Top 90 Caroline Lucas Quotes

On many issues, Jeremy Corbyn and I are in agreement.

On many issues, Jeremy Corbyn and I are in agreement.
Caroline Lucas
Nuclear weapons remain a costly distraction from the real security threats we face, like climate change.
Caroline Lucas
The response to coronavirus has shown what can be done when governments put their mind to it.
Caroline Lucas
Banks and investors have poured money into dirty energy and high-carbon for decades. While no single policy is a magic bullet for the climate crisis, there is also no way of solving it that doesn’t involve a fundamental reimagining of the role of our financial system.
Caroline Lucas
Banks and investors have poured money into dirty energy and high-carbon for decades. While no single policy is a magic bullet for the climate crisis, there is also no way of solving it that doesn’t involve a fundamental reimagining of the role of our financial system.
Caroline Lucas
Unquestionably, major transformation of the way the U.K. generates its heat and power is essential.
Caroline Lucas
Petra Kelly is my inspiration, one of the founders of the German Greens.
Caroline Lucas
If we genuinely believe in a bigger future for our country, we have to redistribute both wealth and power – so people can take back control for good, not just for one vote.
Caroline Lucas
Advanced industrialised economies like ourselves cannot afford to go on growing, particularly if we want to give people in poorer countries a chance of being able to at least meet their basic needs.
Caroline Lucas
I’m a great believer in needing things that give us some hope.
Caroline Lucas
We know that Brexit would make our poorest communities poorer still. That it would make the powerless even less able to effect change.
Caroline Lucas
The Government needs to recognise that we live on a planet with finite resources – and start measuring our progress as a society by the quality of our lives, not the expansion of our GDP.
Caroline Lucas
To the extent that Bernie Sanders was about building a movement of people where challenging things that up until then were unchallengeable, then absolutely we want to be seen in that mould.
Caroline Lucas
The creation of regional mayors has done little to reduce the sense that all power is concentrated in Westminster, and all investment in London.
Caroline Lucas
No more top-down politics with Westminster dictating what’s right for every community. We must all be partners in designing a better future for our country.
Caroline Lucas
It’s going to take everyone to rebuild a fairer, more sustainable, more beautiful Britain.
Caroline Lucas
I don’t think politics just happens in Parliament. It happens on the streets and in classrooms.
Caroline Lucas
The Green Party is full of motivated, driven people who want to make change happen as fast as possible.
Caroline Lucas
GDP simply measures the circulation of money in the economy, not whether or not the outcome of using that money is positive or negative.
Caroline Lucas
Coronavirus has exposed for all what many of us already knew – some of our most important workers have barely enough to live on, and millions are condemned to financial insecurity, inequality and food poverty.
Caroline Lucas
I think there is a role for non-violent direct action when democratic channels have failed.
Caroline Lucas
Being an MP for a place you love is an extraordinary gift.
Caroline Lucas
I joined the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the 1980s and protested at Greenham Common.
Caroline Lucas
Renewable energy is not unaffordable as the fossil fuel giants would like us to believe.
Caroline Lucas
Huge public spending and borrowing in the face of an existential crisis is clearly the right thing to do, as is putting people’s health and wellbeing above the pursuit of economic growth.
Caroline Lucas
Everything from the infrastructure we build to the products we use must now be aimed squarely at building a zero-carbon world.
Caroline Lucas
Continuing down a path where profit is king is unsustainable for our society, our health and our planet.
Caroline Lucas
Climate change demands a collective response. We can’t expect other countries to act if we don’t.
Caroline Lucas