Top 640 Solve Quotes

Science has the potential to solve all kinds of problems, but it depends on what a society wants to accomplish.
George M. Whitesides
I like working with writer-directors because you can solve problems right there.
Nick Nolte
Intelligence is the ability to solve problems, whereas consciousness is the ability to feel things such as pain, joy, love, and anger. Throughout history, intelligence always went hand in hand with consciousness.
Yuval Noah Harari
Nebraskans have very strong opinions, but we sit down around a table and we solve our problems.
Dave Heineman
Mark Meadows will fight for what’s right, because he understands that higher taxes and more regulations are not the way to solve our country’s problems.
Jeff Duncan
I define socialism as the government controlling the means of production. I don’t think the answer to some of the big vesting problems we have in this country are to solve them entirely with a government-only solution.
John Delaney
When you’re not involved, other people’s unhappiness seems to be about the funniest damn thing on earth because you think you can solve it, that you are God, that you are above this, and that their unhappiness is just such useless toil and agony. If it’s you, it ceases to be a comedy.
Barry Hannah
People constantly face problems they’ve never seen before, and they have to solve them somehow. So a million people come up with a million solutions that are just a little bit different. If computing is being done by fewer resources, there will be enormous security gains by pushing things into standard practices.
Whitfield Diffie
The problem we are trying to solve is that of drugs tha

The problem we are trying to solve is that of drugs that would have never seen the light of day for reasons that have nothing to do with the inherent properties of drug candidates themselves and more to do with bureaucratic institutions within which they often sit.
Vivek Ramaswamy
We want to promote people-to-people exchanges so that China and the United States can really join together, not just to solve the problems of China or the United States, but some of the big problems facing the entire world. From climate change to famine to even terrorism.
Gary Locke
And so I think that the idea of America working with other countries to solve problems is good for us, and it is part of digging us out of the ‘my way or the highway’ approach that was evident in the previous eight years.
Madeleine Albright
And I’ve come to the place where I believe that there’s no way to solve these problems, these issues – there’s nothing that we can do that will solve the problems that we have and keep the peace, unless we solve it through God, unless we solve it in being our highest self. And that’s a pretty tall order.
Glenn Beck
My pledge is to be part of the solution to focus on governing, to put my experience to work to help solve the very serious issues we’re facing in this country.
Karen Handel
While physics and mathematics may tell us how the universe began, they are not much use in predicting human behavior because there are far too many equations to solve. I’m no better than anyone else at understanding what makes people tick, particularly women.
Stephen Hawking
Engineers have a certain mindset of how they approach problem solving. That’s basically what engineers are: problem solvers. You identify the problem. Then you design a process to solve the problem. Then you execute the process and repeat it over and over until you get it right.
Trevor Bauer
As society changes, laws have to change to protect citizens along the way. Sometimes you have to try new and different and creative ways to solve problems. You have to take some risks.
John Rowland
I write, or used to write, to explain to myself situations I couldn’t otherwise solve or understand. Meditation comes very naturally to me.
Anne Stevenson
Shakespeare did not consider himself the legislator of mankind. He faithfully records man’s problems and does not evidently propose to solve them.
Allan Bloom
We cannot solve the deficit crisis on the back of our seniors. We need all Americans to pay their fair share.
Sheldon Whitehouse
Some of the most successful products are born from a personal need to solve a problem rather than a desire to turn a profit.
Lewis Howes
We need to tell the far-right and the far-left to go away and have people in the center solve the problem.
Thom Tillis
Brexit is not going to solve the causes of Brexit.
Chuka Umunna
When you create something that is popular, when you create a solution, you’re an innovator, and you solve problems for people and they like what you have to offer, of course you automatically make money.
Kim Dotcom
The human brain must continue to frame the problems for the electronic machine to solve.
David Sarnoff
While Congress repeatedly finds plenty of time to vote on resolutions of condemnation over border security, they’ve done virtually nothing to actually solve the problem.
Katie Pavlich
All these things that we’ve contemplated, whether it’s space travel or solutions to diseases that plague us, Ebola virus, all of these things would be a lot more tractable if the machines are trying to solve these problems.
Oren Etzioni
Most people do surprisingly poorly when dealing with a relative who is hurting, depressed, or anxious – we get defensive and try to solve the problem rather than finding the truth in what the person is saying.
David D. Burns
We cannot solve the STEM gender gap without solving it for millennials. They’re our first digital natives, and they’re willing to learn quickly.
Caroline Ghosn
There’s this joy that comes from sitting down to solve a problem and standing up when it’s done and good. Building a company or managing people is never just done.
Drew Houston
PayPal’s been around forever. How do we use that platform to solve the future of commerce?
Harper Reed
My protagonists have problems that a new pair of shoes won’t solve. Retail therapy is not a bad thing, but it’s not going to fix their lives.
Mary Kay Andrews
You look at the violence that is there in entertainment, in video games, and don’t just go say, ‘We’re going to do an assault weapons ban, and that’s going to solve the problem,’ because it is not going to get to the root of the problem.
Marsha Blackburn
I do not propose to solve the Israeli-Palestine conflict. But I do think the world would be a vastly safer place – and maybe a happier one, too – if more of us learned to see beyond our biases, our preferences, and became optimists capable of letting go.
Thomas Chatterton Williams
There is no point trying to figure out who is guilty or not at un-balancing the planet. I think we need to figure out and solve the problems together and not isolate from each other.
Sarah Polley
There is no off-roading to solve income inequality for people of color. They must have broadband.
Maya Wiley
Balancing a nominal budget will solve nothing, and attempting to achieve such a spurious balance will produce much mischief.
William Vickrey
There are no problems we cannot solve together, and very few that we can solve by ourselves.
Lyndon B. Johnson
I wanted to rewrite the code of life, to make new molecular machines that would solve human problems.
Frances Arnold
I hope climate science becomes the big thing. And then what I want is electrical engineers to solve the world’s energy problems, energy distribution problems. I want mechanical engineers to make better transportation systems. I want chemical engineers to develop better solar panels, and so on.
Bill Nye
Colorado is a state that people like to be themselves a

Colorado is a state that people like to be themselves and solve their own problems.
John Hickenlooper
If you want to solve very complex problems, you will have to end up letting machines work out a lot of the details for themselves, and in ways that we don’t understand what they are doing.
Joshua Lederberg
Products are sold because they solve a problem or fill a need. Understanding problems and needs involves understanding customers and what makes them tick.
Steve Blank
Fossil fuels will run out not because of limited resources but because of the environmental impact. If I can solve that impact, I have basically increased the resource base by a vast amount.
Klaus Lackner
I think that wireless has the opportunity to solve a whole bunch of problems, including I believe world poverty.
Martin Cooper
You don’t want to make a living or habit out of trying to solve your problems with high-price pitching free agents because over the long run, there’s so much risk involved that you really can hamstring your organization.
Theo Epstein
We wanted to solve robot problems and needed some vision, action, reasoning, planning, and so forth. We even used some structural learning, such as was being explored by Patrick Winston.
Marvin Minsky
Entrepreneurs must be practical experts. They needn’t set out to be subject matter experts in what they do; they must set out to solve a problem or pursue some cause or purpose greater than themselves.
Simon Sinek
We can solve the car-bike conflict, and the solution unlocks a brighter, more inclusive economic and environmental future for Boston.
Michelle Wu
Until you solve problems like fear individually, resolve why individuals feel the need to believe in whatever, there’s really no point in organizations, in things that turn the world into a concept rather than an individual fact.
Ed Kowalczyk
We’re going to try to solve problems for everyday people.
Steve Scalise
I should not like to leave an impression that all structural problems can be settled by X-ray analysis or that all crystal structures are easy to solve. I seem to have spent much more of my life not solving structures than solving them.
Dorothy Hodgkin
The point is to solve problems, not point fingers.
Jane Harman
We begin to change the world when we stimulate long-term prosperity using technology. There is not a problem that’s large enough that innovation and entrepreneurship can’t solve.
Naveen Jain
I believe that being conservative means you try to get in to the middle of the fight and try to solve the problem.
James Lankford
Women are both talented and innovative thinkers and tend to use computer science as a tool to solve larger problems.
Kimberly Bryant