Top 615 Confidence Quotes

I don’t for a second regret my closeness to them because they were wonderful, golden parents who gave me so much confidence.
Miriam Margolyes
If you’ve got the confidence and the work ethic, you can make any dream come true.
Bret Hart
Freedom and confidence are two different things, in my book. Confidence is overrated – it can be faked, whereas freedom is fearlessness.
Emily Weiss
The world is likely to view any temporary extension of the income tax cuts for the top two percent as a prelude to a long-term or permanent extension, and that would hurt economic recovery as well by undermining confidence that we’re prepared to make a commitment today to bring down our future deficits.
Timothy Geithner
We have to have a way of dealing with this that engenders confidence, trust, gives us every chance of getting the right outcome and boosts both sustainability and economic return at the same time.
John Anderson
If wearing the Spanx helps you get looks, and you feel that energy and response, and you’re rocking your body with confidence, that’s still how you’ll feel about yourself when you get home and take the Spanx off… If your attitude improves from the Spanx, wear the Spanx!
Lisa Ann Walter
Kids made fun of me because I was a slow learner, because I was hyperactive, because of a lot of things. Running gave me confidence.
Steve Prefontaine
As an athlete and as a woman, I get my confidence from playing sports because it shifts your focus from what your body looks like to what your body can do for you. That’s what we all should be doing. It shouldn’t be about looking perfect.
Venus Williams
Sports nurtures dreams of achieving self confidence and masculine striving for the skinny kid watching a boxer dance around the ring with sublime ease.
Armstrong Williams
I think I have an inner confidence that my tastes are pretty simple, that what I find funny finds a wide audience. I’m not particularly intellectual or clever or minority-focused in my creative instincts. And I’m certainly not aware of suppressing more sophisticated ambitions.
Rowan Atkinson
When I meet large women who walk with confidence and are articulate and really have an understanding of how they walk in this world, I love them so deeply for being able to overcome such unbelievable odds.
Camryn Manheim
But the world is ever more interdependent. Stock markets and economies rise and fall together. Confidence is the key to prosperity. Insecurity spreads like contagion. So people crave stability and order.
Tony Blair
What we can say with confidence is that the technological revolution is worsening inequality, due mostly to mechanisms that limit free markets. It is also bringing about disruptive change that is intensifying insecurity and may indeed lead to large-scale labor displacement.
Guy Standing
General Petraeus is not a miracle worker. He can not be successful unless the president creates greater confidence within his own team about the decisions which the president has himself made.
Jim Talent
I have a friend who, if she has a bad hair day, it affects her whole mood because it is part of her sexuality, her confidence. I don’t have that problem any more.
Cathy Freeman
I still refer to myself as a 'cheerleader' because I ke

I still refer to myself as a ‘cheerleader’ because I keep encouraging others to have confidence and to use their talents to follow their dreams. It’s been one of the most important reasons for my success and my helping others succeed.
Richard M. DeVos
Trust is a core currency of any relationship. Sometimes our need to control and micromanage everything erodes our confidence in ourselves and others. The truth: People are much more capable than we think. A hearty dose of trust is often what’s needed to unlock the magic. Go ahead, have faith.
Kris Carr
It is so often true that whether a person carries with him an atmosphere of gloom and depression or one of confidence and courage depends on his individual outlook.
James Keller
You think you have some stable talent that will show no matter what you’re writing, and if it doesn’t seem to be getting across to the audience once, you can’t imagine that moment when it suddenly will. Gradually, gradually you gain that confidence.
Joan Didion
The whole kiss-and-tell thing is a negative approach that often happens in a World Cup. We will see negative stories about the players and it can affect their confidence and the overall performance of the national team on the pitch, let alone the bid to actually stage the competition.
Gary Lineker
He who has faith has… an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well – even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly.
B. C. Forbes
If you have a good movie in hand and it is successful, you gain confidence to experiment.
Anushka Shetty
The only way to get back the confidence is to play and win matches. You can practise as much as you like, but you need confidence that comes from playing and winning matches.
Greg Rusedski
When you give a team life, give a team confidence, anything can happen in a Game 7.
Paul Pierce
Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.
Marie Curie
It goes without saying that the desire to accomplish the task with more confidence, to avoid wasting time and labour, and to spare our experimental animals as much as possible, made us strictly observe all the precautions taken by surgeons in respect to their patients.
Ivan Pavlov
Politicians used to have the confidence to tell us stories that made sense of the chaos of world events. But now there are no big stories, and politicians react randomly to every new crisis – leaving us bewildered and disorientated.
Adam Curtis
I think there’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance.
Andrew Scheer
I had very little confidence in myself as an actress.
Maude Adams
It feels like the more I’m out there in the public eye, the more criticism I get. You need to have confidence – that’s what it takes to walk out there and sing a song in front of a huge group of people.
Gwen Stefani
I have always been up for risks, but only because I had full confidence and faith in the vision of my directors.
Abhay Deol
With confidence, I think anyone can get a dress and make it their own. I don’t think you should have it off the runway and wear it like they want you to wear it. You know, with their hair and makeup – their woman. I just think it’s boring. You have to make it your own. That’s what fashion is all about.
Kate Moss
The denigration of business hurts America, because the secret sauce for our economy is confidence. I don’t want to hear that nonsense that all business is bad.
Jamie Dimon
The more I see, hear, and think in Europe, the more I wish for every measure that can ensure to the United States dignity, power, and public confidence.
Marquis de Lafayette
I would say wrestling gives you confidence. It gives you strength. It helps you learn discipline, and to know that you have to love the process and respect the process, and if you just keep going, you can accomplish anything.
Alexa Bliss
I am lucky, that is all. Lucky because there are a lot of people – producers, directors, people who buy tickets – who put confidence in me.
Antonio Banderas
A sight game is that I am hurt, but I aim to make you believe I am not even hurt, and with this confidence appearing on my face, I don’t panic, otherwise your opponent will know that you are hurt. That’s the whole art game in boxing.
Evander Holyfield
I look forward to continuing to be a role model to women across the country and helping them have confidence in all they do in the ring, on the court or in the game of life!
Marlen Esparza
You always get things that teach you and steps to grow, but there is a confidence that is gained and a deep understanding of what it means to be supported by your knowledge – not by some team that is there to create confidence; it is there within you. That takes time. That takes teachers. That takes taking risks.
Sharon Lawrence
If we want to build the Iraqis’ confidence about our intentions in their country, if we want to stop adding fuel to the fire of insurgency and terrorism, we must clarify our intent.
John Conyers
Confidence is such a fragile and precious thing.
David Duval
Not to be too preachy, but I would really recommend to people, if you get the chance, to trust yourselves to leap without a net, because that will build the confidence. You know, you might shock yourself with how much you don’t need a net because you can catch yourself.
Ross Mathews
Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.
Oswald Chambers
Danger breeds best on too much confidence.
Pierre Corneille
If you got a good imagination, a lot of confidence and you kind of know what you are saying, then you might be able to do it. I know a lot of colorful characters at home that would make great actors.
Jason Statham
If we will maintain our hope and confidence in the genius of our people, they will work out this problem, and their ability and industry will bring us back to normal conditions.
Frank B. Kellogg
Being sexy, to me, is possessing the full package: the

Being sexy, to me, is possessing the full package: the brains, the drive, inner confidence, spiritual foundation, a positive attitude, proceeding through obstacles, making a positive contribution to the world, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Denzel Washington invoked confidence. When you have confidence, you can do anything. And that’s what happened. I learned about being honest and keeping it true, keeping it true in my performance.
Derek Luke
To be a preacher requires two apparently contradictory qualities: confidence and humility.
Timothy Radcliffe
Every time you go back to winning, or to the good results, you take back the confidence in yourself and you feel a lot better.
Charles Leclerc
I have confidence that we can form this kind of national community.
Barbara Jordan
I have confidence and je ne sais quoi. That is unmistakable.
Princess Nokia