Top 75 Katy Perry Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Katy Perry Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I'm kind of a more sunshiny person myself.

I’m kind of a more sunshiny person myself.
Katy Perry
I think you become more relatable when you’re vulnerable.
Katy Perry
I’m every woman. It takes a village to make me who I am.
Katy Perry
I still believe in love, most definitely. I’m just going to let that take the lead.
Katy Perry
I’m a good girl because I really believe in love, integrity, and respect. I’m a bad girl because I like to tease.
Katy Perry
Santa Barbara is my hood. I mean, it’s not much of a hood, but it is definitely like my hood. I claim Santa Barbara like I claim my family. I’m going to be married and buried there.
Katy Perry
I really like to look like a history book. I can look 1940s, I can look 1970s hippie-chic, or sometimes I’ll pull that ’80s Brooklyn hip-hop kid with the door-knocker earrings.
Katy Perry
I don’t take anything for granted. There are 500 other girls right behind me. And I know that, because I was one of them.
Katy Perry
I just feel like I have this gift that I’ve been given. It’s like, ‘Someone unwrap it! Here it is!’ That drive can’t be held down.
Katy Perry
If you are not happy with something, you should change it. So I went to a lot of therapy, and finally, I am able to speak up for myself: You are going to hear me roar!
Katy Perry
The media tried to destroy my parents and has taken things completely out of context, but there’s not a whole lot you can do in terms of fighting back. You have to hope that it passes, which it always does. But they have to be careful. They didn’t necessarily sign up for this.
Katy Perry
It was so draining. Going to parties to rub elbows with so-and-so and act like it’s no big deal, when really all I was doing was hoping I’d have the success they had.
Katy Perry
I’ve actually always wanted to make something like an acoustic record.
Katy Perry
I live a rock-star kind of life where I don’t go to bed until 4 A.M. I’m very nocturnal.
Katy Perry
I’d never devote a whole record to heartbreak.
Katy Perry
I think people appreciate a songwriter who shows different sides. The whole angst thing is cool, but if that’s all you’ve got, it’s just boring. Everything I write, whether it’s happy or sad, has a sense of humor to it.
Katy Perry
I can’t be the candy queen forever.
Katy Perry
I don’t feel like I’m very pop-star lame, but I’m definitely not hipster-cool.
Katy Perry
I don’t follow trends. I’m just not into what everyone else is wearing. I have my own look, which I call ‘Lolita Meets Old Hollywood Glam.’
Katy Perry
I came from a lot of intolerance and prejudice, which aren’t necessarily healthy to evolve as a human.
Katy Perry
My mother is very emotional as well, but my dad is more of the guts of the family. He was the main preacher, so he kind of had this little Pentecostal flair, but they are born-again.
Katy Perry
I have a lot of ambition.
Katy Perry
I never live in the present. I’d do interviews and people will say, ‘Isn’t this great?’ or ‘Can you believe?’ And I would react, like, ‘No, I can’t believe it because I’m not living in this moment.’
Katy Perry
Ever since I was younger I wanted to be on stage, singing my songs in a glittering costume. And that happened and is still happening. I have to remember that this is what I wished for and be grateful because there are 500 other girls right behind me that are ready to snatch it up.
Katy Perry
I got this Jesus tattoo on my wrist when I was 18 because I know that it’s always going to be a part of me. When I’m playing, it’s staring right back at me, saying, ‘Remember where you came from.’
Katy Perry
I just like having fun.
Katy Perry
I’ve lived such a great, fantastic life already, but there’s still so much more.
Katy Perry
I have always been the kid who’s asked ‘Why?’ In my faith, you’re just supposed to have faith. But I was always like ‘why?’
Katy Perry
I’m really critical of my posture, it makes a big difference. And I try to suck my belly in. Everyone should do that whether you’re on a red carpet or not. Even if you’re just going out to dinner with your boyfriend you should try and suck it in.
Katy Perry
My personality is up and down, sassy and cheeky.
Katy Perry
I’m on this extraordinary adventure, and if I have no one to talk to at the end of the night, I feel lonely.
Katy Perry
I come from a very non-accepting family, but I'm very a

I come from a very non-accepting family, but I’m very accepting.
Katy Perry
Sometimes if you want to achieve something great, there will be curveballs. You just have to dodge them every once in a while.
Katy Perry
I don’t want to completely self-sabotage everything that I’ve got and alienate everyone. But I definitely want to take some chances as I always have.
Katy Perry
There are times I go out and meet people and flirt, but it’s not really appropriate to have anything serious.
Katy Perry
I grew up listening to gospel. That was the only thing that I had reference to because that was what my family was involved with.
Katy Perry
I feel really blessed because of where I come from.
Katy Perry
I don’t want to be above my audience; I want to be one with my audience.
Katy Perry
My parents are very quirky, eccentric. They have their own world.
Katy Perry
I always knew I wanted a great man of God, someone who was going to be an inspiration for people and also be a lovely husband and father.
Katy Perry
I want to sell out arenas and sell millions of records.
Katy Perry
I’m a good girl because I really believe in love, integrity, and respect.
Katy Perry
I can’t just be the girl who sang ‘I Kissed a Girl.’ I have to leave a legacy.
Katy Perry
When I was 13, I asked for a guitar. And that’s how I really started explaining my point of view.
Katy Perry
Honey, I am the chief of my train. If critics want to hop on board, fantastic. There’s plenty of room. The KP train is fun.
Katy Perry
Honesty has always worked for me.
Katy Perry
I have a second chance on life.
Katy Perry
The records are black boxes for me. Like, if you want to know who I am, my views, my perspective, things I love, things I hate, my convictions, my anthems. I’ve never let people’s opinions affect the way I write.
Katy Perry
People don’t want just vanilla. They want 31 flavors. I couldn’t do what Rihanna does. I couldn’t do what Gaga does. They can’t do what I do.
Katy Perry
I love hearing my song on the radio the first time, but when it comes on again, I change the station. I already have so much of the spotlight on me. I don’t need any more.
Katy Perry
I’m either going to go completely mental, completely bankrupt, or have the best success of my life.
Katy Perry
I still have a spiritual base and a spiritual foundation.
Katy Perry
I did a lot of thrift and vintage. I would mix those pieces into some of the more inexpensive items from Express, Gap, Old Navy, and Clothestime.
Katy Perry
I have multipersonality disorder – in a very good way, of course – when it comes to my fashion choices.
Katy Perry
I think sometimes when children grow up, their parents grow up. Mine grew up with me. We coexist. I don’t try to change them anymore, and I don’t think they try to change me. We agree to disagree.
Katy Perry
Unfortunately, I think a lot of people are affected more by the idea of fame than the actual work ethic involved. A lot of them just want to be reality TV-type people who don’t do anything.
Katy Perry
I just want to make it very clear that I come from very humble beginnings, and I worked for everything!
Katy Perry
I think sometimes when children grow up, their parents grow up. Mine grew up with me. We coexist. I don’t try to change them anymore, and I don’t think they try to change me.
Katy Perry
I think that parents grow up with an idea of what they want their kids to be like – and then their kids grow up to be people of themselves, of their own.
Katy Perry
The first songs I wrote were catchy, but the subject matter was God.
Katy Perry
I just have so much love for my record label.
Katy Perry
People love the idea of a good girl gone bad, thinking that my parents were so strict and disowned me, but that actually wasn’t the case. Even though they don’t necessarily agree with some of the things I do, they love me as their daughter. That’s always been their perspective.
Katy Perry
If you like my music, great, and if you don't, whatever

If you like my music, great, and if you don’t, whatever. I’m going to keep making it either way.
Katy Perry
You look at someone like Beyonce singing ‘Single Ladies,’ when we all know she’s married. Some of it is just for entertainment.
Katy Perry
I still want to be as approachable and relatable as possible – when I meet fans and they’re crying, I’ll say, ‘Calm down, there’s nothing to cry about.’
Katy Perry
I get a lot of the ideas when I’m resting – either when I’m meditating or getting some kind of work done on my back, like physical therapy or acupuncture. That’s where I get my best ideas, maybe because I’m balancing my body.
Katy Perry
I wasn’t going to great schools, because my parents didn’t believe in public education. They wanted the education to be influenced by their religion, so I was going to these halfway education-slash-Christian schools that were like pop-up shop-style education.
Katy Perry
When I first started out, I was really attracted to having my own sense of style because I started swing dancing, lindy hop, and jitterbug.
Katy Perry
When I decide to become a mother I will just be that. That will be really important to me.
Katy Perry
I didn’t have a childhood.
Katy Perry
I’m going to let love lead the way, always. And I was born with this blind – blind ambition, and it’s kind of gotten me here to this point. And I think that I’ll stick to it.
Katy Perry
Sometimes I can be distracted by the glamour and the fabulousness.
Katy Perry
I’m okay with having bad dance moves. I’m okay with having horrible lower teeth. That’s what makes me me, and for some reason it’s worked out all right.
Katy Perry
I love those documentaries where everyone is fabulous and always perfect.
Katy Perry
There are a lot of things that are personally uncomfortable to show, especially me without makeup and completely bloated or crying. But I’ve realized that it’s time for me to show my audience that you don’t have to be perfect to achieve your dreams. Because nobody relates to being perfect.
Katy Perry