Top 765 Get Quotes

For my own part, I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen the representative of our country. He is a bird of bad moral character. He does not get his living honestly.
Benjamin Franklin
Life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it.
Tom Lehrer
I get a thrill meeting kids who are into alternative music.
Kurt Cobain
I don't get high, but sometimes I wish I did. That way,

I don’t get high, but sometimes I wish I did. That way, when I messed up in life I would have an excuse. But right now there’s no rehab for stupidity.
Chris Rock
There have to be reasons that you get up in the morning and you want to live. Why do you want to live? What’s the point? What inspires you? What do you love about the future? If the future does not include being out there among the stars and being a multi-planet species, I find that incredibly depressing.
Elon Musk
The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I’ll never be as good as a wall.
Mitch Hedberg
I’m someone who likes plowing new ground, then walking away from it. I get bored easily. For me, the big thrill comes with the discovering.
Abraham Maslow
I get no respect. The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest.
Rodney Dangerfield
If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.
Frank Zappa
Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message.
Malcolm Muggeridge
One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.
Lucille Ball
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
Mark Twain
The strangest part about being famous is you don’t get to give first impressions anymore. Everyone already has an impression of you before you meet them.
Kristen Stewart
I think the players win the championship, and the organization has something to do with it, don’t get me wrong. But don’t try to put the organization above the players.
Michael Jordan
A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place.
Stanley Weiser
If you need more than 10 rounds to hunt, and some argue they hunt with that many rounds, you shouldn’t be hunting. If you can’t get the deer in 3 shots, you shouldn’t be hunting. You are an embarrassment.
Joe Biden
I used to read five psalms every day – that teaches me how to get along with God. Then I read a chapter of Proverbs every day and that teaches me how to get along with my fellow man.
Billy Graham
Like success, failure is many things to many people. With Positive Mental Attitude, failure is a learning experience, a rung on the ladder, a plateau at which to get your thoughts in order and prepare to try again.
W. Clement Stone
You might not always get what you want, but you always get what you expect.
Charles Spurgeon
You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.
Zig Ziglar
The void, the concept of nothingness, is terrifying to most people on the planet. And I get anxiety attacks myself. I know the fear of that void. You have to learn to die before you die. You give up, surrender to the void, to nothingness.
Harry Dean Stanton
If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.
Lewis Carroll
I like feet. I definitely have a fetish. I love to see a man’s bare foot, but its got to be taken care of. If they’re not well manicured, you’ve got to wonder what the rest of him is like. I don’t want to get in bed with somebody and feel his gnarly feet.
Brooke Burke
As long as you keep going, you’ll keep getting better. And as you get better, you gain more confidence. That alone is success.
Tamara Taylor
You don’t get results by focusing on results. You get results by focusing on the actions that produce results.
Mike Hawkins
Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to ‘jump at the sun.’ We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground.
Zora Neale Hurston
If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.
George Bernard Shaw
War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.
Mao Zedong
I get inspiration from a lot of things around me – nature, hills, people, and even insects.
Ruskin Bond
The difference between equity and equality is that equality is everyone get the same thing and equity is everyone get the things they deserve.
DeRay Mckesson
In the end it’s about the work, not an award you get for the work.
Linda Fiorentino
Everybody’s got plans… until they get hit.
Mike Tyson
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it’s at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.
Audrey Hepburn
As men get older, the toys get more expensive.
Marvin Davis
The dark side of social media is that, within seconds,

The dark side of social media is that, within seconds, anything can be blown out of proportion and taken out of context. And it’s very difficult not to get swept up in it all.
Nicola Formichetti
The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere.
Xun Kuang
Medicine is my lawful wife and literature my mistress; when I get tired of one, I spend the night with the other.
Anton Chekhov
Go as far as you can see; when you get there you’ll be able to see farther.
Thomas Carlyle
The journey of life is like a man riding a bicycle. We know he got on the bicycle and started to move. We know that at some point he will stop and get off. We know that if he stops moving and does not get off he will fall off.
William Golding
You have to stay in school. You have to. You have to go to college. You have to get your degree. Because that’s the one thing people can’t take away from you is your education. And it is worth the investment.
Michelle Obama
People always talk about how time flies; it’s become sort of a colloquialism now. You don’t really understand it until you reach your late 30s and early 40s – and I’m sure time will move even faster as I get older.
Ben Gibbard
Black and white means photography to me. It’s much easier to take a good color photograph, but you can get more drama into a black and white one.
Astrid Kirchherr
We look at life from the back side of the tapestry. And most of the time, what we see is loose threads, tangled knots and the like. But occasionally, God’s light shines through the tapestry, and we get a glimpse of the larger design with God weaving together the darks and lights of existence.
John Piper
Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for it.
Katharine Whitehorn
I believe in karma, and I believe if you put out positive vibes to everybody, that’s all you’re going to get back.
When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
I want to get married again and have kids and even adopt.
Sophia Bush
If you strive for the moon, maybe you’ll get over the fence.
James Woods
It’s all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back.
Mick Jagger
You get whatever accomplishment you are willing to declare.
Georgia O’Keeffe
The human body has two ends on it: one to create with and one to sit on. Sometimes people get their ends reversed. When this happens they need a kick in the seat of the pants.
Theodore Roosevelt
Some days I can’t get an idea, and I think, ‘Man, I’m just washed up,’ but it’s just a mood.
Jean-Michel Basquiat
I’ve thrown away lots of my old diaries – you never know who might get their hands on them. But I have kept a few notes on the good old days.
Steffi Graf
It was impossible to get a conversation going, everybody was talking too much.
Yogi Berra
Think of it this way: If you got a flat tire, what would you do? Change the tire? Or get out of the car and slash the other three tires? No! Get back on the road. Don’t dwell on it; don’t beat yourself up. That gets you nowhere.
Jillian Michaels
Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.
A. A. Milne
I think it’s important to get your surroundings as well as yourself into a positive state – meaning surround yourself with positive people, not the kind who are negative and jealous of everything you do.
Heidi Klum
You can’t let praise or criticism get to you. It’s a weakness to get caught up in either one.
John Wooden
How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?
Dr. Seuss
Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.
Bo Jackson
If you grow up in show business, you look beyond the looking glass. So, all of the surface facades get broken.
A leader’s job is not to do the work for others, it’s to help others figure out how to do it themselves, to get things done, and to succeed beyond what they thought possible.
Simon Sinek
Well, I think we tried very hard not to be overconfident, because when you get overconfident, that’s when something snaps up and bites you.
Neil Armstrong
It takes a big idea to attract the attention of consumers and get them to buy your product. Unless your advertising contains a big idea, it will pass like a ship in the night. I doubt if more than one campaign in a hundred contains a big idea.
David Ogilvy
Knowledge is power, and it can help you overcome any fear of the unexpected. When you learn, you gain more awareness through the process, and you know what pitfalls to look for as you get ready to transition to the next level.
Jay Shetty
My mother has been the greatest influence on my life, m

My mother has been the greatest influence on my life, morally. When I get right down to it, my mother and father are two people I can count on no matter what.
Jack Wagner
When you get to that level, it’s not a matter of talent anymore – because all the players are so talented – it’s about preparation, about playing smart and making good decisions.
Hakeem Olajuwon
The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved.
Richard Rogers