Top 75 Flavors Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Flavors Quotes from famous people such as Ina Garten, Joel Robuchon, Mary Callahan Erdoes, Gary Johnson, Aaron Sanchez, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I've taught myself how to use good, fresh ingredients a

I’ve taught myself how to use good, fresh ingredients and to prepare them as simply as possible by cooking only to enhance their intrinsic flavors.
Ina Garten
In France today, people no longer eat as much heavy food and fat as they did 15 or 20 years ago. These days, French cooking, through the influence of ‘grande cuisine,’ has become a bit lighter. And we are beginning to discover the original flavors of our produce.
Joel Robuchon
Clients are becoming more global; they’re realizing that markets are more interconnected. It’s no longer the local regional clients buying the local regional flavors. It’s everybody asking for everything.
Mary Callahan Erdoes
I hope that people will see that we don’t have to sit by the sidelines and watch as the two major parties limit their choices to slightly different flavors of the status quo. It is, in fact, possible to join the fray, stand up for principles and offer a real alternative.
Gary Johnson
Marcus Samuelsson is a chef who inspires me everyday. He has such a deep understanding of flavors and techniques. His food is representative of the diverse world that we live in. What he has done in Harlem with Red Rooster is very special. Marcus is not just a chef, he’s a food activist.
Aaron Sanchez
Guests love to be ‘wowed’ in Las Vegas. They enjoy and embrace new tastes, new flavors, and they come to expect the unexpected in Las Vegas.
Michael Mina
The rich flavors of duck meat have always attracted sweet, fruit-based sauces.
Jonathan Miles
A holiday vacation can mean sampling all kinds of new cuisine – whether it’s Uncle Joe’s award-winning chili or the exotic flavors of Nepal. If your little ones are fussy, be sure to ease mealtime hassles by bringing along a supply of the familiar foods they’re accustomed to rejecting at home.
Adam Mansbach
I’m in love with ‘pure’ flavors, things that are natural and delicious, minimally fussed with, that showcase the season.
Graham Elliot
If you want your kids to have fun learning about food, you need to let them explore it in their own way. Let them figure out for themselves what textures and flavors go well together. Who knows, maybe they’ll invent the next French-fry-dipped-in-a-Frosty trend.
J. Kenji Lopez-Alt
We incorporated new tastes and flavors into our kids’ diets from a very early age, which helped to develop their palates and prevented them from becoming picky eaters. We don’t buy junk food and give them options of fresh fruit, yogurt, raw almonds, or dried whole grain cereals for snack time.
Cat Cora
There were some flavors that didn’t work, like doughnut-flavored Tim Tams.
Adriano Zumbo
I never try to marry more than three flavors in one dish.
Joel Robuchon
Beauty is not just a white girl. It’s so many different flavors and shades.
Queen Latifah
There’s something about fall that very much translates into those nurturing, nostalgic food flavors. It’s the season where you can really make the marriage of fresh produce with spices and aromatics.
Christina Tosi
Like regular table salt, MSG can also help boost our perception of other existing flavors. Tomato soup with a pinch of MSG tastes a little more tomato-y. Add a dash to beef stew to make it taste beefier.
J. Kenji Lopez-Alt
What worries me are these so-called radio stations with program directors who don’t play all the different flavors of hip-hop. They should play the old with the new, 24/7, 365 days a year. A lot of these program directors are just jiving around and not playing all the good music for the people.
Afrika Bambaataa
On its self-titled debut, Happy Birthday flirts with several flavors of love, and ‘Girls FM’ is where taste gets confusing.
Anthony Fantano
When I want to kick it up, I like to add hardwood chips or chunks to the grill; it adds bold smoky flavors. The most common woods are hickory and mesquite, but you can find alder, apple, cherry and, my personal favorite, pecan.
Emeril Lagasse
The centuries last passed have also given the taste important extension; the discovery of sugar, and its different preparations, of alcoholic liquors, of wine, ices, vanilla, tea and coffee, have given us flavors hitherto unknown.
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
I like really sharp flavors, and I like contrasts. Something sweet and sour at the same time is a big win.
Marcus Sakey
It’s fun to pick a cuisine and say I’m going to research Ethiopian food, and see what it’s all about. You find that there are a lot of similarities in cuisines from around the world and a lot of similar flavors.
Cat Cora
When I was little, I used to love eating peanut butter sandwiches with tomatoes, and they would have to be on potato bread. I loved them. It’s so weird, and I can’t imagine eating it now, but I used to love eating them. It’s a lot of flavors.
Nicole Byer
Find combinations of flavors you love and buy the best quality ingredients you can afford. Your food is only going to be as good as the sum of its parts, like anything else.
Gail Simmons
I add a lot of citrus to my food and I think that flavors it. And, to me, that what makes it healthier, lower in fat, lower in calories. It adds lots of flavor. Spices, of course. But citrus is definitely kind of my go-to to season and really to really make those flavors, make that food come alive.
Cat Cora
Pet foods come in a variety of flavors because that’s what humans like, and we assume our pets like what we like. We’re wrong.
Mary Roach
My grandfather gave me inspiration to cook, and love food and flavors. My Aunt Raffie, gave me creativity and the inspiration to create new things. My mother inspires me to find simplicity in food.
Giada De Laurentiis
From a young age, I understood the idea of balanced flavor – the reason you put ketchup on a hamburger. I was that kid who wouldn’t eat something if there was something missing. I never really understood it until I began cooking professionally, balancing acids, sweets, spicy flavors and fat.
Michael Mina
Catfish’s mild taste adapts well to a wide array of flavors, especially strong assertive ones, which is why you used to see it ‘blackened’ Cajun style on so many restaurant menus – a trick which soon became a tired cliche.
Tom Douglas
I think the patterns are set very early when the kids are young. But at the same time, there are some flavors kids just don’t like.
Tom Colicchio
My most memorable meal was with my parents at Joel Robuchon’s Restaurant Jamin in Paris. It was Christmas 1982, and the flavors – from cauliflower and caviar to crab and tomato – astounded me. It was the first time I remember thinking that I would like to really learn how to cook.
Alex Guarnaschelli
If you don't treat an ingredient and its flavors with r

If you don’t treat an ingredient and its flavors with respect – if you drown it in oil, for instance – you’ll spoil it.
Alain Ducasse
We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.
Alfred Newman
I don’t think the White House has always reflected the textures and flavors of this country.
Maya Soetoro-Ng
People don’t want just vanilla. They want 31 flavors. I couldn’t do what Rihanna does. I couldn’t do what Gaga does. They can’t do what I do.
Katy Perry
You are defined by your ingredients, by the way you touch them, by the flavors you draw from them.
Graham Elliot
The new ‘Joy’ was needed for a number of reasons. Recent developments in nutrition and new ingredients were two of the major reasons for the revision. One of the other big reasons was America’s new love for big flavors. Yay!
Irma S. Rombauer
Canadians have better chocolates, better candy, better flavors of chips. And Tim Horton’s of course.
Gail Kim
Cooking for a family, and specifically cooking to stimulate exploration of new flavors and textures, has led to mealtimes that are both healthier and more exciting.
J. Kenji Lopez-Alt
We love salt, fat and sugar. We’re hard-wired to go for those flavors. They trip our dopamine networks, which are our craving networks.
Michael Pollan
We have 11 great potato flavors, and customers have been clamoring for tortilla. For over a year, we worked to develop the four flavors of tortilla popchips: chili limon, nacho cheese, ranch and salsa. They’re made with traditional stoneground masa, are gluten-free, and have less than half the fat of other chips.
Keith Belling
Many of us develop different flavors of cynicism that we work hard to resist because they can be lazy mental shortcuts.
James Comey
If you look over the years, the styles have changed – the clothes, the hair, the production, the approach to the songs. The icing to the cake has changed flavors. But if you really look at the cake itself, it’s really the same.
John Oates
Tampa’s crazy… The ladies in Tampa come in all flavors. I felt like I was at Dairy Queen.
Luther Campbell
A perfect chutney needs patience. If you are cooking it, cook it on a low flame; the flavors come out the best that way.
Maneet Chauhan
Salt is one of the flavors that makes food taste good – salt, sugar and fat. So it’s a natural thing for all chefs and cooks to add salt, because it enhances the flavor of the food. If you go out to eat, I guarantee you’re going to be eating a lot of salted foods that you are going to have no idea.
Brett Hoebel
What you can do is present existing flavors in a fresh way, in a fresh context.
Danny Meyer
You need to have that natural instinct in the kitchen, in order to develop that combination of interesting flavors that make great desserts work.
Adriano Zumbo
Pizza is a great segue into unfamiliar flavors – plus, you can pile on the veggies.
Maneet Chauhan
I like introducing people to new dishes and new flavors.
Ainsley Harriott
Chocolate is one of those flavors that’s very likeable, very loveable, very versatile.
Adriano Zumbo
Growing up, my dad drank a lot of wine, so I got a taste for, and learned how to enjoy it. He spoke a lot about flavors and differences in tastes of wine. Also, our manager, Rick Sales, is a big wine drinker; he goes to a lot of wine-tasting classes, and he’s taught me about the qualities of wine.
Tom Araya
At the end of the day, customer choice is essential. And we don’t make products that compete with Apple, nor make products that compete with Google. Our customers come in both iOS and Android flavors, and I hope our customers can still buy the products they want to purchase wherever they want to purchase them.
Tony Fadell
I love celery and people don’t use it a lot. Celery and flavors in that family – it really brightens and is refreshing.
Todd English
Ask any deer camp old-timer for a foolproof recipe, and you’re likely to encounter a lot of Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup. There is a reason for that: Mushrooms plus cream plus game meat adds up to a perfect trinity of flavors.
Jonathan Miles
I come from U.P., so I can say that I have some knowledge about food and flavors.
Ankit Tiwari
I grew up going to bakeries in Tel Aviv; that’s where we got our birthday cakes, they were always European baking and butter creams. We have such good baking in Israel, and we have the Diaspora of Jews from all over, and we learned early on to adapt and absorb flavors from all over.
Ron Ben-Israel
Cooking is like painting or writing a song. Just as there are only so many notes or colors, there are only so many flavors – it’s how you combine them that sets you apart.
Wolfgang Puck
I love all of the ecosystems – mountains, deserts, rainforests. They’re beautiful, and nature has so many different flavors to it.
Louie Schwartzberg
I had a long-lasting love affair with the flavors from Japan and the hustling New York street vendors. And, of course, a life-changing return to Ethiopia has made huge impacts on my life in food.
Marcus Samuelsson
In any sauce you make, start with a concentration of flavors with great acidity. You then re-dilute the sauce, but the proportion of liquid you add should not be so high that you wash away the extracted flavor you’re aiming to create.
Daniel Boulud
I am classically trained in French pastry, but I am American and have a natural curiosity and playfulness that comes through in my cooking. I like to present flavors that people are familiar with in unique combinations and forms that may surprise them.
Johnny Iuzzini
I learned at a young age what chasing flavors meant, an

I learned at a young age what chasing flavors meant, and I’ve been doing that my whole life.
Marcus Samuelsson
Funny is funny, and it can come in 8 billion different shades and flavors, so I think it’s silly to kind of limit it.
Melissa McCarthy
I always start my breakfast out with oatmeal, because it’s full of vitamin D, it’s a great carb, and you can get, like, some fun flavors in there.
Gracie Gold
E-cigarette companies are using shameful tactics, such as Joe Camel-like cartoons in advertisements and creating e-cigarette flavors like bubblegum and cotton candy, to addict our children early – and guarantee another generation of smokers.
Elizabeth Esty
I love working with big flavors like chiles and smoke. Honey is perfect for softening the edges, mellowing them out a bit. I put it in everything – vinaigrettes, soups, stocks, salsas, so I’m always on the hunt for great honey.
Bobby Flay
I can’t hide where I grew up or the flavors I grew up on.
Daniel Humm
With so many delicious varieties and flavors ranging from subtle to bold, Keebler and Carr’s crackers are an unexpectedly genius way to celebrate leftovers and serve up one-of-a-kind recipes.
Damaris Phillips
Balance is key in cooking – you want a little acid, a little sweet, a little savory – the flavors should be harmonious.
Gail Simmons
For me, I love the flavors of Southern food, and people usually think of Southern food as heavy and fattening, but it doesn’t have to be.
Carla Hall
I’m like a crockpot on low heat. My mind constantly comes up with ideas, but I abandon a lot of them after a week or two. It’s the ones that keep coming to me, that keep picking up flavors, that haunt me, those are the ones that wind up getting written.
Laura Amy Schlitz
I wanted to see how flavors, spices, and grains traveled back and forth along the Silk Road and were interpreted by a multitude of cultures’ palates.
Hanya Yanagihara
Kogi changed what a generation eats, introducing people to fermentation and different vegetables and flavors.
Roy Choi
It was this weird confrontation of these two delicious flavors that got me consciously or subconsciously combining Lincoln and vampires as an observational in-joke with myself.
Seth Grahame-Smith