Top 70 Peter Jackson Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Peter Jackson Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Filmmaking for me is always aiming for the imaginary mo

Filmmaking for me is always aiming for the imaginary movie and never achieving it.
Peter Jackson
I didn’t want people to sit there and watch 10 minutes of film,and all they write about is 48 frames.
Peter Jackson
I just think that we’re living in a world where the technology is advancing so rapidly. You’re having cameras that are capable of more and more – the resolution on cameras is jumping up.
Peter Jackson
To be an original is probably the hardest quality to find if you’re a young filmmaker.
Peter Jackson
Once you go down a road, you take it through to the end.
Peter Jackson
Everybody’s life has these moments, where one thing leads to another. Some are big and obvious and some are small and seemingly insignificant.
Peter Jackson
Film is such a powerful medium. It’s like a weapon and I think you have a duty to self-censor.
Peter Jackson
Forty-eight frames per second is a way, way better way to look at 3D. It’s so much more comfortable on the eyes.
Peter Jackson
I haven’t got a real job.
Peter Jackson
I first read ‘The Lord of the Rings’ as an adolescent. It’s a dense novel, a sprawling, complex monster of a book populated with a prolific number of characters caught up in a narrative structure that, frankly, does not lend itself to conventional storytelling.
Peter Jackson
No film has captivated my imagination more than ‘King Kong.’ I’m making movies today because I saw this film when I was 9 years old.
Peter Jackson
The entertainment options for young people are a lot broader now, and the quality of films is slumping a little bit.
Peter Jackson
I think everything that you do, you’re learning. I mean, every movie that you make is like a film school; that’s one of the things that I enjoy about filmmaking.
Peter Jackson
I love Bilbo Baggins. I relate really well to Bilbo!
Peter Jackson
There is a lot of ‘Halo’ movie material no one has ever seen in New Zealand.
Peter Jackson
If I’m lucky enough to be involved in the Academy Awards in the future, I’ll just let people make up their decision without being involved in any politics. Because it shouldn’t involve that.
Peter Jackson
It’s almost like an optical illusion, ‘The Hobbit.’ You look at the book, and it is really thin, and you could make a relatively thin film as well. What I mean by that is that you could race through the story at the speed that Tolkien does.
Peter Jackson
New Zealand is not a small country but a large village.
Peter Jackson
I’m not a regret guy.
Peter Jackson
In the old days, you cut out a scene that might’ve been a really great scene, and no one was ever going to see it ever again. Now, with DVD, you can obviously… there’s a lot of possibilities for scenes that are good scenes.
Peter Jackson
I’m not going to head off and do a Marvel film. So if I don’t do a Marvel film, I don’t have any other choice – I’ve got to go make a small New Zealand movie!
Peter Jackson
I love writing, and I love postproduction. That’s great, because you start to reassemble the film, and you sit there, and you start to really put the film together, finally. The shooting of it is the most stressful part of the process.
Peter Jackson
For me, utter failure is to make a film that people pay their money to go see and they don’t like.
Peter Jackson
I think ‘Jaws’ is a remarkable film.
Peter Jackson
If justice is supposed to be fair, than any justice system you would hope is based on fairness.
Peter Jackson
Continuing advances in stem cell medicine will change all of our lives for the better.
Peter Jackson
If you’re an only child, you spend a lot of time by yourself, and you develop a strong ability to entertain yourself, to conjure up fantasy.
Peter Jackson
You don’t want to believe everything you read on the Internet.
Peter Jackson
I mean, I didn’t have a huge upbringing with movies, I guess.
Peter Jackson
I watch ‘Goodfellas,’ and suddenly it frees me up entirely; it reminds me of what great film directing is all about.
Peter Jackson
I just got tired of being overweight and unfit, so I changed my diet from hamburgers to yogurt and muesli, and it seems to work.
Peter Jackson
I think it's important that filmmakers look at the tech

I think it’s important that filmmakers look at the technology and figure out how to make the theatrical experience a little more exciting.
Peter Jackson
Actors will never be replaced. The thought that somehow a computer version of a character is going to be something people prefer to look at is a ludicrous idea.
Peter Jackson
Strategically, horror films are a good way to start your career. You can get a lot of impact with very little.
Peter Jackson
I hope one day that I’ll get to make another horror film; I’d love to.
Peter Jackson
The idea of an animated film is you always kind of get a little bit daunted by it as a filmmaker because it feels like a lot of your communication is going to be with computer artists, and you’re going to have to kind of channel the movie through extra pairs of hands.
Peter Jackson
I don’t have an anti-Hollywood feeling. It’s just I’m a New Zealander. I was born in New Zealand, and it’s where my house is, and my family goes to school there. My interest is to remain in my homeland and make films. I don’t really want to relocate myself to other countries in the world to work.
Peter Jackson
What I think is remarkable about my mum and dad is they had no interest in films, really. None.
Peter Jackson
The big-budget blockbuster is becoming one of the most dependable forms of filmmaking.
Peter Jackson
Once the film is out and a lot of people are seeing it, it becomes almost owned by the cinemagoers of the world.
Peter Jackson
It is now such a complex society in terms of media. It just comes at us from every direction. You kind of have to push it all away.
Peter Jackson
Once upon a time, sound was new technology.
Peter Jackson
Anything you can imagine, you can put on film.
Peter Jackson
You can’t always look at life as a miserable thing.
Peter Jackson
When I was about 14, I got a splicing kit, which means you could chop up the film into little pieces and switch the order around and glue it together.
Peter Jackson
The theatrical versions are the definitive versions. I regard the extended cuts as being a novelty for the fans that really want to see the extra material.
Peter Jackson
The cameo I did in ‘Fellowship of the Ring’ was I was in the street of Bree, and I was eating a carrot.
Peter Jackson
There was a great magazine in the ’80s called ‘Cinemagic’ for home moviemakers who liked to do monster and special effects movies. It was like a magazine written just for me.
Peter Jackson
Too often, you see film makers from other countries who have made interesting, original films, and then they come here and get homogenized into being hack Hollywood directors. I don’t want to fall into that.
Peter Jackson
I was bullied and regarded as little bit of an oddball myself.
Peter Jackson
Where film is infinitely superior to any other medium is emotion and story and character.
Peter Jackson
I’ve always been happy to take a gamble on myself.
Peter Jackson
I’ve always tried to make movies that pull the audience out of their seats… I want audiences to be transported.
Peter Jackson
The producers of ‘The Hobbit’ take the welfare of all animals very seriously and have always pursued the highest standard of care for animals in their charge.
Peter Jackson
‘Bad Taste’ was – it was, in many respects, my sort of, my, I guess, my single-minded desire to want to break into the film industry when New Zealand didn’t really have a film industry to break into.
Peter Jackson
I never wanted to do ‘The Hobbit’ in the first place.
Peter Jackson
I feel very lucky to be able to make movies in New Zealand, and I will always be grateful for the support I have received from so many New Zealanders.
Peter Jackson
‘Heavenly Creatures’ was really the idea of Fran Walsh. It was a very famous New Zealand murder case, but not one that people knew much about.
Peter Jackson
The Tolkien estate owns the writings of Professor Tolkien. ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ were sold by Professor Tolkien in the late ’60s, the film rights.
Peter Jackson
When I worked as a newspaper photo engraver in the only job I ever had, many years ago, I’d get the train home to Pukerua Bay where I was staying with my parents. An hour ride, 16 stops, and almost always, I’d have automatic wake-up, seconds before we pulled into my station.
Peter Jackson
It’s not going to be too much longer before Xbox Live produces programming.
Peter Jackson
Stem cell therapy has the potential to treat a multitude of diseases and illnesses, which up until now have been labelled ‘incurable.’
Peter Jackson
When you look at the original 'Paradise Lost' film, you

When you look at the original ‘Paradise Lost’ film, you see three kids who can’t defend themselves, being persecuted in a medieval way – witchcraft, satanic worship. It was kind of primitive.
Peter Jackson
We are living in an age where teenagers are not going to the movies.
Peter Jackson
We’re human beings, and we want stories. We’re always going to be entertained and have our emotions touched by humanity and by things that we recognize in our own lives. So whilst every now and again we’ll be happy to watch a bubblegum film, it’s never gonna be the only things that get made.
Peter Jackson
The Beatles once approached Stanley Kubrick to do ‘The Lord Of The Rings.’ This was before Tolkien sold the rights. They approached him, and he said, ‘No.’
Peter Jackson
Filmmakers have to commit to making 3-D films properly like Jim Cameron did and not do cheap conversions at the tail end of the process.
Peter Jackson
I don’t like directing that much to want a career as a director for hire. I like to have as much creative control as possible.
Peter Jackson
If you take a regular animated film, that’s being done by animators on computers, so the filmmaking is a fairly technical process.
Peter Jackson
I never overtly analyse my own movies, I don’t think that’s my job to do that. I just muddle through and do what I think is best for the movie.
Peter Jackson