Top 165 Involvement Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Involvement Quotes from famous people such as John Hillcoat, Dean Koontz, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Ed Davey, Paresh Rawal, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Bands are actively seeking more film involvement - beca

Bands are actively seeking more film involvement – because the days of recording albums and MTV and even touring, to some extent, are gone.
John Hillcoat
Readers will stay with an author, no matter what the variations in style and genre, as long as they get that sense of story, of character, of empathetic involvement.
Dean Koontz
I have suggested that Brazilian enterprises invest in Uruguay and Paraguay. These are small economies, so some things can be produced in these countries that will give them greater and more equitable involvement in the Mercosur game.
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
A credible and effective response to climate change – which protects future generations from an unacceptable level of risk – needs the involvement of all countries.
Ed Davey
I am an actor first and foremost. Even without my involvement in politics, I was staying away from sub-standard work.
Paresh Rawal
People need to be peppered or even outraged occasionally. Our national comedy and drama is packed with earthy familiarity and honest vulgarity. Clean vulgarity can be very shocking and that, in my view, gives greater involvement.
Kenneth Williams
I’m afraid you’re gonna have to see more American military involvement in order to keep ISIS from spreading even further.
Mitt Romney
What people really want in the theater is fantasy involvement and not reality involvement.
Edward Albee
As a solo performer, it’s total involvement. What I do is to break down the wall between audience and performer.
Taj Mahal
I personally approve all the shoes that go into production, and I have a level of involvement with the factories that other people don’t have.
Edgardo Osorio
I never seen no shootin’. I only know what I heard and what I read. I had no involvement.
Suge Knight
The reason why the entire world sits up and watches World Cup football is the intensity of involvement with which people are playing a game: just kicking a ball around, but with such skill and involvement that it is like the last thing they are going to do in their life.
Jaggi Vasudev
My involvement in fashion is not at the highest artistic level.
Dasha Zhukova
By having a direct stake and involvement with the process of plants growing, of having your hands in the soil and tending it carefully and with love, your world and everyone’s else’s world too, becomes a better place.
Monty Don
We just believe when you have parental involvement, we are going to get a better bang for the buck, so to speak. And we also encourage parents to speak with their young people about the importance of safe driving. And also remind them, too, they cannot be distracted.
Jesse White
Most critical histories of U.S. involvement in Iran rightly began with the joint British-U.S. coup against democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953, which installed Pahlavi on the Peacock Throne. But it was Kissinger who, in 1972, greatly deepened the relationship between Washington and Tehran.
Greg Grandin
I am not someone who tends to advocate for increased government involvement in the private sector.
Frederick W. Smith
Family involvement is a valuable thing and playing together actively can be the ’90s version of it. Instead of just watching, you can do it together… something we don’t spend enough time on. We can motivate and excite each other about fitness.
Alan Thicke
We moan and groan all the time about a lack of involvement of young people. But they have taught me a lot about what moves them.
Maxine Waters
The work itself has a complete circle of meaning and counterpoint. And without your involvement as a viewer, there is no story.
Anish Kapoor
The Tories will do everything they can to squash anything threatening to them and I think the involvement of young people in politics is threatening to them and we just don’t really care.
Grace Chatto
My involvement in the Simpson criminal trial was a personal matter and did not involve Movie Tunes, its distributors or exhibitors.
Robert Kardashian
I’ve written some standalone novels, but a book series allows fans in. There’s much more intense involvement.
George R. R. Martin
I love children, and most of my involvement now has to do with children or youth programs.
David Dinkins
There is much in the result of John Chilcot’s seven-year inquiry into the decision-making that led to Britain’s involvement in the 2003 invasion of Iraq that can be cited to excuse headlines that refer to his findings as ‘scathing’ and ‘damning.’
Terry Glavin
Berry Gordy is a music legend, and we all know that, but I don’t think Berry gets enough credit for his involvement with the civil rights movement.
Brandon Victor Dixon
The director I had most involvement with was Alex Rockwell. He gave me a lot of responsibility as an actor.
Steve Buscemi
While I am a fervent believer in free markets and limited government, there are rare instances in which government involvement is necessary.
Steve Largent
I would wish for more British involvement in Europe, not less.
Wolfgang Schauble
I am not opposed to video gambling as long as it is properly regulated and regulators are diligent about keeping bad actors from having any involvement with the industry.
Lori Lightfoot
The only solution to the violence problem in America is a return to traditional parental involvement. This should be encouraged by every elected official. Also, the abandonment and neglect of children by their parents should have civil consequences.
Bill O’Reilly
I recognized that teaching and research institutions vi

I recognized that teaching and research institutions vitally depend on the involvement of active scientists also in management functions.
Richard Ernst
I really want women to know their power, to value their experience. To understand that nothing has been more wholesome in the political process than the increased involvement of women.
Nancy Pelosi
Racism is not first and foremost a skin problem. It is a sin problem. See, when you believe that racism is a skin problem, you can take three hundred years of slavery, court decisions, marches, and the federal government involvement and still not get it fixed right.
Tony Evans
‘War on terror’ is a misnomer. It would be like calling America’s involvement in World War II a ‘war on kamikazism.’ Terrorism, like kamikazism, is a tactic.
Dinesh D’Souza
I see my job simply as helping disseminate the message of Barack Obama, working with the communications team to make sure that we’re true to the ideals and the values and the programs that he wants to advance in this country. And that’s the extent of my involvement.
David Axelrod
I don’t think you can ever tell the story of Ted Turner’s involvement in professional wrestling-slash-sports entertainment without devoting several chapters to the rise and continued ascent of Sting.
Paul Heyman
There is no racial or ethnic involvement in Thanksgiving, and people who may be very distant from the Christian system can see the beauty and the positive spirit that comes from the holiday.
John Clayton
I didn’t make a decision not to be married and not to be a mother – life just turned out like that because my involvement in acting was so total.
Patricia Routledge
An Atheist believes that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An atheist believes that deed must be done instead of prayer said. An atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty vanished, war eliminated.
Madalyn Murray O’Hair
I’m for the DREAM Act. It makes so much sense. Following the implementation of the DREAM Act, we’ll have a case study we can point to where we can say that we provided a path to citizenship or legal involvement in the community for these young immigrants, and the sky didn’t fall.
Beto O’Rourke
From watching the news one would think the Iraqis want us out of their country. But an overwhelming majority of Iraqis support our involvement there. Our freedom is contagious and we helped liberate them.
Jim Bunning
At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.
Jane D. Hull
I love being down at Occupy Wall Street. The sincerity, the youth involvement, the desire for better, is palpable and moving. There is true caring, sharing, and refreshingly naive hope.
Elayne Boosler
My work has taken me from historical research to involvement in electronic publishing ventures to the directorship of the Harvard University Libraries.
Robert Darnton
I’ve scaled back my involvement with Twitter; it’s too easy to get dragged into an argument.
Charlie Brooker
The only time I’ve ever felt like I needed to measure my activity and involvement in holding people accountable for being violent on social media is when I think about the things that I might lose for saying something. That’s the only time I end up thinking about it.
Indya Moore
It’s my job to motivate the audience to believe. I have to get them to suspend their judgment in favor of involvement.
Sydney Pollack
I’m not necessarily opposed to greater American involvement. But if that’s the way the Mexican government wants to go, it needs to come clean about it. Just look at what we learned from Iraq. Secrecy led to malfeasance. It led to corrupt contracting.
Denise Dresser
A good basic selling idea, involvement and relevancy, of course, are as important as ever, but in the advertising din of today, unless you make yourself noticed and believed, you ain’t got nothin’.
Leo Burnett
I speak passionately. I drive passionately. If I hit a ball, I will do it passionately, too. Because I don’t understand how you go through life without involvement. Whatever I am doing in my life, whether big or small, I am 100 per cent involved.
Jaggi Vasudev
No, like I said, my dad was never really part of the tennis. His involvement around what I did with the tennis and with my mom and my grandparents was really not a part of my life.
Jimmy Connors
Democracy is the only system capable of reflecting the humanist premise of equilibrium or balance. The key to its secret is the involvement of the citizen.
John Ralston Saul
With the birth of my first child and my involvement with my first husband, I basically stopped lying. I just didn’t want to lie anymore, because it reduces the stature of the person you’re lying to.
Cybill Shepherd
Every situation has qualities. Essentially, we quantify them and that’s the practical side of our lives, so the involvement with perception and in acquiring the perception is our ability to understand qualities. They exist only as long as a human being keeps them in play. They’re – Therefore they are akin to energy.
Robert Irwin
The Tea Party has definitely increased political involvement, not only among Tea Party members but among people who oppose the Tea Party members. It’s been a general stimulus.
P. J. O’Rourke
Regardless of President Trump’s involvement, the unredacted portions of Mueller’s report make it clear – Russia carried out a coordinated campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election and undermine our democracy.
Lucy McBath
Mobilize your friends and neighbors to understand that your day-to-day involvement with local government matters far more than a referendum on the White House every four years.
Michelle Wu
As I’ve stated prior, I have no concerns with a grand juror sharing their thoughts or opinions about me and my office’s involvement in the matter involving the death of Ms. Breonna Taylor. However, I have concerns with a grand juror seeking to make anonymous and unlimited disclosures about the grand jury proceedings.
Daniel Cameron
In the theater, there’s an emphasis on the singular voice. You know, it’s your play. And in television, there’s so much institutional involvement. So you end up having to negotiate with a lot of people, and that provides a kind of wear and tear on the spirit.
Theresa Rebeck
And we ought to work our diplomacy first and I think it’s a reason it’s going to respond increasingly to our diplomacy particularly with the president’s direct involvement in the peace process, and I think that’s extraordinarily important.
Frank Carlucci
In Buffalo, you can’t imagine how much people revere Fred Jackson because of his high character, his community involvement, coming from a Division III school.
Marv Levy
What we have ignored is what citizens can do and the im

What we have ignored is what citizens can do and the importance of real involvement of the people involved – versus just having somebody in Washington make a rule.
Elinor Ostrom
With independent film, as an actor, you have more involvement – it’s very much more connected. It’s not just like I’m showing up and there’s another actor on the call sheet; you’re very attached to it.
Alia Shawkat
My involvement with Guantanamo began as vice chief of staff.
Jack Keane
Every film has its ups and downs. Each time it seems like pushing a boat over a mountain. I worked on ‘The Lovely Bones’ for five years before my involvement fell apart.
Lynne Ramsay
An excessive amount of my time is taken with political involvement. It’s unavoidable; that’s my temperament.
Wole Soyinka
Community involvement is second nature to me. I’ve been doing it since high school.
Andre Drummond
The rise of civic society is not a negation of politics, but marks an opportunity for the involvement of the people.
Ko Wen-je
I think a photograph, of whatever it might be – a landscape, a person – requires personal involvement. That means knowing your subject, not just snapping at what’s in front of you.
Frans Lanting
The Dark Side of the Moon is a fine album with a textural and conceptual richness that not only invites, but demands involvement. There is a certain grandeur.
Alan Parsons
I’m not against government involvement in times of need. I am for recognizing that big public companies will continue to cut jobs in an effort to prop up stock prices, which in turn stimulates the need for more government involvement.
Mark Cuban
Religious beliefs have played a vital role in forming America’s character as well as my own. I was raised as a Lutheran, and I believe in God and consider my faith and involvement with organized religion to be an important part of who I am.
Gary Johnson
Silicon Valley’s involvement with Washington dates from one event, which was John Scully – who was the CEO of Apple – had dinner with President Clinton and Vice President Gore in 1993. And we’re all going, like, ‘What’s going on? Why would we have dinner with the president?’
Eric Schmidt
My time on the set is the least of my involvement. Most of my time is in pre-production and post-production.
Charlie Kaufman
The purpose of the mission must be thoroughly understood beforehand, and the men must be inspired with a sense of personal dedication that knows no limitations… In an age of high technology and Jedi Knights, we often overlook the need for personal involvement, but we do so at our own risk.
William H. McRaven
Both World War II and the subsequent Cold War gave America’s involvement in world affairs a clear focus. The objectives of foreign policy were relatively easy to define, and they could be imbued with high moral content.
Zbigniew Brzezinski
The Murdoch-owned ‘Sunday Times’ has an appalling history of involvement in illegal activity. And it’s because they’re Sunday papers; they’re trying to get scoops that the dailies haven’t got.
Nick Davies
I have been following the attempt to initiate or revamp federal involvement in the health of Americans since it was a major topic for my high school debating team in 1947.
Sherwin B. Nuland
The involvement of clinicians, researchers, and, most importantly, the thousands of people who have donated DNA samples will help us to correlate genetic variation with individual variation in health and disease and help to deliver on the long-term promise of the Human Genome Project.
Mark Walport
What is attempted in these film is of course a synthesis. But it can be seen by someone who has his feet in both cultures. Someone who will bring to bear on the films involvement and detachment in equal measure.
Satyajit Ray
A sure sign of a soul-based workplace is excitement, enthusiasm, real passion; not manufactured passion, but real involvement. And there’s very little fear.
David Whyte
Increasingly, there’s much better material on television, but there’s not always the time and money to make it, so you’ve got to make sure you make it in the right place. It also depends on time commitment; a lot of directors will make a pilot, but a series is just a whole other level of involvement.
Cary Fukunaga
As far as the community involvement is concerned, I don’t necessarily think that being a babyface or being a heel really affects that because, at the end of the day, people know that we’re entertainers. We’re very forward about that.
Kofi Kingston
Some people are just self-motivated – my husband was. I also believe there are many children for whom parental involvement is key.
Amy Chua
Close to 80 percent of all terrorist activity in Samaria was directed and financed either by Hizbullah or the Iranians. Iran continues to increase its involvement in terror attacks inside Israel, particularly through a small but radical minority of Israeli Arabs which Iran supports and directs.
Ariel Sharon
I know nothing about producing TV drama and any involvement on my part is liable to prove an obstacle to the producers, so I prefer to be a cheerleader and let them get on with it.
Bernard Cornwell
The Way teaches that people outside the cult are evil – of the Devil. In line with that belief, the members tried to alienate me from my family, to whom I am very close, and from my friends. So I just drifted away. In seeing my three-month involvement as ‘just a phase,’ my parents were lucky rather than wise.
Michael O’Keefe
So we had life, death, illness, everything – every emotional involvement we had, we experienced. And I think that made what we had to do on stage, stronger. We got very much involved in what we were doing.
Tom Bosley
We can’t, nor should we try, to influence who our employees vote for, but facilitating their involvement in civic action is better for business, better for our people, and better for our government institutions.
Richard Edelman
Childhood obesity is best tackled at home through improved parental involvement, increased physical exercise, better diet and restraint from eating.
Bob Filner
I feel we just assume all fathers who no longer have involvement in their children’s lives is through choice. I know, first hand, this is absolutely not the case.
Stacey Solomon
Putting out a debut album is a bit scary – I want it to be just right, so I took some extra time to finish it. Eminem’s increased involvement has been such a blessing; I’m getting guidance from an artist I really admire and trust.
Skylar Grey
My career is one of people involvement. I'm a promoter

My career is one of people involvement. I’m a promoter of the people, by the people, for the people. My magic lies, my people ties, this is what I want to do. I’m in it to win, I cant give in, I can’t give up and I cant quit. Victory is mine. Working together works.
Don King
I think that together the church has learned a lot, and as we know from our own oversight board, the involvement of our wonderful lay leaders has been a real grace.
Roger Mahony
First and foremost, my involvement within the Olympic pursuit and Games were obviously surrounded by only putting the absolute best nutrients into my body.
Apolo Ohno
One of the things that I miss the most about cricket and batting in particular is that meditation of cricket, that involvement of myself – mind, body and spirit – to delivering that one specific process, which is to execute a cricket shot. It is a beautiful feeling; it is very hard to replicate.
Matthew Hayden
I’ve been involved in motorsports from the commercial point of view for many years with my involvement with DTM and managing other businesses, such as a rally business as well where we are collaborating with Red Bull.
Toto Wolff
My involvement in the political arena is to make sure there’s a place for culture.
Yo-Yo Ma
I find it so funny how people that don’t write the music, and have no involvement in it, can make such huge decisions on behalf of artists.
Cher Lloyd
Saturday afternoon is the hardest thing. I can go out and watch games, but I’m constantly on my phone looking at results: what score is this, what score is that. You have no real involvement, but you’re obsessed with it.
Paul Scholes
I majored in political science, and my concentration was U.S. involvement in Latin America in the 20th century.
Sebastian Arcelus
That balance between involvement and detachment is what novelists do. It’s the ideal relationship between a novelist and a character, I think, total involvement and identity and empathy, stopping short of being autobiographical – in my case, anyway – but also quite detached.
Pat Barker
Charles Wang, owner of the New York Islanders, serves as something of a cautionary tale in terms of how heavy owner involvement can sink a franchise.
Don Yaeger
The science doesn’t prove Common Core’s effective. So I guess what I mean is science is an essential part of any decision-making process, and so is public involvement. And in the long-term, you lose legitimacy and power if you don’t directly engage with the public.
Zephyr Teachout
I don’t believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute. The idea that the church can have no influence or no involvement in the operation of the state is absolutely antithetical to the objectives and vision of our country.
Rick Santorum
The extent of my political involvement is that I’m a registered voter – Republican.
Shelly Burch
One of the best ways to stop the failed policies coming out of Congress is to bring in the ideas and the involvement of the American people, which the America Speaking Out project is designed to do.
Peter Roskam
That childhood passion and involvement and being really submerged in something, that’s the kind of state I’m looking for all the time – and preserving that sense of magical possibility and wonder that children have. I think, for artists, if you can stay connected to that, then you are in a good place.
Max Richter
After I sold my screenplay adaptation of ‘Rain Fall’ to Sony Pictures, I had no more creative involvement.
Barry Eisler
I really like involvement with an audience.
Anderson Cooper
I am a doctor – it’s a profession that may be considered a special mission, a devotion. It calls for involvement, respect and willingness to help all other people.
Ewa Kopacz
Politics has become very corporate. There’s a whole farm system for the teams. There’s decisions made at the top. There’s a lot of literal corporate involvement, PAC money involved in selecting and backing candidates.
Beto O’Rourke
No matter the evidence or the experience, the Conservative party has been allergic to direct state involvement in running our railways.
Andrew Adonis, Baron Adonis
In due course, following an additional debriefing, the FBI confirmed to me and to my former counsel, Tom Carter, that I was not a suspect in this case. I assumed that my involvement in the investigation was over.
Steven Hatfill
The American people deserve answers about Benghazi before we move forward with military involvement in Syria’s civil war.
Jeff Duncan
The civil rights movement was based on faith. Many of us who were participants in this movement saw our involvement as an extension of our faith. We saw ourselves doing the work of the Almighty. Segregation and racial discrimination were not in keeping with our faith, so we had to do something.
John Lewis
I have been so inspired by the Special Olympics athletes that I have been so fortunate to meet, and I am excited to continue my involvement in the Special Olympics Movement.
Hannah Teter
Tonight, I concurred with President Bush when he stated that the decisions on future involvement of U.S. troops in Iraq should be left to the Pentagon and not politicians in Washington.
Howard Coble
I can’t imagine myself outside any kind of social or political involvement.
Jose Saramago
Religiosity turns out to be the best indicator of civic involvement: it’s more accurate than education, age, income, gender or race.
Jonathan Sacks
I think the funds that have been pledged at Euro Summit, combined with the outcome of the private sector involvement process should be sufficient in order to support financially the Greek Economy.
Lucas Papademos
Just as the development of earth art and installation art stemmed from the idea of taking art out of the galleries, the basis of my involvement with public art is a continuation of wall drawings.
Sol LeWitt
In the remaining months, we should focus on achieving more robust international involvement in training of Iraqi soldiers, police officers, judges, teachers, and doctors – all key elements needed to end the sectarian and civil conflict and build Iraq’s future.
John Olver
I did a game at Atari Research called 'Excalibur' about

I did a game at Atari Research called ‘Excalibur’ about the Arthurian legends. At the time, it was very, very complicated, very involved and so forth and actually still looks better than some of the modern games in terms of its richness and involvement.
Chris Crawford
I shall confess at the outset that it was only shortly after the beginning of this century that I entered active life – with a somewhat precocious capacity for involvement.
Rene Cassin
I believe that the artist’s involvement in the capitalist structure is disadvantageous to the artist and forces him to produce objects in order to live.
Sol LeWitt
It’s really important that young women be reminded that their involvement matters and that their voice is heard. Even if it feels like it’s small, it really can make an impact.
Meghan Markle
In our excessive involvement in the affairs of other countries, we are not only living off our assets and denying our own people the proper enjoyment of their resources; we are also denying the world the example of a free society enjoying its freedom to the fullest.
J. William Fulbright
But without the experience of actually singing or playing these things yourself, you don’t have the same kind of involvement or understanding of what these musical moves mean. And that is a very big problem in addressing the future of music.
Michael Tilson Thomas
What we have ignored is what citizens can do and the importance of real involvement of the people versus just having somebody in Washington make a rule.
Elinor Ostrom
I had felt for some time that audience involvement with a film should begin with its first frame.
Saul Bass
I can see quite clearly that if there was a single event that launched me on the road to ultimate involvement at the heart of South African politics, it was an assault on an African woman by her white employer in a kitchen in Fort Hare.
Oliver Tambo
Part of my growing up was always trying to make my parents proud and always trying to keep them happy. I think part of what held them together was my involvement in sports.
Jeff Garcia
For sheer creativity and totality of involvement, ‘Rolf’s Cartoon Club’ with HTV in Bristol was an amazing show to work on, but I think the ‘Rolf on Art’ series, culminating in the painting of the Queen’s portrait to celebrate her 80th birthday, just nudges into the favourite spot.
Rolf Harris
The real mechanism for corporate governance is the active involvement of the owners.
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
The Louvre for me is a wonderful experience. Because it continues; it didn’t get cut off. It was actually a continuous involvement all the way, and a lot of people have come and gone, come and gone; but I’m still here.
I. M. Pei
I love being involved with Brainfeeder. I would have never thought that it would have been such an intense involvement.
The reality is that we are hated not because of our democracy, freedoms, and generous social security system; rather, we are hated because of our involvement in foreign conflicts and quarrels that were never our concern.
Amir Butler
I was valedictorian of my class until I switched to a neighboring high school, but I maintained the grades and involvement. Switching schools was tough.
Taylor Louderman
In all, we investigated, I think, close to 50 rumors about offers to kill Dr. King around the country. But we found no evidence to support rumors of FBI involvement in the assassination.
Louis Stokes
Money does not buy anyone the right to tell Israel what to do, but long-term involvement, dialogue, and care demand that we must listen.
Ofra Strauss
We never worked in Russia. We never worked for Russia. I want to be careful, but I don’t think we have any Russian employees in our company whatsoever. We just don’t have business in Russia. We have no involvement with Russia, never have done.
Alexander Nix
Crowd involvement plays a huge part in the performance of a professional wrestler. The only thing I do not want to hear when I am in the ring is the sound of indifference.
Ethan Carter III
One can’t deny what has happened to us in the past. The secret is to enjoy and be proud of the music we’ve created and the people with whom we have been linked. It’s all a long chain of involvement in the world, and we are proud to be yet another link in this chain.
Graham Nash
My passion for service came from my parents, and my community involvement began at a very young age, when I volunteered with the local Chamber of Commerce in Lowell, MA to help revitalize our city.
James Costos
I did theatre when I was nine, I think. Nine and ten, and that was just the beginning of my whole involvement in acting, my whole interest. I don’t really remember it that well. But it was really fun. I mean, it was exciting just to be on stage in front of an audience. It gives you a different kind of rush.
Amanda Seyfried
Despite my involvement in difficult and sometimes controversial questions I have received consistent support from the people of Ashfield. They have recognised that it is necessary to take difficult decisions, that newspapers do not always report fairly or accurately.
Geoff Hoon
If you’re writing a screenplay for a feature, you don’t have any involvement with the casting process, the editing process, the set design, the costume design, or any of that stuff.
David Benioff
Without the wholehearted involvement of farmers, particularly of young as well as women farmers, it will be impossible to implement a Food Entitlements Act in an era of increasing price volatility in the international market.
M. S. Swaminathan
In the early stages of our involvement in Vietnam, basically I felt that our course was right. My concern grew with the concern of the American people.
Walter Cronkite
The federal government must retreat from its hyperactive involvement in areas traditionally under states’ authority and refuse future temptations to regulate and legislate on every issue that happens to come to mind.
Scott Pruitt
My involvement with the USFL began in the broadcast booth before I ever coached a game in the league.
Lee Corso
My work, my love of words, became my refuge, both when I was working on bilingual dictionaries for Oxford University Press and then via my involvement with ‘Countdown’ – and now ‘Catsdown,’ as I call it.
Susie Dent
Terrorism, too, must be excised wherever it exists, which will take years, and which can’t happen without the total commitment and the everyday involvement of the American people.
David Hackworth
Also, with information having just come out at the time

Also, with information having just come out at the time about J. Edgar Hoover’s electronic surveillance of Dr. King, it gave greater weight to the statements of those persons who were alleging involvement of the FBI.
Louis Stokes
The difference with football is you’re out on the pitch, you feel as though you can do something about it, or score a goal. But when that horse goes down to post as an owner you have no involvement whatsoever. It’s a lonely old place in the stand. It’s just down to man and beast.
Michael Owen
The only newspaper in our house when I was growing up was the Daily Mail, and we would never have dreamt of discussing politics around the dinner table. So my involvement in politics came about through activism.
Caroline Lucas
No one can be a yogi, maintaining a state of mental equilibrium, free from inner involvement in planned desireful activities, unless he has renounced identification with his ego and its unsatisfiable lust for the fruits of actions.
Paramahansa Yogananda
Slavery is nothing to joke about. The history of this nation’s involvement with slavery is nothing to pass off in a joke.
Douglas Wilder
The challenge for Muslims in America is to respect the fears of ordinary people while resisting the exploitation of those fears by political parties, lobbies and sectors of the media. To meet this challenge, Muslims must reassess their own involvement, behavior and contributions in American society.
Tariq Ramadan
The fact that we walked away from the Middle East, as distasteful as it was for us to stay involved and prevent wars, based on our long involvement there, we have helped to create and provide a foundation. Obviously for ISIS and also for the absolute barbarianism and human catastrophe that Assad impacted on his people.
Jack Keane
My involvement in politics was always to be the prankster and show the silliness of the situation.
Vermin Supreme
The difference between involvement and commitment is like ham and eggs. The chicken is involved; the pig is committed.
Martina Navratilova
No one ever really talks about the punk-rock involvement in hip-hop, which influenced Afrika Bambaata.