Top 95 Destined Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Destined Quotes from famous people such as Jeb Bush, Antoine Griezmann, Philip Guston, Lee Hyeon-seo, Noah Wyle, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

But without a caring society, without each citizen volu

But without a caring society, without each citizen voluntarily accepting the weight of responsibility, government is destined to grow even larger, taking more of your money, burrowing deeper into your lives.
Jeb Bush
I felt really proud when Simeone said I am destined to reach the level of Messi and Ronaldo. I always want to give my all for him. He motivates me.
Antoine Griezmann
Usually I am on a work for a long stretch, until a moment arrives when the air of the arbitrary vanishes, and the paint falls into positions that feel destined.
Philip Guston
There are people who are destined to embrace endless pain and suffering, and there are people who desire to dream. Everybody dreams, of course. But does anybody desperately want to dream more than the people of North Korea?
Lee Hyeon-seo
I think when you are named Noah, you are destined for a certain way of life.
Noah Wyle
I knew I was destined to do a solo album, but when I did that first album in 1978, I had no idea it was going to be that well received.
Ace Frehley
I have known I was destined to live in Goa the moment I first stepped foot on the Panjim docks from the ferry from Mumbai, when I was 18.
Vikram Patel
Man must be in space – that is what we are destined for. There is nothing else that we can do.
Majel Barrett
At the beginning of the troubles of Saint Domingo, I felt that I was destined to great things. When I received this divine intimation, I was four and fifty years of age; I could neither read nor write.
Toussaint Louverture
I really wanted to make the worst thing: the thing that even people who liked bad, terrible music wouldn’t like – the stuff that people would ignore, always. Something really, really stupid. Something that is destined for failure.
Ariel Pink
The ongoing conflict between us has caused heavy suffering to both peoples. The future can and must be different. Both our peoples are destined to live together side by side, on this small piece of land. This reality we cannot change.
Ariel Sharon
If one can only see things according to one’s own belief system, one is destined to become virtually deaf, dumb, and blind.
Robert Anton Wilson
Robespierre, however, was not the type of leader finally destined to emerge from the Revolution.
Irving Babbitt
We learn to think of history as something that has already happened, to other people. Our own moment, filled as it is with minutiae destined to be forgotten, always looks smaller in comparison.
Masha Gessen
I knew I was a winner back in the late sixties. I knew I was destined for great things. People will say that kind of thinking is totally immodest. I agree. Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way – I hope it never will.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Goldberg is destined for stardom.
Gene Okerlund
Starting a company in San Francisco when we did usually meant it was destined to be a data-driven tech company. But that didn’t seem to fully encompass what we wanted with Airbnb. When we tried looking through a tech lens, it didn’t work. The humanity was missing.
Joe Gebbia
I would say that the study of history is that which gives man the greatest optimism, for if man were not destined by his Maker to go on until the Kingdom of Heaven is attained, man would have been extinguished long ago by reason of all man’s mistakes and frailties.
Douglas Southall Freeman
Despite my mother saying I have been destined to be an actress my whole life, I remember being the kid who grew up not knowing what I wanted to do with my life.
Shantel VanSanten
I don’t tend to warm too well to people that tell me how I’m supposed to think. So, my life in Hollywood – I’m afraid I was destined to be a Republican.
Kelsey Grammer
I don’t even have voice mail or answering machines anymore. I hate the phone, and I don’t want to call anybody back. If I go to hell, it will be a small closet with a telephone in it, and I will be doomed and destined for eternity to return phone calls.
Drew Barrymore
I’m destined to become the greatest fighter the world has known. If I didn’t truly believe that, I would go and teach or do something else.
Darren Till
On one hand, I think people are destined for something incredible if we don’t wipe ourselves out, but I think we’re going to wipe 90 percent of ourselves out.
Neill Blomkamp
My mum says that, when I was a couple of months old and couldn’t even stand up yet, I’d try and kick a ball. She knew I’d be into football. Maybe I was just destined to do this.
Wilfried Zaha
I believe I’m destined to be a world champion and I’m getting closer to what I want. Part of it is developing a championship mentality and I feel I have that now.
Michael Chiesa
No longer is the female destined solely for the home and the rearing of the family and only the male for the marketplace and the world of ideas.
William J. Brennan, Jr.
I realised as a teenager that I was destined for a creative life and found that fashion design was something I enjoyed and was a potentially successful career path.
Jenny Packham
I always knew I was destined for greatness.
Oprah Winfrey
Anything that happens in your life was meant to happen. It is your destiny. I was destined to have the life I have now, and I can’t have any regrets.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Fate destined me to play Fagin. It was the part of a lifetime, and I was the only actor to be in the stage production and in the film.
Ron Moody
I know what it’s like to access the privilege of a ZIP Code but also be born in one that could have destined me to something else.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
To anyone who has started out on a long campaign believ

To anyone who has started out on a long campaign believing that the gold medal was destined for him, the feeling when, all of a sudden, the medal has gone somewhere else is quite indescribable.
Sebastian Coe
Who’s destined to be the next world star and collector of Ballon d’Or when Cristiano and Messi stop playing? It’s the Frenchman Kylian Mbappe, a truly unique player!
Giorgio Chiellini
The depth of this conflict, which is more than one hundred years old, requires us to find a way to communicate… so that the residents of the Middle East, Jews and Arabs alike, can live not as if they were forced to live together, but rather destined to live together.
Reuven Rivlin
I’d like to play an alien, like from ‘Starman’ or ‘K-PAX,’ where it’s human. I think I’m destined to play an alien.
Chad Lindberg
I always knew that I was destined for something big in this world.
Rhea Ripley
I knew from the time I was a young girl that I was destined to be a writer. I’m incredibly stubborn. The more someone tells me I can’t do something, the harder I work to prove them wrong. My father’s nickname for me when I was growing up was ‘Hardhead.’
Lori Wilde
Everything you want to accomplish is already within yourself so when you start to roll in self-doubt and think negative thoughts then you’ll fall off. So keep visualising and keep knowing what you’re destined for, it’ll come to you.
NLE Choppa
You achieve only as much you are destined to.
Supriya Pathak
I feel like I was born to do this… I started working professionally as soon as I could, doing weddings and things like that in high school, while everyone else was having keg parties. I just felt destined to do it and really committed and driven; it was something that just felt right all my life.
Idina Menzel
I’ve said all along that I was destined for greatness.
Ryan Garcia
We thought ‘Father Ted’ was destined to be obscure late-night Channel 4 fodder and then it works and you don’t really know why.
Ardal O’Hanlon
Joni Mitchell seems destined to remain in a state of permanent dissatisfaction – always knowing what she would like to do, always more depressed when it’s done.
Jon Landau
When coaches arrive at a club, we need to understand its history. If we don’t understand it, then we are destined to have a bad time.
Diego Simeone
Cara, ever since you told me at the age of four that you wanted to be Claudia Schiffer, while you were naked in the bath with a sponge on your head, I knew you were destined for great things.
Poppy Delevingne
Sometimes I wonder whether anything is learned in conservation, or whether the big NGOs are for ever destined to follow a circular track, endlessly repeating their mistakes.
George Monbiot
The animal kingdom is destined by nature to serve, and that service is fulfilled in alleviating the temporal and physical needs of man; the animal spirit or soul is limited by time – it dies with the body.
Saint Bernard
When my husband and I first became parents, we joked that our chubby baby was destined to grow into an Alex P. Keaton Reaganite – the most unlikely, and therefore hilarious, course for the child of an interracial gay couple in gentrifying Brooklyn.
Rumaan Alam
Thirty years on, I am no longer as certain about anything as I was at age 20. I now regret my support for the war in Iraq and kick myself for the naive expectation that freedom was destined to prevail.
Max Boot
It was clear in my mind that my belief in God, coupled with the desire to work hard to serve others, meant I was destined to succeed.
David Steward
You know, the health bar in ‘Fable III’ was destined to be this pixel-high line at the top left-hand side of the screen. No one was looking at it! No one even knew it was there!
Peter Molyneux
I think New York is destined to have a Democratic mayor, and I want Freddy Ferrer to be that mayor.
John Catsimatidis
I feel projects are destined for actors. Whenever I find the project destined for me I’ll be at it with full force.
Mawra Hocane
If I’m destined to play in the MLS, I will.
Adebayo Akinfenwa
We will work to modify and remove some European parameters, but regarding the euro, I remain convinced that the single currency is destined to end: not because I want it but because the facts, common sense, and the real economy dictate it.
Matteo Salvini
I’ve been wanting to have a baby since I was 2 years old – I’m destined to be a mother.
Alicia Silverstone
From the age of seven, I was destined to be a legend, to be the world’s most popular fighter.
Naseem Hamed
It seems that it had been destined before that I should occupy myself so thoroughly with the vulture, for it comes to my mind as a very early memory, when I was still in the cradle, a vulture came down to me, he opened my mouth with his tail and struck me a few times with his tail against my lips.
Leonardo da Vinci
The parties are all trying to reinvent themselves. I believe this upheaval is destined to take the country’s fate into a different direction.
Park Won-soon
India happen to me by chance. It’s in my destiny. As soon as I landed here, it only took me 4 months to know exactly why I was here and what had destined to do here.
Nora Fatehi
When I started in the business there were no women in executive positions, no women producers or directors and certainly no camerawomen and we were destined to do very archetypal roles, very cliched things, so I was a dizzy blonde for years.
Sheila Hancock
When we foster an economy without hope, we guarantee that a segment of our population will be destined to know homelessness on a permanent basis, and not for the one night I voluntarily spent at a shelter.
Jackie Speier
I know deep down I'm destined to be a world champion an

I know deep down I’m destined to be a world champion and maybe it’s to be attained in the most prestigious division in the UFC at welterweight.
Michael Chiesa
I always knew and my parents always knew I was destined for greatness. I didn’t know what sport it was going to be in. I played football, baseball and wrestling.
Tony Ferguson
My first mentor and inspiration was my Irish Dancing teacher Patricia Mulholland. She created her own form of dance known as Irish ballet and created stage productions of old Irish myths and legends. They were my first experiences on stage. She told my mum I was destined for the stage, and I took that as my cue.
Laura Donnelly
When I started acting I knew nothing. It was a momentous decision to pick up the flyer for the ‘Trainspotting’ audition. ‘Destined’ is a bit of a poncy word for it, but I do think I was headed in that direction.
Kelly Macdonald
I think people who are destined to be friends, that are best friends, that genuinely, truly are invested in each other as human beings – a fight won’t separate you forever. I’ve definitely had fights with my best friend, but it has never made us sever ties.
Lili Reinhart
I’m destined to be attracted to those I cannot defeat.
Russell Crowe
As a young man, I saw families prosper without reading because there were always sufficient opportunities for willing workers who could follow simple instructions. This is no longer the case. Children who don’t read are, in the main, destined for lesser lives. I feel a deep sense of responsibility to change this.
Walter Dean Myers
With the right support, a child growing up in a dysfunctional household, who was destined for a lifetime on benefits could be put on an entirely different track – one which sees them move into fulfilling and sustainable work. In doing so, they will pull themselves out of poverty.
Iain Duncan Smith
Mother and Dad were destined to have a gaggle of children. We would not have been complete if they had stopped at two or four or even six. Nine of us we had to be.
Jean Kennedy Smith
Most of us are destined to be unhappy if we can’t accept that we will have moments – or a waist size – that don’t match our perfect vision of how things should be.
Rachel Simmons
Words hold tremendous power, and if we don’t reclaim our language and start seeing people instead of ‘militants,’ drone victims instead of ‘bug splats,’ or natural splendor instead of ‘green infrastructure,’ then the voiceless are destined to be silenced forever.
Abby Martin
I was persuaded now that I was destined to lead a life on the Plains.
Buffalo Bill
Should I be the happy mortal destined to turn the scale of war, will you not rejoice, O my father?
Zebulon Pike
I didn’t know Michael Hastings very well, but one thing about him was always obvious – he was born to be in the news business, he loved it, he was made for it. He wrote about Iraq and Afghanistan as places he had always been destined to visit.
Matt Taibbi
I wasn’t some stud athlete at school that was destined to be a professional wrestler. I was just an insecure little guy that didn’t want to go to school because I had zits on my upper lip.
Randy Orton
If I am destined to do more Telugu films, I will.
Padmapriya Janakiraman
But the Committee for Industrial Organizations is here. It is now henceforth a definite instrumentality, destined greatly to influence the lives of our people and the internal and external course of the republic.
John L. Lewis
I think there, there also had been just before I got to Honduras a rather spectacular capture of an arms shipment that from Nicaragua across Honduran test, territory destined for El Salvador and I think that some of that equipment had been also to Cuba and the Soviet bloc.
John Negroponte
My father once told me when I was a young girl that I was destined to do great things. His belief in my abilities and ambition is rooted deeply in the spirit of Malawians; resilient and determined for a better Malawi and a better Africa.
Joyce Banda
I was 19 or 20 when I was confused whether to take up films as a career. At that juncture, I enrolled in an acting workshop and then eventually realised I was destined to be in films.
Naga Chaitanya
The novel is a highly corrupt medium, after all – in the end the vast majority of them simply aren’t that great, and are destined to be forgotten.
Lev Grossman
There’s nothing in my background that would have said I was destined to be a senior politician.
Nicola Sturgeon
In Hungary all native music, in its origin, is divided naturally into melody destined for song or melody for the dance.
Franz Liszt
Everything is destined, I believe… People you meet and end up marrying.
Neena Gupta
I saw Roland Barthes’s ‘Mourning Diary’ at a bookshop, and I felt it was like I was destined to see the book. I read it all in one go while I was in the shop. The book was mind-blowing.
Go Ah-sung
A country which does not create children is destined to die.
Matteo Salvini
But I don’t think I was ever destined to be a big star.
Chris Elliott
I think God destined that I play. I think it’s all in the books already.
Michelle Wie
I was destined to work with dying patients. I had no choice when I encountered my first AIDS patient. I felt called to travel some 250,000 miles each year to hold workshops that helped people cope with the most painful aspects of life, death and the transition between the two.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
A child is born into a family that he/she does not choose, but is destined to be born in. And that child follows that particular family/society’s traditions. Most of which is important and perhaps, are ought to be followed.
Shweta Basu Prasad
They let me do my diploma from home, but I always knew I was destined to do something creative, so I didn’t care.
Lil Peep
From the day I arrived, I could see City's project was

From the day I arrived, I could see City’s project was destined to be a success and the club would grow – but I didn’t think it would be quite so fast.
Growing up with three older brothers, I was destined to be a tomboy.
Eva Marie