has been a champion for working people. She has been a champion for Native people. She has been a champion for education and all of the things that we should care about in this country.
Deb Haaland
The promise of American opportunity and prosperity means something different to each of us. What we each envision varies in terms of wants and needs, and aspirations can change over time. But we all want to see our children have more opportunities than we had.
Deb Haaland
SNAP benefits help local economies because the benefits are spent at local grocery stores – with locally grown and locally-made products. I remember many years ago, while on food stamps, I advocated for the benefits to be spent at local farmers markets – a move that has helped local economies even more.
Deb Haaland
Our country has a trust responsibility to Indian tribes, and it seems like their voice has been lacking in so many conversations that we’ve had in this country. And so, I’d like to make sure that tribal leaders have that seat at the table.
Deb Haaland
Time and again, it has been proven that SNAP benefits are the most valuable government stimulus we can have for local economies.
Deb Haaland
I think it’s important to always have diversity, in our Congress or anywhere, but you also need diversity not just for women of color who are most underrepresented, but diversity in different walks of life.
Deb Haaland
As an organizer in the most underrepresented communities in my state, I have felt the frustration that so many voters must feel when other states limit polling locations, require photo IDs, and put unnecessary barriers in front of voters.
Deb Haaland
Look, there are people hurting in this country. We have to find solutions to make their lives better, right?
Deb Haaland
On this 50th Earth Day, we face a crisis unknown to those who gathered on the first Earth Day – the climate crisis.
Deb Haaland
If Trump wants to appeal to protectionism, the president should be protecting Americans from global warming and the accompanying extreme weather that’s becoming more common.
Deb Haaland
Like many New Mexicans, I enjoy spending time outdoors and understand how important New Mexico’s natural beauty and resources are.
Deb Haaland
Everything depends on our ability to sustainably inhabit this earth, and true sustainability will require us all to change our way of thinking on how we take from the earth and how we give back.
Deb Haaland
We’re a matrilineal society, as Pueblo women, and there are a lot of tribes across the country who are.
Deb Haaland
When the sun is sending more energy to earth in one hour than the entire world consumes in a year, any political play to undermine our ability to harness this energy effectively and efficiently is clearly not economical but it’s also unethical.
Deb Haaland
We must shift our thinking away from short-term gain toward long-term investment and sustainability, and always have the next generations in mind with every decision we make.
Deb Haaland
I am disappointed and frustrated by the FCC’s decision to ignore the vast majority of Americans across the political spectrum, and instead side with corporations that now have the power to manipulate Internet access based on who can pay more.
Deb Haaland
Healthcare is a human right. No one should face bankruptcy or death because of lack of healthcare. All Americans – regardless of their health or residential status – should be able to access the healthcare they need, whenever they need it.
Deb Haaland
Moving to 100 percent renewable energy is a good economic opportunity, one that the U.S. must seize before other nations take full advantage of it.
Deb Haaland
In 2008, I was a full-time volunteer for Barack Obama’s first election. I’d take a carload of people and we’d go and canvass in a Native American community every evening.
Deb Haaland
Too many American families go bankrupt from healthcare expenses, and low wage workers have to hold two or three jobs just to make ends meet, which leaves many young children without any hope of having a pre-K education – the most important start to a good education and a path out of poverty.
Deb Haaland
The provision of healthcare in America has been a major policy issue for many decades. From the establishment of Medicare & Medicaid to the Affordable Care Act, we have struggled to find a solution for not just providing access to healthcare – but also becoming a healthier population.
Deb Haaland
We are not strangers to poverty in New Mexico.
Deb Haaland
It’s always really great when your hard work pays off.
Deb Haaland
For almost 20 years, I’ve worked on various campaigns. I started out as a phone volunteer. I’d go into campaign offices, ask for lists of Native American voters, and just start calling people because I felt that I just wanted to help more Native folks get to the polls.
Deb Haaland
There is no moral high ground from which President Trump or any of his followers can tell anyone to leave this country, because they are not the first inhabitants of this land. They should instead look into their history to learn where, when and why their ancestors came to this country.
Deb Haaland
A free and open Internet is crucial for innovation and the exchange of information and ideas. It allows grassroots communities to organize and mobilize against injustice across our nation and the globe. It’s good for business, consumers, and our entire economy.
Deb Haaland
I want to double down on our commitment to clean energy

I want to double down on our commitment to clean energy into New Mexico – that way we’ll create good paying jobs by harnessing the power of our natural resources.
Deb Haaland
As a country, we should be moving forward, but instead conservative lawmakers keep dragging us back.
Deb Haaland
We have to move toward renewable energy in a big way here in America.
Deb Haaland
We need a national universal paid family leave program that allows families to be together in the most important moments of our lives – from having a baby to caring for a dying parent.
Deb Haaland
I want every young Indigenous girl to think about getting involved in their communities. You’re never too young to help with community efforts.
Deb Haaland
Whenever the Republicans have an opportunity, they’ve tried to make New Mexico into a right-to-work state, and so I’ve been on the front lines fighting that for a long time.
Deb Haaland
We are pushing for Medicare-for-all. That’s an economic issue – it really is. And if we can work toward a fair, more-equitable system for working families, everybody would have health care.
Deb Haaland
Net Neutrality is Internet freedom.
Deb Haaland
Even after being diagnosed with Covid-19, Bolsonaro fails to take this virus seriously and is directly targeting vulnerable indigenous communities by failing to provide them with adequate funding to address this pandemic. It’s an attack on human rights.
Deb Haaland
If anyone can say ‘go back,’ it’s Native Americans. My Pueblo ancestors, despite being targeted at every juncture – despite facing famine and drought – still inhabit this country today. But indigenous people aren’t asking anyone to go back to where they came from.
Deb Haaland
Any type of anti-Semitism in any form needs to be soundly rejected.
Deb Haaland
Offshore drilling is not the solution to U.S. energy independence, and I am against opening parts of the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans to oil and natural gas production.
Deb Haaland
In New Mexico, we’re very lucky that we have laws in place that really help ensure that Native Americans’ right to vote is unencumbered.
Deb Haaland
The Republicans cry for smaller government; however, it seems that at every turn, they work at interfering with the lives of Americans, and we can add food-choice to the list.
Deb Haaland
In 1881, my dad’s grandparents, who were Norwegian farmers, immigrated to the United States – the same year my great grandfather from Laguna Pueblo was put on a train to Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania.
Deb Haaland
I will continue to be at the forefront, participating in rallies, marches, letter-writing campaigns, and fighting for federal funding for Planned Parenthood. And, I will always oppose the nomination of any anti-choice U.S. Supreme Court Justice.
Deb Haaland
We don’t have time to play politics with people’s lives or the planet’s future.
Deb Haaland
We must be welcoming to those who flee their country because of violence and abject poverty in hopes of a better future – that’s who we are as Americans.
Deb Haaland
It’s taken over 240 years for there to be a Native American woman elected to congress, so it’s definitely significant that we were able to accomplish that.
Deb Haaland
My dad was a 30-year career Marine. He was stationed in Quantico Va., and another military base.
Deb Haaland
We need more people in office who understand struggle. In Congress, I want to take my experience and fight to expand support for families who are hurting.
Deb Haaland
As someone who has dealt with economic hardship, I am committed to making the changes necessary for our country to become more equitable. And to do so, I believe we need to think big.
Deb Haaland
I have spent my life fighting for the underrepresented and I am working tirelessly to be New Mexico’s champion in Congress.
Deb Haaland
Running for Congress isn’t something I ever thought I would do.
Deb Haaland