Top 75 Males Quotes

I have this theory that alpha males are actually not alpha males. They’re actually very scared – particularly scared of competition from a lot of men.
Joel Edgerton
I know a lot of gay males who I work with that are fantastic people and I love hanging out with them. But because I hang out and bring gay men into my life, does that mean that I’m gay? I promise you that I very much love women.
Ryan Seacrest
The whole tone now of TV is under 35 and directed toward males.
Sharon Gless
It may be that a majority of superheroes are white males. But that’s because they used to all be white males, except for Wonder Woman and Black Canary and maybe one or two others. Now there are Spanish, Puerto Rican comic book superheroes, black superheroes, and women superheroes.
Neal Adams
It’s never occurred to me – and I don’t know what right mixture of upbringing this was – that my opinion wasn’t as important as the alpha males or that I shouldn’t try or that I wasn’t the funniest one in the room.
Iliza Shlesinger
White males are the most responsible for the destruction of human life and environment on the planet today.
Robin Morgan
Males transmit signals in courtship through behavioral displays.
Peter R. Grant
Males have probably always enjoyed watching the defeat

Males have probably always enjoyed watching the defeat of other males, but without the invention of numerals and the subsequent invention of the concept of keeping score, we could never have had a million sports channels.
Patricia Marx
Just as the unique characteristics of both males and females contribute to the completeness of a marriage relationship, so those same characteristics are vital to the rearing, nurturing, and teaching of children.
David A. Bednar
Without aging white males, I doubt the ‘New York Times’ would survive. How many young people, females, Hispanics and blacks subscribe to the ‘New York Times?’
Dennis Prager
Some males who want to become teachers even want to wear dresses to work and flaunt their homosexuality in front of my children.
Anita Bryant
It is instilled in thousands of American males from an early age that one of their requirements is to be able to both dish out and take a lot of pain. They are taught the rules of this road in gyms, rings, backyards and fields all over America.
Henry Rollins
One of my most laughable moments was when we visited the monkeys in Ubud – they really seemed to like me and at one point, I had three males on my head and shoulders.
Carolyn Murphy
How can we bridge the gap between… African-American males and white cops?
In my community, women are as important as males, and they are playing an equal role in the society.
Samina Baig
Advertisers rip out one another’s conscience to control the spending impulses of males ages 18 to 34, who now have the cyber world at their fingertips. They want more.
Skip Bayless
Beta males and females historically fare poorly in anchor positions, and whoever has the dominate, or more alpha, personality will always win out in spoken word count simply because they don’t wait for an opening.
Dana Loesch
Males and females are unique and different, because their brains are different. There’s not a limitation on girls. My grandmother was very strong, and so was my mother. She also knew what it meant to be a woman and wife and was very successful at it.
James Dobson
Males and females can both have a fixed mindset about math and science, but it hurts girls more because they are on the negative end of the stereotype.
Carol S. Dweck
The cavemen are still in charge at the networks. They’re all white males, and you can’t get away from that.
Connie Chung