Top 90 Powerless Quotes

People are not happy with women in actual power, yet we seem to be happy to take women on as figureheads, objects, like queens. It’s a powerful yet politically powerless role.
Kate Williams
Nobody is powerless.
Milana Vayntrub
There’s no glory and no respect in making fun of the weak, the powerless.
Bassem Youssef
That’s such a powerless place for me to think about: what is working against me. I don’t think of what I don’t have; I think of what I do and use that to get the next thing.
Lupita Nyong’o
Panic implies that there is no rational thought taking place. That we are frozen and incapable of adjusting. Powerless to logic, and subject to seemingly unthinkable behavior.
Anthony Scaramucci
Where the daughter sees power, the mother feels powerless. Daughters and mothers, I found, both overestimate the other’s power – and underestimate their own.
Deborah Tannen
People have always asked me why I’m drawn to material about kids, and for me, it’s – I remember being at that age and feeling completely and utterly powerless. You know, there’s so many things you wanna do and so many things you’re told you can’t do.
Ned Vizzini
For over twenty years, Homeboy Industries has chosen to stand with those on the margins and those whose burdens are more than they can bear; it stands with the poor and the powerless, with the easily-despised and the readily-left out.
Greg Boyle
Aging does not make women powerless objects of pity but

Aging does not make women powerless objects of pity but colorful and entertaining individuals and, on occasion, fire-breathing dragons that wise people don’t cross.
Florence King
In our evolutionary narratives, the organism itself often seems to play a passive role: a powerless victim, almost, of changes to its environment or mutations in its genes.
Alice Roberts
Obama often criticizes policies that place the interests of the powerful ahead of the powerless. But through his administration’s support of abortion rights, Obama shows his lack of empathy for society’s most powerless.
Gary Bauer
When the last red man shall have perished from the earth and his memory among the white men shall have become a myth, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe. The white man will never be alone. Let him be just and deal kindly with my people, for the dead are not powerless.
Chief Seattle
There is a central flaw in contemporary culture and a corresponding and related inability to address it. Society seems somehow unable to adequately help or protect itself. Normal citizens feel powerless, isolated and disturbed.
Michael Leunig
The Cold War was waged in a particularly brutal and cynical way in Africa, and Africa seemed powerless to do anything to stop it.
Ryszard Kapuscinski
The national Democratic Party has embraced abortion on demand. I believe this position is wrong in principle and out of the mainstream of our party’s historic commitment to protecting the powerless.
Robert Casey
I grew up under Thatcher. I grew up believing that I was fundamentally powerless. Then gradually over the years it occurred to me that this was actually a very convenient myth for the state.
Thom Yorke
Since I was a kid, I’ve always been skinny and frail framed. I felt powerless as a child, but I always saw so much power in femininity and female sexuality.
Ultraconservatism is, to me, so illogical. Everywhere you go, conservatives want to cut, cut, cut, cut – cut money for powerless people. So, that’s the biggest problem I have with them.
Alec Baldwin
Every preacher who does not make prayer a mighty factor in his own life and ministry is weak as a factor in God’s work and is powerless to project God’s cause in this world.
Edward McKendree Bounds
Sometimes true girl power means accepting that we are actually vulnerable and even powerless – then figuring out how to adapt and have our needs met in other ways.
Rachel Simmons
Nearly one year on from his election, Donald Trump disregards the constitution, offends allies, and attacks minorities, the powerless, and those who are holding him to account.
Katharine Viner
Men are strong so long as they represent a strong idea they become powerless when they oppose it.
Sigmund Freud
Though intelligence is powerless to modify character, it is a dab hand at finding euphemisms for its weaknesses.
Quentin Crisp
Money is such an amazing teacher: What you choose to do with your money shows whether you are truly powerful or powerless.
Suze Orman
There’s nothing more dangerous than a powerful person who is imagining themselves as being powerless.
Hank Green
Excessive fear is always powerless.
When you make a film, you realize that the audience will be powerless to stop it or flip back to refresh their memories or skip the boring parts. They are at the mercy of your storytelling.
Milos Forman
Sure you’re powerless, sure you’re just one person, sure you can’t change anything… but you don’t have to be miserable about it as well.
Lydia Lunch
I’m not a political person. When I start to get into it, it just upsets me. I feel so powerless when it comes to politics. So I’ve just decided to be non-political and very, very pro-soldier.
Channing Tatum
The exercise of power is determined by thousands of interactions between the world of the powerful and that of the powerless, all the more so because these worlds are never divided by a sharp line: everyone has a small part of himself in both.
Vaclav Havel
I’m interested in exploring how an individual maintains a sense of power in a world that tends to make individuals feel powerless.
George C. Wolfe
Information flow is what the Internet is about. Information sharing is power. If you don’t share your ideas, smart people can’t do anything about them, and you’ll remain anonymous and powerless.
Vint Cerf
As an actor, you do feel very powerless… you are at the whim of the agent who submits you for a project, and then at the audition, you are at the whim of the casting director who will cast you or not.
Donna Lynne Champlin
Satire is traditionally the weapon of the powerless against the powerful.
Molly Ivins
Time, whose tooth gnaws away everything else, is powerless against truth.
Thomas Huxley
Our party has always been the voice of the powerless and the voiceless.
Robert Casey