Top 55 Puzzled Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Puzzled Quotes from famous people such as Freddie Ljungberg, Saul Perlmutter, Moby, Betty Hill, Willa Cather, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

And at West Ham no one gives you a puzzled look if you

And at West Ham no one gives you a puzzled look if you get called up for your national team and players are never asked to play on injections.
Freddie Ljungberg
If you’re puzzled by what dark energy is, you’re in good company.
Saul Perlmutter
I like noise. It’s always puzzled me why one of the goals of contemporary recording is to get rid of noise and to eliminate any element of a performance.
They came out over the highway and they stopped and that’s when Barney got out, with the binoculars to try and identify the craft. I mean, he’d been in the military in World War Two, he’s puzzled.
Betty Hill
Sometimes a neighbor whom we have disliked a lifetime for his arrogance and conceit lets fall a single commonplace remark that shows us another side, another man, really; a man uncertain, and puzzled, and in the dark like ourselves.
Willa Cather
I see myself as a citizen of the planet. Even as a child, I always found it mindless to root for your own team. I was puzzled by the fact that people said their own team was better than other teams simply because it was theirs.
Wallace Shawn
If you’re puzzled by what dark energy is, you’re in good company.
Saul Perlmutter
We tend to regard history as true and ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ as untrue. That’s always puzzled me.
Tim O’Brien
Howard Dean is not the first politician to distort facts in his own interests. But many activists in the party he now leads are puzzled over what he thinks he is accomplishing politically. Is it good politics to contend that Iraq was better off under Saddam Hussein than even a flawed Islamic republic?
Robert Novak
When I was first elected I was puzzled why they were holding events in my honor as a mere freshman. I asked myself, why is a federal entity so involved in political activity?
Brian Baird
What has always puzzled me is the flexibility of God’s word. For instance, Catholics can now eat meat on Fridays. And limbo has been abolished. How does this work? Who tells them?
Simon Hoggart
For the scientists, they’re kind of puzzled and pleased that somebody finds their work interesting. It makes it fun for me. I feel like I’ve sort of turned over a stone that hasn’t been turned over.
Mary Roach
Writers are like eremites or anchorites – natural-born eremites or anchorites – who seem puzzled as to why they went up the pole or into the cave in the first place.
Joy Williams
I’ve never met any artist who illustrated one of my books, although I’ve corresponded briefly with one. I have always been impressed by the technical expertise involved in the covers, even if sometimes puzzled by the subject matter.
Jane Lindskold
I’m really puzzled by why people in societies find it difficult to work collaboratively together with other people in societies.
Michael Porter
For the scientists, they’re kind of puzzled and pleased that somebody finds their work interesting. It makes it fun for me. I feel like I’ve sort of turned over a stone that hasn’t been turned over.
Mary Roach
What has always puzzled me is the flexibility of God’s word. For instance, Catholics can now eat meat on Fridays. And limbo has been abolished. How does this work? Who tells them?
Simon Hoggart
I am very puzzled by the fact that young people are getting infected again. They don’t take precautions despite an enormous amount of information. It’s like riding a race car at 200 kilometers an hour. Some people like the risk.
Luc Montagnier
Sometimes a neighbor whom we have disliked a lifetime for his arrogance and conceit lets fall a single commonplace remark that shows us another side, another man, really; a man uncertain, and puzzled, and in the dark like ourselves.
Willa Cather
I am very puzzled by the fact that young people are getting infected again. They don’t take precautions despite an enormous amount of information. It’s like riding a race car at 200 kilometers an hour. Some people like the risk.
Luc Montagnier
Howard Dean is not the first politician to distort facts in his own interests. But many activists in the party he now leads are puzzled over what he thinks he is accomplishing politically. Is it good politics to contend that Iraq was better off under Saddam Hussein than even a flawed Islamic republic?
Robert Novak
When rock came in, I wasn’t bitter about it. I was puzzled.
Jo Stafford
Something that has always puzzled me all my life is why, when I am in special need of help, the good deed is usually done by somebody on whom I have no claim.
William Feather
It puzzled me that other people hadn’t found out, too. God was gone. We were younger. We had reached past him. Why couldn’t they see it? It still puzzles me.
Frances Farmer
When I look at designer books I am sometimes puzzled why they don’t share their inspiration, when it’s obvious somebody had such great inspiration.
Anna Sui
I looked at some of the statues of Jesus; they were just stones with no life. When they said that God is three, I was puzzled even more but could not argue. I believed it, simply because I had to have respect for the faith of my parents.
Cat Stevens
In the course of my research, I’ve read a lot of incredibly bad books – mostly by academics. I’m puzzled as to just why their writing is so terrible. These are smart people, after all.
Mark Kurlansky
Writers are like eremites or anchorites – natural-born eremites or anchorites – who seem puzzled as to why they went up the pole or into the cave in the first place.
Joy Williams
When you’re teaching a hard concept and the students all have puzzled looks on their faces and then suddenly you can see that ‘aha’ moment, that they got it, that’s just an incredible thing.
Anant Agarwal
Nobody gets excited when they see me. If I put on my wizard outfit and walk around the airport for a couple of hours, I get a couple of puzzled glances.
Andy Kindler
I have long been puzzled by the entrenched mentality, and often enforced practice, of longer work hours and less sleep. Innumerable policies exist within the workplace regarding smoking, substance abuse, ethical behaviour, and injury and disease prevention.
Matthew Walker
The capacity to be puzzled is the premise of all creati

The capacity to be puzzled is the premise of all creation, be it in art or in science.
Erich Fromm
I am really puzzled to understand myself.
Lincoln Steffens
Where was I going? I puzzled and wondered about it til I actually enjoyed the puzzlement and wondering.
Carl Sandburg
And at West Ham no one gives you a puzzled look if you get called up for your national team and players are never asked to play on injections.
Freddie Ljungberg
I’m really puzzled by why people in societies find it difficult to work collaboratively together with other people in societies.
Michael Porter
When I was first elected I was puzzled why they were holding events in my honor as a mere freshman. I asked myself, why is a federal entity so involved in political activity?
Brian Baird
I looked at some of the statues of Jesus; they were just stones with no life. When they said that God is three, I was puzzled even more but could not argue. I believed it, simply because I had to have respect for the faith of my parents.
Cat Stevens
I think what was frustrating to see a lot of good people go. You don’t picture it, you don’t imagine it, don’t think it could happen. When it does, you are puzzled.
LaToya London
I think people are just puzzled by why people where I’m from make the political choices sometimes that they do.
Pete Buttigieg
One of the questions that always puzzled human history is, what are we, and everything around us, made of.
Ashoke Sen
In the course of my research, I’ve read a lot of incredibly bad books – mostly by academics. I’m puzzled as to just why their writing is so terrible. These are smart people, after all.
Mark Kurlansky
My parents lived by Rancho Park. And my mom, later in life, got into playing golf. She and her male cronies would get up at five in the morning and sneak onto the back nine. I kind of just started getting into it. For a long time, I was really puzzled by why people liked it.
Kim Gordon
Another interesting field, which is my own, is cofactors, not only to the disease but also to transmission. I am still puzzled by the fact that you get more sexual transmission in some ethnic populations. One way to answer this is to look for genetic factors.
Luc Montagnier
I like noise. It’s always puzzled me why one of the goals of contemporary recording is to get rid of noise and to eliminate any element of a performance.
I would just stand there puzzled, then realize this would be a great place to make a show.
Tommy Tune
It puzzled me that other people hadn’t found out, too. God was gone. We were younger. We had reached past him. Why couldn’t they see it? It still puzzles me.
Frances Farmer
When rock came in, I wasn’t bitter about it. I was puzzled.
Jo Stafford
Another interesting field, which is my own, is cofactors, not only to the disease but also to transmission. I am still puzzled by the fact that you get more sexual transmission in some ethnic populations. One way to answer this is to look for genetic factors.
Luc Montagnier
I am really puzzled to understand myself.
Lincoln Steffens
Where was I going? I puzzled and wondered about it til I actually enjoyed the puzzlement and wondering.
Carl Sandburg
One of the questions that always puzzled human history is, what are we, and everything around us, made of.
Ashoke Sen
As I spread my wings in politics, I discovered many Thatcher voters down south who were the same kind of people who loathed her in Scotland. They were puzzled by the Scots’ antipathy, given the Falklands war and the strong militaristic history of the Highlands and elsewhere.
Charles Kennedy
Many have puzzled themselves about the origin of evil. I am content to observe that there is evil, and that there is a way to escape from it, and with this I begin and end.
John Newton
Something that has always puzzled me all my life is why, when I am in special need of help, the good deed is usually done by somebody on whom I have no claim.
William Feather