Top 235 Sending Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Sending Quotes from famous people such as Edward Rutherfurd, James Blunt, Shirley Eaton, Henry Spencer, Ernest Istook, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I first considered writing 'New York' in 1991. I'd been

I first considered writing ‘New York’ in 1991. I’d been in the city for a decade, was married to an American wife, and sending my children to New York schools. I was even on the board of a coop building. But I wasn’t sure how to organize such complex material, and for many years I put the project aside.
Edward Rutherfurd
I think it’s always worth remembering that people sending off mean tweets are probably pretty lonely people.
James Blunt
I don’t even want to be on Twitter. I think it’s abhorrent, people sending messages to say they’re doing the washing-up or whatever.
Shirley Eaton
Is manned space exploration important? Yes – not least because it simply works much better than sending robots.
Henry Spencer
America has global trade with plenty of nations that provide inexpensive labor, but it’s better for us when they’re in our own hemisphere, rather than sending that business halfway around the world.
Ernest Istook
I spent a lot of my childhood saying goodbye because I went to boarding school. I didn’t resent my parents for sending me there so young as I understood the limitations of the education system in Africa, where we lived at the time.
Chris de Burgh
I don’t know about the 2026 World Cup. But I would love to see Anirudh Thapa sending a cross to Jhingan and I would love to watch it from the stands.
Sunil Chhetri
In 1976 the Toxic Substances Control Act was passed, sending the EPA on a 30-year-plus odyssey chasing down the chemical industry in a fruitless quest for responsibility.
Suzy Shuster
President Chavez has always been a loyal friend of Gaddafi, assassinated in the crudest way possible. Europe should think about the bombings and the destruction of Libya that filled the country with terrorists. Who’s truly ruling Libya’s military and sending thousands of armed men to fight in Syria? It’s Al Qaeda.
Nicolas Maduro
Sending genuine refugees to face persecution in order to dissuade others from seeking to come here is plainly illegal.
Sajid Javid
The people who are sending our men and women in uniform into conflict need to understand that there are some things worth fighting for, but also understand the high cost of war.
MJ Hegar
I am utterly opposed to all equivocation or obscure expressions in our public acts. We are bound to say plainly what we mean to say. If we mean negotiation and compromise, let us say it distinctly and plainly instead of sending to the President a resolution on which he may put whatever interpretation he pleases.
John C. Calhoun
Sending our young men and women into battle is perhaps the most serious course of action a Nation can undertake.
Bennie Thompson
I’d been sending out demos and CDs for years. I knew my stuff was good enough, but I was getting nowhere. Then, three people – my future manager and two publishers – happened to send one of my tracks to EMI publishing in the same week. All of a sudden, they were interested!
Calvin Harris
My job is to form the people, the story, the sentences. Every reader will bring their own life and their own history to the story and shape it accordingly. I guess you can say it’s like I am sending them a letter.
Amy Bloom
I remember, when we were starting Tinder, we were like, ‘We’re going to be the next Instagram!’ I remember sending my parents emails being like, ‘We got 300 members!’
Whitney Wolfe Herd
Mothers are always sending me pictures of their daughters.
Albert II, Prince of Monaco
There are a lot of companies – not just Sony and Kodak – that have spent a lot of money trying to make the quality of the digital images comparable with film. But when you’re sending these things over the Internet, they don’t have to be high quality.
Clayton M. Christensen
Don’t assume your child is weak. If you, the parent, assume that they can’t take anymore, what kind of signal are you sending them?
Amy Chua
Everybody is watching you every minute anyways. If they think the message you’re sending out is phony, they’re going to say, ‘Who does he think he is?’ It’s again good business. But it is also an obligation.
James Sinegal
Economists report that a college education adds many thousands of dollars to a man’s lifetime income – which he then spends sending his son to college.
Bill Vaughan
When I grew up, we didn’t have a TV, and I think more families today have ambitions of getting out of their environment, such as sending their children to university.
Robert Winston
I talked my parents into sending me to Roedean at 16. I had this idea that if I could get into Cambridge, then I could join Footlights. My problem was that I went to a comprehensive in Brighton. I thought I’d have to start from a good school, and the best I could think of was Roedean.
Lucy Griffiths
I was extraordinarily lucky. I wrote a book because I wanted to see if I could write a mystery. Someone nagged me into sending it to a contest, which it won, after which I was offered a two-book contract, thus requiring the writing of a second book.
Donna Leon
I’ve paid attention to guys growin’ up like Richard Pryor or Paul Mooney. The message that they were sending with what they did was so much bigger than them.
For me, I spend an hour sitting down, sending off e-mails and text messages to everyone in my contacts list – guys I played with, guys I work with, friends, relatives, and neighbors. I just fire off something quick that says I love you, I’m thinking about you, and if you need anything, you call me.
Mark Schlereth
The companies sending Alabama-made products to markets across the world are not just large, multinational companies, but also small and medium-sized companies located in communities across the state.
Kay Ivey
It wasn’t until I was 26 or 25 when I started sending work out to magazines.
Anthony Doerr
The biggest technical challenge to sending astronauts on farther and longer missions is biomedical: How do we keep them healthy?
Leroy Chiao
My parents spent an awful lot of money sending me to the best possible schools, and I came out of my exams and thought, ‘I don’t really want to do a degree.’ I did philosophy with the Jesuits for about a year, and then I joined a bank. While I was there, I saw an ad in an Irish paper for radio announcers.
Terry Wogan
The universe is always speaking to us… sending us little messages, causing coincidences and serendipities, reminding us to stop, to look around, to believe in something else, something more.
Nancy Thayer
Compare sending someone a text message and getting a lo

Compare sending someone a text message and getting a love letter delivered by carrier pigeon. No contest.
Bryan Callen
My parents separated when I was nine, but my father was always around, and he still follows me now. He is always sending me messages.
Luis Suarez
I do believe in sending positive messages. I am a Christian, so I do believe in a lot of positive messages.
Quinton Aaron
We’ll keep sending more and more conservatives to Washington, and we’ll eventually get these bills passed. But don’t be afraid to pass good, strong, conservative legislation.
John Fleming
If it hadn’t been for the Cold War, neither Russia nor America would have been sending people into space.
James Lovelock
Average Americans are going to win this, not me. And not just your organization, not just the providers of health care, but the American people are going to cause this to happen. But they have to keep sending those cards and letters.
Charlie Norwood
I love sending flowers! It’s the best.
Phoebe Robinson
My dad and my brother took me over to England a few times to train with various clubs. My brother basically ended up sending a CD to a few clubs of me playing football. That seems like a long time ago now, but it ended up signing for Reading.
Gylfi Sigurdsson
For Virgin Galactic’s customers, it is transportation to the most amazing experience of their lives. I very much look forward to sending some Scots into space.
David Mackay
The czar was always sending us commands – you shall not do this and you shall not do that – till there was very little left that we might do, except pay tribute and die.
Mary Antin
People are fed up with the career politicians who created this mess or failed to prevent it and neither was acceptable, and the only way we could change that was by sending a different type of person to Washington.
Ted Yoho
I started my modelling career by sending my pictures to American Apparel and eventually meeting my friend Petra Collins, who started shooting me for magazines around New York. I ended up signing a modelling contract with Wilhelmina Models a couple of years later.
Barbie Ferreira
The people that you see winning in life are just knocking on more doors. They’re just sending more messages. They’re just sending more resumes. They’re just calling more people. That is what makes you win.
Jay Shetty
The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that the first one was useless.
Nicolas Chamfort
I don’t want to smoke on screen, as I will be sending a wrong message to my fans, and I appeal to my costars too, to avoid smoking scenes if possible.
Mahesh Babu
I look at the artistic process as like experiencing the world, channeling it through your personality and sending it back out there. That’s the process.
David Sanborn
Rendition is just sending people abroad to be tortured.
Noam Chomsky
For me, to do a reality show is like sending myself to actor’s graveyard. I feel like I should wait and create my own projects… do independent movies before I would have to go and do reality shows. Or produce one and come up with one on my own!
Tamala Jones
‘Middle class’ used to mean having two children and sending them to high-quality public schools, or even occasionally to private schools. It meant new brown Stride Rite Mary Janes with little purple and silver flowers when the old shoes were pinching the toes.
Alissa Quart
You can’t pay for healthcare if we’re sending a trillion dollars a year to dictators.
Brian Schweitzer
I get a lot of email, so if you’re sending me an email, if you want to rise above the clutter, put something on it: say, ‘Hey!’
Robert Scoble
I have countless fake accounts on social media sending me hate and it’s hard to discern how many people are actually involved.
Zoe Quinn
The adult way to run a business is to run it more like a country. They have disputes, yet they’ve actually been able to have huge trade with each other. They’re not sending bombs at each other.
Eric Schmidt
To me, it felt that if I give up my name, I am also sending a message to my children, saying my name was not important enough as your father’s; I am not as important as your father. That is a message we are passing down generation after generation without realising.
Twinkle Khanna
Take the time to match your application to the company and the role you’re applying for. Even if it means you’re sending out fewer applications overall, I think that can be really powerful.
Kathryn Minshew
I am sending a memo to every man in the world: just because you make an effort with your wardrobe doesn’t make you a wuss.
Tan France
Sending a container from Shanghai to Le Havre emits fewer greenhouse gases than the truck that takes the container on to Lyon.
Rose George
I’m aware that beyond my own need to find a personal balance, I should be sending a signal to society as women’s minister about the importance of work-life balance.
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem
I kept sending out stories and getting rejected.
Janet Fitch
Vetting and verifying information is one thing. Having our government sending out conflicting messages to the American people when conflict can be avoided is another.
Vito Fossella
Rich countries have been sending aid to poor countries for the last 60 years. And, by and large, this has failed.
Iqbal Quadir
Of one thing I am certain: we are foolish if we think w

Of one thing I am certain: we are foolish if we think we will achieve change by sending the same crowd of people back to run our government again and again.
Carlos Beruff
I had to sit down and promise the kids I would no longer have any spray tans. My husband started sending me the carrot emoji.
Mel Giedroyc
Years ago, when I was making music, I was sending it off to radio stations and getting told it was ‘too urban.’ But what else am I supposed to make?
Big Narstie
The Jews did not go into darkness all at once. It was a gradual work, until they could not discern the gift of God in sending his Son.
Ellen G. White
Everybody that played a part in sending me to death row, you will answer to God.
Anthony Ray Hinton
I believe my business and non-profit investments are much more beneficial to societal well-being than sending more money to Washington.
Charles Koch
The danger of the Internet is cocooning with the like-minded online – of sending an email or Twitter and confusing that with action – while the real corporate and military and government centers of power go right on.
Gloria Steinem
One of my graduate school professors, to whom I started sending poems when I started writing again after a 10-year hiatus, suggested I prepare a book manuscript which he could send to publishers for me.
Marilyn Nelson
There is clearly a constituency that appreciates the message that Google is sending, that it finds the Chinese government’s attitude to the Internet and censorship unacceptable.
Rebecca MacKinnon
Was not a breakup, you know – is just going three different ways and sending the music in three different directions. Was just that my inspiration was growing, and my cup filled and runneth over… One man grow mango, another grow pear.
Peter Tosh
In Japan, I focus mostly on sending messages through Twitter, trying to spread my minority way of thinking.
Takashi Murakami
I’m just sending a message to women that you can be anything you want to be.
Eve Torres
Elsevier operates by racket: if you do not send money, you will not read any papers. On my website, any person can read as many papers as they want for free, and sending donations is their free will. Why Elsevier cannot work like this, I wonder?
Alexandra Elbakyan
I have a lot of fans who are in the prison system, where ramen noodles are a kind of staple. Prisoners are always sending me recipes.
Chuck Palahniuk
News reporting is a cycle: No matter how much you work at sending a message, it’s only successful if it’s received.
Jessica Savitch
Sending your child off to school for the first time in their life is terrifying.
Arabella Weir
When models started getting skinnier in the nineties and were becoming sick-looking, I didn’t get it! I think that’s sending a totally wrong message.
Paul Marciano
The issue of remittances where we have millions of Mexicans working in the United States sending back dollars. He said they send back 10 billion dollars a year.
Tom Tancredo
I have serious concerns about whether it’s prudent to give any foreign country substantial leverage over the U.S. economy. Instead of spending $80 billion on important programs here at home, we’re sending this money overseas just to pay interest on our debt.
Tim Johnson
I’m at the age most people are sending their kids off to college.
Laura Lippman
We have to ask, ‘How can we break a huge challenge like sending humans to Mars into a series of doable, affordable steps? How can we break that problem down into chunks in order to keep making progress?’
Ellen Stofan
In recent years, we have been sending a clear, consistent signal about the harms of drugs, particularly marijuana, which for most young people is the first illegal drug that they are exposed to.
John Walters
Being president isn’t anything like reality TV. It’s not about sending insulting tweets or making fiery speeches; it’s about whether or not the candidate can handle the awesome responsibility of leading this country.
Michelle Obama
Jewelry and pins have been worn throughout history as symbols of power, sending messages. Interestingly enough, it was mostly men who wore the jewelry in various times, and obviously crowns were part of signals that were being sent throughout history by people of rank.
Madeleine Albright
Ideally, I’m also sending a message that everything passes, even hope, and sometimes you have to be patient while you wait for it to come back around again.
Heather Donahue
At about 17, I decided I wanted to take kiteboarding seriously and compete, so my agents were like, ‘Just keep sending in a few audition tapes anyway, just for good stuff.’
Maika Monroe
What I would argue in my defence is that shows like ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ and ‘The X Factor’ have actually got people more interested in music again and are sending more people into record stores.
Simon Cowell
With the passage of the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, we are sending a loud and clear message – we must reject all forms of anti-Asian discrimination and hate.
Alex Padilla
A lot of people get very misty-eyed about celluloid. When I think of the time that’s wasted in sending it back to the lab and having it developed and brought back, it would make me insane. I love getting my hands on the stuff immediately. That doesn’t work for everybody. It just works for me.
Steven Soderbergh
I’m not saying stealing a girl is okay at any cost, but the message I’m sending out is that if you love someone, you ought to be able to tell her that you do and she has the right to know what her options are.
Kashmira Shah
Through your individual leadership, millions of gun owners across the nation made their voices heard sending an unmistakable message: stop President Barack Obama’s destruction of our liberty and restore our Constitution.
Wayne LaPierre
My ma is from County Clare, so she's a Munster fan, so

My ma is from County Clare, so she’s a Munster fan, so she keeps sending me Munster jerseys all the time, trying to convert me to Munster.
Mint is designed to put your finances on auto-pilot. Whether you log in or not, it will send you a weekly summary of your balances and biggest purchases, and how your investments and budgets are doing, along with sending you alerts on unusual spending and low balances.
Aaron Patzer
I certainly think that the publishing houses have to learn more about this informal network of literary blogging and get over the idea that sending an author on a book tour – to Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles – is a successful model anymore.
Jay McInerney
I get so nervous on stage I can’t help but talk. I try. I try telling my brain: stop sending words to the mouth. But I get nervous and turn into my grandma. Behind the eyes it’s pure fear. I find it difficult to believe I’m going to be able to deliver.
The idea that you could send agricultural products to Tokyo and Osaka and not pay tariffs, and you would have to pay tariffs sending them to Manchester, is quite hard to fathom in the modern world.
Leo Varadkar
No American should live in fear of going to work or sending their kids to school. Let’s end the fear. Let’s enforce existing gun laws.
Charles B. Rangel
About forty miles away from Paris, I began to see the old trench flares they were sending up at Le Bourget. I knew then I had made it, and as I approached the field with all its lights, it was a simple matter to circle once and then pick a spot sufficiently far away from the crowd to land O.K.
Charles Lindbergh
A lot of the times, I don’t have anything interesting to say, so on Twitter, people are constantly sending me sketches they’ve done of Hook, so if somebody’s taken the time to do that, that’s what I retweet and stuff.
Colin O’Donoghue
I have long been fond of comparing Workday strategy to the process of sending a rocket to the moon.
Aneel Bhusri
If my own country is subverting the rule of law and sending its own citizens, its military, into harm’s way on the basis of lies and propaganda, I would argue that being a patriot is calling out those lies and saying, ‘No, you don’t send our military into harm’s way with no legal justification.’
Katharine Gun
If I have learned anything, it is to keep my wife happy by sending her lavish gifts. Other men can learn from my success and send their wives and girlfriends fresh flowers for birthdays, anniversaries, and of course, Valentine’s Day.
Don Rickles
One of the things I’m proudest of is, on my record ‘That Was the Year that Was’ in 1965, I made a joke about spending $20 billion sending some clown to the moon. I was against the manned space program then, and I’m even more against it now, that whole waste of money.
Tom Lehrer
I’m endlessly putting myself on tapes for things over in America! I’m always sitting at home, learning lines, sending stuff to America.
Arthur Darvill
We create refugees, and then our Democratic Party, together with the Republicans, who are also a party to this, are criminalizing them and sending them back, inhumanely.
Jill Stein
In 1993, Israel and North Korea were moving towards an agreement in which North Korea would stop sending any missiles or military technology to the Middle East and Israel would recognize that country. President Clinton intervened and blocked it.
Noam Chomsky
We’re not getting involved in terms of sending ground forces into Libya. Let’s be clear about that. And indeed the UN Resolution forbids that. It says no foreign occupation of any part of Libya.
William Hague
The difference between a stranger sending you a message that you might be interested in at a very low volume level, no repetition, just sending it to very few people, and that being done as spam – those things get close enough that you want to be careful never to filter out something that’s legitimate.
Bill Gates
There is no question at all that Manson was sending Tex, Sadie, Katie, and Linda out on his mission of murder.
Vincent Bugliosi
So just make films and put them on the internet and promote them by sending links to different animation/film blogs. I think that’s a solid first step towards being a show maker.
Pendleton Ward
I’m convinced that sending people to Mars is so expensive that if you go once and bring the people back and then go again and bring the people back, we’re eventually going to run out of money. But what if we send people the first time and they don’t come back? What if they stay there?
Buzz Aldrin
I submit that those who run the American military at the top, and those whose boots are on the ground and who run the machinery and equipment, are sending a signal: You asked us to do something. Give us some time and we will solve the problems and we will do it.
Pete Domenici
Bent Literary Agency had a Q&A on Twitter, and I took a chance and asked if the Black Lives Matter movement was an appropriate topic for a YA novel. Brooks Sherman, who is now my agent, responded that he didn’t think any topics were inappropriate for YA. I remember being so terrified even just sending the tweet.
Angie Thomas
If we are ever going to rescue our nation from selfish entitlement, political correctness, and collectivism, we must start sending citizen-statesman warriors to fight for us in Washington, and I believe Col. Maness will do just that.
Tim Kennedy
I believe both parties are sending the wrong kind of people to Washington, D.C.
Elizabeth Emken
It was memorable the first time ‘The New Yorker’ bought a cartoon from me. I had been sending them batches for years every week, and they didn’t respond to them.
Bruce Eric Kaplan
In Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, the government in a matter of years has put a lot of energy behind recycling food waste as livestock feed. It’s environmentally friendly, it provides cheap livestock feed for the farmers in those parts of the world, and it avoids sending the food waste to landfill.
Tristram Stuart
I think today that it is essential that the Rwandan tribunal continues to prosecute efficiently. And if the U.N. fails to do that, it is sending entirely the wrong message to people who are in the position to complete these atrocities again.
Tony Greig
We watch our sons go to war, disagree with the rationale for sending them, loathe the men who ordered them to battle, and then, when the veterans come home, beg and plead with the local V.A. to ensure they have access to proper care.
J. D. Vance
The United States should not frame its policy options in terms of doing nothing or unilaterally sending in the Marines.
Samantha Power
Dictatorships do cut down on rape, and pillage, not to mention sexual harassment, by the simple expedient of sending people to labour camps for life or cutting off their hands without a trial.
Barbara Amiel
We live in a time when fictitious election results elect a fictitious president. We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons.
Michael Moore
There is tension all over the country. The party in Ben

There is tension all over the country. The party in Bengal has done substantial work. They have eliminated a few officers. The Englishmen are terrified. As a result, they have started sending their families to Britain. After some time, they will realise that they cannot exercise authority over India.
Bhagat Singh
A lot of the time, you need to find the right home for ideas. You know, sometimes you think ‘oh this’d be a sitcom, oh, no it wouldn’t, it’d be a drama, or an educational thing, or a doco or something.’ I’ve got loads of ideas and you just have to keep sending them and pitching them.
Bill Bailey
But I think I made the right move to leave Chelsea behind. They kept sending me on loan to get more experience.
Patrick van Aanholt
I’ve got a friend who went to jail in 2004 just before my first album came out. I’m on TV, and they’re inside, looking at me like I’m 50 Cent. They think I’m killing it, earning mad dough every day. I’m sending him trainers and that, but it’s not enough, because he thinks I should be doing more.
In the beginning of Roomba, we all took turns answering the support line. Once, a woman called and explained that her robot had a defective motor. I said, ‘Send it back. We’ll send you a new one.’ She said, ‘No – I’m not sending you Rosie.’
Colin Angle
I hope I never have to face that feeling of missing and sending my country or team out of a competition.
Alan Shearer
If you don’t want the world to see something you’re sending, stop and think before you put it out there.
Drew Pinsky
The practical case for manned spacef light gets ever-weaker with each advance in robots and miniaturisation – indeed, as a scientist or practical man, I see little purpose in sending people into space at all. But as a human being, I’m an enthusiast for manned missions.
Martin Rees
In the corporate world, there is no ground more fertile for appearing smart than the rich earth that is electronic communication. Your email writing, sending and ignoring skills are just as important as your nodding skills, and even more important than your copying and pasting skills.
Sarah Cooper
What I most want you to understand is that your body is continuously and convincingly sending messages to your brain, and you get to control the content of those messages.
Amy Cuddy
It was still quite light out of doors, but inside with the curtains drawn and the smouldering fire sending out a dim, uncertain glow, the room was full of deep shadows.
Kate Chopin
I will venture to say that sending a probe to the center of the earth will be more difficult than putting a man on the moon or sending a spaceship to Mars.
Thomas Frey
Mine is the first generation able to contemplate the possibility that we may live our entire lives without going to war or sending our children to war.
Tony Blair
PayPal, which was founded in 1998, may be the closest thing to a global currency that has ever been created. Based in San Jose, California, the company operates in 190 markets, sending and receiving payments in 24 currencies on behalf of 90 million active members.
Daniel Lyons
What are the two biggest things online? Selfies and emojis. We’re combining them. Instead of sending some character that means nothing with a hat – what if it was your face doing something? Me-moji.
Howie Mandel
From day one, my quest has been to ensure the world knows Alabama is open for business. By removing burdensome regulations on small businesses we are sending that signal loud and clear.
Kay Ivey
My mother became mentally unwell with schizophrenia when I was in my teens… We couldn’t watch television because she thought the people on TV were sending her messages. She thought there were hidden cameras everywhere, so we had to have the curtains drawn.
Cornelia Parker
Getting plenty of sleep is always great. It really is. I have a girlfriend who’s sending me a slant board.
Bernadette Peters
We did some research that showed that the very first word of your message that you send a girl – when we looked at men sending messages to women – the very first word can have a tremendous… can have a very accurate prediction of whether you’re going to get a reply.
Sam Yagan
I was sending off my plays almost like an 8-year-old would send letters to Santa Claus. So it was a bit of a miracle when the Blank Theatre Company actually called and selected a terrible little play that I wrote.
Stephen Karam
Purposefully exposing young people to increased risks of major brain problems – even death – for sport is surely even more ethically complicated than sending young people into this same neurological danger zone as soldiers.
Alice Dreger
Send it to someone who can publish it. And if they won’t publish it, send it to someone else who can publish it! And keep sending it! Of course, if no one will publish it, at that point you might want to think about doing something other than writing.
Robert B. Parker
Now you can get on Facebook and read an article, ’10 Ways You Are Ruining Your Child Forever.’ I’m sure it’s making us better parents in some ways, but in other ways, it is sending us all a little crazy.
Liane Moriarty
In a way, you might say that David Duke is the son of Willie Horton. Duke is more overt, of course, but he’s really just pushing the same buttons and sending the same coded messages that the Horton ads did so effectively for the Bush campaign last year.
Judd Rose
I’m simply saying that there are advantages in sending a skilled diplomat who can always say, ‘I’ll get back to you on that, Mr. Minister’.
Theodore C. Sorensen
Reading the text of my blog itself is not really the interesting part. The exciting part is how the Internet allows me to be the eyes and ears for the people sending me postings from Africa.
Ethan Zuckerman
Sending our youth to war is wrong.
Michael Berryman
I’ll tell you what I love. Sending back bottles of wine that aren’t right in restaurants in France! Whoa! I love the French, but I do find their wine snobbery something unbearable.
Rod Stewart
I’d been trying to do this since I was 15, sending out the demo tapes and doing all the things that everyone told me that I should be doing. But no deal – like, never.
Beth Hart
When you start thinking about taking pictures, sending an e-mail, receiving an e-mail, speaking into your phone and have it transcript voice into text and then sent as an e-mail, it’s mind-boggling.
Steve Largent
They’ve gone to great length to disguise the fact that I’m not in the band, even sending out a photo to promoters with my picture in it which then winds up in some of the ads on the flyers.
Jello Biafra
I like the idea of sending my Aquazurra girls out with

I like the idea of sending my Aquazurra girls out with a lucky charm under their feet.
Edgardo Osorio
I want to ensure that I’m sending the right messages and that I’m empowering others, and doing things that feel like they’re in line with my values.
Tessa Virtue
Type ‘What is th’ and faster than you can find the ‘e’ Google is sending choices back at you: ‘What is the cloud?’ ‘What is the mean?’ ‘What is the American dream?’ ‘What is the illuminati?’ Google is trying to read your mind. Only it’s not your mind. It’s the World Brain.
James Gleick
If we ever head down the American path of banning certain books or turning the editorial process into one of censorship, we will risk turning teens off books and sending them elsewhere – to their X-Boxes, for instance. To the Internet. And they won’t ever come back to books.
Matt Haig
Tweeting is like sending out cool telegrams to your friends once a week.
Tom Hanks
The call to rein in globalization reflects a belief that it has eliminated jobs in the West, sending them East and South. But the biggest threat to traditional jobs is not Chinese or Mexican; it is a robot.
Angus Deaton
If I can make someone laugh while sending a message, that’s the best lesson.
Josh Blue
With parody, you’re referencing and sending up a particular genre, and mostly your material is going to be taken out of that genre.
Marlon Wayans
I’m like an actor who obnoxiously says he doesn’t watch his own TV show. It is extremely rare for me to read my own comics and have asked publishers to please stop sending them to me.
Christopher Priest
There’s a window in my life which is football. I try to remember that it’s not going to be there forever. That’s why staying humble is important; knowing who I am and the message I’m sending out. I always try to be a person first, before I’m No. 55 on the football field.
Junior Seau
Tales of cheating on school and college tests are rife. There have been instances where teachers have given students test answers in order to make themselves look good on their performance reviews. Mentors who should be teaching the opposite are sending a message that lying and cheating are acceptable.
Pamela Meyer
Sending a message on a mobile phone is not the most natural of ways to communicate. The keypad isn’t linguistically sensible.
David Crystal
We have already seen Iran sending spoofed emails, designed to intimated voters, incite social unrest and damage President Trump.
John Ratcliffe
There are people walking around the streets of Kansas City who are unemployed, while one of our largest employers is not only sending jobs aboard, but then turning around and making a statement about preserving jobs.
Emanuel Cleaver
We were a Western civilisation, an English speaking civilisation, both NZ and Australia, and we had all these influences coming from both Great Britain and America to us; sending us their culture in the shape and form of movies and television.
Richard O’Brien
Sending a couple of guys to the Moon and bringing them back safely? That’s a stunt! That’s not historic.
Buzz Aldrin
I actually really suck at naming books, so lots of years ago, readers were sending in their ideas for titles, and what we realized is that they were smarter than us. So we thought, Hey, go for it. So now we have a contest every year.
Janet Evanovich
I am optimistic about the Philippine future. Yes, the momentum is there. We have to compete in industry and tourism; we’re still weak in industry. We’re good in BPOs and sending workers abroad… I think the future looks good, unless there’s a big recession in the world.
John Gokongwei
The journalistic and political classes are very eager to borrow the cultural authority of comedians when it suits them, sending out gala invitations and posing for photos in hopes that a bit of that edgy satirical shine will rub off on them.
Adam Conover
I am not striking any note. I am just putting the facts before the people, that it is the Pakistan Army which is spreading terror in India, sending terrorists to Punjab, and I won’t stand for it.
Amarinder Singh
If I’m sending emails, and I get all wound up and stressed and don’t know what to do with myself for 20 minutes, I just go soak in hot water and lie there, thinking, ‘What should I do?’ So it’s meditative.
Tom Ford
There was no question of ever sending us to Jewish schools… They wanted us out there. They wanted us to be lawyers and doctors. They wanted us out of the religious thing, apart from that ethnic bonding.
Howard Jacobson
Releasing an album on a major label is like sending a package through Fed Ex. You know that it’ll get there, and you know that it’ll get there on time.
Everything we do in the digital realm – from surfing the Web to sending an e-mail to conducting a credit card transaction to, yes, making a phone call – creates a data trail. And if that trail exists, chances are someone is using it – or will be soon enough.
Douglas Rushkoff
Unfortunately, in Korea, I feel like some people are just seeing the dollar signs and sending out artists into the foreign markets who aren’t fully prepared.
After I got this job at the syndicate, I started sending them money so they could go on trips and do the things they could never afford to do. All the while, I never knew that my mother was socking money away.
Lynn Johnston
A lot of sites offer free postage over a certain amount and are pretty cool with you sending stuff back, if you do it within a particular time frame. However, occasionally some sites don’t accept returns on vintage items, so make sure you know that before you spend your cash.
Dawn O’Porter
In America, everyone writes but no one reads. Everyone’s writing all day long – sending emails, tweets, text messages; they all think they’re James Cameron’s Avatar, performing in some video game for which they make up the script.
Gary Shteyngart
A lot of people are thanking me for standing up, but I don’t want to be the only one standing up. Our political leaders are important. But I don’t see anyone hunting down these guys setting refugee camps on fire or sending them to jail.
Til Schweiger
I oppose the spending of trillions in Iraq and Afghanistan, I strongly oppose Islamic extremism but don’t believe that sending troops to die in two unwinnable wars makes sense.
Roger Stone
Making something and sending it out into the world and then people not only responding to it but adopting it for their own and making a separate thing for it, that’s beautiful. It just shows you how much you can affect other people… the butterfly effect of everything you put out into the world.
Marketa Irglova
Back in the days of Apollo, sending humans to the moon

Back in the days of Apollo, sending humans to the moon was the only viable way to get the scientific data we wanted. But now, with our computer and robotics technology, there’s very little an astronaut can do on Mars that a well-designed rover can’t.
Andy Weir
I was very naive, and I thought it was just a matter of writing my first book and sending it in, and for the rest of my life I would be writing books and collecting royalties. Nobody told me how hard it was going to be to get published.
Jerry Spinelli
Any beings advanced enough to traverse interstellar distances are at least a thousand years beyond our technical level. Spending gobs of time examining our missiles is equivalent to sending the Air Force back to the Middle Ages and insisting they examine the chain mail factories.
Seth Shostak
When it comes to sending my children to college, I want the best education. It’s the only thing I’m really leaving them – a good education.
Sloan Wilson
I wasn’t really interested in doing anything except going from pilot season to pilot season and sowing my oats in the months between and telling my agency to stop sending me movie scripts, because they’d pile up in my house and make me feel guilty because I had to read them.
Jason Bateman
If you here require a practical rule of me, I will present you with this: ‘Whenever you feel an impulse to perpetrate a piece of exceptionally fine writing, obey it – whole-heartedly – and delete it before sending your manuscript to press.’
Arthur Quiller-Couch
A basic rule of life for reporters is that you should spend your time talking with and learning about people who are not sending you press releases, rather than those who are.
James Fallows
You will die but the carbon will not; its career does not end with you. It will return to the soil, and there a plant may take it up again in time, sending it once more on a cycle of plant and animal life.
Jacob Bronowski
I didn’t want there to be a computer on stage. When I see people with computers on stage, I think, ‘Are you sending e-mail?’ That’s so corny.
Pat Metheny
Why on earth do we keep sending bozos like Michael Bennet back to Washington when they fail to get anything done?
Robert Blaha
I went to Ft Bragg and learned that Delta was indeed gearing up for the rescue. Still I was concerned the Reagan staff would not be willing to take the risk of sending an official military force into Laos.
Bo Gritz
Missions is not about sending missionaries, and missions is not about doing missions. Missions is about the communication of truth to men.
Paul Washer
I took a detour to France in my senior year in high school. So that’s part of what ended up sending me, actually, to Middlebury because I went to school with people who were more from the Northeast.
Parker Harris
Just look at the messages today’s media are sending everybody, from TV and commercials to actors and singers. Kids are just drowning in that 24-7 and it’s getting really bad.
Evan Rachel Wood
Let’s not spend resources that we don’t need to be sending astronauts back to the moon. Let’s not spend expensive resources on bringing people who have reached Mars back again. Prepare them to become a growing colony.
Buzz Aldrin
Robert Kirkman can’t bear it when I wear flip-flops. He takes pictures of my flip-flops and keeps sending them to me, like, ‘What are you doing? Rick Grimes is not a flip-flop kind of guy.’
Andrew Lincoln
I never really enjoyed getting a portfolio together then sending it out; whereas, putting up the website is quite an enjoyable experience. The net’s just a much faster and more modern way to distribute things, and you have to embrace it.
Anton Corbijn
We need to be smarter than our smart phones and realize the people we are with are more important than the people we aren’t with, and way more important than the strangers we hope will tweet and like and share and Instagram whatever we’re sending out into the cybersphere.
Regina Brett
The military people don’t like it; the government probably doesn’t like it, but the people should know what they’re sending their young people into when they permit their governments to declare war and engage in war.
Walter Cronkite
We believe that electricity exists, because the electric company keeps sending us bills for it, but we cannot figure out how it travels inside wires.
Dave Barry
The Grime guys have kind of rewritten the blueprint for people as far as creativity, songwriting, ownership, doing your own videos… So they’re sending out a real positive message I think to people, that you can do it yourself in a punk way, and you can still potentially be successful and get to people.
Richard Ashcroft
Adidas have been my pals for years. I might have been skint these past few years but I might also have been naked if they’d not kept sending me the freebies.
Shaun Ryder
Drive through a yellow light, and you may be ticketed thanks to a camera tied onto a pole. Everybody’s watching everything. And then sending it out to the world via email.
Bill O’Reilly
Is it true that the American people are war-weary? Absolutely. We are tired of sending our sons and daughters to distant lands year after year after year, to give their lives trying to transform foreign nations.
Ted Cruz
I know I’m not creating transcendent works that will someday be taught in college. All I do is entertain. I try to entertain others by sending them into another world for a few hours. When I see my books read on the beach, the pages dabbed with suntan lotion, then I feel as if I’ve done my job.
Sandra Brown
I had to turn off my Twitter notifications for a while as I got a small minority of people sending me some abusive tweets.
Danny Ings
The letters that say ‘I’m getting the messages you’re sending me through the television screen’ are not great. But those are few and far between, thank God. I get wonderful letters, and people send me artwork.
Stephen Colbert
The reason why I’m sending my super-intellectual 12-year old kid to tech school is because I don’t believe he would succeed in this world unless he first learned to work with his hands.
Casey Neistat
Advice to beginning SF writers? Write a lot, finish what you write, and when it’s done, keep sending it out for quite awhile.
Rudy Rucker
We use the block chain to share value, just like Internet protocol lets us share communication. Our goal is to build a global, international bank that is instant, global, and free. Sending payments should be as easy as sending an email.
Jeremy Allaire
The real truth is that the Obama administration is professional at bullying, as we have witnessed with ACORN at work during the presidential campaign. It seems to me they are sending down their bullies to create fist fights among average American citizens who don’t want a government-run health care plan forced upon them.
Jon Voight
Listening is more important than anything else because

Listening is more important than anything else because that’s what music is. Somebody is playing something and you’re receiving it. It is sending and receiving.
Carla Bley
The power that religion has is that you think nothing is random: If there’s a tragedy in my life, that’s God testing me or sending me a message.
Dan Brown
I’m a person who does not like to journal; I don’t like to sit down and write… I don’t even like sending emails.
Tituss Burgess
I was doing research on the Mormon handcart tragedy when I came across information about Brigham Young sending out missions to the Indians in 1855.
David Roberts
Enough of these little kitty cats we keep sending to Washington. David Dewhurst will compromise every day in the U.S. Senate… It’s what he’s done every day in state government.
Ted Cruz
Women spend their lives trying to look good for men. So a woman who feels she’s sending the right visual signals is pleased with herself.
Helen Fisher
Since signing with Universal, I have been working closely with Gary Ross, the director, producer and screenwriter. We have spent many hours on the phone, and I’ve been sending him information and items that have been useful to the writing process.
Laura Hillenbrand
I started with the job of sending migrants back home the day lockdown started, and I will not end this task till the last migrant reaches home. We are working day and night to reach out to everyone so that all of them can reunite with their families.
Sonu Sood
‘Skins’ was never about sending a message. It was showing you everything there was and letting you make a decision.
Kaya Scodelario
I take it for what it is, and sometimes the criticism is actually useful and constructive and actually informs what I do, but most of the time, it’s sort of mindless, or they’re receiving something on a different frequency than I was sending it.
Michael Ian Black
Everyone loves to get a letter. I love sending them. I love getting them.
Kate Spade
It is plain that, when it comes to inferior officers, Congress itself can pass a law sending these nominees to the President with him having the authority to put them on the bench without the advice and consent of the Senate.
John Jay Hooker
We have a problem that we have to fix in El Salvador – We have been sending migrants to the United States and elsewhere since the ’80s and now we have almost a quarter of our population living abroad.
Nayib Bukele
If you can make yourself symmetrical, you’re sending out a sign that you’ve got good genes, you’ve got a good upbringing and therefore you’ll make a good mate.
Marcus du Sautoy
Mental communication without verbalization… all space is made up of waves and we are constantly sending and receiving messages from our brain.
Tina Louise
Joe Biden has supported sending Americans to die in wars for 50 years, including the never-ending Iraq War.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
I think God is sending us messages all the time but we get so busy fulfilling our ambitions or in our day-to-day tasks that we forget to connect to God.
Poonam Dhillon
Stop messing around sending me unranked fighters. I want someone ranked, someone that will take me closer to my goal, which is to become champion.
Charles Oliveira