Top 680 Advice Quotes

My best advice is to not start in PowerPoint. Presentation tools force you to think through information linearly, and you really need to start by thinking of the whole instead of the individual lines.
Nancy Duarte
If I had to give one piece of advice to incoming college freshmen, I’d say always be true to yourself.
Beverley Mitchell
A lot of girls ask for advice on how to get into acting, and I’m kind of the worst person to ask, because it just kind of fell in my lap… I was just in the right place at the right time.
Alexis Bledel
Never give advice in a crowd.
Pope Paul VI
I don’t like to give advice. I like to give people information because everyone’s life is different, and everyone’s journey is different.
Dolly Parton
Remember this, folks – I am a Hillbilly, and I don’t always Bet the same way I talk. Good advice is one thing, but smart gambling is quite another.
Hunter S. Thompson
I know one writer who has been subscribing authors without their permission and sending out what she thinks are helpful advice sheets, but they come off as if she’s a know-it-all. She thinks she’s marketing herself and her work. All she’s really doing is turning readers off.
M. J. Rose
My advice is very simple: if you can win a small battle, it gives you confidence in the political process to take on bigger battles, and so it is very much a bottom-up grass-roots way of doing politics.
David Miliband
I think that’s the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.
Elon Musk
In the modern world, those who are weak will get unambiguous advice from foreign visitors which way to go and what policy course to pursue.
Vladimir Putin
Our worldly successes cannot be guaranteed, but our ability to achieve spiritual success is entirely up to us, thanks to the grace of God. The best advice I know is to give is to give those worldly things your best but never your all – reserve the ultimate hope for the only one who can grant it.
Mitt Romney
The only advice I give to acting students is, ‘Be nice to your underclassmen. You never know who might be in a position to help you get a job one day.’
John Benjamin Hickey
If a kid is being bullied at school, my advice to them is to punch the bully in the face. The government can create as many boards, commissions, and informational sessions on sensitivity that it wants. The fact is, we still have bullies, and we still have victims who are trained not to stand up for themselves.
Joe Wurzelbacher
I think as a leader, as a captain, it's important to ba

I think as a leader, as a captain, it’s important to back your instincts, whatever you feel. Yes, it is important to take advice from your colleagues, but in the end what your instincts tell you, you should back that.
Ajinkya Rahane
The greatest luxury of riches is that they enable you to escape so much good advice.
Arthur Helps
I met with my lawyers. They gave me all the wrong advice. For a long time I refused to accept the child was mine. I should have met her, arranged a DNA test and accepted my responsibility.
Boris Becker
I’ve never worn plus size brands, and I never had to because I found what worked for my body type. So my advice is to find what works for you.
Hayley Hasselhoff
No enemy is worse than bad advice.
My advice for upcoming actors is to never give up. If it’s in you, keep following your dream no matter what. Perseverence is the key.
Chad Lindberg
I would never give anybody any advice about anything.
Clive Owen
The best advice I was probably given and the best advice I could give someone who is trying to get into the comedy field is to take advantage of every opportunity you have to work to hone your skills.
Bob Newhart
I think it’s very important to have a feedback loop, where you’re constantly thinking about what you’ve done and how you could be doing it better. I think that’s the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.
Elon Musk
I am shy to admit that I have followed the advice given all those years ago by a wise archbishop to a bewildered young man: that moments of unbelief ‘don’t matter,’ that if you return to a practice of the faith, faith will return.
A. N. Wilson
I actually have, in all seriousness, in the back of my mind someday to write a book, the title of which would be ‘Quit Now and Other Practical Advice for the Aspiring Actor.’
Joshua Malina
The history of the last century shows, as we shall see later, that the advice given to governments by bankers, like the advice they gave to industrialists, was consistently good for bankers, but was often disastrous for governments, businessmen, and the people generally.
Carroll Quigley
When I do a cooking class now, I tell people that the most important part is to read the recipe many times so you know what you’re doing. What I don’t tell them, though, is that sometimes I do parties where I’m rushing so much I don’t have time to follow my own advice.
Wolfgang Puck
Like any good lawyer, I’m going to maintain a confidentiality of advice offered in confidence.
Ari Melber
However, I think, first of all, that what’s happening in Sierra Leone is going to have the great influence on those governments who will be asked to provide forces to the Congo. Second, of course, the Security Council has no professional military advice organized in any way.
Alex Morrison
Sure, I could give advice; I could, say, travel the world, listen to music. But all I can really say is do something you want to do and do it well. And if you want to be a choreographer, then you have to make dances.
Mark Morris
People ask me all the time, ‘How can I become a successful entrepreneur?’ And I have to be honest: It’s one of my least favorite questions, because if you’re waiting for someone else’s advice to become an entrepreneur, chances are you’re not one.
Michael Dell
It is the part of a fool to give advice to others and not himself to be on his guard.
My career was quite unusual, so my main advice to someone interested in a career similar to my own is to remain open to change and new opportunities. I like to tell students that the jobs I took after my Ph.D. were not in existence only a few years before.
Nancy Roman
God’s advice trumps Oprah’s every time.
Kirk Cameron
Little pieces of advice like that can provide us with months’ worth of entertainment.
Mike Shinoda
I like to speak with more experienced people – with the staff, the manager – and get a lot of advice. But from a young age, I always remember that talent is good, but hard work beats talent.
Divock Origi
I would say don’t take advice from people like me who have gotten very lucky. We’re very biased. You know, like Taylor Swift telling you to follow your dreams is like a lottery winner telling you, ‘Liquidize your assets; buy Powerball tickets – it works!’
Bo Burnham
It can’t hurt to go to the people you love, whose blood type courses through your veins and whose DNA, from a certain angle, contains many of the same markings as yours. You don’t have to take their advice, but let them share their version of solutions to life’s difficulties. Good or bad – it could be interesting.
Carrie Fisher
I lost touch with my son in terms of advice early on. Maybe it had to do with being gone so much, doing location films when he was at an age where he needed support and guidance.
Gene Hackman
I’m the girl who – I call it girl-next-door-itis – the hot guy is friends with and gets all his relationship advice from but never considers dating.
Taylor Swift
My advice is, if you are going to go on ‘X Factor,’ you have to know who you are as an artist.
Rebecca Ferguson
My success was due to good luck, hard work, and support and advice from friends and mentors. But most importantly, it depended on me to keep trying after I had failed.
Mark Warner
When I meet with the founders of a new company, my advice is almost always, ‘Do fewer things.’ It’s true of partnerships, marketing opportunities, anything that’s taking up your time. The vast majority of things are distractions, and very few really matter to your success.
Evan Williams
In real life, the most practical advice for leaders is not to treat pawns like pawns, nor princes like princes, but all persons like persons.
James MacGregor Burns
Nearly all government advice on terrorism sacrifices practical particulars for an unalarming tone. The usual guidance is to maintain a three-day supply of food and water along with a radio, flashlight, batteries and first-aid kit.
Barton Gellman
My dad probably gave me the best advice growing up. I t

My dad probably gave me the best advice growing up. I think it’s really just keeping your cool in situations and learning to balance everything.
Cassie Steele
When you’re singing, you’re using extra muscles, and it requires a lot of exercise and breathing. You can’t do that if you’re a sissy. If I have any fitness advice for people, I’d tell them to sing more. It’s good therapy, too.
Willie Nelson
As an actor, I was a fantastic rebel. Then I became a directorial rebel and understood rebels from both sides. So now I am a friend who gives advice – not one who knows more, necessarily, but who shares ideas.
Maximilian Schell
The night before my mastectomy, I had done my best to keep my mind off of the impending procedure. My family and I went to the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey game, where I binged on pizza and ice cream and took full advantage of the doctor’s advice to eat up the night before since I had to begin fasting at midnight.
Kayleigh McEnany
My advice for writers is to get a good day job. It takes the pressure off writing if you have a job that pays the bills.
Abraham Verghese
I’m not accustomed to giving advice to those who haven’t asked for it.
Rafael Correa
A note of caution: We can never achieve goals that envy sets for us. Looking at your friends and wishing you had what they had is a waste of precious energy. Because we are all unique, what makes another happy may do the opposite for you. That’s why advice is nice but often disappointing when heeded.
Marcus Buckingham
I always try to be a trend setter. That’s what I always tell young people when I’m giving them advice. To go with their heart and don’t follow the trends.
Teena Marie