Top 265 Isolated Quotes

I feel liberated as a woman, in the way I live my life. However, it’s not always reflected in the world around me. So I feel privileged but also isolated.
Konkona Sen Sharma
I went from the glamour of working with Karl Lagerfeld and John Galliano to living on an isolated hilltop, with my husband gone most of the time.
Liberty Ross
Isolated and unincorporated, North Gulfport lacked a basic infrastructure: flooding and contaminated drinking water were frequent problems. Although finally incorporated in 1994 – not long after the arrival of the first casino – many of North Gulfport’s streets still lack curbs, sidewalks, and gutters.
Natasha Trethewey
For so much of my young life, I’d felt lonely, isolated, cut off from like-minded people. I yearned for human connections and relationships with the sort of people I knew only from books and movies, a lifeline into some other, richer world.
Kim Brooks
We are less than honest and commit a grave error if we insist that what happened to Rodney G. King was isolated and an exceptional case. The poor know better.
Greg Boyle
For more than fifty years, Americans and Cubans have been isolated from one another even though Cuba is only 90 miles away from Florida.
Ben Rhodes
The existing principle of selfish interest and competition has been carried to its extreme point; and, in its progress, has isolated the heart of man, blunted the edge of his finest sensibilities, and annihilated all his most generous impulses and sympathies.
Frances Wright
I lived in buses. I didn’t really have anything else. I didn’t feel like a female, and I ended up really kind of isolated. Everybody thinks you’re so happy and so wealthy and such a big star, but you’re really kind of lonely and don’t know how to stop it.
Dolores O’Riordan
In the post-Watergate atmosphere of 1975 and 1976, the just-plain-folks personalities of both Ford and Carter seemed the perfect antidote to Nixon’s arrogant, isolated presidency. But as alert history-minded readers know, Ford and Carter were both rebuffed by voters in their efforts to hold on to the presidency.
Jeff Greenfield
All I claimed was that when a drastic change occurs, it occurs in a relatively small and isolated population.
Ernst Mayr