Top 680 Further Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Further Quotes from famous people such as Letitia Baldrige, Charles V, Robert Powell, Meriwether Lewis, Bret Hart, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The whole art of flirting has simply disappeared. This

The whole art of flirting has simply disappeared. This probably will do further damage. If we’re going to become so uptight that we can’t say nice things to each other, then we’ve had it!
Letitia Baldrige
Fortune has something of the nature of a woman. If she is too intensely wooed, she commonly goes the further away.
Charles V
I was 24 when I was offered ‘Doomwatch.’ There was an option for a further series, and I turned it down. It is a wonderfully glorious thing to be unknowingly arrogant.
Robert Powell
The rain, which had continued yesterday and last night, ceased this morning. We then proceeded, and after passing two small islands about ten miles further, stopped for the night at Piper’s landing, opposite another island.
Meriwether Lewis
I often run into wrestlers at comic conventions or wrestling events, and it could be Tito Santana or Demolition, and I’m just flooded with memories. It’s always nice to see one of your old mates, especially the ones who I knew from further back.
Bret Hart
There are a lot more shots coming at the net and guys are just shooting it at the net because they have more time and pucks are going in off legs and feet and shoulders and heads, so you might have to play out a little further on the shot and hope it hits you.
Ed Belfour
People close to me called me ‘Curry in a Hurry.’ I was moving through life at 100 miles an hour trying to further my career and be a great mom and make everyone happy.
Ann Curry
Unfortunately, the media, which are not at all reluctant to act in their own self-interest, have succeeded in equating reform in the public mind with further restrictions on just about everyone else’s freedom of political speech.
James L. Buckley
I’m a believer but to reach the top I have to believe more, endure more. When I do two hours of practice, I need to add 30 minutes more. I need to feel something inside to go further.
Gael Monfils
I think that concrete poetry seems to have, as far as I can see, come to a kind of a dead end. It doesn’t seem to be going any further than it went in its high period of about five or six years ago.
James Laughlin
If you can do what you do best and be happy, you’re further along in life than most people.
Leonardo DiCaprio
I see the demographics increasing, and by that I mean the notion of social acceptance is growing, not decreasing; I think the notion of fiscal responsibility is growing, not decreasing. And Republicans seem to be moving further away from those two categories than closer.
Gary Johnson
Exploiters and manipulators have always used religion self-righteously to further their own selfish ends.
Tariq Ali
I haven’t been worried about my image so much as I have been trying to find projects to push myself further than before.
Cameron Diaz
The growing demand for content across our platform delivers bigger payouts to our contributor base and encourages them to upload fresh content to Shutterstock, further facilitating the network effect of our business.
Jon Oringer
This year-in-space mission was a profound challenge for all involved, and it gave me a unique perspective and a lot of time to reflect on what my next step should be on our continued journey to help further our capabilities in space and on Earth.
Scott Kelly
People are increasingly frustrated that decisions taken further and further away from them mean their living standards are slashed through enforced austerity or their taxes are used to bail out governments on the other side of the continent.
David Cameron
To such idle talk it might further be added: that whenever a certain exclusive occupation is coupled with specific shortcomings, it is likewise almost certainly divorced from certain other shortcomings.
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Here’s where the insurance companies really fail us. They over-pay hospitals, specialists and drug companies and then raise premiums to cover the costs. Further, when they pay hospitals 115% of what it should cost to care for a patient, they are paying for inefficiency that can be dangerous.
Alex Gibney
I didn’t feel like going any further in this scene with the boy. He was not a professional actor, and if I had pushed the scene any further it would have destroyed the tone of the movie.
Louis Malle
Today further EU targeted sanctions on Syria come into force. The message is clear and unambiguous: those responsible for the repression will be singled out and held accountable.
William Hague
After taking my B.A. degree in 1939 I remained at the University for a further year to take an advanced course in Biochemistry, and surprised myself and my teachers by obtaining a first class examination result.
Frederick Sanger
Truly it is an evil to be full of faults; but it is a still greater evil to be full of them and to be unwilling to recognize them, since that is to add the further fault of a voluntary illusion.
Blaise Pascal
The dualism itself becomes a sort of presupposition or datum; its terms condition the further problem.
James Mark Baldwin
This resolution is further proof that Congress stands firmly behind our troops and remains resolved to pursue those responsible for the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, until they are discovered, detained, and punished.
John Doolittle
The first heart you win over is that casting director. In first meetings, they’ll be the ones who see your pitch for the character. And then as you get further up, they’ll be the ones reading with you in front of the network.
Michael Mosley
Organizations that empower folks further down the chain or try to get rid of the big hierarchal chains and allow decision making to happen on a more local level end up being more adaptive and resilient because there are more minds involved in the problem.
Steven Johnson
The thornbush is the old obstacle in the road. It must catch fire if you want to go further.
Franz Kafka
Competition gives birth to a lot of success, and if no one ever challenged you, you wouldn’t go anywhere. It makes sense to compete with others for a promotion at work. But so many women take it a step further and won’t even support other women. They end up competing over things that don’t make sense – like how we look.
Lilly Singh
Stylistically speaking, Barack Obama could hardly be further from Jimmy Carter if he really had been born in Kenya.
Eric Alterman
It’s not that you can do this calculated move to try to further your career. You just follow what’s in your heart, and later you look back and go, ‘I was either really dumb or really smart, I can’t believe I did that.’
Dierks Bentley
With a Hyperloop One system in place, there is ability

With a Hyperloop One system in place, there is ability to further unify the alliance of the GCC, socially, culturally, and economically.
Shervin Pishevar
I feel like great TED Talks are ones that are a little bit subject to interpretation, that do provoke further conversation – and potentially controversy.
Damon Lindelof
I know deaf people. I have discussed the issues with them I’ve also thought about them a lot so I have some insights that go a little further than people who haven’t had contact with the deaf community.
Richard Masur
Mention health in most companies, and the cost of health insurance is what comes to mind, not how the company can invest to prevent further escalation in societal health care costs.
John Quelch
There’s not a sport or activity in life where you have a really hard grip, you actually do better. Whether it’s baseball or golf or kicking a ball, the looser you are, the further the thing goes… If you’re tight, you’re not necessarily better.
Lloyd Blankfein
Too much mercy… often resulted in further crimes which were fatal to innocent victims who need not have been victims if justice had been put first and mercy second.
Agatha Christie
It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see.
Winston Churchill
Like my fictional protagonist Tom Thorne, I love country. My tastes go back a bit further than his do, and I still listen to stuff from the late ’70s and early ’80s.
Mark Billingham
I am not sorry the CIA went to the edge of the law in the aftermath of 9/11 to prevent further mass-casualty attacks on the U.S.
Bret Stephens
I had been exposed to bitcoin early. I thought the consumer application of it felt, to me, further away. I thought there would be faster adoption of the blockchain in the enterprise space and with banks.
Brad Garlinghouse
We judged that a sudden, disorderly failure of Bear would have brought with it unpredictable but severe consequences for the functioning of the broader financial system and the broader economy, with lower equity prices, further downward pressure on home values, and less access to credit for companies and households.
Timothy Geithner
At school, when everyone would sell sweets and chocolate, I’d always take it that step further. I’d hustle as hard as I could to get the new Air Forces, to go and chill with the posh kids and the white girls who were around my area.
AJ Tracey
The main thing is that I’ve been studying composition for the last four years. I’d say it’s the life experience combined with the lessons that enabled me to go much further.
Kip Winger
As Irving Good realised in 1965, machines with superhuman intelligence could repeatedly improve their design even further, triggering what Vernor Vinge called a ‘singularity.’
Stephen Hawking
We must examine then the concerns of the Government of Japan about the language of the treaty itself – of SOFA – and of the interim and further arrangements that have been made since 1995, and see whether or not we need to make any changes. Those are decisions I cannot make.
Howard Baker
On recovering my senses, I hastened to quit a place where I hoped there was nothing further to detain me. I first filled my pockets with gold, then fastened the strings of the purse round my neck, and concealed it in my bosom.
Adelbert von Chamisso
A lot of people seem to feel that joy is only the most intense version of pleasure, arrived at by the same road – you simply have to go a little further down the track. That has not been my experience.
Zadie Smith
Some go on to trade schools or get further training for jobs they are interested in. Some go into the arts, some are craftsmen, some take a little time out to travel, and some start their own businesses. But our graduates find and work at what they want to do.
Daniel Greenberg
As far as the international issues are concerned, the most important thing is the state of the transatlantic relationships, Euro-Atlantic relationships: how to develop them and how to strengthen them further.
Marek Belka
To this day, with all of these muscle-bound guys, nobody hit the ball further than Mickey Mantle, with his natural strength.
Billy Crystal
I’ve worried more and more as the years have gone on. The more you’re seen to be doing well, the more stress there is. You feel you ought to consider things more, and be more fussy – there’s further to fall. All these little worries.
Matthew Macfadyen
In most of mankind gratitude is merely a secret hope of further favors.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
For proof that our culture has gone to the dogs, look no further than the bizarrely parental ways many Americans talk about our furry friends.
Eric Metaxas
A lot of people would like to see me in England. This is not necessarily the league that attracts me the most, though. It would allow me to develop further, though.
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang
A still image attracts the viewer with an overall impact, then reveals smaller details upon further study.
Thomas Kinkade
American farmers and ranchers deserve a USDA that will pursue supportive policies rather than seek their further harm.
Jerry Moran
The further you get up the corporate ladder, the farther you get from the actual filmmaking process.
Marc Platt
Things can get only so bad. People want to eat, so at some point they resist further cuts to their consumption – it’s not a bottomless pit.
Edmund Phelps
Spain is an important historical ally of the United States, and if confirmed, I will add to our more than 200 years of diplomatic history to further our shared interests.
James Costos
I’m willing to go further than other people on camera.
Jane Krakowski
English policy may not yet have made the definite decision to attack us; but it doubtless wishes, by all and every means, even the most extreme, to hinder every further expansion of German international influence and of German maritime power.
Bernhard von Bulow
It's like, if I had the luxury of choice, and didn't ha

It’s like, if I had the luxury of choice, and didn’t have to worry about making a living, I would definitely want to get into whatever field it was that allowed me to push further and further comedically. Because that’s the joy of it.
Mitchell Hurwitz
I’ve seen pretty much all the ‘Peter Pan’s except for one of the further back ones where the boy had curly hair. I can’t remember. I really loved the 2003 version. I really loved that one because that was around the year I was born. That’s quite funny.
Levi Miller
You don’t get further outside than I do going into Washington, D.C.
Ron Johnson
The centerpiece of Obamanomics – raising taxes on high earners and investors and lowering them on the middle class – is attacked by free-marketers for penalizing economic success and possibly further stalling economic growth.
Nina Easton
I first came to Delhi with my parents when I was 15 years old. We went to see the Red Fort, and I was walking behind my parents, and some guy who was walking along touched me inappropriately. I screamed, but he was acting so cool about it. I did not create any further scene and left.
Shenaz Treasury
The mice that had the resveratrol in their diet were still obese, but they were seemingly or relatively immune to the effects of the obesity. So their arteries were clear, their liver was nice and thin. Their bones were stronger. They could run further.
David Andrew Sinclair
In my opinion, further consideration of those views will help us find a way out of the current impasse, and reveal to us the kinds of buildings and cities required by the informational society.
Kenzo Tange
Each piece of content you create should lead your readers further down the path to purchase. Typically, sales and leads won’t happen until a prospect has had multiple points of contact with you, so don’t expect sales after a single blog post.
John Rampton
If I feel like I’ve completely drained every ounce of energy out of me for this song, and I can’t go any further with it, then I stop, even if the song is unfinished. Most of the time, when it’s finished, it’s because I’ve used every ounce of me to write it.
Ella Henderson
Further more Yemen is leading pioneer in democratic practice, lots of brothers and friends testified on that.
Ali Abdullah Saleh
I’m a total puritan, but I found Jacques’ adventures amusing. We couldn’t be further apart. I am a Calvinist toward myself and totally indulgent toward others.
Karl Lagerfeld
If the world would only build temples to Machinery in the abstract then everything would be perfect. The painter and sculptor would have plenty to do, and could, in complete peace and suitably honored, pursue their trade without further trouble.
Wyndham Lewis
I’ve taken up golf in the past five or six years, and most of the time there aren’t too many people out there that can drive a ball further than I can.
Bo Jackson
Going to Africa was being able to take my volunteering and my passion for hospice one step further.
Torrey DeVitto
Often, it’s easier to play someone further away from you because it’s clearer who they are. I think if you want to make a performance authentic, there are a certain amount of leaps of faith into the unknown that you have to take. Otherwise, you’re not really risking anything.
Ruth Negga
In order that people who suffer from depression seek treatment without a second thought, the stigmas must further fall until we reach a point in time when that person with leukemia and that person with depression both receive the same level of sympathy and the same level of rigorous treatment. Both people deserve it.
Gayle Forman
Some artists get so comfortable now after even one or two albums and think, ‘I’m the biggest artist in the world,’ but it’s like, yeah, you are for now, but you’ve gotta work so that you’re remembered further, and that’s what I’m trying to do.
Sam Smith
I’ve spoken several times with Prime Minister Erdogan about relations between Turkey and Israel. I’m pleased that, following President Obama’s visit to Israel, talks between Israel and Turkey are again taking place and hope that relations between them will further improve in the interest of both countries.
Angela Merkel
Bitcore was introduced to give a trusted platform to spur further bitcoin innovation, allowing BitPay to focus on what they do best: acquire merchants.
Perianne Boring
I once gave a character in a novel my inability to get past the same point in any work of philosophy: that moment when seeing is suddenly occluded and you know you can go no further.
Howard Jacobson
I’ve made so many films in New York. There was an assumption I think a lot of people had that I am a New Yorker, that I am from New York, and I always felt like nothing could be further from the truth.
Greta Gerwig
Women leading big corporations or assuming various important social and political roles is still considered newsworthy, which clearly shows the need to further support and enhance the role of women in society.
Guler Sabanci
5-hour Energy has always been about helping hard working people, and the Amazing People program takes this further by making a significant difference in the lives of those who are working through difficult circumstances.
Manoj Bhargava
I must consider myself as the man of the cross and love the one that God gives me without thinking any further.
Pope John XXIII
I wish records got made faster and looser with less thought in them, but since touring is so much more profitable than records, you spend so much time on the road that it’s hard to work on them. And the records get further and further apart.
Britt Daniel
Women have to be extremely careful about choosing something that they consider an act of defiance that can really be used to further their enslavement.
Alice Walker
I don’t think we need to extend unemployment any further without paying for it, and without making some modifications such as turning it into a loan at some point. It then encourages people to go back to work.
Jim DeMint
Dissatisfaction with possession and achievement is one of the requisites to further achievement.
John Hope
To be able to know that I can push myself a little further than you think you can was so important. And that it’s a mental barrier more than anything. You can break through it.
Jason Day
The once-unthinkable loss of the AAA rating will constitute a further hit to already fragile business and consumer confidence.
Mohamed El-Erian
When you have an entire amphitheatre of people laughing that way, it makes you feel so funny and it frees you to go further than you probably would.
Kelly Ripa
Quitting Facebook would be like partially erasing mysel

Quitting Facebook would be like partially erasing myself. Quitting Twitter would constitute further erasure. Pretty soon, I’d be invisible. I was never on Instagram or Tumblr, which I guess means I never completely existed in the first place.
Meghan Daum
I think that American women are further along than any other women in the world. But you can’t have peace in a world in which some women or some men or some nations are at different stages of development. There is so much work to be done.
Alice Paul
I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature.
Paulo Coelho
Design can successfully bind the ancient nomadic cultures with today’s global marketplace, ensuring the preservation of traditions and knowledge for further generations. This aspect of research is obviously rich in its business potential as well.
Yelena Baturina
Haemophilia itself is bad enough. It is disabling day by day, even if far less incapacitating than in the 19th and early 20th centuries. But the added burden of life-threatening further illnesses from contaminated NHS blood is far worse.
Ruth Rendell
Further, the next generation of terrorists will grow up in a digital world, with ever more powerful and easy-to-use hacking tools at their disposal.
Dorothy Denning
I began to do this thing I do of giving myself a class every day, and trying to experiment and push further. I don’t mean to say I knew everything, because I didn’t, but I would do what I knew and then push beyond that and see what else I could find.
Merce Cunningham
I will never tire of recommending the custom, practiced by the best architects, of preparing not only drawings and sketches, but also models of wood or any other material. These… enable us to examine… the work as a whole… and, before continuing any further, to estimate the likely trouble and expense.
Leon Battista Alberti
Since I was first nominated to serve as Treasury Secretary, I have been maligned as taking advantage of others’ hardships in order to earn a buck. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Steve Mnuchin
Further, the United States is moving ahead in the development of clean coal technology. There are vast coal reserves in our country, and when it is burned cleanly, coal can provide a resource to supply a large amount of our energy requirements.
Virgil Goode
The further you go in life, the more you realize what you’re going to leave this Earth.
Joe Gibbs
The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win.
Roger Bannister
I got into a bad jag of movies that helped pay the rent and I thought would help further me along.
Matthew Lillard
Would it be possible that I should not in any degree succeed? I can scarcely think so. Ah delusive hope, how much further wilt thou lead me?
John James Audubon
For me, I went into ‘Drag Race’ wanting to further catapult my career, to travel around the world, and perform for all my fans.
The regional security in the Middle East cannot be further compromised by an Iranian loose cannon.
Russ Carnahan
Donald had reached its further edge, and could hear the rush of the stream from the deep obscurity of the abyss below, when there rose from the opposite side a strain of the most delightful music he had ever heard.
Hugh Miller
I don’t think it’s the job of theatre at the moment to provide political propaganda; that would be simplistic. We have to explore our situation further before we will understand it.
Edward Bond
We can certainly go further than cats, but why should it be that our brains are somehow so suited to the universe that our brains will be able to understand the deepest workings?
Brian Greene
Technology is in fact one of the most exciting things that’s happened to museums today – but one has to be careful about where one uses it. For instance, the Internet provides an incredible opportunity. It is a way for us to reach audiences around the world and further our educational mission.
Thomas P. Campbell
We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.
Richard Dawkins
While they’re building a solid foundation that will support whatever is coming down the road, Todd and I are itching to see further, to push the envelope.
Sam Wood
For me, ‘Lamb’ started out as a further exploration of the phenomenon of faith and the responsibility of a messiah that I touched on in ‘Coyote Blue’ and ‘Island of the Sequined Love Nun,’ but it ended up being an exploration of the true meaning of sacrifice, loyalty, and friendship.
Christopher Moore
Playing further up the pitch, you have more opportunities to score and provide assists, and it’s something I liked right from the start.
Francesco Totti
Of course, the best thing, if you play in the Premier League, you can always develop further as a player, and you are playing against the best players. You are also playing game after game all the time, two or three games a week.
Mesut Ozil
While films are a very visual and emotional artistic medium, video games take it one step further into the realm of a unique personal experience.
Jet Li
You get some confidence in your songwriting abilities and go for the essentials – guitar, bass, drums, vocals. Those are the basic band essentials that have to be in place before you go any further.
Mike McCready
Time is like money, the less we have of it to spare the further we make it go.
Josh Billings
More than just music, the splash of water or a lone footstep can put you in the moment. Sound is just another tool in the developer’s toolbox to draw the player further into the game.
Rob Manuel
For my part, I would say that the male sperm and seeds of plants have been penetrated so far that there is nothing further to discover in this great secret, but I could err in my opinion.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
A bird cannot fly with one wing only. Human space flight cannot develop any further without the active participation of women.
Valentina Tereshkova
You need to look no further than Apple's iPhone to see

You need to look no further than Apple’s iPhone to see how fast brilliantly written software presented on a beautifully designed device with a spectacular user interface will throw all the accepted notions about pricing, billing platforms and brand loyalty right out the window.
Edgar Bronfman, Jr.
The very first things that I did, even in theater, were bad guys. They are meaty roles for the most part. With the bad guy you have more freedom to experiment and go further out than with a good guy.
Benicio Del Toro
I’ll tell you from my heart, looking at their party further and further to the left, to paraphrase the director of the FBI: I think it would be extremely careless to elect Hillary Clinton.
Mike Pence
Every song has a composer, every book has an author, every car has a maker, every painting has a painter, and every building has a builder. So it isn’t irrational to take this simple logic a little further and say that nature must have had a Maker. It would be irrational to believe that it made itself.
Ray Comfort
Try as I do to comprehend the human project and my part in it, I am further than ever from understanding the monstrous everyday things that seem like self-evident truths and existential necessities to so many.
Michael Leunig
As to my success here I cannot say much as yet: the Indians seem generally kind, and well-disposed towards me, and are mostly very attentive to my instructions, and seem willing to be taught further.
David Brainerd
Here we were supposedly changing the world for the better in the Sixties, but as we get 40 years further down the line, we realise that some of those changes such as the drugs probably weren’t all that great or sensible. It was all about social experiments.
Steve Winwood
I listen to Radio 4 all the time. I didn’t go to university, so that’s my further education.
Helen McCrory
I cycle, which is a healthy thing for an 80-year-old to do. I rarely go further than five miles, but in those five miles I can get to 80 percent of the places I want to go.
Richard Rogers
Fox Interactive Media’s acquisitions of Newroo and kSolo demonstrate our commitment to empowering users with interesting tools that they can use to further enhance their online experience and online identity.
Ross Levinsohn
Republicans are pushing legislation forward that will improve the effectiveness of and bring more accountability to U.S. foreign assistance around the world and bring democracy even further into the light.
Virginia Foxx
I think you have to do certain things in the pilot to get your network’s attention – to break through… So maybe you push a little further in the first show.
D. B. Sweeney
Every one of us has a small but critical part to play in the battle against coronavirus. From washing our hands to wearing a face covering on public transport and in shops, every time we take one of these actions, we push the virus further into retreat.
Alok Sharma
Investor demand for distressed property has been healthy, as rents rise to levels that can cover investors’ costs while they wait for properties to appreciate. Giving investors a small tax break should further juice up demand, supporting prices for distressed homes and the market in general.
Mark Zandi
The further we distance ourselves from the spell of the present, explored by our senses, the harder it will be to understand and protect nature’s precarious balance, let alone the balance of our own human nature.
Diane Ackerman
A child is beset with long traditions. And his infancy is so old, so old, that the mere adding of years in the life to follow will not seem to throw it further back – it is already so far.
Alice Meynell
My idea of writing is of unflinching and continual effort, somehow trying to find the right words until you reach a point where you can make no further progress and you either have something or you don’t.
James Salter
It seems that in the rush to be the first one to the story, the media overstates things. Not maliciously; I don’t think they’re intentionally misleading. But the credibility gap is already there, and in this rush to get to the story first, a lot of mainstream outlets just erode their credibility further.
J. D. Vance
About two hundred or two hundred and fifty years after the death of Grettir, his history was committed to writing, and then it became fixed – nothing further was added to it, and we have his story after having travelled down over two hundred years as a tradition.
Sabine Baring-Gould
I think for far too long there was this perception, or I guess I would call it a misperception, that our locker rooms in the NFL are extremely homophobic, and that could not be further from the truth.
Scott Fujita
On top of opportunities in further traffic growth, there are increasing opportunities to fully realize the potential of the online video ecosystem, as China continues to evolve into a consumer-driven economy.
Victor Koo
The more obstinately you try to learn how to shoot the arrow for the sake of hitting the goal, the less you will succeed in the one and the further the other will recede.
Eugen Herrigel
I moved further and further away from mass entertainment. The sexual element became increasingly sinister and bizarre. Don’t blame me! The bastards drove me to it! They all backed off after that!
Robert Crumb
The important achievement of Apollo was demonstrating that humanity is not forever chained to this planet and our visions go rather further than that and our opportunities are unlimited.
Neil Armstrong
Further, Take heed that you faithfully perform the business you have to do in the world, from a regard to the commands of God; and not from an ambitious desire of being esteemed better than others.
David Brainerd
We’ve been sitting at the compromise table for a long time. We’re just waiting for that cold chair to be warmed up by the Republican leadership. They still have time to do the right thing and be responsible. They just seem to be moving further and further away from it.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
I’m not a person or a selfish player, but we have to move the ball more, and we have to look further the team game, because we have enough talent to use different players.
Pau Gasol
We got to go one step further than even ‘Make in India.’ Let’s make India itself – India 2.0, the updated version.
Kamal Haasan
It is well known that the Nobel Committees bring world opinion to a focus, and that fact still further enhances the prestige attaching to the Prizes.
Robert Robinson
My ambition is to further create a signature sound, a signature spirit, that makes some kind of contribution to music in general.
David Lee Roth
With every project I’ve ever done, I’ve always treated it like I’m still in school. Each time you try to go a little further, get a little deeper, feel a little more, sculpt it a little better.
Kim Basinger
The further I get away from coaching, the more I know I

The further I get away from coaching, the more I know I made the right decision. You almost forget how wonderful family life is.
Tony Dungy
I think there’s a tendency for modern man to become dominated by gadgets and machines, taking us further and further away from the things I’ve been talking about.
Robin Day
I discovered that Robert Todd Lincoln was there for each of the first three assassinations. I wanted to write about the Lincoln Memorial, so when I found out he had attended its dedication, that helped focus it further.
Sarah Vowell
When you’re further along in your career, you probably have more money and more means; you have to stop yourself from giving your child too much. Whereas, if you’re in twenties, you might just get by.
Pamela Druckerman
There is a group of people that I think in good faith honestly believe that further curtailing our Second Amendment rights will enhance public safety. But there’s another group that just hates the Second Amendment.
John Kennedy
This Constitution does not reflect the thoughts, hopes and aspirations of ordinary people. It does nothing for jobs or economic growth and widens further still the democratic deficit.
Nigel Farage
In 1962, President Kennedy expanded an earlier trade embargo put in place by a predecessor, President Eisenhower, to a total economic blockade, which pushed the Cubans further in Moscow’s direction.
Tariq Ali
But it has also enabled me to find my feet as a lecturer and a reader of my own plays to audiences who like to hear them; and that experience of immediate appreciation gives greater pleasure and more stimulus towards further activity than even the most laudatory of reviews.
Laurence Housman
Further, Japan is the second largest donor in Iraq after the United States, with over $5 billion dollars for humanitarian, infrastructure and reconstruction projects.
Mike Simpson
I’m not about to talk about what’s romantic in my life – I figure if you talk about it once – then that’s an open invitation for everyone to dig into your personal life even further.
James Van Der Beek
The frontiers of knowledge in the various fields of our subject are expanding at such a rate that, work as hard as one can, one finds oneself further and further away from an understanding of the whole.
James Meade
I think people forget that to be on the A list you first had to go through the original graded Parliamentary Selection Board. I did that and then like everyone else had the further interviews to get onto the A list.
Adam Rickitt
I think that’s the most important part of doing this job, is learning different personality types. I mean, it’s kind of like sociology or psychology in a sense. With that, and with every project I do, I think I’m able to pull something away that further makes me understand humanity in a way I didn’t before.
Ashton Sanders
Incorporating genetics into a platform with the reach of ResearchKit will accelerate insights into illness and disease even further.
Anne Wojcicki
To shut off coal, or to say you can’t have further coal development, I think is the wrong way to go.
Matt Mead
Every day, new laws are created that further hamper the ways children can engage with the world.
Gever Tulley
Many, including the Canadian and U.S. governments, try to provide family support while also maintaining a hard line about further fuelling terrorism and hostage-taking through ransom payments … Still, try telling that to a mother, or a father, or a husband or wife caught in the powerless agony of standing by.
Amanda Lindhout
I don’t cook very often. Actually, I’d go further: I can’t cook.
Nicola Sturgeon
Goals often come from a mistake much further up the field, yet the analysis and blame will always be on the defence.
Per Mertesacker
I have sun damage that I want to repair, but I also want to keep myself from further damage.
Christie Brinkley
To understand the motivations behind Chinese government policy decisions, look no further than their impact on State-Owned Enterprises.
Anthony Scaramucci
My dad used to hear me humming songs while watching television and discovered I have a nice sweet tone which should be further trained and toned.
Tulsi Kumar
As a professional services company, our people ultimately make the difference in delivering high-quality services to clients. This is why we are so focused on attracting the best people and investing to further develop their skills.
Pierre Nanterme
Of course the EU and member states must work to ensure that people moving from one country to another understand their obligations and their rights in areas like health, road safety and further education.
John Bruton
By withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, the U.S. cedes power and influence to our rivals. If we retreat on our promises and cede leadership on climate issues, we lose credibility. Further, we lose the ability to hold other countries accountable for a broader range of issues.
Christine Todd Whitman
Politicians said that with our cheap labour, we could be competitive in the world. Nothing could be further from the truth. We were the most uncompetitive country with that cheap labour.
Baba Kalyani
If we are all in agreement on the decision – then I propose we postpone further discussion of this matter until our next meeting to give ourselves time to develop disagreement and perhaps gain some understanding of what the decision is all about.
Alfred P. Sloan
Your reader is interested in a guileless, fresh, first-time-we-talked-about-it way. What a great liberation that is. And teenagers, if you respect them, will follow you a lot further than adults will, without fear of being a genre that they may not like or have been told not to like. They just want a story.
Patrick Ness
Our Government is committed to pursuing policies and programs which facilitate a further lowering of the interest rates in order to fuel investment and growth. We call on the commercial banks to partner with us in this effort.
Said Musa
Research into manned spaceflight is shifting from low-Earth orbit to destinations much further away, like Mars and the asteroid belt. But society will have to invent many new technologies before it can plausibly send people to those distances.
Andy Weir
Let me give you a definition of ethics: It is good to maintain and further life it is bad to damage and destroy life.
Albert Schweitzer
Further ahead, I'd like to see tiny spacebots - smaller

Further ahead, I’d like to see tiny spacebots – smaller than your cell phone – travel outside our solar system to the nearest star system, Alpha Centauri. By keeping the mass of those spacebots low, we could more easily accelerate them.
Debra Fischer
There’s another horizon out there, one more horizon that you have to make for yourself and let other people discover it, and someone else will take it further on, you know.
Gordon Parks
Russia would prefer to rebuild trust rather than allow it to further corrode. That’s why, in July 2007, President Putin, in the spirit of strategic openness, proposed a truly collective effort at missile defense for Europe.
Sergei Lavrov
The further you get into technology, the further you go into gaming. That’s the general rule.
Nick Johnson
Getting to know Vixen has been an amazing learning experience, and I am glad that I am close to her so that I am able to be further educated on social issues and see them through her eyes.
Many times when you’re a tourist you can just stay on the surface and not really experience the place you’re visiting, which will probably leave you disappointed. Everywhere has something interesting; it’s just about being curious enough to find it and scratch where you have to scratch and stay longer and walk further.
Diego Luna
Nobody heard him, the dead man, But still he lay moaning. I was much further out than you thought, and not waving but drowning. I was much too far out all my life, And not waving but drowning.
Stevie Smith
Do you want to know where President Barack Obama is ultimately headed with his gun control edicts? Look no further than his second embrace of the tyranny of Australia’s massive gun ‘buyback’ program.
Wayne LaPierre
He who aims at making an entire and perfect oblation of himself, in addition to his will, must offer his understanding, which is a further and the highest degree of obedience.
Saint Ignatius
Even though I write about the human race, the further away from them, the better I feel. Two miles is great; two thousand miles is beautiful.
Charles Bukowski
I realised that if you get yourself labeled as the funny one, people don’t look any further. I’ve used that as I’ve got older. It’s controlling: I decide what part of my personality you’re seeing. I don’t want you to look at me, I really don’t. I don’t want you to comment on my clothes, my hair or the way I look.
Catherine Tate
I wanted to further my education, so I went on to get a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and came back and served about ten years in the Canadian Navy as what we call a combat systems engineer.
Marc Garneau
I can assure you that during my tenure as his employee, Bob Ney was the hardest working man in Ohio and Washington. I can further assure you the work that he did and the decisions he made were done with integrity and the highest regard for his office and those he served.
Corey Lewandowski
Under Nasser, Egyptian nationalism was built on little more than pan-Arab irredentism and anti-Western and anti-Israeli sentiment. Mr. Mubarak retained these powerful brainwashers and allowed the rise of a religious component to further alienate Egyptians from liberal and democratic thinking.
Andre Aciman
Love is the missing factor; there is a lack of affection, of warmth in relationship; and because we lack that love, that tenderness, that generosity, that mercy in relationship, we escape into mass action, which produces further confusion, further misery.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Your future is still before you. Your land is a vast storehouse of mineral and agricultural wealth awaiting further development for the benefit of mankind. It potentialities are magnificent.
Charles E. Wilson
I’ve got all of the old school vinyls from the ’70s – even further back, like the jazz music in the ’40s, ’50s, ’60s. Then I’ve got all the ’80s stuff underground, hip-hop when hip-hop really first started. The ’90s stuff. All of the good stuff, because I’m really into music, and it helps me create new songs now.
Ty Dolla Sign
Abby Johnson has agreed to become Chief Executive Officer of Fidelity, reflecting a further step forward in our leadership succession plan. Abby will retain her role of President, and I will continue to serve as Chairman of the Board.
Edward Johnson, III
But it seemed to me that as soon as you have computer storage you could put every point you wanted in – make the ones that are less relevant to your central topic, further away or allow the central topic to move as the reader proceeded.
Ted Nelson
Collaboration is like carbonation for fresh ideas. Working together bubbles up ideas you would not have come up with solo, which gets you further faster.
Caroline Ghosn
We developed already, before the first servicing mission, this has been further developed on the second servicing mission and we refined it this time, all the terminology.
Claude Nicollier
What’s interesting is to be sexy but not know it. You’ll be in a restaurant, and some girls will walk in and you can tell that they really want to be sexy. It’s written on their faces because that’s all they want to show. There’s a fear that one might not look further.
Olga Kurylenko
Music goes further than any border, any language.
J Balvin
If you can promise a vital and vibrant research environment as well as great students to your faculty, you can recruit some top faculty. The top faculty on your roster will then help you to attract further top students in your program.
John Quelch
I just realized that if it’s really compassion that drives you, maybe it’s not enough just to stop eating animals but you maybe should boycott the whole animal industry, because… it’s not what you as a compassionate being would want. So actually you should go one step further and become vegan.
Patrik Baboumian
I have been blessed to have had many excellent teachers. The further I get away from school, though, the more I realize that the greatest teachers in my life have come from outside of academia.
Brad Thor
And so you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high.
Ayrton Senna
Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
It’s easy to be lazy when there’s food lying around backstage or there’s a fast-food joint a couple blocks away. But if you walk a little further, ask around a bit, of course there are exciting things to discover.
Alex Kapranos
Haiti, Haiti, the further I am from you, the less I breathe. Haiti, I love you, and I will love you always. Always.
Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Friction still exists in travel, and we are on a quest to go even further to make the entire experience – from planning to staying and beyond – even easier with technology.
Gillian Tans
My father came from an intellectual and studious avenue

My father came from an intellectual and studious avenue as opposed to a brawler’s avenue. So I had to go further afield and I brought all kinds of unscrupulous oiks back home – earless, toothless vagabonds – to teach me the arts of the old bagarre.
Tom Hardy
At one time I thought the Editor of the Lancet would kindly publish a letter from me on the subject, but further reflection led me to doubt whether so insignificant an individual would be noticed without some special introduction.
William Banting
I’m still batting away on my politics for the Labour Party. I’m much further to the left of them than I used to be, but that’s because they’ve moved, not me.
Billy Bragg
People talk about tactics, but when you look at it, tactics are just players. You change things so that the team can get the most out of the skills they have to offer, but you don’t go any further than that.
Pep Guardiola
I started off at the high level, in the slick magazines, but they didn’t use my name, they used house names. Anyway, then I went downhill to the pulps, then downhill further to the comics.
Mickey Spillane
Karate’s a very boring sport, but when you know the technique you can go further and further.
Jean-Claude Van Damme
I have watched patients stand and gaze longingly toward the city they in all likelihood will never enter again. It means liberty and life; it seems so near, and yet heaven is not further from hell.
Nellie Bly
The fact that we’re living in a country where 90 percent of the people want further gun laws – to maybe somehow put a dent in some of this insanity that’s happening – and yet there’s no further legislation taking place, it’s very frustrating and upsetting.
Eddie Vedder
Further devastation of the air, land and sea is obviously a very real possibility, unless the attitudes of politicians and all who irresponsibly exploit our natural resources change significantly in the very near future and all collaborate and sacrifice for the good of the planet.
Viggo Mortensen
There is a lot of opportunity sitting in global healthcare business. I think there is a strong opportunity to build upon for further growth.
Malvinder Mohan Singh
People presume just because you’re a bigger bloke that you wouldn’t be physically fit or up for the fight, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Nick Frost
I felt very strongly about the Ashley Madison thing. Of the 39 million people who signed up for Ashley Madison, only a tiny percentage of them actually had an affair. And I’d go a step further and say even if they did, it’s none of our business, frankly.
Jon Ronson
But teleological considerations can lead no further than to a belief and a hope. They do not give certainty.
Christian Lous Lange
The primary, the fundamental, the essential purpose of the United Nations is to keep peace. Everything it does which helps prevent World War III is good. Everything which does not further that goal, either directly or indirectly, is at best superfluous.
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.
Patriotism is not an abstract concept. It begins from one’s own home. It buds out from the love for one’s parents, spouses and children, the love for one’s own home, village and workplace, and further develops into the love for one’s country and fellow people.
Kim Jong-un
Brothers in suffering, brothers in resistance, brothers in ideals and conviction. It is now our duty to further strengthen this bond in order to secure this hard-won freedom for future generations.
Guy Verhofstadt
It does seem like, in the world today, we’ve moved further and further away from wildlife. There’s that sense of whatever you’re scared of, you just want it to go away. Here in Australia Zoo, part of our ongoing plan is that re-connection.
Terri Irwin
I think, today, television is asking too many loaded questions, pushing further for ratings.
Juan Gabriel
Tory plans to cut ‘further and faster’ would wreck recovery and roll back Labour’s many successes.
Alistair Darling
If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the indispensable nation. We stand tall. We see further into the future.
Madeleine Albright
I can honestly say that my abortion was one of the least difficult decisions of my life. I’m not being flippant when I say it took me longer to decide what worktops to have in the kitchen than whether I was prepared to spend the rest of my life being responsible for a further human being.
Caitlin Moran
With ‘Ilustrado,’ I set out to change the way we read literature, and I think I failed spectacularly. In fact, I know I failed. In reaching further than I could, I may not have produced a life- or literature-changing book, but I did produce one I am proud of.
Miguel Syjuco
What’s fun about comedy is you’re pushing things a little further than you would in a drama; you’re pushing reality a little bit more.
Jason Katims
There are 13 Asian countries that still have elephants, and Elephant Family is looking to invest in further projects that will be the most critical for saving elephants while there is still time.
Mark Shand
Clean air and clean water are absolute top priorities when we talk about responsible energy development; however, the final rule issued by the Obama administration does nothing to further protect our resources.
Ryan Zinke
While I remain disappointed with our topline development in 2016, we continue to expect our performance to improve in 2017 and see the potential for margin expansion in 2017 and beyond, as market conditions improve and our sales transformation programs gain further traction.
Rajeev Suri
As much as it might look like, to someone else, that I’m successful, I never feel like I’m anywhere. The further I go, I still feel equally further from my eventual goal. Because as I grow, I get more goals. I’m never content.
J. Cole
The basis for my own work during the years just before coming to America in 1915 was a desire to break up forms – to ‘decompose’ them much along the lines the cubists had done. But I wanted to go further – much further – in fact, in quite another direction altogether.
Marcel Duchamp
Virginia Woolf said that writers must be androgynous. I’ll go a step further. You must be bisexual.
Rita Mae Brown
It is my goal to learn as much about the people I’m surrounded by. I am slowly widening who I am close with, and at the same time, growing further away from others.
Josh Schwartz
In college, I used to underline sentences that struck me, that made me look up from the page. They were not necessarily the same sentences the professors pointed out, which would turn up for further explication on an exam. I noted them for their clarity, their rhythm, their beauty and their enchantment.
Jhumpa Lahiri
A couple of weeks before the 1992 Houston Open, I was p

A couple of weeks before the 1992 Houston Open, I was probably as low as I could get confidence-wise. I didn’t think I was going to go any further, and then, out of nowhere, I won that week. That kind of got me going.
Fred Funk
We also have the option of scanning in an image from outside the computer… a photo, or a sketch done with traditional tools; and we can then paint, manipulate, process, change, and further develop the image within the computer, watching our progress on the monitor.
Buffy Sainte-Marie
It comes down to the simple idea that government has grown substantially under Barack Obama, and government has been a failure in American’s lives, and Hillary Clinton wants to grow government even further. I think Donald Trump wants to restrain government and shrink government.
Sean Duffy
I don’t think a system or a government should fear critical opinions or views. Only by heeding those critical views would it be possible for us to further improve our work and make further progress.
Wen Jiabao
For my writing, and because I love talking to young women about life, I often asked them which would they rather have – a father in the house with them while growing up or a big butt? I tell you 86 percent of the time, girls say a big butt because it gets them further.
Jill Scott
I believe that to further strategic growth and development via design, we need to have a set of public design policies.
Jens Martin Skibsted
When you wear a bow tie, doors open for you. Your posture is a little more erect; your shoulders are a little further back; your style is a little more dynamic. It’s about the reestablishment of the gentleman.
Dhani Jones
I further believe that all must be saved through the merits of Christ.
Daniel Morgan
I wanted to take nouvelle cuisine further, to the point where we were breaking down the essence of taste and sensation, reconfiguring food as a series of really intense hits on the tongue.
Ferran Adria
Further, the dignity of the science itself seems to require that every possible means be explored for the solution of a problem so elegant and so celebrated.
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Then there is the further question of what is the relationship of thinking to reality. As careful attention shows, thought itself is in an actual process of movement.
David Bohm
I’m afraid you’re gonna have to see more American military involvement in order to keep ISIS from spreading even further.
Mitt Romney
Evil report carries further than any applause.
Baltasar Gracian
Back in the 1980s, state-of-the-nation fictions were all set in Manhattan. Now, they’re all in Trump country. Early in ‘S-Town,’ we’re introduced to an actual maze, every branch of which leads to a further junction. This may also be a metaphor.
David Hepworth
I’ve been known to make out with girls from time to time. Couple drinks involved, you know. It’s fun. And who knows? Maybe it’ll go further someday. I don’t know.
Adam Lambert
We pray that the deceitful race – such hateful enemies and blasphemers of the name of Christ – be not allowed to further infect and trouble this new colony.
Peter Stuyvesant
You can’t write an image, a metaphor, a story, a phrase, without leaning a little further into the shared world, without recognizing that your supposed solitude is at every point of its perimeter touching some other.
Jane Hirshfield
We work so hard as young artists to further our careers or improve our technique, sometimes it gets so easy to not actually go and see things like a play or a film. I think the best way to get better is to see other actors do what they do well.
Juliet Rylance
Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out further to, say, 2045, we will have multiplied the intelligence, the human biological machine intelligence of our civilization a billion-fold.
Ray Kurzweil
I live a very different life now, with incredible privileges, but looking back I realise that growing up in Russia gave me tools that other people don’t necessarily have – such as the will to push that bit further, to make things happen, to succeed.
Natalia Vodianova
Philosophy goes no further than probabilities, and in every assertion keeps a doubt in reserve.
James Anthony Froude
As the remaining voices for civil disobedience are suppressed, the political spectrum narrows even further.
Joshua Wong
It could fairly be said that the U.S. is increasingly out of step with the rest of the world. As our neighbors to the south elect left-wing or even socialist governments, we are lurching further to the right. As Europe becomes less engaged to the Church, we are becoming more fundamentalist.
Graydon Carter
The older I get, the greater power I seem to have to help the world; I am like a snowball – the further I am rolled the more I gain.
Susan B. Anthony
Slowly but surely, I went through different phases of fame, and each rises you further into isolation and alienation.
T. J. Miller
As a tactic, violence is absurd. No one can compete with the Government in violence, and the resort to violence, which will surely fail, will simply frighten and alienate some who can be reached, and will further encourage the ideologists and administrators of forceful repression.
Noam Chomsky
Dystopian novels help people process their fears about what the future might look like; further, they usually show that there is always hope, even in the bleakest future.
Lauren Oliver
The Amazon is not just a set of trees. It is a set of 25 million people. If we don’t create real economic opportunities for them, the practical result is to encourage disorganized economic activities that results in the further destruction of the rain forest.
Roberto Unger
The application of a strong magnetic field enables the measurement of the energy of the most penetrating particles to be carried out, and the method may be capable of still further extension and improvement.
Victor Francis Hess
Diversity requires commitment. Achieving the superior performance diversity can produce needs further action – most notably, a commitment to develop a culture of inclusion. People do not just need to be different, they need to be fully involved and feel their voices are heard.
Alain Dehaze
For me it’s more important to look at each constituency individually and find a community I feel I can serve to the best of my abilities, and where I feel I can make a real difference, and further their cause.
Adam Rickitt
The frontier orbital approach was further developed in

The frontier orbital approach was further developed in various directions by my own group and many other scientists, both theoretical and experimental.
Kenichi Fukui
The precariat can be divided into three further groups – atavists, who look back to a lost past; nostalgics, who look forlornly for a present, a home; and progressives, who look for a lost future.
Guy Standing
I think sometimes when you begin to examine things – like yourself – suddenly you can just freak out and not want to go any further.
Bonnie Wright
I don’t think the process was successful and should be inspected closer. I am not afraid to say I am not familiar with the entire process, so before commenting further I would have to study the process more in depth.
Vincent Frank
My parents always wanted the very best for me and pushed me further and further, so that stuck with me.
Nathan Chen
Opposition to abortion was one of the ways the Christian right was brought into the Republican Party by conservatives hoping to move the party further right. Now, of course, the tail is wagging the dog.
Katha Pollitt
I propose to construct a new chart for navigating, on which I shall delineate all the sea and lands of the Ocean in their proper positions under their bearings; and further, I propose to prepare a book, and to put down all as it were in a picture, by latitude from the equator, and western longitude.
Christopher Columbus
I had been learning Italian for years. I always loved Latin, but Italian is a living language; I’m writing in it now as well as reading it. It is so interesting delving further into language.
Jhumpa Lahiri
Further, science is a collaborative effort.
John Bardeen
Religious symbols should be visible in public space, in a dignified and non-provocative manner. Christmas trees here, Jewish menorahs there and, further along, a minaret – these symbols represent human life in all its diversity.
Tariq Ramadan
I believe our foreign assistance should be scrutinized, should be debated, and that we should strike the right balance, but in all cases the foreign assistance that we provide around the world should be used to further our national security interests.
John Sununu
There can be dramas in your life and you can get over them and become someone. You don’t have to wallow in self-pity; you can actually use the experiences in your life to push yourself further and help others.
Craig Revel Horwood
When I stepped into the industry, I was dealt this bizarre persona of being this sarcastic fashionista ‘it girl’ who is friends with loads of celebrities. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
Jameela Jamil
The art of transformation is a very important thing to me, and I always believe I can say something more truthful through characters that are further away from me.
Andy Serkis
Corporate social responsibility is measured in terms of businesses improving conditions for their employees, shareholders, communities, and environment. But moral responsibility goes further, reflecting the need for corporations to address fundamental ethical issues such as inclusion, dignity, and equality.
Klaus Schwab
So much of our fictional medievalism is distorted through a lens of Protestantism and the Reformation, slanted even further through Victorian anti-Catholicism. The depiction of actual medieval attitudes toward the Church is remarkably rare.
Judith Tarr
A poor choice of words conveyed to some the impression that I embrace the discarded policies of the past. Nothing could be further from the truth, and I apologize to anyone who was offended by my statement.
Trent Lott
If anything, taxes for the lower and middle class and maybe even the upper middle class should even probably be cut further. But I think that people at the high end – people like myself – should be paying a lot more in taxes. We have it better than we’ve ever had it.
Warren Buffett
An influencer, to me, is someone who shares their journey – the ups and downs – and their approach to their craft or the spark that ignites a new interest allowing people to do more and go further.
Angela Ahrendts
I proceed with the proper subject of this discourse; namely, the further changes in scientific belief, which have occurred within my own recollection, even since the time when I first aspired to authorship, now forty- five years ago.
Asa Gray
However, further research has shown that it is the normal condition for humans and for most other mammals. It seems pretty clear why this is the case for most mammals and for most human beings.
Marvin Harris
A writer loses possession of her work as soon as it’s reaches its audience. Each reader brings his own experience and prejudice and imagination to the work. Television adaptation just goes one step further, and the novelist has to learn to let go.
Ann Cleeves
Proceeding further, to inquire whether the facts related by the Four Evangelists are proved by competent and satisfactory evidence, we are led, first, to consider on which side lies the burden of establishing the credibility of the witnesses.
Simon Greenleaf
You’re unlikely to discover something new without a lot of practice on old stuff, but further, you should get a heck of a lot of fun out of working out funny relations and interesting things.
Richard P. Feynman
While we have come a long way, we must go further if we are to ensure greater diversity and truly modern police forces that reflect the communities they serve and provide police officers able to tackle not only traditional crime but also the changing face of crime.
Theresa May
It is, of course, further indication that a fundamentalist right has really taken over much of the Republican Party, People might cite George Bush as proof that you can be totally impervious to the effects of Harvard and Yale education.
Barney Frank
When I was growing up, I, like many Jews, cheered what appeared to be the receding of faith from everyday life. The further religion got from our lives the better our lives would get, I thought, because persecution had been such a burden to Jewish families for generations.
Bruce Feiler
Our shared historical experiences led myself and Mitterrand to the decision that we must do everything to prevent further wars.
Helmut Kohl
I saw that giving even all my life to God (supposing it possible to do this and go no further) would profit me nothing unless I gave my heart, yea, all my heart, to Him.
John Wesley
Whether or not all this came to pass in an East African ditch, I wouldn’t like to say. Perhaps it happened in North Africa or further west, but Africa was definitely the place.
Richard Leakey
We have this consolation, that it was the evident dispensation of God which brought us to this country; and still further, that if the world was all before us, where to choose our place of rest, we should not desire to leave Burmah.
Adoniram Judson
By the year 1670, wooden chimneys and log houses of the

By the year 1670, wooden chimneys and log houses of the Plymouth and Bay colonies were replaced by more sightly houses of two stories, which were frequently built with the second story jutting out a foot or two over the first, and sometimes with the attic story still further extending over the second story.
Alice Morse Earle
I conclude that the Wagnerian operas which are already in the repertoire, and other masterworks as well, stand in no further need of my services.
Franz Liszt
I never had any hang-ups about sex. As for being sexually repressed, nothing could be further from the truth. There are more hang-ups now than ever there were when I was growing up.
Mary Whitehouse
Pervasive ‘whites-only’ policies and hateful narratives could not be further from the values that underpin our Armed Forces: those of integrity, respect for others, and having the bravery to do the right thing.
Amber Rudd
It feels important to go school; not necessarily to further my education, but more like a hobby.
Mandy Moore
That the powers of labour, and of the other instruments which produce wealth, may be indefinitely increased by using their products as the means of further production.
Nassau William Senior
The further away you can get away from yourself as an actor, the more fun you have.
Scott Bakula
And we should keep our minds open, or at least ajar, to concepts on the fringe of science fiction. Flaky American futurologists aren’t always wrong. They remind us that a superintelligent machine is the last instrument that humans may ever design – the machine will itself take over in making further steps.
Martin Rees
According to Gallup, Obama has already lost support among Jewish voters, down from 78 percent to 68 percent. If Romney shows that he is genuinely committed to Israel and that Obama is not, he’ll make further inroads.
David Limbaugh
Part of the mystique of blogs is their protean quality: They work both sides of the divide between politics and media, further blurring the already fuzzy distinctions between reporter, pundit, political operative, activist, and citizen.
George Packer
In order to make further progress, particularly in the field of cosmic rays, it will be necessary to apply all our resources and apparatus simultaneously and side-by-side; an effort which has not yet been made, or at least, only to a limited extent.
Victor Francis Hess
Never was a man further from a partiality for Spain than I am. But I think I now have left them in a sincere and steady intention to cultivate the friendship of America.
Marquis de Lafayette
I support the Affordable Care Act and believe we should take steps to further expand coverage and reduce costs.
Bill Foster
I wouldn’t say I’m a very original thinker, but if I have a good experience with something, I’ll want to take it further or adapt it in some way.
Gwyneth Paltrow
You’re always looking to go one step further and I’m an ambitious boy.
John McGinn
I’ve known the anxiety of being completely lost, flying at night. It can be extreme. You’re travelling at close to five hundred miles an hour, and every minute that goes by takes you further into being lost unless you get help from ground radar somewhere or somehow figure out the error.
James Salter
In my 10th exams, I stood first with 80 percent but instead of picking science for my further studies, I chose arts… just so that I could continue to dance.
Sudha Chandran
Further, not only the United States, but the French, British, Germans and the United Nations all thought Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction before the United States intervened.
Jim Gerlach
I continue to get further away from the usual painter’s tools such as easel, palette, brushes, etc.
Jackson Pollock
On a scale of one to 10, I feel I’m at a nine because there’s definitely room for improvement. I know I could go further.
Maddie Ziegler
I think we need to be very careful if we want to do things like further modify our atmosphere. And similarly, I think we need to be very worried about unintentional modification, which is basically what’s been going on.
Heidi Hammel
Traditional computing is always going to be a part of AMD’s business, but our technology can go further.
Lisa Su
Works of art produced in the contemporary world are a further expression of that. But I don’t think there is an active, ongoing nihilist self-consciousness in the artist.
Leonard Baskin
For as long as one has no further point of reference, apart from the position of the maximum, the wavelength thus remains uncertain by an integral factor.
Max von Laue
The ideas which now pass for brilliant innovations and advances are in fact mere revivals of ancient errors, and a further proof of the dictum that those who are ignorant of the past are condemned to repeat it.
Henry Hazlitt
Anyone concerned with the broken politics in Washington needs to look no further than Mitch McConnell’s cynical manipulation of the rules and obstruction of the NLRB.
Bill Foster
You can’t fail. The further you fall, the greater the opportunity for growth and change.
Julie Newmar
By incarcerating someone who is homeless or addicted or who suffers from mental health challenges, we only further destabilize that person and create situations where they are more likely to commit crimes in the future.
Chesa Boudin
When our William was killed, there wasn’t a child bereavement charity. I was extremely blessed with a very close family, wonderful friends, a supportive husband, and two further children.
Mary Berry
Further, I’m obsessed with how language contorts and creates bodies.
Peter Sotos
There is a beauty in nature and culture that we no longer have access to. Those things you can’t forget, you embroider… The further you tell, the further you travel from truth, which means, of course, that literature is a lie.
W. G. Sebald
If a lending institution is faced with bids for a packa

If a lending institution is faced with bids for a package of toxic assets that are less than the carrying value of those assets, the sale of those assets would trigger a further loss and reduce the underlying capital of the institution.
Roger Altman
Our deep collaboration with ABC News further strengthens Yahoo! as the No. 1 online news source, greatly enhancing our already robust news content.
Ross Levinsohn
After choosing monetary union, further political union and workable governance in Europe was always going to be necessary.
Najib Razak
Germany is the biggest economy of Europe and we need Germany on board for the economic reforms of Europe, including, of course, the deepening of the internal market, resisting protectionism, and supporting further economic policy coordination.
Jose Manuel Barroso
Buying a home wouldn’t make much sense if house prices were likely to decline further; no one wants to catch a falling knife.
Mark Zandi
I prefer to put myself in an environment that’s further afield and look through the eyes of someone who differs from me in age, ethnicity, gender, and/or social class. I think a little displacement makes me a sharper observer.
Amor Towles
The novel, as a genre, was once considered a diversion every bit as frivolous as Facebook, but over the years, we’ve managed to convince ourselves that reading fiction is as important to our mental digestion as fresh fruits and vegetables are to the processes that take place a little further down.
Lynn Coady
What has marked Chinese society is its level of cruelty, not just revolutions and wars. We ought to reject it totally, otherwise in another upheaval there will be further cruelty.
Jung Chang
I don’t live in this soul music bubble. I love Young Thug, Drake, Kendrick Lamar. I even heard that Kendrick was a fan of my music. Hopefully there’s a door open for us to do music together. He’s one of my favorite artists. I love Jazmine Sullivan, Lianne la Havas, Usher, Ginuwine. It goes further than classic soul.
Leon Bridges
A low line of shore was visible at first on the right between the movement of the waves and fog, but when we came further it was lost sight of, and nothing could be seen but the mist curling in the rigging, and a small circle of foam.
John Millington Synge
It’s like driving a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.
E. L. Doctorow
You may think having a cluttered desk isn’t that big of a deal. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Disorganization can stunt your professional growth and decrease your productivity.
John Rampton
The more I can be the character, the further I can get away from myself, the better.
George MacKay
But the further step, by means of which a civilization is given its quality or culture, is only attained by a process of cellular division, in the course of which the individual is differentiated, made distinct from and independent of the parent group.
Herbert Read
Investors should be cautiously positioned as the global economy and markets face major uncertainties. The downgrade will be a further headwind to growth and job creation in the U.S.
Mohamed El-Erian
They urged me to take up winter quarters at the forks of the Platt, stating that if I attempted to advance further until spring, I would endanger the lives of my whole party.
William Henry Ashley
No matter how thoroughly a person may have learned the Greek alphabet, he will never be in a condition to repeat it backwards without further training.
Hermann Ebbinghaus
You cannot further the Brotherhood of Man by encouraging class hatred.
J. Paul Getty
Since this war began our sympathy has gone out to all the suffering people who have been dragged into it. Further hundreds of millions have become involved since I spoke at Limerick fortnight ago.
Eamon de Valera
The Obama administration’s large and sustained increases in debt raise the specter of another financial crisis and large future tax increases, further chilling business investment and job creation.
Glenn Hubbard
A further point is that, little by little, in the current universe, everything is slowly being named; nor does this have anything to do with the older Aristotelian universals in which the idea of a chair subsumes all its individual manifestations.
Fredric Jameson
If you look back on my career with Marvel, you will see that I don’t really return to the House of Ideas to do Captain Marvel, Adam Warlock, and Silver Surfer stories. I always come back to the fold to tell further adventures of everyone’s favorite Mad Titan.
Jim Starlin
Most projects that I’ve done are really not about the project. They’re about what’s going on inside and around, that journey that we’re all on, and what I can do to help that journey further itself and be of encouragement to somebody.
Craig T. Nelson
OFSTED has made large cuts in the paperwork which schools are asked to provide and further steps to reduce the bureaucratic burden will be introduced in September.
Estelle Morris
I further value this gift as it gave me an opportunity to accept this distinguished honor in a country so devoted to this cause and whose history marks a wonderful chapter in world development.
Frank B. Kellogg
All writing is that structure of revelation. There’s something you want to find out. If you know everything up front in the beginning, you really don’t need to read further if there’s nothing else to find out.
Walter Mosley
As humans, we’re such a discontented species. We’re always trying to further ourselves, and you get all the way to the moon, and then it’s just discontent. You want to go to Mars.
Ted Dwane
Nothing goes further toward a man’s liberation than the act of surviving his need for character.
John Ciardi
I’ll still make movies for studios, but my editing process will be much further removed from the studio system. Because I don’t understand it. I don’t understand the whole testing-numbers thing. It is not how I want to make movies. So if that’s how they do it, then I don’t think I want to do it.
Spike Jonze
Low-income seniors who choose to enroll in a drug discount plan will receive $600 of Federal assistance in 2004 and 2005 to further defray the costs of their medications.
Jim Gerlach
We have to build further on the collaboration with business and labor to restore confidence and prevent an investment downgrade.
Cyril Ramaphosa
Sometimes when I visit my sister and her two children,

Sometimes when I visit my sister and her two children, I wonder if she missed a lot by getting married. Right now, nothing could be further from my mind than getting married.
Natalie Wood
Stevie didn’t use the technology to drive the song. He used it to enhance. I use the tools to further my work, I don’t use my work to further the tools.
Brian McKnight
I don’t see, based on the evidence, economic and moral, that we can make it that much further.
Joel C. Rosenberg
My plan always was to play college football, hope to get a few snaps in and then go on to medical school. As I went further in my career and got to my junior year, I realized as I looked around, ‘I got a shot here, and I might as well go after it.’
Kirk Cousins
We’re quite into graphics that are simultaneously two- and three-dimensional. But I can’t really elaborate any further because it’s not something – we haven’t really perfected it.
Sean Booth
The pharmaceutical industry likes to depict itself as a research-based industry, as the source of innovative drugs. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is their incredible PR and their nerve.
Marcia Angell
If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.
Isaac Newton
We want to go further than preventing people from becoming terrorists and focus on a broader approach to counter-extremism – both violent and non-violent.
Theresa May
Further, for once, I like the idea that people who think I’m a constant voice for the furthering of the imagination have to see that interest in a more materialistic fashion.
Peter Sotos
I went through a phase where people would introduce me at parties as a cartoonist, and everybody felt sorry for me. ‘Oh, Matt’s a cartoonist.’ Then people further feeling sorry for me would ask me to draw Garfield. Because I’m a cartoonist, draw Snoopy or Garfield or something.
Matt Groening
As a result of the World War and of a peace whose imperfections and risks are no longer denied by anyone, are we not even further away from the great aspirations and hopes for peace and fraternity than we were one or two decades ago?
Hjalmar Branting
I first met Miles Davis about 1947 and played a few jobs with him and Sonny Rollins at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan. During this period, he was coming into his own, and I could see him extending the boundaries of jazz even further.
John Coltrane
We have a problem with dealing with race in our country. We have a problem with dealing with marriage equality and equality in general. These are complex, divisive issues in our society, and I think that the only way we further this conversation is to take them down to a very human scale.
Jeff Nichols
If you can have heart as well as the comedy, it takes you a lot further. I think that that’s what we were trying to do with ‘Gigi.’
Josh Gad
Sometimes the simplest tasks are so incredibly challenging but everyday I try and I make choices to push myself further than I could ever imagine.
Jessica Mulroney
Female movie stars from the pre-Code era of Hollywood, like Mae West, could be so raunchy and witty before they were edited. Sometimes they could go further in their wit than we go now.
Jane Krakowski
I stood on people’s shoulders, so I want to be there for somebody else to take it even further.
Rhiannon Giddens
I think Donald Trump’s had a pattern of leaping on the bandwagon of anything that he feels will further his candidacy, and if that means sowing more fear and paranoia and playing into a kind of xenophobic populist strain, then that’s what he will do.
Louis Theroux
Indian classical music was born when time barely existed. It developed further within the structures of royal courts and a system of patronage where the ruler or the feudal master determined all.
Tariq Ali
My point was very simple, and it was that it is absolutely absurd for the United States of America to continue to urge us further down the line towards a federal superstate when the U.S. has not even signed up to the U.N. Convention on Human Rights.
Boris Johnson
The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of the recession because that would just suck up and take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole.
Barack Obama
At any rate, I can only see such a success having positive effects for everyone, particularly as our anticipation of the World cup would only increase further.
Franz Beckenbauer
If we say yes to something we believe is wrong now, what guarantee is there that the wrong will not be further exacerbated down the line?
Benigno Aquino III
I’m having trouble understanding why there hasn’t been further progress on CalgaryNext.
Gary Bettman
There are times when hard fouls are just a part of the game, and then there’s times when they’re a little bit further than that.
Blake Griffin
I’m not about to talk about what’s romantic in my life – I figure if you talk about it once, then that’s an open invitation for everyone to dig into your personal life even further. So, I just keep my private life to myself.
James Van Der Beek
Look, I don’t have a Facebook page because I have little interest in hearing myself talk about myself any further than I already do in interviews or putting any more about myself online than there already is. But if I wasn’t in this position, I’m sure I would use it every day.
Jesse Eisenberg
I think Isambard Kingdom Brunel would be a good chap to have supper with. Anyone who builds a railway and then builds a steamship when he gets to Bristol and can’t go any further must be a good chap.
Fergus Henderson
My conviction of the necessity of further legislative provisions for the safe-keeping and disbursement of the public moneys and my opinion in regard to the measures best adapted to the accomplishment of those objects have been already submitted to you.
Martin Van Buren
In terms of my personal spirituality and everything else, it’s ever-evolving. I have a desire to want more out of the universe. But the older I get, the further I get from any specifics about that.
Jeff Nichols
My next film is always shaped by the last one… by the things I feel I didn’t get right, or the things I like and want to try to develop further, but it always comes out of the last picture.
Robert Benton
A visionary leadership is required to harness rapid tec

A visionary leadership is required to harness rapid technological change for positive benefit rather than allowing to become disruptive and further exacerbate economic inequality.
Piyush Goyal
I look back into past history, the stored experiences or products of the imagination. I look no further forward than the evening.
Jerzy Kosinski
If man made himself the first object of study, he would see how incapable he is of going further. How can a part know the whole?
Blaise Pascal
I’ve lived through a lot of division championships, a lot of final-four appearances, but our goal is further than that. We want to deliver a Super Bowl.
Jeffrey Lurie
Be very professional because it will get you a lot further. You have to treat people with the same respect whether they’re signing your checks or cleaning up after you.
I say further that our system of education should be unsectarian.
Edmund Barton
Clear communication is always important in central banking, but it can be especially important when economic conditions call for further policy stimulus but the policy rate is already at its effective lower bound.
Ben Bernanke
Germany has always stood for an E.U. of the 27 countries. But in light of Britain’s continued resistance to further integration steps, as we saw with the fiscal pact, there are limits to my optimism in this regard. It’s quite possible that we will have to create the new institutions for the euro zone first.
Wolfgang Schauble
When I left politics in the early Eighties and started writing and recording, my idea was that I could have an influence further down into other generations. That Natives could come into the culture through arts and music.
John Trudell
Well, the tough thing for them is that the Republican primary is pretty far over to the right, just as the Democratic primary is further over to the left than the average voter in each party.
Chuck Schumer
We continue to support phase two of the WHO’s investigation in China, and call on China to allow further studies of COVID-19 origins in China.
Jen Psaki
China continues to welcome foreign investment, and the door will open even further.
Li Keqiang
There were no strategic mistakes that could affect Russia’s history and it further development. No, there were no such mistakes. Tactical errors were made in some less significant options, problems and so on. But, on the whole, Russia embarked on a correct path and it changed.
Boris Yeltsin
Health management is my passion, and I hope to further my career in that area in the future.
Philomena Kwao
I think the government must recognise that the wounds of conflict are even more grievous on the mind than the body, and indeed may even serve to fuel further conflict. Where conflict cannot be avoided, provision of adequate psychosocial services to prevent the adverse mental health consequences should take priority.
Vikram Patel
Without accepting the other person’s thinking, you cannot further your own interest. You need the other’s help to get results.
Harri Holkeri
As we women know, there are so many other hurdles that we have to cross that I would love it if we could stop having the race conversation so that we can get women further on. You know, a female president now that we have an African American president. Maybe we can get an Asian female, a gay person?
Octavia Spencer
Now I say that if you run more than 15 miles a week, it’s for something other than aerobic fitness. Once you pass 15 miles, you do not see much further improvement.
Kenneth H. Cooper
People say the comedy is so shocking, but if you read newspapers or look around generally – I mean, obviously I’m not writing about all the lovely things that there are, which I do see as well – but there is a lot of outrageousness around, slightly covered up. And obviously, it’s fun to take that a little bit further.
Julia Davis
We are here and it is now. Further than that, all human knowledge is moonshine.
H. L. Mencken
When we see what the universe has to show us, we can go no further.
John C. Mather
My hope is that I will take the good from my experiences and extrapolate them further into areas with which I am unfamiliar. I simply do not know exactly what that difference will be in my judging. But I accept there will be some based on my gender and my Latina heritage.
Sonia Sotomayor
We are also further than ever from equality of opportunity.
Ferdinand Mount
Companies can’t offer every employee a vertical rise through the ranks, and some employees’ careers will level off. Without the prospects of further advancement, how do you keep these people satisfied throughout what might now be a longer working life? By providing them with an increased level of autonomy.
Alexander De Croo
God cannot be realized through the intellect. Intellect can lead one to a certain extent and no further. It is a matter of faith and experience derived from that faith.
Mahatma Gandhi
For so many in the UK, the social contract is broken – the idea that if you work hard and play by the rules, you’ll reap the rewards. Advances in robotics, artificial intelligence and other technologies are just as capable of fixing the social contract as they are to weaken it further.
Jo Swinson
I have very strong relationships with my actors when I’m shooting. When you love an actor’s work, you always feel you have to go further, and you make several films together. One film just gives you time to get acquainted.
Claire Denis
The further away you get from being a straight white man, the less freedoms you have to figure out who you are and negotiate what you mean to society.
Justin Simien
The Next Generation Space Telescope, which will be located much further away from the Earth than the Hubble Space Telescope presently is, will also explore the infrared part of the spectrum.
Claude Nicollier
An optimised tax structure gives us the possibility of flexibility in using our assets that have already been taxed in one market. They can be used in new markets for further business development without the additional burden of double taxation.
Ingvar Kamprad
This power of democracy is a matter of pride for our country, something which we must always cherish, preserve and further strengthen.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Racial rhetoric has been entwined with government from

Racial rhetoric has been entwined with government from the start, all the way back to when the enemy was not Obamacare but the Grand Army of the Republic (and further in the past than that: Thomas Jefferson, after all, was derided as ‘the Negro President’).
Rick Perlstein
Wildlife film-makers I know tell me that the effort to portray what looks like an untouched ecosystem becomes harder every year. They have to choose their camera angles ever more carefully to exclude the evidence of destruction, travel further to find the Edens they depict.
George Monbiot
Longing and desire goes further than instant satisfaction. That’s human nature.
Anna Sui
Californian artists are kind of willing to push the limits a little bit further just because that’s kind of our mentality in that state.
Brett Young
I’d like to go to another planet, which I might live long enough to accomplish. Just get on a spaceship and go. But not the moon. I don’t see any flowers there. The moon is too close. I want to go further.
Shirley MacLaine
My job as a human being as well as a writer is to feel as thoroughly as possible the experience that I am part of, and then press it a little further.
Jane Hirshfield
Wouldn’t it be great if cars came equipped with screens like that thing they have in Times Square that spells out the news? You could punch out your own instant messages: ‘Will the small red car with the ugly driver please stay a little further behind?’
Albert Brooks
I don’t know driving in another way which isn’t risky. Each one has to improve himself. Each driver has its limit. My limit is a little bit further than other’s.
Ayrton Senna
Every Christian who strives for holiness of life experiences dryness of soul. It is to most people a heart-rending experience. It is a paradox, for the soul becomes confused when it realizes the harder it strives the further away Jesus seems to be.
Mother Angelica
When will we get a female director-general of the BBC? Where is the colour when you go further up the food chain? It disappears.
Art Malik
Startups are companies that are still in the process of searching for a business model. Ventures that are further along and executing their business models are no longer startups; they are early-stage companies.
Steve Blank
Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in course of ultimate extinction, or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become alike lawful in all the States – old as well as new – North as well as South.
Abraham Lincoln
Any play that’s making a point is less interesting than something that stays with you and suggests something further.
Simon McBurney
I need more personal time and, given my extensive work in health care, I want to pursue that interest further.
Steven Burd
Over time, I think, and with further appointments to the Supreme Court, I think that the Roe v. Wade opinion will fall.
William Barr
I filed the ethics complaint against Tom DeLay not because I’m a Democrat and he’s a Republican or even because he drew me out of my congressional seat but because he engaged in corruption to further his plans to disenfranchise voters in Texas.
Chris Bell
President Trump has harnessed the fear and prejudice that have accompanied every wave of immigrants in United States history, and stoked those fears to further his own agenda.
Pramila Jayapal
It is clear that agriculture as we know it has experienced major changes within the life expectancy of most of us, and these changes have caused a major further deterioration of worldwide levels of nutrition.
Richard Lamm
I definitely have to know every detail of a script and analyse its potential before I think further because if the director is the captain, then the script is the ship.
Sushmita Sen
I find it hard in my general life to think further than the week ahead.
John Oliver
There’s something peculiar about writing fiction. It requires an interesting balance between seeing the world as a child and having the wisdom of a middle-aged person. The further you get from childhood and the experience of the teenage years, the greater the danger of losing that wellspring.
Kazuo Ishiguro
Many people have the idea that game shows are easy to come up with. And nothing could be further from the truth.
Bob Barker
There is no top. There are always further heights to reach.
Jascha Heifetz
Neoconservative Republican President George W. Bush took office determined to aggressively export American democratic values through conflict. The Iraq war, a misdirected response to 9/11, tacked trillions of dollars on to the deficit while further destabilising the Middle East.
Anthony Scaramucci
Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of that generation. You will have opportunities beyond anything we’ve ever known.
Ronald Reagan
We know from research that the reading circuit is not given to human beings through a genetic blueprint like vision or language; it needs an environment to develop. Further, it will adapt to that environment’s requirements – from different writing systems to the characteristics of whatever medium is used.
Maryanne Wolf
The reason that the company decided to invest in Tesla was not to target a profit gain. We did it as a means to further a partnership between the companies.
Takeshi Uchiyamada
Enthusiasm is the greatest asset you can possess, for it can take you further than money, power or influence.
Dada Vaswani
Cage’s Music of Changes was a further indication that the arts in general were beginning to consciously deal with the ‘given’ material and, to varying degrees, liberating them from the inherited, functional concepts of control.
Earle Brown
Sleep is the interest we have to pay on the capital which is called in at death; and the higher the rate of interest and the more regularly it is paid, the further the date of redemption is postponed.
Arthur Schopenhauer
I also hope that with the assistance and expertise of Dome Records, that I will be able to further pierce the UK and European market. I really like playing there and I want to do more! I’ve found that the audiences get quite involved and really listen to what’s happening.
George Duke
I am writing a sequel to The Touch because I want to fu

I am writing a sequel to The Touch because I want to further explore the Chinese question that I have raised. There will be more about that in a sequel.
Colleen McCullough
The habit of breaking up one’s colour to make it brilliant dates from further back than Impressionism – Couture advocates it in a little book called ‘Causeries d’Atelier’ written about 1860 – it is part of the technique of Impressionism but used for quite a different reason.
John Singer Sargent
While the digital age has done so much to improve our world, it has dramatically changed our social structure, often further isolating us from each other.
Dean Ornish
At the point that an idea approaches perfection, fashion and expectations surge ahead, leaving the innovator with considerable room to find further improvements.
Max McKeown
I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material but I know it when I see it.
Potter Stewart
There is something about liberalism that is not nearly as true about conservatism. The further left one goes, the more one finds that the ideology provides moral cover for a life that is not moral. While many people left of center lead fine personal lives, many do not.
Dennis Prager
A record company used to be a very good thing, but they ended up soul-destroyingly trapping people in the accounting department. And you couldn’t get any further, and the heads of each department were changing all the time, so you couldn’t have any permanent relationship within the corporation.
John Lydon
The Obama administration has an undeniable pattern of using regulatory overreach and intimidation to further its political aims.
Ron Johnson
There is just one thing I can promise you about the outer-space program – your tax-dollar will go further.
Wernher von Braun
Failure to properly control our borders costs citizens in many ways: schools become overcrowded, medical resources are stretched too thin, other government services are overtaxed, and taxes increase further.
Zach Wamp
People don’t really understand who I am. They always think that I’m very dark or depressed, but it couldn’t be further from the truth!
Zola Jesus
The further a mathematical theory is developed, the more harmoniously and uniformly does its construction proceed, and unsuspected relations are disclosed between hitherto separated branches of the science.
David Hilbert
I would say that what we called the Pixar sensibility goes back even further. It is kind of a CalArts sensibility because so many of the people who are creative instrumental people at Pixar came from that school.
Rich Moore
Openness has been vital to Asia’s fast growth in the past and it will continue to be crucial for the area’s further development.
Li Keqiang
The further human society drifts away from nature, the less we understand interdependence.
Peter Senge
The violence seems to be diminishing. They’ve stared into the abyss a bit. I think they’ve all concluded that further violence… is not in their interests.
Stephen Hadley
My aim for my dancing and fitness is to achieve flexibility in those disciplines so I am spending time to make sure I stretch after each workout or dancing session I do to give me further strength and ability.
A. J. Pritchard
Wonder if there is life on another planet? Let’s suppose there is. Suppose further, that only one star in a trillion has a planet that could support life. If that were the case, then there would be at least 100 million planets that harbored life.
Ben Sweetland
I’m still driving along on the pop freeway of life. Thinking even further into the future, I definitely want to make an acoustic record. I want to try lots of different things.
Katy Perry
I, for one, would think both about how far we have come as a country and how much further we need to go to erase racism and discrimination from our society.
Charles B. Rangel
The brave view is that talking it out helps work it out. Maybe the realistic view is that talking it out inflames the issues further. But that is America, especially these days.
Jane Smiley
We need not wait for further, well-placed home video cameras to see that low-intensity warfare is being waged against low-income minorities. We need only listen to the voices of the poor; they can testify that they are dehumanized, disparaged, and despised by the police.
Greg Boyle
We of the sinking middle class may sink without further struggles into the working class where we belong, and probably when we get there it will not be so dreadful as we feared, for, after all, we have nothing to lose.
George Orwell
Start wide, expand further, and never look back.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
In England, we’d leave school at 15 and go on to a college, and I went to further education in a town called Welling Garden City. I fully immersed myself in bohemia there, which included poetry and modern art, jazz, philosophy, social radicalism.
Man goes far away or near but God never goes far-off; he is always standing close at hand, and even if he cannot stay within he goes no further than the door.
Meister Eckhart
Further, a document names and identifies the actual Red Light Bandits (plural), because in fact there are two.
Caryl Chessman
As tradition, the female element clings to the old art and opposes anything new – precisely because each new art moves further away from the natural appearance of things.
Piet Mondrian
I like knowing that the further back one traces any lineage, the narrower the path grows, to the haunt of just a few shaggy ancestors, with luck on their side, little gizmos in their cells and a future storied with impulses and choices that will ultimately define them.
Diane Ackerman
I was very into football in my early teens and spent six months with Aston Villa, but I never really got further than having trials. I’m also into ice hockey.
Greg Rutherford
For me, music makes my smile brighter during my workouts. It adds that extra something that motivates me to go further or work harder!
Summer Sanders
Bergdorf Goodman is positioned at the very top of the l

Bergdorf Goodman is positioned at the very top of the luxury pyramid, and I think that as we go through this next phase of renovation, we’re going to elevate it even further.
Karen Katz
Other composers have taken this particular technique much further than I in the meantime, with the result that the Law of Diminishing Returns has begun to apply.
Brian Ferneyhough
One thing most people would agree is that climate change would add further uncertainties to our already quite tight water supply situation in China.
Ma Jun
I try not to look any further ahead than the next cup of tea. You never know if that cuppa will come or not, do you?
Tamsin Greig
You can’t lead anyone else further than you have gone yourself.
Gene Mauch
Kanye West is my older brother, an inspiring guy and someone who keeps pushing my level up further and further.
Last year, the Assembly of the League, as a result of the initiative taken by the Scandinavian nations, further limited and clarified all the provisions of the clause prescribing the duty of states to participate in sanctions.
Hjalmar Branting
The administration of George W. Bush, emboldened by the Sept. 11 attacks and the backing of a Republican Congress, has sought to further extend presidential power over national security. Most of the expansion has taken place in secret, making Congressional or judicial supervision particularly difficult.
Noah Feldman
I don’t try to write songs that will further my career. I write about things that I care about. I don’t have a career as much as I’m having an adventure with a guitar. I never liked the business way of doing it. You have to follow some sort of instinct.
Jerry Jeff Walker
In the old days they, the promoters, wanted more and more from me. They wanted me to jump or spill my blood and break my bones. Every time they wanted me to jump further, and further, and further. Hell, they thought my bike had wings.
Evel Knievel
When I looked further into my mother’s history, I realised that her anxieties and her neuroses could be accounted for by facts from a very early age. Her parents, William Henry Jones and Sarah Emily, were desperately poor.
John Rhys-Davies
Much of India’s Hindu-Muslim divisions can also be located in the context of history, fomented further by the politics of divide and rule.
Barkha Dutt
I honestly always thought my Master’s in Fine Arts would get me further in the acting world than knowing how to work an espresso machine!
James Michael Tyler
Being considerate of others will take your children further in life than any college degree.
Marian Wright Edelman
We’ve gone further on this album, where we have a Big Band song, kind of a Sinatra-type song; we have a couple songs that have electronic music on them. We’ve got a couple rock songs, maybe a little heavier than what we’ve done. So the title ‘Jekyll & Hyde’ really covers the breadth of the record.
Zac Brown
Legal discrimination between the sexes is, in almost every instance, founded on outmoded views of society and the pre-scientific beliefs about psychology and physiology. It is time to sweep away these relics of the past and set further generations free of them.
Shirley Chisholm
Faith is the highest passion in a human being. Many in every generation may not come that far, but none comes further.
Soren Kierkegaard
What Philips has to offer to India is to further enhance the state of healthcare for the over billion people in this country.
Frans van Houten
‘Zoo’ further demonstrates our commitment to high-quality, year-round programming and to high-concept series that play to summer audiences in the U.S. as well as on a global scale.
Nina Tassler
I had done a couple of auditions for ‘Amistad’ and didn’t feel it was going to go any further – and then the call came about heading to Los Angeles to work with Steven Spielberg. It was surreal: exciting, challenging, overwhelming.
Chiwetel Ejiofor
When you go further and further into starvation you chose yourself, your mind becomes totally obsessed with not eating. It’s like a religion where everything is sinful, and there is a heaven at the end where you are thin and don’t need energy anymore.
Lena Andersson
It is appalling that President Obama would cut off federal health care dollars to Florida in an effort to force our state further into Obamacare.
Rick Scott
When I got the money, the whole burden descended on me, and the realization of what I had done. And it led me then to make the further step, a change of loyalties.
Aldrich Ames
Obsession with conventional ideas of ‘success’ can be harmful enough, but compound that stress with relationships, family, financial woes and health concerns, and you find yourself in a constant state of fight or flight. This causes people to be more reactionary, which further perpetuates the cycle of stress.
Ariel Garten
For me, my career has never been about what I’ve done. But it’s been about becoming, achieving, and pushing myself further.
Rodney Crowell
Donald Trump is out to destroy people’s lives, and he’s trying to take our democracy down. That is something we can fight with everything we’ve got, but having compassion for one another while we do it is going to get us a lot further.
Betsy Hodges
Perhaps, despite my objections, the success of films like: ‘The Help,’ ‘Django,’ ‘The Butler,’ or ’12 Years a Slave,’ will further persuade Hollywood to widen its view and edit its erroneous perception of what a commercial black film can look like.
Joe Morton
I think a common misconception about a small town in rural America is that everyone believes the same way, and nothing could be further from the truth.
Ree Drummond
Scientific knowledge is, by its nature, provisional. This is due to the fact that as time goes on, with the invention of better instruments, more data and better data hone our understanding further. Social, cultural, economic, and political context are relevant to our understanding of how science works.
Priyamvada Natarajan
I am a very strict mother, and as a mother, it’s my responsibility to guide my kids and tell them to go how far and no further. There should be rules and guidelines for the kids, and they should know their limits.
Further, by acting decisively in Iraq, the United States has sent very strong signals to other nations that have been or could be terrorist sympathizers.
Jim Gerlach
Nothing has existence unless you, I, or some living cre

Nothing has existence unless you, I, or some living creature perceives it, and how it is perceived further influences that reality. Even time itself is not exempted from biocentrism.
Robert Lanza
High gas prices are eating away at consumer’s disposal income and could lead to a further economic downturn, especially for those whose livelihood depend on gasoline and diesel fuel.
Major Owens
My hope is that we continue to do an even better job in terms of our nation’s energy policy, so that we may even further reduce our reliance on foreign sources of oil and take better care of our environment in the process.
John M. McHugh
Some documentaries are made by people who are driven more by one particular story, or have different backgrounds or ambitions, but I’m always looking for projects that let me be the best filmmaker I can be, and to be stretched and grow further.
Lucy Walker
I’ll tell you this: you can look at all the masculine toughies you want – the Ben Roethlisbergers, the Russell Crowes, the David Petraeuses – but if you want to look at what a man should be – persevering, honest, a person who manifests his intellect into action – you need look no further than Roger Ebert.
Rod Lurie
We were looking almost one-tenth of the way to the edge of the universe. We’re planning to use the facilities we have to make improvements by another factor of 10… a strain sensitivity that is 10 times smaller. This means looking 10 times further out into the universe.
Rainer Weiss
I am very much against weapons in space. And I wish we could be spearheading that program to come to some kind of international agreement so that doesn’t happen. That is my only – fear – in further space exploration like always, we hope it doesn’t get abused.
Scott Bakula
I had no inducement to proceed further into the interior. I had been sufficiently disappointed in the termination of this excursion, and the track before me was still less inviting.
Charles Sturt
I learned to do a few tricks that other people hadn’t done before. I developed that trebly bass thing a little further.
Chris Squire
When I grew up in Italy in the 1950s, it was still very agricultural. Food was very important; produce was very important. Everyone made their own olive oil. It took me a long time after I moved here to understand that Americans are much further away from their food.
Isabella Rossellini
The skill set that I think we have as actors is so cool because they train you in ways that you never thought you’d be trained. And that’s skills that they can’t take back. So as you go further in your career, you can dump all these skills into things.
Jason Mitchell
I will not allow America’s elections to be further corrupted by radical left-wing policies shoved down our throats.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
One industrial age belief is that GDP or GNP is a measure of progress. I don’t care if you’re the President of China or the U.S., if your country doesn’t grow, you’re in trouble. But we all know that beyond a certain level of material need, further material acquisition doesn’t make people happier.
Peter Senge
The movement toward a holistic approach to community development has been long in the making, but the housing crisis has motivated further progress.
Ben Bernanke
I have no further use for America. I wouldn’t go back there if Jesus Christ was President.
Charlie Chaplin
He that has energy enough to root out a vice should go further, and try to plant a virtue in its place.
Charles Caleb Colton
I talked to lots of people who are vaccine-hesitant, and I actually was one myself until I got further into this project, and most of them actually are in my demographic: so well-educated people with advanced degrees who are upper middle-class and have read quite a bit on the subject.
Eula Biss
Nothing is unthinkable, nothing impossible to the balanced person, provided it comes out of the needs of life and is dedicated to life’s further development.
Lewis Mumford
In the ’90s, I think I rediscovered my guitar. The Jam was obviously very guitar-based, but in the Style Council I just got really disillusioned with playing the guitar. The further it went on, the less and less I played, to a point where I couldn’t pick it up any more.
Paul Weller
Feeling unsafe in your own home? Look no further than those terrorists and criminals and illegal immigrants who have been given free reign and on whom Trump says we need to ‘get tough.’
Kristen Soltis Anderson
The more I got into presenting things to the world, the further it was taking me away from what I was, which was someone who just used to sit quietly at a piano and sing and play. It became very important to me not to lose sight of that.
Kate Bush
Surely all art is the result of one’s having been in danger, of having gone through an experience all the way to the end, where no one can go any further.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Time for me is double-edged: every day brings me further from the low of my last cancer relapse, but every day also brings me closer to the next cancer recurrence – and eventually, death. Perhaps later than I think, but certainly sooner than I desire.
Paul Kalanithi
Part of the lesbian consciousness is an absolute recognition of the erotic within our lives and, taking that a step further, dealing with the erotic not only in sexual terms.
Audre Lorde
I feel an intense intimacy with those who have this loathing interest in me. Further than this, I know what they mean, I sympathize with them, I understand them. There should be a name (as poetic as love) for this relationship between loather and loathed; it is of the closest and more full of passion than incest.
Laura Riding
Noir is dead for me because historically, I think it’s a simple view. I’ve taken it as far as it can go. I think I’ve expanded on it a great deal, taken it further than any other American novelist.
James Ellroy
Firing insults anonymously behind the keys of a message board, slandering other people’s beliefs or opinions, this happens on a daily basis in my comment section or on my feed. Cyber-bullying and, further, online social ignorance, is a very real problem, typically without any real consequence.
Ryan McCartan
The idea that Area 51 was this test facility working to move science and technology faster and further than any other nation is true and is one of the great hallmarks of Area 51. There are other areas of the base that are controversial – but they both exist simultaneously – out there in the desert.
Annie Jacobsen
The first pages of memory are like the old family Bible. The first leaves are wholly faded and somewhat soiled with handling. But, when we turn further, and come to the chapters where Adam and Eve were banished from Paradise, then, all begins to grow clear and legible.
Max Muller
I have been maligned as taking advantage of others’ hardship in order to make a buck. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Steve Mnuchin
Global warming would increase the rate of evaporation from the oceans. This would increase rainfall worldwide. In addition, global warming would lengthen the growing season, thereby increasing still further the bounty of both agriculture and nature.
Robert Zubrin
Singing is something I've always loved to do, and I'd n

Singing is something I’ve always loved to do, and I’d never considered taking it further than the shower.
Hailee Steinfeld
People don’t want to be put on the spot over whether or not they like you, they want to come to that conclusion themselves. It’s ok to let someone know you’re interested, but there’s no need to go any further than that.
Matthew Hussey
I went to my mum at about seven or eight and said I want to start acting, but the week before, I had said I wanted to do ballet. She said if I took acting classes for a full year, she would look further into it, and that’s how it started.
Hailee Steinfeld
Mitt Romney would move the Court even further right, putting landmark decisions like Roe v. Wade at risk. Some say Romney would repeat the past. I disagree – he’d be worse.
Chuck Schumer
Caring for but never trying to own may be a further way to define friendship.
William Glasser
As Lucasfilm is developing IP and we’re working on our projects, we should be using those films to advance the ball further down the field and to make things better for the rest of the company and the rest of the industry.
John Knoll
We should get used to the idea that we’ll probably never be able to find – and confirm – a good explanation of the ultimate origin of the universe, though I see no reason to believe that we can’t press much further on this question than we have managed to date.
Daniel Dennett
I was incredibly supple and did gymnastics as well. So half of my injuries are because I am over-supple and the joints could always go that little bit further. But I was happy to push, and I have no regrets. That is important to say.
Darcey Bussell
The art of mastering life is the prerequisite for all further forms of expression, whether they are paintings, sculptures, tragedies, or musical compositions.
Paul Klee
A Brexit with a poor outcome will damage our country and lead to years of further division.
Dominic Grieve
Capital is that part of wealth which is devoted to obtaining further wealth.
Alfred Marshall
We need to reduce or at least limit U.S. demand for oil as quickly as possible, and we need to develop new technologies that can further help address our addiction to oil in the future.
Sherwood Boehlert
There’s every reason to believe there will be further attacks attempted against the United States. For us to spend so much time patting ourselves on the back because we got bin Laden that we miss the next attack would be a terrible tragedy.
Dick Cheney
Know who you are, because that’s how you will be cast at first. Then you can be Meryl Streep further down the road.
Beth Behrs
There’s no such thing as saying that we’ll ever find the ultimate cause of stuff. We can only work to push our understanding one step further.
John C. Mather
Further, a defensive policy involves the loss of the initiative, with all the consequent disadvantages to the defender.
Douglas Haig
Although there’s a lot of focus on the Lib Dems, we need to keep our eyes on the far right of the Tories, who I suspect will become increasingly impatient in their appetite for tax cuts, deregulation and shrinking the state even further.
Frances O’Grady
There were times in my career I went a little further than I wanted because of expectations. Doing certain things onstage when children were in the audience, wearing certain clothes, singing certain lyrics.
Cheryl James
‘Lolita’ was a great wound in the side for me. I stuck my neck out maybe further than I should have and castigated the studio for not getting behind it.
Jeremy Irons
A culture produces ideas which are being explored, which of interest to that culture at that moment. And I think one of the things a writer can do is to take those ideas and go a bit further with them.
Kate Grenville
It’s clear that the only thing that is inhibiting us from doing further human exploration of space is money and the will to do it.
Heidi Hammel
If, before 2020, there is a choice between further spending cuts, more borrowing and tax rises, the priority must be to avoid tax increases. They would disrupt consumption, employment and investment.
Theresa May
I think every album you have to stretch further and further, give people another piece of you. But then I always try to deviate from the norm.
I barely knew I wanted to be an artist. I liked my art classes and painting was fun, I guess, but I didn’t realize that seeing the country was going to inspire me to further explore that… but that’s what it did.
Edward Ruscha
But in the right-wing media, they do have a right-wing bias. And they also have an agenda. So their agenda is: we’re an adjunct of the Republican Party, and we’re going push that agenda every day, and, as you say, brand these stories that help further the right-wing cause.
Al Franken
At a purely practical level, history is important because it provides the basic skills needed for students to go further in sociology, politics, international relations and economics. History is also an ideal discipline for almost all careers in the law, the civil service and the private sector.
Antony Beevor
In the years between ‘Afterlight’ and ‘Legacy,’ we see a Zu who has watched all of her older friends head out into the world to do meaningful work while she’s made to wait and hang back because of her age. It reinforces a feeling in her that she’s falling further and further behind and won’t ever catch up to them.
Alexandra Bracken
The further you get away from yourself, the more challenging it is. Not to be in your comfort zone is great fun.
Benedict Cumberbatch
‘Weary Willie’ is very real to me. He is a man who has given up. The boat has gone and left him. The cards are stacked against him. He’s content to make out with what he’s got. He knows he’ll go no further.
Emmett Kelly
There is in every American, I think, something of the old Daniel Boone – who, when he could see the smoke from another chimney, felt himself too crowded and moved further out into the wilderness.
Hubert H. Humphrey
No doubt one can, in light of further study and life experience, come to repudiate past convictions.
Norman Finkelstein
Your former Fathers the Spaniards have now no further A

Your former Fathers the Spaniards have now no further Authority over you.
Zebulon Pike
I’ve never been truly closeted on the air; it’s just something I never really made a big deal out of because I never felt like I wanted to push an agenda or push it any further than I felt comfortable with.
Elvis Duran
We certainly cannot have any further political connection with the Whigs of the South; they have rendered such connection impossible. An impassable gulf separates us, and must here-after separate us.
Benjamin F. Wade
I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense.
Harold Kushner
Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world, and ten to one but she has the means of settling well, without further expense to anybody.
Jane Austen
Our institutional framework needs to be bolstered further. We have to implement laws like the proposed Bankruptcy Code and GST (Goods and Services Tax), which will create efficiencies and strongly support the business environment.
Chanda Kochhar
I don’t have a Facebook page because I have little interest in hearing myself talk about myself any further than I already do in interviews or putting any more about myself online than there already is.
Jesse Eisenberg
I thought I was going to jump further than that, but I don’t care – I’m Olympic champion.
Greg Rutherford
I generally don’t climb something if it makes me feel fear. The beauty of soloing is that there’s no pressure – no one’s telling me to do it. So if something seems scary, I don’t have any obligation to do it. I can prepare further or just walk away entirely.
Alex Honnold
Above all else, we need a reaffirmation of political commitment at the highest levels to reducing the dangers that arise both from existing nuclear weapons and from further proliferation.
Kofi Annan
On no further occasion present a flag or medal to an Indian.
Zebulon Pike
Further, there are things of which the mind understands one part, but remains ignorant of the other; and when man is able to comprehend certain things, it does not follow that he must be able to comprehend everything.
I questioned her further, and eventually got to talk to her doctor. And her doctor sort of shook his head and he said, ‘I have examined her for throat cancer at least 15 times in the past few years.
James Randi
What shall I say further? Shall I not stop short and leave to your imaginations to portray the tragic deeds of war? Is it not enough that I here leave it even to unexperience to fancy the hardships, the anxieties, the dangers, even of the best life of a soldier?
Deborah Sampson
I like a role that is challenging. That’s what I look for and I’m certainly always looking to move further and maybe push myself into a place that might be temporarily uncomfortable so that I might learn something.
Ezra Miller
The system becomes more coherent as it is further extended. The elements which we require for explaining a new class of facts are already contained in our system. In false theories, the contrary is the case.
William Whewell
I once interviewed David Herbert Donald, the Lincoln historian, and we talked about how one deals with the secondary sources and the previous biographies. He said something which kept coming back to me as I worked on Cleopatra, which was: ‘There’s no further new material; there are only new questions.’
Stacy Schiff
Aaron Spelling went further than anyone has ever gone for television.
Linda Evans
Homesickness is universal. But Neapolitan homesickness goes back further than the accidents of domicile. It is nostalgia for love and loss themselves, a soul-sickness caused by the very idea of leaving.
Howard Jacobson
I saw the prospect of serving as labor secretary as a wonderful opportunity to further the policies that I have been fighting for my whole life, and I had to seize it.
Hilda Solis
A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one.
Mary Kay Ash
Sometimes our partners from other countries ask us why we have not got further with our reconciliation, as if we possess a magic to just get rid of this tragic history of ours.
Paul Kagame
In most people’s vocabularies, design means veneer. It’s interior decorating. It’s the fabric of the curtains and the sofa. But to me, nothing could be further from the meaning of design.
Steve Jobs
I want to continue to constantly put out great music, expand further and further with the live show and music that is attracting music fans from all over the place, not only for ravers or electronic heads.
I always want to win, and it was time to win some club prizes, some titles. I never would have gone for the money, but wanted the chance to get a bit further in my career. And it turned out to be the right decision.
Robin Van Persie
I was extravagant in the matter of cameras – anything photographic – I had to have the best. But that was to further my work. In most things I have gone along with the plainest – or without.
Edward Weston
I think Chappelle set the bar when he came out with his show. To be as great as him or greater you have to push it a little further – as long as there’s substance in terms of the material.
Aries Spears
Joan Cusack is one of my favorite comedic actresses, and every part she plays is so different. She does the wackiest stuff and somehow it works. I like watching her a lot, and I think you can always go further and pull back. That’s something I really have to work on.
Rachel McAdams
Once you have invented a character with three dimensions and a voice, you begin to realize that some of the things you’d like him to do to further your plot are things that such a person wouldn’t, or couldn’t, do.
Thomas Perry
If you look at space companies, they’ve failed either because they’ve had a technical solution where success was not a possible outcome, they were unable to attract a critical mass of talent, or they just ran out of money. The finish line is usually a lot further away than you think.
Elon Musk
I’m a feminist; I grew up with feminism, but I also think there’s a way in which we need to shake things up so that we can push it further and in other directions.
Eve Ensler
I do vote, and naturally, I vote for so-called extremis

I do vote, and naturally, I vote for so-called extremist parties, the further to the right the better, but that’s where my participation in politics ends.
Varg Vikernes
Progressively thinking biologists, both in our country and abroad, saw in Darwinism the only right road to the further development of scientific biology.
Trofim Lysenko
I believe we must go further in redefining what United’s corporate citizenship looks like in our society… and we intend to live up to those higher expectations in the way we embody social responsibility and civic leadership everywhere we operate.
Oscar Munoz
Out in L.A., things relax even further than they do in Chicago. There’s such a looseness to it, and there’s a potentially refreshing advantage to that.
Kurt Elling
Nice goes much further than mean.
Mark Cuban
I think I would go further into fine arts, I think, if I were to continue.
Joni Mitchell
Before its immature ways caught up with it, Uber got bigger and went further than Webvan ever did. But it bleeds money, courts controversy, and makes enemies like no company Ive ever seen.
Adam Lashinsky
The countries that share this conception should be able to go further together, without excluding the others, since they can still live in a greater community of exchange and co-operation.
Jacques Delors
I see myself being a father, hopefully a husband, but I’m very gun-shy. The older I get, the further the goalpost.
Esai Morales
The thing I always found about the gospel music was that it reached further into your being if you like, your mind. It takes hold of you – especially if you sing it and play it.
Ry Cooder
I can remember when anything further downtown New York than Canal Street was risky and the whole area still looked like a ’70s cop movie location; when the original loft-owners were more dash-than-cash, artistic types.
Peter York
I’m still learning every night, with every opportunity to write something, to sing something, to perform any work. Every opportunity to do these things brings me further along the journey, and the best part is, no matter how far along I go, I have so much more to learn.
Renee Elise Goldsberry
Those who have learned to walk on the threshold of the unknown worlds, by means of what are commonly termed par excellence the exact sciences, may then, with the fair white wings of imagination, hope to soar further into the unexplored amidst which we live.
Ada Lovelace
There are lots of ideas which extend the Copernican principle one step further. We went from the solar system to the galaxy to zillions of galaxies and now to realising even that isn’t all there is.
Martin Rees
I’m resolved to be active on diplomacy as Japan further develops relationships based on trust and cooperation with countries including the U.S.
Yoshihide Suga
Let a man turn to his own childhood – no further – if he will renew his sense of remoteness, and of the mystery of change.
Alice Meynell
Especially with a comedy, you’ve got the clear cut goal of trying to make a scene funny. It’s not like drama where you’re trying to achieve some kind of emotion or trying to further the story along. You’re trying to figure out what’s the funniest way to do something.
Luke Wilson
Infrastructure alone won’t end poverty. The World Bank had to learn this lesson, too. While we believed too much in bricks and mortar in our early days, we now understand that bringing together funding, technical expertise, and tested knowledge goes much further.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Life is an unfoldment, and the further we travel the more truth we can comprehend. To understand the things that are at our door is the best preparation for understanding those that lie beyond.
Mel Brooks is an interesting one because he started out making films about stuff that he was totally affectionate about, like musicals, westerns, horror films, Hitchcock films. And then, as they get further on, and you get to ‘Spaceballs,’ then it’s just kind of contrived.
Edgar Wright
I don’t look any further than what’s right in front of me.
Dean Ambrose
Our dreaming capacity gives us a peep into the glorious realities that await us further on. It is the evidence of things possible to us.
Orison Swett Marden
From the material point of view the proposal is unacceptable, for France, without further territory in Europe being taken from her, could be so crushed as to lose her position as a Great Power, and become subordinate to German policy.
Edward Grey
I continuously go further and further learning about my own limitations, my body limitation, psychological limitations. It’s a way of life for me.
Ayrton Senna
Warfare has been marvelously developed. It will soon be impossible to raise it to further heights.
Fredrik Bajer
My proposal now is to test a vaccine first on people who have been infected, and if you show some efficacy at this level, you might be able to go further to study uninfected people in a population with a high rate of infection.
Luc Montagnier
When the initial effort of political and business leaders to influence public opinion on an issue is to threaten rather than to engage and persuade, they further arouse public opposition rather than win support.
Preston Manning
When I got started in my own engineering course, my interest in physics and maths was very high. After all, engineering is all about applied maths and physics. If I were to learn anything further in physics or mathematics, it simply was not there.
Shiv Nadar
Upon further reflection, I think that the things Alex Jones has said and done are so hurtful to so many people that a member of Congress should not grace that platform and legitimize it, and I would not go back.
Matt Gaetz
American greatness can be further unlocked if opportunity is expanded to all people within its borders.
Matthew Desmond
What could be better in al-Qaeda’s mind than to have India and Pakistan going at each other? What more to further their aims?
Richard Armitage
During this period, with a series of excellent students

During this period, with a series of excellent students, we further studied hyperon decays.
James Cronin
The language of film is further and further away from the language of theater and is closer to music. It’s abstract but still narrative.
Emmanuel Lubezki
It may not be proper for me, perhaps, to let my feelings carry me further am therefore resigned to stop here, if sir, you think my particular reasons following too free, or will give offense to the House, which I would be sorry to be thought capable of intending.
Christopher Gadsden
I had no intention of pursuing either the characters or the setting further.
Stephen R. Donaldson
It is quite true that women like courage, and that boldness often goes a long way; but it is questionable whether with high-bred natures a subdued, quiet, and delicate manner does not go still further.
Richard Jefferies
At Manhattan GMAT, I had done my best to create a positive work environment and culture, and I further believed in rewarding people financially at or above the market rate for a job well done.
Andrew Yang
After my schooling in Meerut, I was sent to Allahabad for further studies to become an IAS officer. It was there that I got the freedom to do whatever I wanted to, and it was in Allahabad that I first did theatre.
Vishwajeet Pradhan
There are the further difficulties of building a population out of a diversity of races, each at a different stage of cultural evolution, some in need of restraint, many in need of protection; everywhere a bewildering Babel of tongues.
Arthur Keith
As sensors and networks continue to expand around the world, we’ll see violence drop even further. After all, when there’s a danger that your actions can be caught on tape and shown around the world, you’re more responsible for your behavior.
Peter Diamandis
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
William J. H. Boetcker
This bloody past suggests to us that enemies cease hostilities only when they are battered enough to acknowledge that there is no hope in victory – and thus that further resistance means only useless sacrifice.
Victor Davis Hanson
I can’t tell you the number of times people have told me if I just lost 10kg, I could go much further in my career. But I’m determined to show them – and other average-size women – it is doable and possible.
Ricki-Lee Coulter
My central thesis is that combining increased temporal and spatial resolution in MRI techniques with increasingly powerful data correlation techniques will allow the derivation of interpreted meanings from neural signals. I observed, further, that the techniques that exist already allow some correlations.
Mary Lou Jepsen
I’ve been a protected child, but I moved out for further studies when I was 16, and I have travelled quite a bit by myself.
Arfi Lamba
When folks say ‘identity politics’ don’t matter, it simply reinforces the norm of a white, middle-class, cis narrative and further marginalizes the rest of us who don’t share that identity.
Patrisse Cullors
I believe that feminism needs to teach more girls about how to make institutional changes and how to further engage men and boys into being our allies.
Marley Dias
The thoughts of my emotionally so disturbed days must be found again, shifted and developed further. Here and there something of the loose remarks I make must be used, but only when it finds my attention again.
Robert Musil
I don’t care where you went to school. There – have I made your day? No? All right, I’ll go further: I also don’t care what your dad did for a living or how your mum voted. Nor do I mind whether you ate your tea in front of the telly, dinner at the kitchen table, or supper in the dining room.
Robert Webb
Both Presidents George Bush and Barack Obama pursued policies of regime change after 9/11 – with Bush removing al-Qaida’s safe haven in Afghanistan and the sadistic anti-American dictator Saddam Hussein in Iraq – but Obama took it a step further and disregarded regional stability as a guiding factor for U.S. policy.
Pete Hoekstra
After ‘The Poisonwood Bible’ was published, several people believed that my parents were missionaries, which could not be further from the truth.
Barbara Kingsolver
For all of us who have been involved in the recovery efforts to bring back and strengthen wild salmon runs, we fear that this change in policy could lead to further declines in these wild stocks.
Norm Dicks
I always think that trying to push yourself as an actor in a direction that you’ve never been before, developing characters which are more difficult to get into the head of, or are more interesting and further away from yourself, is always a challenge.
Asa Butterfield
I have won this lottery. It’s a gigantic lottery, and it’s called And I’m using my lottery winnings to push us a little further into space.
Jeff Bezos
I grew up in a tough neighborhood and we used to say you can get further with a kind word and a gun than just a kind word.
David Mamet
Reading can be just feeding, but smart reading takes us further. The classroom is one way to go deeper, but we can’t stay in school forever.
Bobbie Ann Mason
Working on a token is similar to working on a startup: higher risk and lower initial impact but higher upside potential. How core protocol work is best funded beyond the initial Ethereum Foundation endowment is an open question, but likely further out.
Fred Ehrsam
The further you get from nature, the less happy you are; and the nearer, the more exultant you become over the world and all that there is in it.
George Matthew Adams
School-leavers unfortunately will come away thinking the First World War consisted simply of ‘going over the top’ on the Western Front to slaughter in no-man’s-land, when the conflict extended so much further, to the collapse of four empires and numerous civil wars.
Antony Beevor
Without action, we are going to continue to allow Iran to be a safe harbor for terrorists, see its economy further deteriorate, and see the Middle East further destabilize.
Russ Carnahan