Top 77 Zeal Quotes

‘Zeal’ is essentially a compromising devotion to God, a commitment to cleansing the Holy Land of all foreign and pagan presences and to re-establish the kingdom of David as God had intended.
Reza Aslan
As a film enthusiast and a lover of stories, I have read biblical stories and I’ve seen biblical films with the same zeal as I have read and seen my own country’s stories. Most of the time, the creator doesn’t know where he gets his inspiration from.
S. S. Rajamouli
Never let your zeal outrun your charity. The former is but human, the latter is divine.
Hosea Ballou
I’ve given just as much of my life to that, and I practiced it with the same zeal, as I have acting. And I think that many of my skill sets from being a housewife I used for producing. Because you don’t stop until it’s done.
Frances McDormand
Nonviolence will empower and equip us to bring generations to the table and fuse our knowledge, gifts, and zeal together.
Bernice King
He that does a base thing in zeal for his friend burns

He that does a base thing in zeal for his friend burns the golden thread that ties their hearts together.
Jeremy Taylor
I have come to the conclusion that it’s a waste of time to have too much pride in anything. Perhaps it’s good to have a sense of duty, a jealous zeal to protect or improve, but pride ultimately is only that which stands vulnerable to offense and degradation.
Henry Rollins
There is a holy, mistaken zeal in politics, as well as in religion. By persuading others, we convince ourselves.
Zeal is a volcano, the peak of which the grass of indecisiveness does not grow.
Khalil Gibran
Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal.
Charles Buxton
I think the key to passion, to zeal, is gratitude. Or to put it another way, the fuel to motivate is gratitude, and gratitude comes by just backing up a little and realizing how much you’ve sinned against God.
Ray Comfort
Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.
Thomas Fuller
When you are laboring for others let it be with the same zeal as if it were for yourself.
‘Zeal’ is essentially a compromising devotion to God, a commitment to cleansing the Holy Land of all foreign and pagan presences and to re-establish the kingdom of David as God had intended.
Reza Aslan
The people who read the history books tend to have a natural zeal and are alarmingly well-read.
Saul David
Unrestrained zeal to make the world better could make it worse. Promoting democracy must be undertaken with humility, care, and wisdom.
Richard N. Haass
Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.
Thomas Fuller
Abundant choice doesn’t force us to look for the absolute best of everything. It allows us to find the extremes in those things we really care about, whether that means great coffee, jeans cut wide across the hips, or a spouse who shares your zeal for mountaineering, Zen meditation, and science fiction.
Virginia Postrel
As music migrates into our iPods, CD collections require less and less room, residing in our heads rather than resounding off the walls. The protracted labor of amassing a personal music library has lost its detective zeal.
James Wolcott
We do have a zeal for laughter in most situations, give or take a dentist.
Joseph Heller