Top 630 Iraq Quotes

The President’s speech suggested to me that were we to follow his leadership, we will be in Iraq not for months, but for years. I also hope I am wrong on this.
Daniel Inouye
Young men are obsessed with their dads, and they remain obsessed if the dad is not around. Remember that there was a lot of discussion about how George W. Bush might have invaded Iraq to atone for the failures of his dad.
Dinesh D’Souza
We, Britain and Germany, can neither of us be happy about our handling of the Iraq war.
Douglas Hurd
Certainly, when I’d left Iraq back in 2008, I’d been proud of my service, but whether we’d been successful or not was still an open question.
Phil Klay
In Iraq we must succeed. Failure is not an option.
Zbigniew Brzezinski
We must continue, however, to send a strong message of resolve to the people of Iraq, to our troops, to our coalition partners, and to the rest of the world that we, the United States of America, will stay the course and get the job done.
John Warner
My experience in Iraq made me realize, and during the recovery, that I could have died. And I just had to do more with my life.
Tammy Duckworth
But I contend that if we’re providing total medical coverage for every man, woman, and child in Iraq, shouldn’t we at least be doing the same thing for every man, woman, and child in the United States?
Tony Campolo
One of the extraordinary features of the Blair government has been its slavish support for the central tenets of Bush’s foreign policy – above all, the war in Iraq. During the Cold War, the Wilson government resisted the suggestion that it should send troops to Vietnam.
Martin Jacques
The situation in Iraq is dangerous but the regional situation is also very complicated and precarious.
Joschka Fischer
If we pulled out of Iraq tomorrow, Islamic jihadism is on the rise. And they continue, as we see in Lebanon, to seek to destroy the State of Israel and seek to drive America back and bring us to our knees. We must stand tall and straight.
Zach Wamp
Punishing abuse in Iraq should not return the U.S. to Sept. 10, 2001, in the way it fights al Qaeda, while Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants remain at large and continue to plan attacks.
John Yoo
Any time you have a situation in which you are calling for more time rather than calling for Iraq to immediately comply, it plays into the hands of Saddam Hussein.
Condoleezza Rice
A free and stable Iraq will be a shining light against the shadow of Islamic extremism.
Jim DeMint
People are constantly applying double standards. Take the United States, for example. Washington wants the whole world to admire the country for its democracy. Then the government sends out its army, in the name of this democracy, and leaves behind the kind of chaos we see in Iraq.
Jacob Zuma
As president of Iraq, I shall strive to represent the diversity of a country that has too often in the past denied difference.
Jalal Talabani
Although I voted against the initial resolution approving the war in Iraq, I have consistently voted to support our troops with much-needed armor and supplies.
Ed Pastor
We all read news stories about the difficulties and tensions that the United States has with our allies and even with coalition partners in Iraq, but we rarely read about the good news.
Mike Simpson
I beg Osama to stop warring. He is a Muslim, and Islam means peace. Nobody wins in a war… I wish I were tapped in the problem about Iraq. I knew Saddam enough that I could have talked him into surrendering. But it’s too late.
Imelda Marcos
I wish that Iraq had not happened – and that we had not lost touch with so many of our natural supporters. But this should have provided an opportunity for the Liberal Democrats as a party. Yet their protest gains are now diminishing.
Lucy Powell
From Vietnam’s ‘Deer Hunter’ to Iraq, films are never about the person who has had his house destroyed.
Mira Nair
WikiLeaks exposed corruption, war crimes, torture and cover-ups. It showed that we were lied to about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; that the U.S. military had deliberately hidden information about systematic torture and civilian casualties, which were much higher than reported.
Jemima Khan
Bringing the troops home is necessary not just for the

Bringing the troops home is necessary not just for the future of Iraq, but also for the people of the United States. We must stop the hemorrhaging of tax dollars that could go to meet our Nation’s vital domestic needs.
Raul Grijalva
Surrender your forces and give yourselves and your troops the opportunity to be a part of Iraq’s future and not a part of Iraq’s past.
Peter Pace
We’re seeing the development of tactics in Iraq, such as suicide bombing. Insurgents have been driving cars with explosives into hotels and office buildings. The recruitment may be even more prolific outside Iraq.
Rand Beers
In October 2008, American commandos launched a cross-border raid into Syria to capture an Islamic militant known as Abu Ghadiya. He was accused of being one of al Qaeda in Iraq’s main smugglers of fighters and money between Iraq and Syria.
Richard Engel
Taking a principled and consistent stance over Iraq has attracted much criticism from our detractors and opponents.
Charles Kennedy
We need… to say to people that this is a temporary residential status, and we expect that, once there is peace in Syria again, once IS has been defeated in Iraq, that you go back to your home country with the knowledge that you have gained.
Angela Merkel
Reasonable people can differ on whether or not we should have gone into Iraq.
Mike Pence
Iran, Libya and Syria are irresponsible states, which must be disarmed of weapons of mass destruction, and a successful American move in Iraq as a model will make that easier to achieve.
Ariel Sharon
It would be, in fact, very ominous if Iraq were to be able to get weapon-usable material, hydro-plutonium or highly enriched uranium from abroad.
Mohamed ElBaradei
Living in France while the Falklands War was going on, I felt a profound sense of shame and betrayal, just as I did by the war in Iraq. People have asked why I don’t talk about that directly in my plays. Well, politics needs to be articulated in many different ways.
Simon McBurney
The rebuilding of Iraq has been terrible.
Pat Robertson
The election in Iraq clearly demonstrates that Iraqi people are like people everywhere. They desire to create a future in an environment that is safe and allows them to reach their full potential as human beings, whatever that potential may be.
John Ensign
That is the best case for Bush; that, among other things, he liberated Iraq. It is good enough for me.
Boris Johnson
I have been to Iraq on a number of occasions. I was with the first group that went in.
Robin Hayes
A lot of the great pieces of journalism from Iraq showed how important command influence was in violent, aggressive environments, where Marines and soldiers had a constrained set of choices to make in sudden moments.
Phil Klay
The invasion of Iraq, particularly, gave a big shot in the arm to the jihadi extremists.
Noam Chomsky
When I got to Iraq, my world focused in on one mission. It was incredibly rewarding.
Tammy Duckworth
I was very much in favor of the Iraq invasion.
P. J. O’Rourke
We must remain steadfast in our commitment to our troops, and to those fighting for a free and democratic Iraq because freedom makes our country and the world a safer place.
Chris Chocola
America has survived and grown stronger through September 11th and subsequent wars with Afghanistan and Iraq and those who seek to do us harm. We have faced – and met – tremendous challenges ramping up a public health and safety system to protect Americans from future threats.
Christopher Bond
My sense is that the majority of Conservatives share my reservations about how we got into Iraq.
Kenneth Clarke
There are many countries who have traditionally sponsored terrorism. Iraq is one, though it appears the majority of the terrorism committed by Saddam Hussein is on his own citizens. Iran in this regard. Syria, with their close support of Hezbollah, is noteworthy in this respect.
Richard Armitage
When Bush first got elected, the very first time there was talk of going to war with Iraq, the mainstream media gave his position total credibility. I didn’t get it then, and I don’t get it now.
Ed Harris
The question is the morning after. What sort of Iraq do we wake up to after the bombing? What happens in the region? What impact could it have? These are questions leaders I have spoken to have posed.
Kofi Annan
Iraq… has also had contacts with al-Qaida. Their ties may be limited by divergent ideologies, but the two sides’ mutual antipathy toward the United States and the Saudi royal family suggests that tactical cooperation between them is possible.
George Tenet
A stable Iraq at peace with its neighbors will remain elusive until we improve both the security and the economic environment in Iraq.
Tom Lantos
Vietnam was a lie but at least there was a political agenda. It was the domino theory. Iraq is about nothing but George Bush’s ego laced with imperialist ambitions. And it was helped by your government.
Donald Sutherland
Latinos have fought in all of America’s wars, beginning with the Revolutionary War. Many Latinos are fighting and dying for our country today in Iraq, just as several of their ancestors fought for freedom in Mexico over a century ago.
Joe Baca
In Iraq and Afghanistan, our soldiers signed up intentionally. That’s a huge difference from the largely conscripted army of my era.
Tim O’Brien
In my judgment, based on the work that has been done to this point of the Iraq Survey Group, and in fact, that I reported to you in October, Iraq was in clear violation of the terms of U.N.Resolution 1441.
David Kay
You want to see a war on women? Come with me to Iraq and Afghanistan, folks. I’ve been there 35 times. I will show you what they do to women.
Lindsey Graham
As many people have chronicled, the decision to fight i

As many people have chronicled, the decision to fight in Vietnam was a years-long accretion of step-by-step choices, each of which could be rationalized at the time. Invading Iraq was an unforced, unnecessary decision to risk everything on a ‘war of choice’ whose costs we are still paying.
James Fallows