Top 650 Security Quotes

Social Security is not just the foundation of America’s retirement dignity and security, it ensures the economic stability and strength of our families and our state’s economy.
Debbie Stabenow
I mean, I’ve never really had much security, to be honest.
Aaron Paul
In a democracy there will always be a tension between security and privacy.
Keir Starmer
Israel ranks her priorities in the following way: security, land, and water.
Bashar al-Assad
We will battle day and night to pass social security re

We will battle day and night to pass social security reform.
Michel Temer
The President and I agree that Social Security needs to be preserved so that we can ensure that all Americans receive the retirement benefits they’ve been promised. But we disagree as to how best to fix the system.
Steve Israel
America is a country that seems forever to be toddler or teenager, at those two stages of human development characterized by conflict between autonomy and security.
Anna Quindlen
It is shocking how much a day-care center is like a prison. They both have security cameras with walled exercise yards. Prisons are permanent day cares for people permanently in time-out – convicts.
Lee Unkrich
Republicans are manufacturing a Social Security crisis that does not exist in order to dismantle Social Security.
Diane Watson
Most people want security in this world, not liberty.
H. L. Mencken
No one was elected to Congress because he or she promised to cut Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid.
James P. Hoffa
I suppose your security is your success and your key to success is your fine palate.
Gordon Ramsay
Life must continue, even with the security situation so bad, because I have ambitions. I love this sport too much.
Dana Hussein
Yes, prudently invested contributions to the Social Security fund may bring greater dividends, but those contributions would also face a greater risk. It would be like gambling. We should not gamble with the investments and the future of the citizens of this land.
Daniel Inouye
Security is always going to be a cat and mouse game because there’ll be people out there that are hunting for the zero day award, you have people that don’t have configuration management, don’t have vulnerability management, don’t have patch management.
Kevin Mitnick
It is often in the name of cultural integrity as well as social stability and national security that democratic reforms based on human rights are resisted by authoritarian governments.
Aung San Suu Kyi
Ethanol has reduced our nation’s dependence on imported energy, created thousands of jobs, reduced air pollution, and increased energy security. And renewable fuels cost less at the pump. It is a growth fuel that fuels opportunities for millions of Americans.
Lane Evans
I have nothing but unreserved praise for our armed forces, paramilitary and internal security forces. Their sacrifices to preserve the integrity and unity of our country present a saga of unparalleled courage and discipline.
Ram Nath Kovind
If a country like Chile can fix its social security system, there is no reason a country as great as the United States… can’t fix our Social Security system.
Bill Flores
Nobody has any security in loving me.
Brigitte Bardot
As one of the principal responsibilities of the government is to safeguard its citizens, it is entirely reasonable that it should look at what more might be done to improve security.
Dominic Grieve
I was a member of the Armed Services Committee for 18 years. I spent a big chunk of my life studying national security issues and our role in the world.
John Kasich
Security is still the most important issue facing Washington state residents and millions of Americans – the security of having a job, of access to affordable health care, of a quality education, and of protecting our homeland and defending our nation.
Patty Murray
The Senator from Massachusetts has given us ample grounds to doubt the judgment and the attitude he brings to bear on vital issues of national security.
Dick Cheney
Judy, we think that since the 11th of September, 2001, we’ve faced a similar heightened threat level. And we’ve been enhancing both the exchange of intelligence and security information and the assessment of that information, because that’s the crucial element.
David Blunkett
For happiness one needs security, but joy can spring like a flower even from the cliffs of despair.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
A market that’s as open as possible is the precondition for a successful economy, and a successful economy is the precondition to being able to pay for social security.
Gerhard Schroder
Security is something that serves Israeli interests and Palestinian interests. You have a common threat and you have a common enemy and it’s important to deal with that as partners.
Dennis Ross
The lack of substantial resources and staffing along the Northern U.S. border poses a real security threat.
Mark Kennedy
The Social Security trust fund is in pretty good shape today and we should not embark upon risky, dangerous schemes which will, in fact, undermine Social Security, such as privatization.
Max Baucus
Delayed energy projects and regulatory hurdles to domestic oil production not only cost the United States economy billions of dollars and millions of jobs, but they also stand in the way of an elusive goal: true American energy security.
John Hoeven
The security of the citizens of Israel, the future of the state of Israel, this is the Israeli government’s responsibility.
Avigdor Lieberman
The prosperity that drives our economic security is inherently linked to our national security. And the immense influence that the Chinese government holds over Chinese corporations like Huawei represents a threat to both.
Christopher A. Wray
In the United States, we can do almost anything we want. It’s not like Egypt, where you’re going to get murdered by the security forces.
Noam Chomsky
The Security Council represents the situation from 1945 – you had the Allies who won the war who occupied that. The defeated guys – the Germans and Japan – were out. The occupied countries had no voice. That was fine in ’45, but today, Germany rules Europe, frankly. They are driving Europe but have no voice.
Mo Ibrahim
Social Security, all public and no option, rescued olde

Social Security, all public and no option, rescued older Americans from living their final years in poverty.
Adam Cohen
It is obvious, our country has failed to provide two basic things which are the two main drivers of immigration, which are the lack of economic opportunity and a lack of security.
Nayib Bukele
There is no social program in this country that is as important as a good job that pays well, that gives someone an opportunity to go to work, have some security, have benefits, and take care of their family and have a good life.
Byron Dorgan
I’ve long maintained during my 50-plus year career in intelligence that leaks endanger national security, they compromise sources, methods, and tradecraft, and they can put assets’ lives at risk.
James Clapper
We need to strengthen and save Social Security for today’s workers. If we don’t act now, this system, born out of the New Deal, will become a bad deal.
Mitch McConnell
Everybody has to chip in, I think, and see how we can have a functioning system of collective security where we do not continue to face the threat of countries trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction or particularly nuclear weapons.
Mohamed ElBaradei
All short women have a delayed fuse. Marry a taller woman: My wife was an inch or two taller than me; it’s a sign of security.
Mel Brooks
But it’s a disgrace that food banks are needed in the first place, patching up the holes left by an inefficient and downright barbaric attack on the meagre safety net of what remains of a notion of ‘social security’.
Jack Monroe
So if people have an opportunity for a decent job, a decent education, a decent health care system and security, I know that forceful migration will be reduced to zero.
Nayib Bukele
Election security isn’t a partisan issue.
Robert C. O’Brien
We cannot sacrifice our humanity in the name of security – or we risk losing both.
Beto O’Rourke
Only the insecure strive for security.
Wayne Dyer
I know from firsthand experience that claims of non-existent voter fraud are used to raise fears, steamroll facts, and overcome common sense, resulting in laws that have nothing to do with ballot security and everything to do with voter suppression and discrimination.
Marc Veasey
The real sin with Social Security is that it’s a long-term rip-off and a short-term scam.
Tony Snow
Iraq has a new opportunity to comply with all these relevant resolutions of the Security Council.
Kofi Annan
But the truth of the matter is that there is there is an opportunity for them to participate in the economic and political future of the country and certainly in the security life of the country.
John Abizaid
When President George W. Bush attempted to reform Social Security, that proposal was more unpopular with Americans than the Iraq war. People love their entitlements.
Robert Kiyosaki
The fact that the Prophet cared for every human being and tried his best to ensure their security in the hereafter must be the most telling of his compassionate and merciful characteristics.
Cat Stevens
Marriage to Fernando offered shelter and security, but the shackle was the price I’d pay.
Esther Williams
I don’t think Donald Trump is a conservative. I think his line on China for example, that he’s going to talk tough to China. China didn’t create Social Security, Medicare. China isn’t spending a fifth of a billion dollars every hour that it doesn’t have.
Mark Steyn
Our country also hungers for leadership to ensure the long-term survival of our Social Security system. With 70 million baby boomers in this country on the verge of retirement, we need to take action to shore up the system.
Kay Bailey Hutchison
The failure of the United Nations – My failure is maybe, in retrospective, that I was not enough aggressive with the members of the Security Council.
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Dogmas are collective conceptual prisons. And the strange thing is that people love their prison cells because they give them a sense of security and a false sense of ‘I know.’ Nothing has inflicted more suffering on humanity than its dogmas.
Eckhart Tolle