Top 88 Roger Ebert Quotes

I begin to feel like most Americans don’t understand the First Amendment, don’t understand the idea of freedom of speech, and don’t understand that it’s the responsibility of the citizen to speak out.
Roger Ebert
If a movie is really working, you forget for two hours your Social Security number and where your car is parked. You are having a vicarious experience. You are identifying, in one way or another, with the people on the screen.
Roger Ebert
It’s funny that there was so much disturbance about having a Catholic in the White House with Kennedy, and when we finally get a religion in the White House that’s causing a lot of conflicts, and concerns, and disturbances for a lot of people, it’s in the Bush Administration.
Roger Ebert
I’m told we movie critics praise movies that are long and boring.
Roger Ebert
What a terrible thing it would be to be the Pope! What unthinkable responsibilities to fall on your shoulders at an advanced age! No privacy. No seclusion. No sin.
Roger Ebert
If Hollywood stars speak out, so do all sorts of other people. Now Hollywood stars can get a better hearing.
Roger Ebert
The problem with being sure that God is on your side is that you can’t change your mind, because God sure isn’t going to change His.
Roger Ebert
If there’s anything I hate more than a stupid action comedy, it’s an incompetent stupid action comedy. It’s not so bad it’s good. It’s so bad it’s nothing else but bad.
Roger Ebert
Ridley Scott’s ‘Prometheus’ is a magnificent science-fiction film, all the more intriguing because it raises questions about the origin of human life and doesn’t have the answers.
Roger Ebert
I don’t think Bush was legitimately elected President.
Roger Ebert
It is reckless to make broad generalizations about any group of people.
Roger Ebert
But the fact is, most people are not going to be rich someday.
Roger Ebert
One sign of a great actor is when he can be alone by himself on the screen, doing almost nothing, and producing one of a film’s defining moments.
Roger Ebert
Nothing ever seems straightforward in Venice, least of all its romances.
Roger Ebert
One difference between film noir and more straightforward crime pictures is that noir is more open to human flaws and likes to embed them in twisty plot lines.
Roger Ebert
Nobody looks perfect. We have to find peace with the way we look and get on with life.
Roger Ebert
‘Grand Illusion’ and ‘Rules of the Game’ are routinely included on lists of the greatest films, and deserve to be.
Roger Ebert
I am utterly bored by celebrity interviews. Most celebrities are devoid of interest.
Roger Ebert
It is not enough for a movie to be righteous. It must also be watchable.
Roger Ebert
A film is a terrible thing to waste.
Roger Ebert
Dogs notice, they share, they draw conclusions, they like it when they’re able to be of service and are touchingly grateful when they’re praised.
Roger Ebert
All but a very few of us are in debt. We exist as entities who borrow money and spend the rest of our lives making interest payments on a debt tally that never seems to budge. Whatever wealth we have, in labor, property or cash, is suctioned to the top.
Roger Ebert
There is a part of me that will forever want to be walking under autumn leaves, carrying a briefcase containing the works of Shakespeare and Yeats and a portable chess set. I will pass an old tree under which once on a summer night I lay on the grass with a fragrant young woman and we quoted e.e. cummings back and forth.
Roger Ebert