Top 560 Extent Quotes

I have met in my life two big destroyers: Gorbachev, who destroyed the Soviet Union, and Cameron, who destroyed the United Kingdom to some extent, even if there is no wave of Scotland to become independent.
Jean-Claude Juncker
I didn't know V. S. Naipaul very well, and to a large e

I didn’t know V. S. Naipaul very well, and to a large extent, my acquaintance with him was limited to meetings at literary festivals.
Amitava Kumar
To deal with the true causes of war one must begin by recognizing as of prime relevancy to the solution of the problem the familiar fact that civilization is a partial, incomplete, and, to a great extent, superficial modification of barbarism.
Elihu Root
I can’t distract myself enough here, for sketches to a new opera are constantly buzzing around in my head, to the extent that I need all my strength to wrest myself from them.
Richard Wagner
They knew who I was in Australia in 2006, but not to a great extent. Now, with the momentum of a second World Cup, it has gone crazy.
Timothy F. Cahill
Only after she had passed away did I fully comprehend to what extent she had truly touched everyone.
Sean Hepburn Ferrer
Bush does not want to go down in history as the president who lost in Iraq. His strategy to the extent he has one is to hang tough and let whoever succeeds him take the fall.
Eleanor Clift
The NATO forces will, to the extent that they have capacity, assist the war crimes tribunal.
Warren Christopher
A man has free choice to the extent that he is rational.
Thomas Aquinas
To the extent that these advanced weapons or their components are treated as articles of commerce, perhaps for peaceful uses as in the Plowshare program, their cost would be well within the resources available to many large private organizations.
Herman Kahn
By using locally manufactured products, you will be able to help the small entrepreneurs in your area to a great extent.
Ram Nath Kovind
Writers to some extent are childish, and it’s at the childish level that one really engages with any experience. What really moves you is at the very personal, childish level of the imagination. My business is the imagination, and my imagination is engaged by Asia.
Christopher Koch
Many anti-energy groups display little appreciation of the extent to which modern economies depend pervasively on the use of fossil fuels and petrochemical products.
Robert Higgs
But the disparaging of those we love always alienates us from them to some extent. We must not touch our idols; the gilt comes off in our hands.
Gustave Flaubert
I don’t really get the same kinda romance that I would get from, like, jazz. And even to a lesser extent to rock ‘n roll. Rock ‘n roll has a romance to it – how can I put it? A very vulgar romance, but still a romance; whereas hip hop has more facade.
Lupe Fiasco
Rian Malan was one of the first younger writers to perceive and write about a darkness in the South African psyche that goes deeper than mere politics. To some extent, that’s my territory, too.
Damon Galgut
If we pursue organic farming as our healthy food style, we can bring down cost of treatment to a great extent.
Sulaiman Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi
I think to a certain extent in Bosnia and among the Hutus in Rwanda and also among the Tutsis in Rwanda who then took revenge on the Hutus, there is a sense of being swept up and a sense that the society in which they live has gone mad.
John Pomfret
I might go on discussing this subject at great length, but after all is said, done, and written, my own book of experiences will best show what these obstacles are, and how I managed to overcome them to some extent.
Major Taylor
I’ll bet Shakespeare compromised himself a lot; anybody who’s in the entertainment industry does to some extent.
Christopher Isherwood
Sheet music, recording, radio, television, cassettes, CD burners, and file sharing have all invalidated, to some extent, the old model of making a living making music.
Kent Beck
I would rather excel in the knowledge of what is excellent, than in the extent of my power and possessions.
When you run for president, and become president, they just rip you apart. Every facade of privacy that you have is gone. I think everybody believes that, to some extent, you can maintain privacy. And I think in the end, everybody gets proven wrong.
James Carville
Greece has been, in many ways, a partially dysfunctional society. For example, the wealthy barely pay taxes… to an extent, that’s true elsewhere, including the United States, but it’s been pretty extreme in Greece.
Noam Chomsky
I have tried to bring the family together. My father should have done it, and to some extent, I have succeeded.
Claude Picasso
I started modeling when I was about 2 or 3 years old; I started with Baby Guess, and I did Guess Kids, and that was the extent of my modeling career as a kid. I took all of my elementary, middle and high school years off to focus on school and sports.
Gigi Hadid
September 11, 2001, revealed heroism in ordinary people who might have gone through their lives never called upon to demonstrate the extent of their courage.
Geraldine Brooks
The extent to which lawyers and judges are interfering in politics is something that concerns many people.
Kwasi Kwarteng
Government’s role should be only to keep the playing field level, and to work hand in hand with business on issues such as employment. But beyond this, to as great an extent as possible, it should get the hell out of the way.
Jesse Ventura
Everything will have a Yelp review. And if you’re a worker, there will be like credit scores. There already are to some extent. How reliable are you? How many jobs have you had? Have there been lawsuits filed against you? How many traffic tickets?
Tyler Cowen
I don’t pass myself off as a Bible scholar or a pastor or someone who knows all the biblical facts cover-to-cover. I’m just a guy whose life was changed by it. And that’s about the extent of it. So I’m not easily offended when people struggle about where they’re at with their faith at all.
Shawn Michaels
I think being a wealthy member of the establishment is the antithesis of cool. Being a countercultural revolutionary is cool. So to the extent that you’ve made a billion dollars, you’ve probably become uncool.
Sean Parker
Being obsessed by goals is bad for you. You should set

Being obsessed by goals is bad for you. You should set goals, even ambitious goals, regularly. But focus on them only to the extent that they give you direction.
Srikumar Rao
Ilaiyaraaja sir is a legend and his films like ‘Udhiripookkal’ has inspired me to a great extent. In fact, that was the spark behind ‘Naan.’
Vijay Antony
I didn’t say I wouldn’t go into ghetto areas. I’ve been in many of them and to some extent I would say this; if you’ve seen one city slum, you’ve seen them all.
Spiro T. Agnew
Shakespeare is absolutely big in Africa. I guess he’s big everywhere. Growing up, Shakespeare was the thing. You’d learn monologues and you’d recite them. And just like hip-hop, it made you feel like you knew how to speak English really well. You had a mastery of the English language to some extent.
Ishmael Beah
I think, as a younger actor, you are more open to the experience. And to an extent, you want to go into things blind and energised as if you were 15. Keep that terror.
Chiwetel Ejiofor
When I’m writing, I can always play around with tense. I can always make past present. I can always kind of manipulate, and I can always be delusional in a way that’s completely self-serving. With film, it’s like, the camera can’t really lie. It can manipulate to a certain extent.
Jose Antonio Vargas
The lifelong health problems of John F. Kennedy constitute one of the best-kept secrets of recent U.S. history – no surprise, because if the extent of those problems had been revealed while he was alive, his presidential ambitions would likely have been dashed.
Robert Dallek
I shall suggest, on the contrary, that all communication relies, to a noticeable extent on evoking knowledge that we cannot tell, and that all our knowledge of mental processes, like feelings or conscious intellectual activities, is based on a knowledge which we cannot tell.
Michael Polanyi
We respond to a drama to that extent to which it corresponds to our dreamlife.
David Mamet
What most surprises me about Brazil is the extent of the difficulties that we create for ourselves. We create a lot of legislation to control the Brazilian state itself, that this ends up meaning that things don’t go with the speed any head of government would like.
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
I lost the power to write and I had to sort of relearn how to read and write to a certain extent and speak fluently.
Judith Durham
Whatever religion you believe in, if you take almighty’s name and follow his words obediently, you will be safe to an extent.
Diljit Dosanjh
You know, to an extent, Method acting feels occasionally lazy.
Richard C. Armitage
Only by taking responsibility for oneself, to the greatest extent possible, can one ever be free, and only a free person can make responsible choices – between right and wrong, saving and spending, giving or taking.
Paul Ryan
I know feeling pressure gets you nowhere creatively. You’ve just got to understand the character, understand the story, and just play it to the fullest extent.
Finn Jones
To the extent that the United States has, I don’t like the word hegemony, the United States has influence around the world, I don’t think that’s based on to any significant degree on the fact that countries use the dollar as their major reserve.
Robert C. Solomon
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.
Whoever sets any bounds for the reconstructive power of the religious life over the social relations and institutions of men, to that extent denies the faith of the Master.
Walter Rauschenbusch
In a way, that’s always been Yes’ history to a large extent! Quite a few occasions when we’ve had a new band member or change in members, then we’ve done a new album with new chops and refreshed the musical approach.
Chris Squire
I think anyone doing an interview is to some extent on show. And therefore, we always want to put on our best face.
Cherie Blair