Top 75 Supposedly Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Supposedly Quotes from famous people such as Andrew Adonis, Baron Adonis, Richard Attenborough, Hans Haacke, Nicholas Hoult, John Sulston, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The strength of the British constitution is supposedly

The strength of the British constitution is supposedly its ability, because it is unwritten in key respects like the incapacity of the prime minister, to adapt to crises with flexibility and urgency.
Andrew Adonis, Baron Adonis
I think it is obscene that we should believe that we are entitled to end somebody’s life, no matter what that person has supposedly done or not done.
Richard Attenborough
What I’m very upset about is the attempt to dictate to museums what they show, and the statements made by politicians in Washington that have curtailed the freedom of the National Endowment for the Arts. The attention to those issues is deflected by the spin of my supposedly having trivialized the Holocaust.
Hans Haacke
Supposedly I’m impossible to talk to. But it’s honestly not me being difficult. Sometimes you just don’t have a lot to say.
Nicholas Hoult
The myth is that IP rights are as important as our rights in castles, cars, and corn oil. IP is supposedly intended to encourage inventors and the investment needed to bring their products to the clinic and marketplace.
John Sulston
The wall at Le Philosophe is covered with French philosophers, and supposedly, if you are able to name all of them, they will pay for your meal. I was only able to identify Simone de Beauvoir, Sartre, Descartes and, I think, Foucault. And, I think, Luce Irigaray.
Caterina Fake
In a supposedly free and equal country, there is no excuse for our rulers having VIP treatment. On the contrary, there is every reason for them to get what we get, hot and strong.
Peter Hitchens
I hope that Americans will give careful and well-informed thought to root causes and historical realities, in which case I think they will question why a supposedly ‘legitimate’ state such as Israel has had to conduct decades of war against a subject refugee population without ever achieving its goals.
Ismail Haniyeh
With its fluctuating forms and needless decoration, fashion epitomizes the supposedly unproductive waste that inspired 20th-century technocrats to dream of central planning. It exists for no good reason. But that’s practically a definition of art.
Virginia Postrel
What I find most upsetting about this new all-consuming beauty culture is that the obsession with good looks, and how you can supposedly attain them, is almost entirely female-driven.
Julie Burchill
If you’re famous and supposedly wise, it’s always a good idea to have a tape recorder in the room. Never can tell when you might spew out a line or two worth printing somewhere.
Richard Elman
I just got on Twitter because there was some MTV film blog that quoted me on something really innocuous that I supposedly said on Twitter before I was even on Twitter. So then I had to get on Twitter to say: ‘This is me. I’m on Twitter. If there’s somebody else saying that they’re me on Twitter, they’re not.’
Anna Kendrick
Many of the old forms of discrimination that we supposedly left behind during the Jim Crow era are suddenly legal again, once you’ve been branded a felon.
Michelle Alexander
Authority is supposedly grounded in wisdom, but I could see from a very early age that authority was only a system of control. And it didn’t have any inherent wisdom. I quickly realized that you either became a power or you were crushed.
Joe Strummer
Chernobyl’ is supposedly about the lies, arrogance, and suppression of criticism under Communism, but the mini-series portrays life in the Soviet Union in the 1980s as inaccurately, and melodramatically, as it portrays the effects of radiation.
Michael Shellenberger
In the Belgian air force a general supposedly saw a UFO, tracked it with his plane, photographed it with his wing cameras. And I believe it because I said to myself why would this person, not getting paid for this, do it unless it actually happened or he thought it happened.
Robert Stack
In the Pythagorean system, thinking about numbers, or doing mathematics, was an inherently masculine task. Mathematics was associated with the gods, and with transcendence from the material world; women, by their nature, were supposedly rooted in this latter, baser realm.
Margaret Wertheim
Probably about 90 percent of the things that you read that supposedly came out of my mouth in regards to the Motley guys, usually most of it is incorrect. At the end of the day, I have no ill will.
John Corabi
It is possible that by studying autism we’ll learn about the nature of talent. Supposedly there’s no connection between scientific talent and autism, but if we look closely, we find a very basic connection.
Simon Baron-Cohen
Supposedly, going to war initiates you into this gnostic priesthood of people who’ve had a liminal experience forever separating them from civilians. Except… you go there, and it is what it is. A form of human activity as varied as any other.
Phil Klay
Many young people now end a discussion with the supposedly definitive and unanswerable statement that such is their opinion, and their opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s. The fact is that our opinion on an infinitely large number of questions is not worth having, because everyone is infinitely ignorant.
Theodore Dalrymple
What does signature mean? Supposedly these are the added touches that make the crime personal to the killer.
Pat Brown
Marilyn Monroe was supposedly a size 16, which is probably why I love her style; it suits me better.
Katherine Jenkins
Show me a supposedly ‘unfixable’ problem in Washington, and I’ll show you the political corruption standing in the way.
Kirsten Gillibrand
Part of the job for me and others from El Paso who live along the border is to dispel the myths about how supposedly dangerous the border is.
Beto O’Rourke
Frankly, most of my friends hold very different political beliefs. It’s just a funny thing in this country that supposedly you can’t sit down and have dinner and enjoy another person’s company if you don’t have the same beliefs. It’s ridiculous.
Patricia Heaton
I have worked out with the Thunder, Lakers, Knicks, Grizzlies, Spurs, and a few others before the draft. I have worked out primarily against shorter and supposedly faster players in these workouts.
Jeremy Lin
We are placed in the genus of Homo, which is Latin for man – Homo sapiens: supposedly wise men. I sometimes think – wonder – whether we really are wise men.
Donald Johanson
It is no longer socially permissible to use race, explicitly, as a justification for discrimination, exclusion, and social contempt. So we don’t. Rather than rely on race, we use our criminal justice system to label people of color ‘criminals’ and then engage in all the practices we supposedly left behind.
Michelle Alexander
The American Revolution was carried out in the name of the people, and it was supposedly ‘We, the people,’ who created the government that Americans still live under.
Edmund Morgan
I drink a bucket of white tea in the morning. I read about this tea of the Emperor of China, which is supposedly the tea of eternal youth. It’s called Silver Needle. It’s unbelievably expensive, but I get it on the Web.
Antonio Banderas
For so many people, it's very hard to feel okay with su

For so many people, it’s very hard to feel okay with success, because success is not cool. It supposedly tarnishes your thing; it ruins little pockets of scenes and the self-importance that comes from thinking you’re the only people in your town that are doing something.
Oneohtrix Point Never
For a movement supposedly devoted to conserving the past, conservatives are oh-so-splendid at forgetting their own past.
Rick Perlstein
The stubby French painter Toulouse-Lautrec supposedly invented chocolate mousse – I find that rather hard to believe, but there you have it.
Alton Brown
Nothing spooky or terrible happened on set, but we were told to say it had. We were giving a press conference and the writers were going on about these terrible things that supposedly happened while we were filming.
Margot Kidder
There is no opposition between efficiency and justice; on the contrary, an institution run by those who actually do the work is likely to be more effective than one run by interchangeable exploiters who often lack any specific expertise in what they are supposedly managing.
Mark Fisher
All the things that people like me supposedly don’t do, I do.
Keith Olbermann
The Apple imperative is to build a system that is 100 per cent resistant to any government warrant. The data on your iPhone, no matter how swarmy, corrupt, or dangerous you are, is supposedly safe. That’s also the proposition of Panamanian banking laws.
Michael Wolff
The public doesn’t know what to believe anymore. We don’t know what stories are supposedly true, this idea of ‘fake news.’ We watch it on what I guess you would call a split-focus. It’s half entertainment and half mystery.
Barry Levinson
I think, in history, we often see a false representation of women. The men are always the successors and, supposedly, of their own merit, which I don’t believe to be to true.
Jodie Comer
It should be clear that modern fractional reserve banking is a shell game, a Ponzi scheme, a fraud in which fake warehouse receipts are issued and circulate as equivalent to the cash supposedly represented by those receipts.
Murray Rothbard
Supposedly I’ve got traces of an English accent, though I can’t hear it. I must have inherited it from my mother, who’s English, and then I think it was exacerbated by the fact that I live with an Australian.
Lev Grossman
I realize the voters elected President Obama in 2012, but they also, in 2014, elected enough Republican senators to gain a majority in the Senate, so we control the confirmation process. And these are two supposedly coequal branches of government involved in this filling of a Supreme Court vacancy.
Ron Johnson
You don’t hear TV cops griping because they have to enforce some Draconian law that shouldn’t be on the books in the first place, or lamenting vindictive excesses in sentencing. Hollywood, supposedly a frothing cauldron of liberalism, has always been conservative on crime.
Tom Shales