Top 310 Dumb Quotes

People only go by looks. If you have big breasts it doe

People only go by looks. If you have big breasts it doesn’t mean that you are dumb.
Motsi Mabuse
If I played golf, I’d be on the golf course every day, but I just can’t wear those dumb pants.
Elvis Duran
I really can’t complain about actresses who get paid to be dumb. Most of us can’t get paid to be smart.
Aaron Allston
The movie Spinal Tap rocked my world. It’s for rock what The Sound of Music was for hills. They really nailed how dumb rock can be.
Jack Black
I’m from Hollywood; I’m too dumb to be nervous about New York.
Yvonne De Carlo
Did you ever stop to think why cops are always famous for being dumb? Simple. Because they don’t have to be anything else.
Orson Welles
I certainly don’t dumb down the way I dress.
Karen Katz
You don’t have to dumb down – you just have to find a clever, good, secure man. I’ve found a couple – I’ve been lucky – but it’s probably hard for everybody to find that true love of a good man.
Kimora Lee Simmons
In my industry, everybody wants to know everything about you, and it’s just dumb. I think the only way of maintaining some of that mystique is by not giving away too much about yourself. It has served me well so far. I never want to feel up for grabs.
Miranda Richardson
Everything was my fault. I was so dumb. But if I hadn’t made the mistakes I made, I wouldn’t have met the wonderful woman I’ve been married to for over 30 years, so I guess that makes the mistakes OK.
Donald Sutherland
If I were to publicly give away my secrets, I’d be dumb. I am an intelligent woman who is focused on the prize.
Peyton Royce
You know, people think you have to be dumb to skip rope for 45 minutes. No, you have to be able to imagine something else. While you’re skipping rope, you have to be able to see something else.
John Irving
Your ideas and the things that you do are dumb and stupid and make no sense – until you start getting recognized and making money. Then you’re a genius.
Consultants have credibility because they are not dumb enough to work at your company.
Scott Adams
I can’t impress people with the pedigree of obscure French filmmakers that got me into film. It was Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg. I really thought I wanted to make dumb action movies.
Doug Liman
People don’t realise how dyslexia affects your confidence and how brutal it can be. People think you’re dumb, and you know you’re not. it’s just how your brain works.
Kaya Scodelario
She said ‘I’m by commission. You don’t have to pay anything until you sell anything.’ I said, ‘Well fine. You want to be my agent and not make anything.’ I thought, ‘Boy, is she dumb.’
Amy Tan
I actually feel most at home when I find people who make me feel really dumb, who are brilliant at their particular things. And then I gather these people, put them in a room, and watch incredible things come out of it.
Mick Ebeling
Learning essential stuff is as much a discipline as going to the gym or sticking to a diet, and an excellent antidote for the modern condition of being numb and dumb.
Ben Fountain
I’m not going to normally get hired to play those emotional things, and I’m capable of it. I was raised by a single mother in Iowa – I’m just trapped in a big, dumb body.
Jason Momoa
Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill.
Barbara W. Tuchman
Marilyn was a great actress, not a dumb blond bombshell. She was very smart, very astute and a good businesswoman.
Lawrence Schiller
I don’t think women are dumb.
John Updike
I’m not doing anything dumb; I’m not getting in trouble.
Glenn Gronkowski
Women are smart in business and dumb in love. They won’t date outside their zip code, let alone outside the city. They are city snobs.
Patti Stanger
I tend to hang out with my friends in Los Angeles from high school. We know each other from back in the day. They still see me as just dumb Tyra. We have a strong bond.
Tyra Banks
I don’t see the point of Twitter, so I write a lot of stuff to mess with people. But because I used to do dumb things on the court, people think I’m dumb in regular life. But once people meet me, they feel dumb themselves.
JaVale McGee
First of all, we love football. We want to be on the football field as much as we can be. If we can be out there, it may be stupid, it may be dumb, call me dumb and stupid then, because that’s what… I want to be on the football field.
Brian Urlacher
I think people have a different image of me because, you know, they portray me with the idea that models are stupid and dumb; like, ‘She can just be a model because she can just be a model – she’s dumb and she can’t do anything else.’
Gisele Bundchen
For it would have been better that man should have been born dumb, nay, void of all reason, rather than that he should employ the gifts of Providence to the destruction of his neighbor.
My closest friends are the ones who tell me that I’m being dumb or that I’m being wrong.
Cole Sprouse
With the exception of the New York Times, Fox news, and

With the exception of the New York Times, Fox news, and Lou Dobbs of CNN, and talk radio, the rest of the mainstream media has basically been silenced like a bunch of dumb monkeys.
Curt Weldon
I may be a dumb blonde, but I’m not that blonde.
Patricia Neal
My first band was called Nubert Circus, a very embarrassing, dumb name. It means nothing. We were kind of grunge. I would say we were more funny punk, a lot of songs about food and stuff like that.
Phil Elverum
I hated my childhood. It was loathsome. My parents were deaf and dumb. Profoundly so. They could make noises when they were emotionally aroused, but they couldn’t form it into speech.
Richard Griffiths
It’s well known that many girls have a tendency to dumb down when they’re in middle school.
Sally Ride
I don’t think you need to dumb down to a child, you merely have to be clear, you know?
Mary Chapin Carpenter
What happens when an industry transitions from using one or more ‘smart’ and centralized networks to using a common, decentralized, open, and dumb network? A tsunami of innovation that was pent up for decades is suddenly released.
Andreas Antonopoulos
Too clever is dumb.
Ogden Nash
I am attracted to dumb people.
Jesse Watters
I don’t believe in elitism. I don’t think the audience is this dumb person lower than me. I am the audience.
Quentin Tarantino
I don’t really think it’s appropriate for me to be picking and choosing in the primaries. It’s pretty dumb politics for a Republican to choose between Republicans in a contested primary because obviously you’re going to be offending some people.
John Cornyn
I’m not dumb, I just wasn’t educated.
Michael Oher
My idea of horses is from when I grew up on a farm. They were big, and they were dumb.
Nelsan Ellis
I’m really tall, and I used slouch and think it was really uncool to stand up straight – now I wish I hadn’t been quite so dumb!
Sarah Parish
Actors are dumb when they get insecure of their co-stars. A lot of actors do. When there is a good actor, they’re like, ‘Oh, he’s eating up the part.’ That’s stupid.
Ali Fazal
I’ve always felt like I’m on the outside. I think certain people judge you right away, and I’ve always been acutely sensitive to that. I’m fighting, whether it’s accurate or not, a perception that I get of people thinking I’m dumb.
Bobby Cannavale
People say you have to know when to retire, which is a dumb thing to say. If you want to go out on top, yeah, it becomes important when you quit. But I wasn’t afraid of that. And I wasn’t worried about getting fired. I knew the risk. To me, it’s not an ego thing. I enjoy coaching. I enjoy helping people achieve something.
Tom Landry
I have been primarily interested in how and why ordinary people do unusual things, things that seem alien to their natures. Why do good people sometimes act evil? Why do smart people sometimes do dumb or irrational things?
Philip Zimbardo
No show would be successful if you took a group of people and just said, ‘You’re dumb!’ over and over. That’s not what Broadway’s about.
Trey Parker
Girls have an unfair advantage over men: if they can’t get what they want by being smart, they can get it by being dumb.
Yul Brynner
I find my readers to be very smart, and there is no reason to write dumb.
Amy Bloom
I was shocked when four Arlington girls at a track meet this spring asked me for my autograph. I told them, ‘Don’t think I’m dumb for asking this, but are you serious?’
Jordan Larson
So, I was sitting there and I watched ‘Paranormal Activity’ and I was like, ‘Boy, white people do dumb stuff in movies.’ So I was like, ‘Why don’t they just leave the house… What if paranormal activity happened to a black couple?’
Marlon Wayans
Though the male can be noble in reason and infinite in faculties, he is also easily amused by shiny toys, especially ones that do dumb things on his desk.
Patricia Marx
When I go to auditions, I try to always make sure I go in prepared. I always think to myself, ‘I’m here to provide them with a service. They need me, and if they decide to hire me for this service, I’m going to give them the best they’ve ever paid for and if they don’t, they’re dumb.’ That’s on them.
Tiffany Haddish
I said to my doctor at the beginning, ‘I’m no good; I can’t do anything. I’m dumb.’ He suggested I try educating myself by listening to Boston’s educational TV station. He said I had a perfectly good mind.
Anne Sexton
I was young and dumb back in the ’90s, but I had a lot of fun.
John Daly
For me, it always comes back to the blogger, the author, the designer, the developer. You build software for that core individual person, and then smart organisations adopt it and dumb organisations die.
Matt Mullenweg
If someone gets married at 15, they’re either dumb or pregnant. I was both.
Carlene Carter
I don’t like any one race or look or type of guy. My tastes as far as looks go are very diverse. I like guys with scruffy beards and leather jackets, but I also like a clean-cut ‘GQ’-type guy, so my tastes are very ranged among somebody who laughs at my dumb jokes, too. I have plenty of them.
Sasha Grey