Top 646 Hate Quotes

I really didn’t feel challenged anymore. I wanted to learn something and be excited again… While it can be a family – that environment is actually a family – in the sense that also you sometimes hate each other, you can’t stand being around each other and grudges are held… I was getting cranky on ‘Criminal Minds.’
Paget Brewster
We all hate on ourselves way too much, and there are so

We all hate on ourselves way too much, and there are so many people who think they have to look like those women on TV. That’s so unreasonable. Everybody is supposed to be a different size. And if I can just be confident in myself, then I’ll look better. It’s quantum physics!
Lisa Ann Walter
I hate the irreverent rabble and keep them far from me.
If I were a customer, and I was given a dish with peppers, I would hate it. I also don’t like blood sausage.
Ferran Adria
In 1997, in Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I stated, ‘Your home is not an asset.’ Real estate agents sent me hate mail.
Robert Kiyosaki
I hate this place. I shall hate it to my grave.
Wallis Simpson
We are nearer loving those who hate us than those who love us more than we wish.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
A sex symbol becomes a thing. I just hate to be a thing.
Marilyn Monroe
I find hope in knowing that I belong to a state that has a lot of people who are champions of change and progress; that we will rise up and fight for justice and equality; that, ultimately, love will trump hate.
Ilhan Omar
I hate leaving home. I love what I do, but I’d love to go home every night.
Charlie Watts
Certain Arabs love Dubai because it’s not at all like where they live. Certain others hate it for the same reason. When you hear an Osama bin Laden sympathizer rant about the decadence and hypocrisy of the Arab ruling class, you can be certain he’s picturing a nightclub in Dubai.
Tucker Carlson
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s traditionalist-nationalist rhetoric, which blames secularism, diversity and internationalism for the weakening of Western democracies, gives voice to the grievances that American hate groups have felt for so long.
Asha Rangappa
I hate being looked at. Can’t stand it. I know, I know – I picked the wrong career. I should have been a doctor. If you play certain parts you have this nice face painted on you, and then you have feel as if you have a responsibility to this idea of being beautiful. I hate that about our business.
Lena Headey
I hate belongings. I hate clutter. It really bothers me because I can’t think properly. If you’ve got distractions in front of you, your mind goes nuts.
Simon Cowell
I am not married anymore. I hate marriage… but it’s okay now.
Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Ironing boards are a classic example of something I find horrible about modern society: the excitementation, for want of a better word, of mundane things. Funny ironing board covers – I hate them.
Daniel Radcliffe
I don’t hate old men but listen when being spoken to.
Tyson Fury
Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.
Will Smith
I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are.
William Tecumseh Sherman
You can’t expect everyone to love you. I’m not someone who just wants to throw out hate, just because.
Khloe Kardashian
I hate matching stuff.
Riya Sen
I hate to think life is just facts and laws.
Ang Lee
People can hate on you for doing what it is that makes you happy, but ultimately, it has to belong to you. It shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Life is not easy. The road to happiness is not a path well trotted. You have to find your own path to enlightenment.
Jamie Campbell Bower
I’m leaving because the weather is too good. I hate London when it’s not raining.
Groucho Marx
I never eat salad. I make sure I don’t put a lot of junk into my system, but I hate vegetables!
We only fear what we don’t understand, and I hate to be scared.
Love is always gon’ be where home is, but it’s also where hate it as well.
Denzel Curry
I absolutely hate mowing the lawn. When I hear the mowers starting, I want to kill myself: it’s the sound of death approaching. Hoovering’s OK, but I never in my life wanted to have a lawn and certainly never wanted to mow one.
Peter Capaldi
Everything I thought I’d hate about having children – the crying, the screaming – nothing fazes me. I love it all, and it’s relaxed me.
Elton John
I hate being called an ‘icon.’ I just don’t like it. That’s all there is to it.
Edmund Hillary
Democrats literally hate all police officers.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Money is the medium of exchange, and it’s how you make things happen. To say you hate it is some farfetched, idealistic crap.
Bobby Seale
Instead of hate, celebrate.

Instead of hate, celebrate.
I don’t even have voice mail or answering machines anymore. I hate the phone, and I don’t want to call anybody back. If I go to hell, it will be a small closet with a telephone in it, and I will be doomed and destined for eternity to return phone calls.
Drew Barrymore
The hate directed against the colored people here in St. Louis has always given me a sad feeling because when I was a little girl I remember the horror of the East St. Louis race riot.
Josephine Baker
I hate whenever there’s a social issue that comes up in golf and people in the mainstream media who hate golf and who’ve conjured up all these stereotypes of people who are in the sport, the way they tear it down… I resent it, and I’ll defend golf and people in golf until my dying day.
Jim Nantz
Hate is the consequence of fear; we fear something before we hate it; a child who fears noises becomes a man who hates noise.
Cyril Connolly
I hate that impeccable, perfectly perfect look, all matched and prearranged.
Elsa Peretti
People think I hate the Royal Family, but that’s not true.
John Lydon
I know of musicians who have played together for decades who hate each other. The Modern Jazz Quartet for one.
Gary Burton
I hate ‘foodie’ because it’s cute, like pretty much all diminutives associated with eating. ‘Veggies,’ ‘sammies,’ ‘parm.’ I eat food, and I cook it: it’s for eating, preferably with friends, and I don’t make a fetish out of it.
Steve Albini
I hate jump scares. I really hate them. I think there’s nothing special about being able to startle someone – that’s an involuntary reflex, and it makes people laugh.
Mike Flanagan
The stereotypes of feminists as ugly, or man-haters, or hairy, or whatever it is – that’s really strategic. That’s a really smart way to keep young women away from feminism, is to kind of put out this idea that all feminists hate men, or all feminists are ugly; and that they really come from a place of fear.
Jessica Valenti
I don’t use blue. I don’t like it. It bugs me out. I hate it.
Kanye West
If God is pleased in making you sick and unhappy, I hate God.
Ernestine Rose
I hate going to the gym, so sweating outdoors sure beats sitting on a stationary bike staring at my navel.
Tom Selleck
I guess there is nothing that will get your mind off everything like golf. I have never been depressed enough to take up the game, but they say you get so sore at yourself you forget to hate your enemies.
Will Rogers
Beautiful sights arouse feelings of love, and contrary sights bring feelings of disgrace and hate. And the emotions of the soul and spirit bring something additional to the body itself, which exists under the control of the soul and the direction of the spirit.
Giordano Bruno
I kind of hate the fact that people are always trying to put you into a category. I hate walls, and I hate boundaries. I don’t like that. I listen to everything.
Brian McKnight
I got a feeling about political correctness. I hate it. It causes us to lie silently instead of saying what we think.
Hal Holbrook
I can’t even look at daily comic strips. And I hate sitcoms because they don’t seem like real people to me: they’re props that often say horrible things to each other, which I don’t find funny. I have to feel like they’re real people.
Roz Chast
To hate, to love, to think, to feel, to see; all this is nothing but to perceive.
David Hume
No woman ever hates a man for being in love with her, but many a woman hate a man for being a friend to her.
Alexander Pope
I hate golf! I still can’t believe Alice Cooper plays golf!
Always remember that others may hate you but those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.
Richard M. Nixon
I believe the Islamic ideology is a retarded, dangerous one, but I make a distinction. I don’t hate people. I don’t hate Muslims.
Geert Wilders
I passionately hate the idea of being with it; I think an artist has always to be out of step with his time.
Orson Welles
I hate the computer. I hate their spell-check. I won’t ever do e-mail.
David Mamet
I’m not a victim – I’m a survivor of hunger, of hate, of different injustices that humans are facing today.
Clemantine Wamariya
I kinda washed my hands of him. I’m not worried about Mike Jones. I don’t wish no bad on him and I don’t hate him, but I’ve got to move in my own direction.
Paul Wall
Together, we will continue to build a stronger, more inclusive community, and send a strong message to those who spread hate: there is no room for prejudice in our neighborhoods.
Lucy McBath
If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us.
Hermann Hesse
I hate attention, man.
Rod Wave
The first set of lyrics for the first songs I ever wrot

The first set of lyrics for the first songs I ever wrote, which are the ones on ‘Pretty Hate Machine,’ came from private journal entries that I realized I was writing in lyric form.
Trent Reznor
My life is a love letter to humanity. What the globalists do is a hate letter, a curse.
Alex Jones
I hate when people eat food and talk with their mouth full. I always cover my mouth when I eat, but I’ve had it where there’s little bologna bits flying on your food.
Jeff Baena
One thing that people don’t really understand is that as celebrity you rarely get fair treatment. You either get love or hate. It’s never really fair.