Top 560 Extent Quotes

‘Free markets’ is not a liberal or conservative issue. The rule of law is not a Right or Left issue. Those are American principles since our founding, and to the extent that other countries follow our lead… they will prosper. That’s what I want, because every one of those people is a child of God.
Dave Brat
While admirers of capitalism, we also to a certain extent believe it has limitations that require government intervention in markets to make them work.
Janet Yellen
Kind words produce happiness. How often have we ourselves been made happy by kind words, in a manner and to an extent which we are unable to explain!
Frederick William Faber
To the extent I bloomed, I’m a late bloomer.
Lloyd Blankfein
Charter schools are public schools that operate, to a certain extent, outside the system. They have more control over their teachers, curriculum and resources. They also have less money than public schools.
Maggie Gallagher
Those damned Abstract Expressionists. They were a major problem. Because the critics adored them to such an extent, reams and reams, pages and pages of articles about Abstract Expressionists, when we came along, we were just not taken seriously at all.
Robert Indiana
I feel like the Internet has really freed everything up to an extent, hasn’t it? That radio maybe doesn’t have quite the power that it had before.
Chris Lowe
It’s no longer necessary to slave over the vocals. I don’t sing the lyrics until I write them, and singing is the very last thing I do. I record the entire track, and then I worry about lyrics and vocals. The music will suggest where the words are going to a certain extent.
Todd Rundgren
In China, the problem is that with the system of censorship that’s now in place, the user doesn’t know to what extent, why, and under what authority there’s been censorship. There’s no way of appealing. There’s no due process.
Rebecca MacKinnon
If the E.U. formally becomes a union of different speeds it would in effect be formally divided into better and worse members and it would to a large extent lose its attractiveness for those countries that were deemed second class.
Andrzej Duda
In retrospect, I have devoted my scientific life mainly to the question to what extent infectious agents contribute to human cancer, trusting that this will contribute to novel modes of cancer prevention, diagnosis and, hopefully, later on, also to cancer therapy.
Harald zur Hausen
You shouldn’t end a band like Westlife and not be financially secure to some extent, but I wasn’t at all – it was the complete opposite. But you look at stuff then, ‘Well, what do I have? I don’t have money but I have a great marriage, three healthy kids, and I have my voice. I’ll just start again.’
Shane Filan
I was brought up in a bubble to an extent.
Freddie Fox
People don’t understand that that’s really what it is. They’re looking for a magic phone number or something. And to a certain extent, I understand that, because comedy is treated so much as a stepping stone by a lot of people.
Todd Barry
I have this vision of maybe going the way of Bill Kurtis and, I think, Tom Brokaw, to a certain extent – the ability to not be tied to the desk anymore, but to do projects that are meaningful to you.
Lester Holt
Or the other process that is important is that I compress longer sections of composed music, either found or made by myself, to such an extent that the rhythm becomes a timbre, and formal subdivisions become rhythm.
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Realize that the game of life is the game of, to some extent, being taken advantage of by people who make a science of it. Whether they are in government or personal life or in business, they’re everywhere.
Walter Kirn
My father very early on had both short and long-term strategies in his approach to raising his children, so my father was disturbed by the extent to which I was interested in both hip-hop and sports.
Thomas Chatterton Williams
People from cold regions might not understand the exten

People from cold regions might not understand the extent of the pain when ice cubes get stuck on your body.
Mohamedou Ould Slahi
Nonetheless, to the extent that terrorists have come into our country or suspected or known terrorists have entered our country across a border, it’s been across the Canadian border. There are real issues there.
Janet Napolitano
And, I mean, I think poetry does need to be met to some extent, especially, I guess, 19th century poetry, and for me, it’s just been so worth the effort. It’s like I’m planting a garden in my head.
Jane Campion
I started growing my audience in small clubs through word-of-mouth. I started making music that isn’t necessarily commercially viable, and it’s not necessarily marketable to my peers to a certain extent.
Kat Edmonson
To the extent that people overpay as a result of the Libor manipulation, they should be able to get their money back. Individuals who have mortgages, pension funds who had pensioner investments – whoever was ripped off is entitled to get their money back.
Peter Welch
I feel that I fell somewhat under that category where I was using fighting to kind of run from my own self to an extent, to kind of numb the things that I thought about myself. When I had fighting taken away, I was forced to look at myself in the mirror and say, ‘What are you without fighting?’
Dominick Cruz
Even if I was a bad right wing guy, to the extent of whether my arguments are right or wrong, they’re right or wrong independently if I’m right or left.
Bjorn Lomborg
American rock was, and still is to some extent, a closed shop. REO Speedwagon, Toto, Boston, Foreigner all those bands, and I wouldn’t be able to tell which from which.
Curt Smith
Humans are crude linguists from the moment of birth – and perhaps even in the womb – to the extent at least that we can hear spoken sounds and begin to recognize different combinations of language sounds.
Jeffrey Kluger
I don’t know we have a method. We show up at the office. Is that a method? That’s about the extent to which it’s been formalized, asystematised. We show up at the office and talk, talk a scene through.
Ethan Coen
New technologies and approaches are merging the physical, digital, and biological worlds in ways that will fundamentally transform humankind. The extent to which that transformation is positive will depend on how we navigate the risks and opportunities that arise along the way.
Klaus Schwab
To the extent that philosophical positions both confuse us and close doors to further inquiry, they are likely to be wrong.
E. O. Wilson
To the extent that independent means you’re willing to attempt to put your own ideas, personality, and commitment to the material on screen, then of course I hope I’m independent until the day I die.
James Gray
Economics drive the creative, and for a long time, movies about men were just considered ‘movies,’ whereas movies about women were considered niche and only appealing to women. This is to an extent still true, and what it does is represent movies about women as less profitable.
Susanna Fogel
Radio allowed me to be a creator, and TV stole that creation from me by literalizing – and to some extent limiting – my vision.
Spalding Gray
Our economic future rests on the extent to which all students, especially those who represent America’s growing majority, have access to rigorous, college-preparatory classes and excellent teachers.
Chaka Fattah
There has been speculation through the years that Elvis has his eyes done or some other mystery procedure, but that mini facelift was the extent of his plastic surgery.
Linda Thompson
The more I thought to myself, ‘Are my thoughts right, am I being obedient enough?’ the worse it was… one of the most painful things you can experience in life is not so much physical pain, but being self-occupied. Because to the extent you are self-occupied, that’s the extent you will be in pain.
Joseph Prince
TV stars don’t know how to dress up, and they have to hire a stylist. This is true to a great extent. That’s why I go out of my way to experiment. Sometimes I hit the bullseye, sometimes I miss.
Nia Sharma
Bond investors want growth much like equity investors, and to the extent that too much austerity leads to recession or stagnation then credit spreads widen out – even if a country can print its own currency and write its own cheques.
Bill Gross
In listening to the narratives of the Congolese, I came to terms with the extent to which their bodies had become battlefields.
Lynn Nottage
To the extent that we are all educated and informed, we will be more equipped to deal with the gut issues that tend to divide us.
Caroline Kennedy
I don’t see ‘lines of force’ as being destructive, except to the extent that they are exclusively traceable through observance of the path of distorted material left in their wake.
Brian Ferneyhough
We keep thinking that the human is evolving. No, the human has evolved to its extent. What’s happening now is the organization of humans: just like cells organize to form people, people are organizing to form humanity.
Bruce Lipton
To the extent that Israel does face threats, like from say Hamas or Hezbollah, those are threats that do not jeopardise Israel’s existence.
Stephen M. Walt
We should stop thinking of Snowden, to the extent that we ever were, as a hero. We should stop thinking of him as a whistleblower.
Benjamin Wittes
Cranking the Auto-Tune is so easy to do that there’s almost no systemic resistance to trying it. So when someone’s stuck for an idea, that’s what they do. I mean, to the extent that it’s been embraced by an entire idiom of club music and culture.
Steve Albini
Americans, particularly after World War II, tended to romanticize war because in World War II our cause was the cause of humanity, and our soldiers brought home glory and victory, and thank God that they did. But it led us to romanticize it to some extent.
Neil Sheehan
I try to prepare for everything beyond the extent of preparation.
Taylor Swift
Don’t hold back from being an ’empath.’ Don’t be afraid of shedding your tears. Feel it. Feel the full extent of everything. It gives us strength.
Dia Mirza