Top 342 Stores Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Stores Quotes from famous people such as Deb Haaland, Anne Murray, Andy Dunn, Paula White, Don McLean, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

SNAP benefits help local economies because the benefits

SNAP benefits help local economies because the benefits are spent at local grocery stores – with locally grown and locally-made products. I remember many years ago, while on food stamps, I advocated for the benefits to be spent at local farmers markets – a move that has helped local economies even more.
Deb Haaland
People who buy my records don’t go into music stores – music stores which are fading before our very eyes.
Anne Murray
At Bonobos, we believe that human beings are tired of shopping in stores.
Andy Dunn
I was always told I was Daddy’s little girl. In fact, we owned toy stores, and I would run in and want to get the latest toy off the shelf. My mom would say no way, and my dad would say, ‘Get whatever you want, baby.’
Paula White
I don’t relate to what’s left of the music business. There doesn’t seem to be any point to it anymore. The business that I grew up in and loved, we made records a different way – there were record companies, there were stores where you could buy albums.
Don McLean
It’s not like Alaska isn’t wilderness – it mostly is. But most Alaskans don’t live in the wild. They live on the edge of the wild in towns with schools and cable TV and stores and dentists and roller rinks sometimes. It’s just like anyplace else, only with mountains and moose.
Tom Bodett
Starting my own business was kind of a wakeup call in a number of different ways. I had to meet a payroll every week, and we had to satisfy customers, and we had competitors that we had to compete with in order to have those customers come into our stores, and we had to compete with other employers for our employees.
John Mackey
Actors wait tables, directors work at video stores.
Joss Whedon
Every year we close 300-400 stores anyway, just relocations.
Jim Cantalupo
I’m Australian, so I love the stores near Crowne Plaza Melbourne, on the banks of the Yarra River.
Jason Day
If you look at coffee, tea, food and juice, we think there are inherent opportunities. If you look at health bars or grab-and-go products that are in our stores, we think we can significantly enhance them and make them more widely available.
Howard Schultz
I grew up in the Bronx. I used to remember going to all these fancy stores in Manhattan to run errands or whatever, and I felt intimidated, like they did not talk to me because I was from the Bronx. I never want anyone to be intimidated by fashion. Fashion is fun or, at least, should be.
Mickey Drexler
People who shop in health food stores never look healthy.
Amy Sedaris
Sam Walton instilled ownership of the products in the stores into the collective consciousness of every associate regardless of what job they did for the company.
Michael Bergdahl
I am a theater girl, and a lot of theater girls dress however pleases them. I wear whatever looks good on me. I wear what I wear because I have been shopping at thrift stores since I was five.
Kirsten Vangsness
I don’t like to go to regular, big stores – I don’t like to wear anything anybody else does.
Charlie Murphy
I think if a Swiss watch can come to the country and have their own corporate stores, a Pakistani actor should come here and do a film here in India.
Radhika Apte
In fashion, we don’t often know the prices. We don’t have time to go into the stores.
Olivier Theyskens
I despise shopping and department stores.
Bethenny Frankel
Earthlings are confused, insecure. And some Earthlings have no heritage: that’s what leads them to kill each other and rob 7-11 stores.
Dick Dale
We need to figure out a ‘harvest system’ to collect the produce that stores don’t put out for customers to buy because it’s not perfect looking. Frankly, the stuff left to rot in the storeroom is more beautiful to me than the perfect carrot. I’m a gnarly carrot kind of guy.
Mario Batali
Thank God we’re living in a country where the sky’s the limit, the stores are open late and you can shop in bed thanks to television.
Joan Rivers
I was drawn to street photography because there are pictures everywhere there: a woman holding a dog, a baby screaming to be put in a pram, kids playing punch ball, stores with huge barrels of kosher pickles outside. I wanted to photograph life, and here it was.
Harold Feinstein
No. I mean those people really did something for designers I don’t think department stores can, could or should do still today. Today the world is different so you have to make it differently. There’s TV. There’s a lot of things.
Karl Lagerfeld
While stores continue to be a very important part of our business, there is no mistaking the fact that the customers’ shopping preference, measured by both traffic and sales, continues to move to a virtual experience.
Richard Hayne
Some grocery stores began using electronic scanners as early as 1976, and the devices have been in general use in American supermarkets for a decade.
Andrew Rosenthal
Apparently, dirt eating is really a ‘real thing,’ and you can actually buy it in some stores and online.
Cynthia Bailey
I always try to scour local vintage shops and antique stores as much as I can while I’m on the road – it’s my version of hunting for buried treasure.
Alison Sudol
I never went shopping. That wasn’t my thing. I grew up horseback riding. That was my passion. I didn’t start shopping until about 16 or 17, when I could drive myself to stores and explore on my own.
Mary-Kate Olsen
When I approach a band, I want to respect them and be respectful of their music. I’m not gonna say, ‘Look, you guys are real hot, so we’ll stick you in the movie, and we’ll get it in all these stores and all these stations.’ That isn’t right.
John Hughes
Politeness and civility are the best capital ever invested in business. Large stores, gilt signs, flaming advertisements, will all prove unavailing if you or your employees treat your patrons abruptly. The truth is, the more kind and liberal a man is, the more generous will be the patronage bestowed upon him.
P. T. Barnum
When I was a kid, I remember the fear of going into big

When I was a kid, I remember the fear of going into big brand stores. You didn’t want to go in because you felt like you couldn’t afford anything.
Jonathan Anderson
I barely can go shopping for clothes. I find it difficult to walk into stores. The whole thing bores me so much.
Paul Auster
As the nation is aware, I have been doing charity movements through the Beautiful Foundation and Beautiful Stores, and carrying out projects to promote hope and governance of our society.
Park Won-soon
I usually don’t go into record stores to buy folk music.
Gary Moore
The stores and the things like that, the business side of things came out at the point when, I’d say probably in the early ’70s, it looked like the year of the singer-songwriter was over, ’cause music changed in our time and the spotlight was out.
Jimmy Buffett
As for genre, my adult books are usually filed under science fiction / fantasy, although some stores put them into romance, and few have stuck them into horror. I consider all my books a mix of steampunk and urban fantasy.
Gail Carriger
Is there not some chosen curse, some hidden thunder in the stores of heaven, red with uncommon wrath, to blast the man who owes his greatness to his country’s ruin!
Joseph Addison
I never think that people die. They just go to department stores.
Andy Warhol
I generally sell my records online or at the show. You can undersell the distributor and the stores, and people know what they’re getting cause they’ve just seen you live.
Roy Ayers
I don’t go to record stores to look at my albums, but it’s always a thrill to see them.
Kara DioGuardi
What I would argue in my defence is that shows like ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ and ‘The X Factor’ have actually got people more interested in music again and are sending more people into record stores.
Simon Cowell
I am at my impulsive best every time I am at airports. I end up buying a lot of stuff, and pamper myself from the duty-free stores.
Shakti Mohan
My friend created an iPhone app that locates Vienna Beef products across the country. Personally, I came hardwired with an internal GPS that instinctively points me toward coffee shops, cupcake stores and the perfect Chicago-style dog, so I find this technology redundant.
Jen Lancaster
I think many men are either time poor or have little interest in going to stores. I love stores.
Nick Wooster
I always want to live long enough to finish the book I’m working on and see it published. But then I start another book before the previous one is in the stores, so I always have a reason to go on.
Phyllis A. Whitney
We have been investing in building a mobile-first selling capability by establishing the Consumer Channels Group to strengthen and align the device-selling motion and to expand our impact with OEM, retail channel partners and our operator channel, and by extending it with our opening of Microsoft Stores.
B. Kevin Turner
Stores don’t order merchandise unless they think they can sell it right away. Manufacturers and builders don’t produce unless they have buyers lined up. My business contacts describe this as a paradigm shift and they believe it’s permanent.
Janet Yellen
Every time I finish in the top 10, I go to the mall. We have a really sick mall here in Palm Beach, Fla., with a lot of high-end stores. I’ll go in there and impulse buy for a couple of hours.
Justin Thomas
Author tours used to have a sense of excitement and pleasure, a sense of occasion. I remember stores having a table with wine and food. It was just a real evening.
Jane Hamilton
You have lines of people outside Apple stores waiting for the latest iPhone, which adds to the hype around new product launch. So scarcity has value not just in its own right, but as a basis for free PR – it can become a story on the nightly news.
John Quelch
Elephants seek food elsewhere if their route is blocked, and raiding crops and grain stores brings them into conflict with people, often resulting in deaths on both sides.
Mark Shand
I am not a person who tries on in the stores. It drives me crazy. So I buy and take back if I don’t like something. I really don’t enjoy being in the dressing room. I rather just try it on in my house.
Jessica Simpson
In America, they have specialist mystery book stores with whole sections devoted to cat mysteries, golf mysteries, quilting mysteries. It’s a hugely broad genre from the darkest noir to tales of a 19th-century vet who solves crimes, thanks to his talking cat.
Mark Billingham
For more than a century, New York City has been home to a constellation of department stores whose openings, closings, and transformations have charted the fortunes and foibles of the city itself.
Christina Binkley
Apple has hundreds of stores around the world that are beautiful, and they have a distribution system and a staff of 40 or 50 people that will help you.
Robert Scoble
Not many stores can boast the unmatched variety that Boots has.
Lolly Adefope
I love a hotel that offers Wi-Fi Internet access, especially if it’s free. But I never access sensitive information, like my bank account or an online shopping site that stores my credit card information, on a public Wi-Fi connection.
Jean Chatzky
In 1974, we began franchising. We didn’t have any big thought process except that, ‘OK, franchising will help us get to our goal of 32 stores and help us run stores farther away from home.’
Fred DeLuca
I bargain even in departmental stores to get special discount on their ‘best prize!’ I mean why should the corporate companies make all the money?
Rupali Ganguly
You go to Main Street, and Wal-Mart is coming to town and kicking out all the mom and pop stores. All the people that were in the mom and pop stores are now working for Wal-Mart.
Dennis Quaid
It defies common sense that stores are fined for selling toy guns to children, but someone who isn’t even allowed to board an airplane in this country can purchase as many real guns he wants with no questions asked.
Carolyn McCarthy
When Ralph Lauren creates a collection of clothes, he's

When Ralph Lauren creates a collection of clothes, he’s not really worried about a single tie or a single shirt or a single belt… he’s creating a movie, and the characters that he casts in his advertisements or the people that work in the stores are the actors in his life.
David Lauren
I’ve tried to shop in stores that have brands that aren’t known or pieces of clothing that aren’t as easy to find.
Shai Gilgeous-Alexander
Whenever I am abroad, I spend hours and hours at video stores. I look for classics from filmmakers from all over the world.
Mani Ratnam
I know all of the antiques stores in Buenos Aires. I’ve been in every one of them, picking things out.
Douglas Tompkins
Wherever I go in the world, I put aside several days to go visit the stores.
Theo Paphitis
When I’m on the road, museums end up being a place I go to in different cities that is always interesting. Museums and independent record stores.
Wyatt Cenac
Customers want to save money and time and have the broadest assortment of items, and we think that by bringing e-commerce and digital capabilities together with the stores, we can do things that a pure e-commerce player can’t.
Doug McMillon
It is true that there comes a time when I do literally dream about McDonald’s. I dream of supermarkets and drug stores, potato chips and the Sunday morning paper.
Dian Fossey
It would be nice to design a real briefcase – you open it up and it’s your computer but it also stores your books.
Steve Wozniak
Chinese people, young people, they don’t go shopping a lot in department stores. All department store guys hate me. They say business is bad because of Jack.
Jack Ma
I love Wal-Mart, and not just because my record is there. You can get some things there that you cannot find at Saks or Bergdorf’s or other upscale stores.
Aretha Franklin
I do love a bit of fashion. I grew up around a lot of it as my mum and dad had clothing stores so my mum was always designing a lot, and I definitely had that as an influence.
Leona Lewis
If no one shopped on Thanksgiving Day, the stores wouldn’t open. End of story. I say we all take the pledge and stay home. Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for what you have, not to save a few dollars to get more.
Regina Brett
My dad was a produce man. He worked in grocery stores for 35 years. My mom just babysat kids and raised us. I have four sisters and one brother. I’m the baby.
Brandon Flowers
Two of our biggest stores are in Dallas NorthPark and Houston Galleria, where the economy and our customers’ business interests are heavily dependent on the oil and gas industry.
Karen Katz
I’ve numerous times heard mothers in stores tell their children not to go near me.
Jason Mantzoukas
I wanted stores that would feel like a comfortable room in my apartment, cozy and colorful and different.
Tory Burch
I grew up with a single mother, and although we didn’t have a lot of money, she cared a great deal about what we ate. We were the original health-food family. We shopped at what were called health-food stores before Whole Foods – everything came from bins.
Mona Simpson
We are going to do extensive market research because it is hard for black women to go into stores and get clothes that fit the way they should.
Linda Johnson Rice
Worldly wealth is the Devil’s bait; and those whose minds feed upon riches recede, in general, from real happiness, in proportion as their stores increase, as the moon, when she is fullest, is farthest from the sun.
Robert Burton
I am something of an aficionado of thrift stores. In my youth, I regularly searched their shelves for old books.
Michael Dirda
You know, we opened a record number of stores last year.
Lee Scott
When I go to a country, I go to flea markets, antique stores. I am always looking for something.
Ursula Andress
I shop only at thrift stores and vintage stores. In New York, I like a place called Star Struck, and a place called The Family Jewels.
Ezra Miller
Today, I marvel at the vegan foods in the supermarket, at the cruelty-free clothing choices in stores, and at the fantastic alternatives to dissection in schools, the modern ways to test medicines without killing rabbits and beagles, the many forms of entertainment involving purely human performers.
Ingrid Newkirk
My father was a small business owner. When I was growing up, he ran a one-hour photo store – back when there were one-hour photo stores.
Randall Park
I still like to go to record stores, I like to just wander around and I’ll buy whatever catches my attention.
Bruce Springsteen
Our goal is to be able to serve our future customers. To do that, we need to build a strong and capable e-commerce business – but also to strengthen what we’re doing in stores.
Doug McMillon
I moved to L.A. and really didn’t dig living there until I found places like Koreatown and Little Tokyo. I really like hanging out in the grocery stores and restaurants.
Patrick Stump
I miss independent record stores very much.
Nick Hornby
On Mallrats, a lot of times they’d have to come find me. I’d be off hanging around. Looking around the stores, hanging out with people. So, he’d have to come find me.
Jason Mewes
I prefer department stores. In boutiques, they come up

I prefer department stores. In boutiques, they come up and ask you if you need help. I can’t get lost in the experience.
Anna Netrebko
If you have company-owned stores, you make 100 percent of the profit from each one, but you have less entrepreneurial spirit.
Fred DeLuca
I welcome Microsoft having a store on Windows; what I’ve always resisted was a push to close down Windows to competing stores.
Tim Sweeney
My desire to curtail undue freedom of speech extends only to such public areas as restaurants, airports, streets, hotel lobbies, parks, and department stores. Verbal exchanges between consenting adults in private are as of little interest to me as they probably are to them.
Fran Lebowitz
I wasn’t a hoarder, but I was on my way. I went to thrift stores and never didn’t buy something. A lot of cat figurines, needlepoint, afghans. Grandma stuff, I suppose.
Perfume Genius
If you’re unhappy with what’s in stores, you can think: ‘I’ll do it myself.’ And you can put your own personality on what you wear.
Esme Young
They went into stores to get food to stay alive. Looting isn’t the right word. I call it survival.
Russel Honore
Experience is going to be even more important than it used to be – people will want to live something when they are in our stores, otherwise they’ll just buy on their phones.
Antoine Arnault
Millions of nerdy kids who grew up in the 1980s could only find the components they needed at local Radio Shacks, and the stores were like a lifeline to a better world where everybody understood computers.
Annalee Newitz
This album means a lot to me, and partnering with Cracker Barrel to have it in their stores is very exciting. I am a big fan of the brand, so it was a natural fit to team up with them to have ‘You Should Be Here’ in its stores nationwide.
Cole Swindell
Sometimes, when I’m just watching TV at home, I cut some aloe vera leaves and use the inside gel part as a mask. It’s incredible how much comes out of every cut – you can just do a little slice. I buy the leaves at health food stores. You can get single whole leaves, and they kind of last you forever.
Stella Maxwell
When I started out, I was more focussed on being creative and wanting to do certain things I hadn’t done before. That’s great if you’re doing fashion as a hobby. But when you want to sell out stores, you need to be very sure of the balance between commerce and art.
Masaba Gupta
My company is an extension of me, so when I designed my stores I wanted people to feel that they were in my home.
Tory Burch
Disruption is in my genes. My father owned one of the first discount toy stores, Duane’s Toyland, in Albany and Schenectady, near where I grew up. Discount was always a huge disruptor – it disrupted Sears Roebuck.
Craig Hatkoff
I am very curvy, so the vintage stores suit me better than most designers. I just can’t seem to give up crisps, or make my boobs shrink for that matter. Alas, I will never fit a size zero.
Marina and the Diamonds
I love to shop, especially in retro stores. I have about a million pairs of old-school sports shoes like Adidas, so that’s probably my biggest vice.
Carrot Top
As goods become more standardized – and mass production has that effect, standardizing product – the distinguishing factor between one store and another is going to be how skillful stores are in satisfying customers and making it a pleasant experience instead of a hostile experience.
Stanley Marcus
I’m a creature of habit, so I like going to boutiques, rather than larger stores, where I know I’ll find something that suits me every time.
Jane Asher
Being a vegan is pretty easy these days, as almost every town and city has health food stores and vegetarian-friendly restaurants.
I’m all about the highs and lows. I’m not a designer that thinks you need to spend a lot of money. You can get the look you want between thrift stores and stores like Ikea and Target.
Bobby Berk
Shopping in the right kind of stores and looking for healthier foods can be a wonderful adventure to health.
Jane Velez-Mitchell
Pet stores just sell their animals.
Booboo Stewart
When I was in my 20s, I started frequenting record stores, and there was one in particular called Tropicalia in Furs in New York City. It’s closed now, but it was one of those magical places where you would walk in, and the owner would start playing you records and not let you leave. It was such an education.
Elijah Wood
When lots of stores compete, the result is a combination of better prices for you, better deals for developers, and more investment in new content and innovation.
Tim Sweeney
I really like looking at what’s new in my favourite designers’ stores, even if I don’t buy anything.
Tavi Gevinson
Book stores drive me insane because I know that I will never be able to read everything I want to in my lifetime.
Max Joseph
But trust me, if I lived in the ’80s, I would definitely be the one going to the record stores.
Julianne Hough
We have a big opportunity in China. We think the number of stores here can rival the number in North America.
Howard Schultz
Walmart has stores in almost every city in North America. When they go to same-day delivery, they don’t have to build warehouses across North America like Amazon has to do. It is so much cheaper for Walmart to use existing stores as distribution centers.
John Layfield
We rent one in three tuxedos in the U.S. and Canada, and if we make a mistake, our employees will deliver to the customer’s home, office, or wedding. We get a couple hundred letters a week praising the service in our stores.
George Zimmer
When Kate Spade New York told me that we would be going to Dubai to celebrate the opening of two stores there, I was so thrilled – Dubai has been a place that I have wanted to visit for quite some time. There was something mysterious about Dubai that I wanted to see for myself so I could draw my own conclusions.
Brad Goreski
Post-9/11, we saw an immediate uptick in the amount of

Post-9/11, we saw an immediate uptick in the amount of people in our stores, all over the country. People wanted that human connection. We are not going to fracture the Starbucks experience.
Howard Schultz
I like Victorian children’s novels extremely a lot. If I would say I collect anything, that’s what I’ll hunt for now and again at old book stores.
Joss Whedon
I think that there are a lot of really beautiful Christmas carols, and then sometimes there are horrible renditions of them that are played to death in malls that make me sad. I try to avoid stores where they’re playing bad versions of Christmas songs on repeat.
Gillian Jacobs
We’ve built our own technology platform in-house, which operates our website and powers our retail stores.
Neil Blumenthal
I shop at thrift stores and consignment shoppes. I wear my clothes as is, and maybe get them dry cleaned whenever possible.
Leon Bridges
I don’t like shopping, so I’ll look online. I like going to the flea market at the Rose Bowl every once in a while. I like the same stores, Opening Ceremony and APC.
Gia Coppola
We shop a lot at garage sales, thrift stores.
Jim Bob Duggar
I could have closed down bits of British Home Stores to make more money but it’s not my style. I want to make my money as a retailer, not by putting people out of work.
Philip Green
I’ve been in grocery stores, and if they’re playing my music, I’ll yell, ‘Hey! I wrote that!’ I’ve been next to cars and have done that!
Diane Warren
When I first saw my line in stores, that’s when it really hit me that there was a consumer on the other end of it all, and they were going to have to spend their own money on it. So there was that initial panic. I remember thinking, what if nobody buys it?
Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss
Luck is in every part of China. Many Chinese stores and restaurants have the word ‘luck’ in their names. The idea is that, just by using the word ‘luck’ in names of things, you can attract more of it. I think that’s true in my life as well. You attract luck because you go after it.
Amy Tan
To see a lot of the smaller labels disappear or get gobbled up by the bigger labels, that’s a shame. It was a bit of a shock at first to see the demise of the record stores.
Phil Collins
I love going to second-hand stores.
Victoria Justice
Even as a kid, if I would come across something cool in the record store, that would be how I found out about bands. It’s kind of the same way these days. In a way even less because there are no record stores to go to anymore.
Scott Ian
I love fashion! I love clothes! I really like vintage clothes, so in my closet there’s a lot of ’50s stuff. I go to the stores and shop around.
Elle Fanning
As a kid, I would always shop for my back-to-school clothes at department stores. I lived in a small town, and department stores were all we had access to.
Britt Robertson
But I’m not crazy about the designers like Prada and Gucci. I hate going into designer stores.
Samantha Mumba
I have memories – but only a fool stores his past in the future.
David Gerrold
Ninety percent of the people who come to my stores have no idea I don’t work with leather.
Stella McCartney
I think that what’s perceived as punk out in shopping malls or in chain stores or on MTV has almost nothing to do with what punk is about.
Jello Biafra
We carry stores of DNA in our nuclei that may have come in, at one time or another, from the fusion of ancestral cells and the linking of ancestral organisms in symbiosis. Our genomes are catalogues of instructions from all kinds of sources in nature, filed for all kinds of contingencies.
Lewis Thomas
I don’t have a good attention span and can’t spend long in record stores or video shops or games emporiums without getting grumpy.
Beth Ditto
When your body absorbs toxins, it stores them in fat, which is why fiber and probiotics are strategic weapons for weight loss. Fiber keeps your colon healthy and reduces your body’s absorption of toxins.
Suzanne Somers
I learned that people don’t buy anything from unknown stores.
Tadashi Yanai
I am contracting continually a debt of gratitude which time will never see canceled. There is a treasury from which it will be repaid, but I do not dispense its stores.
Dorothea Dix
I have grown up in Delhi and have loved shopping from Janpath or Sarojini Nagar and the local stores – for me it’s about a mix and match in the wardrobe and also something that is an extension of your personality.
Vaani Kapoor
I believe that Amazon is going to destroy the box stores… and when box stores go under, restaurants go under, the movie theaters go under, the gas stations go under. You become ghost towns.
Mike Lindell
Brick and mortar stores will ultimately mark down between 50 to 60% of its merchandise because they don’t know who’s walking in the door on any day, so they lose control.
Katrina Lake
I got two stores, two streetwear stores, at home. Have to tend to those. Play Cloths. Have to tend to that business.
Pusha T
We chose to use a surrogate as the way we wanted to start our family, particularly as I was traveling across the globe on a stressful schedule to get stores open.
Dylan Lauren
CD stores have the disadvantage of an expensive inventory, but digital bookshops would need no such thing: they could write copies at the time of sale on to memory sticks, and sell you one if you forgot your own.
Richard Stallman
I'm into clothes, but in a way that's related to wantin

I’m into clothes, but in a way that’s related to wanting to walk into a film noir movie. You know, I love to go to vintage stores, but mostly it’s stuff that I don’t have anywhere to wear… I don’t have the life that goes with the clothes.
Maureen Dowd
Look at music for what it’s worth around the world and not just America. In other countries, people are still buying CDs and going to record stores. But in America, it’s all about digital. The game is breaking down. But, look at me, you need to know how to play the game the right way.
Snoop Dogg
My father probably – he had flashes of creativity – he used to do store windows for fruit stores that he worked in and stuff.
Frank Gehry
Because the stores worked, franchisees wanted to build more stores. If your model works, folks who are happy with it will buy out the ones who aren’t happy.
Fred DeLuca
I always see celebs in very weird spots. I don’t always go to fancy-shmancy places, but I see celebs at coffee shops or random stores, when you’re looking for a sweater and turn around like, ‘OMG, that’s Fred Savage!’
Ross Mathews
The thing about New York is it’s like London: you want to go to the boutique places. You can go to the big department stores – Barney’s, Bloomingdales and all that stuff – but I like the little stores.
Bryan Greenberg
I invite you all to visit our new Harold Square or Space 98 stores in New York. I think you’ll agree with me that these stores have a distinct Urban Outfitters personality, with fresh, exciting product and an experience that resonates with the 18 to 28 year old urban-dwelling customer.
Richard Hayne
A big shop in Manhattan would feel like we were betraying our roots. And we’re not just going to open a bunch of stores.
James Jebbia
Millions of animals are euthanized every year because shelters can’t find homes for them. Buying animals from pet stores also tends to support puppy and cat mills, many of which have deplorable conditions for animals, which shouldn’t be tolerated.
Laura Mennell
I was spoiled growing up. My dad would really spoil us. He would bring us to high-end stores and ask us to please try on those clothes. He’d make us try on all the pretty clothes, modeling like that… He liked dressing us up, my dad and my mom they loved dressing up.
Heart Evangelista
Muslim girls, we love fashion! Whether we wear the hijab or not – it’s our choice – and it’s time the industry took note. Finally, fashion stores are open to that idea.
I’m trying to build a brand, so I can sell Keyshawn Johnson products in stores. You know, paint, rugs, carpet, drapery, fabrics, blankets, towels, hardware, plates.
Keyshawn Johnson
I think a lot of people, even if you’re not Asian, you go to your place of origin where your family comes from, and you get this sense of, ‘Wow – people look like me and talk like me and treat me like their son in the stores and like a cousin in the restaurants.’
Jon M. Chu
I kept auditioning, with no savings and no money, credit card debt gaining interest. I went on unemployment. I bought ramen noodles at dollar stores. I never had to – God forbid – live on the streets.
Chrissy Metz
A freewheeling mind can conceive a virtually infinite number of sequences, but just how that mind picks out and stores those that may perhaps be used later to deal with a given tension, a given situation, is far beyond my understanding.
Patrick O’Brian
Work is the order of the day, just as it was at one time, with our first starts and our best efforts. Do you remember? Therein lies its delight. It brings back the forgotten; one’s stores of energy, seemingly exhausted, come back to life.
Boris Pasternak
I was kind of ashamed of my bourgeois family as a teenager, I guess – I had dreadlocks, shopped in thrift stores and pretended I had no money. At that time, I would have spat on a girl who was buying Yves Saint Laurent.
Lou Doillon
If I was a criminal, stationery stores and bakeries would be the two kinds of places I would concentrate on.
John Turturro
I am someone who puts their takeout or leftovers into the Tupperware and stores it in the refrigerator overnight.
Jane Krakowski
For me, I’ve always been intimidated by the computer coming from the era of record industry and record stores and buying records and looking at album covers, waiting in line for records when they came out and then ultimately being successful in a band where we recording pre-computer era.
Tim Commerford
My dad was a meat peddler who drove a refrigerated truck. He bought his meat in Sheboygan, Wis., and sold it to stores in the region. He was a terrific salesman. People loved and trusted him, and he never let anyone down.
Tony Shalhoub
The magic kit we developed with Idea Village is an extraordinary success in 40,000 stores across America. The TV commercial we shot for it has produced amazing results – unbelievable.
Criss Angel
I’ve always considered music stores to be the graveyards of musicians.
Gary Larson
One of the most important things we do is we’ve organized our stores and our workforce into teams.
John Mackey
Until it’s on the radio or online, it’s not real. With U2, our album isn’t finished until it’s in the stores.
I really enjoy visiting stores and shopping. I don’t mind the staff and other customers at the stores recognising me either; it’s a great feeling when people tell you they love your work.
Nidhhi Agerwal
Enoki mushrooms, a tasty variety commonly sold in grocery stores, were one of the first mushrooms studied for preventing cancer.
Paul Stamets
Honestly, in the beginning what I imagined was driving around the country with my samples and showing them to the stores that I thought I should be in. Road tripping that is really what I wanted to do. Then I was like, ‘Damn it. I have to work every day.’ I don’t like this, but I got used to it.
Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss
More and more, more and more digital, in particular, I think you’ll see in our stores next year, as we start combining these digital products and they interface with each other, you’ll see that represented in Wal-Mart.
Lee Scott
Philly’s busy enough. There are tons of record stores and record-head friends and plenty of D.I.Y. shows. It’s a place where people pass through and bands don’t usually skip on tour. There are lots of music resources, but it’s not too over the top.
Kurt Vile
There was a point where I was leaving for California when I was 22. It was a tough decision to make because, at that time, my mother and father both ran a successful chain of women’s lingerie stores in metro Detroit. Two were called Bra World, and two were called Lulu’s Lingerie. They were great. They did well.
Ted Raimi
When I started, department stores were either very fash

When I started, department stores were either very fashion, or very tailored, so the two never mixed. I mixed it, and they said you’re too tailored for fashion and too fashion for tailoring. So I had to move the market. So that’s what I did.
Ozwald Boateng
I’m on tour all the time, so I stop at thrift shops. The minute we hit a town, I’ll have my assistant Googling thrift stores. I have him go check beforehand; then we go there.
Travie McCoy
The Gun Control Act of 1968 was an attempt to impose order. It set up the Federal Firearms License (FFL) system; gun stores would have to become licensed, and they would have to follow certain rules. Felons, illegal immigrants, and crazy people would be prohibited from buying guns.
Jeanne Marie Laskas
I didn’t know anything about fashion. You would see me in the biggest sweater with jeans or the tightest elastic pants. Not nice clothes. My mom took me a lot to consignment stores when I was younger, and I never really got to go to fancy high-class stores, so… vintage was like a step up.
Coco Rocha
When you think of technology that gets people excited – long lines at stores, enthusiastic reviews in the blogosphere, passionate evangelists – the first thing to come to mind probably isn’t thermostats. Then, along came Nest.
Ryan Holmes
I saw these new kinds of stores: the Body Shop, the Sock Shop, and I thought to myself, ‘I can do that.’
Sandro Veronesi
I have to say, for a while, it was very difficult to listen to anything that Michael’s voice was on. That’s pretty tough to escape. Everywhere you go – food markets, departments stores, TV and radio – they are playing his music.
Rebbie Jackson
One of my favorite cities is Tokyo because of sushi, and Asian food in general, but then also the way Tokyo operates, because it’s so clean, and there’s space for a lot of variety of stores.
Soccer players generally burn through all of their carbohydrate stores by halftime, so how are you going to replace those? That’s what we do at halftime.
Abby Wambach
We deeply regret and are very sorry that some of our customers’ payment cards were used fraudulently after making purchases at our stores.
Karen Katz
People think writing is a very distinguished, cerebral thing, where all you do is write. It doesn’t work that way. People have to see online promotions, see piles of your book in stores, and you have to make sure the guy recommends it!
Ravi Subramanian
I love vintage shopping in flea markets, vintage stores and even Ebay.
Chelsea Leyland
When it comes to gift giving, I always want to get everyone a little something. The problem is that every time I go holiday shopping for others, I come out of the stores with shoes for myself.
Natalya Neidhart
Before the Internet, we were in a different sort of dark age. We had to wait to hear news on TV at night or in print the next day. We had to go to record stores to find new music. Cocktail party debates couldn’t be settled on the spot.
Marvin Ammori
I was a salesman just out of college, traveling all over American roads in the cause of selling handbags to stores that would in turn sell them to American women, not unlike my father had done.
Tom Junod
It is piracy, not overt online music stores, which is our main competitor.
Steve Jobs
I always pick out my own clothes, ‘cos I love hitting the stores, be it in India or abroad.
Nidhhi Agerwal
Automotive franchise laws were put in place decades ago to prevent a manufacturer from unfairly opening stores in direct competition with an existing franchise dealer that had already invested time, money and effort to open and promote their business.
Elon Musk
I think the good thing about the Internet is to give something away and to sell something else. Get a business model like that because the old brick and mortar record stores are falling apart, and the big record companies are collapsing under their own weight.
Roger McGuinn
I had left the runway because I had come to believe that it was questionably relevant and appropriate, because we were creating clothes that, to a large degree, never ended up making it to the stores. And the runway was being seen in markets where those clothes weren’t available.
Kenneth Cole
Over the years, the way our customers shop our stores and websites has changed and will continue to change with the increasing popularity and convenience of smart phones and tablets.
Karen Katz
If the government is funding itself at 2 per cent, you know, how much are you going to pay savers if you want to lend money at a cheaper rate? People have the incentive to build a factory or open new stores. It is a trade-off.
Ana Patricia Botin
When we start a new store, we make sure that we transfer enough starter culture from other stores that are already Whole Fooders, who’ve already incorporated our values and our culture within themselves into the… into the store.
John Mackey
I’ve made up so many stores about my name, I can’t remember.
Joaquin Phoenix
In response to the making of DSMNY, a change in the Chelsea store became necessary. My flagship stores always have to lead the way.
Rei Kawakubo
Did you ever see the customers in health – food stores? They are pale, skinny people who look half – dead. In a steak house, you see robust, ruddy people. They’re dying, of course, but they look terrific.
Bill Cosby
So I’m a young boy in the 1940s growing up, seeing Ralph Bunche on a regular basis, seeing Duke Ellington on a regular basis. We know that these people are famous. They’re living in the same community as we live in. They go to the same stores and shops.
Ed Smith
As we continue down the path of automation, virtually every city will have 24-hour convenience stores, 24-hour libraries, 24-hour banks, 24-hour churches, 24-hour schools, 24-hour movie theaters, 24-hour bars and restaurants, and even 24-hour shopping centers.
Thomas Frey
Suprisingly, one of the most complex pieces of code is the code to determine where a note is in the staff. Finale stores notes as relative scale positions in the current key.
Robert Patterson
I like vintage stores – all over the world. I have a little collection of my favorite stores here and there. Other than that, I love online shopping.
Elsa Hosk
I used to be a shopper before I had children. I’d go to Bergdorf and Barneys all the time. But now my weekends are spent differently. I go to the skating rink or the park, not the stores.
Aerin Lauder
When I look for new books, I often struggle to find thi

When I look for new books, I often struggle to find things that challenge and entertain me. This has caused me to spend a number of cycles thinking about where I can get the serendipitous book discovery experience that we had in physical book stores.
Harper Reed
I like dressing in designer clothes, and it’s hard to buy them if you are overweight. And I got tired of, like, going in the stores, and then it was like I couldn’t fit in anything. And overall, I wanted to be healthy.
The orbs have probably sold better through catalogs because they can be categorized unlike at most stores.
David Rose
I’ve worked on some movies that get put in the horror shelf on the video stores, but they’re really structurally like mysteries, and not so dependent on the gore factor, so they really don’t need to be R-rated movies.
Ehren Kruger
I take Wellbutrin because I’m afraid to go into stores. I’m afraid people are going to yell at me.
Christina Ricci
The more books there are on shelves, the more will be sold. Once you get to the level of The Secret and have 40-100 copies in many stores, managers have almost no choice but to put them in prime real estate like front-of-store, end caps, or front window.
Tim Ferriss
If Vancouver did not succeed as Starbucks from ’87 on, our entire international business, which is now thousands of stores and a significant amount of growth and profit, may not have existed.
Howard Schultz
I am just like a common woman who love shopping in Sarojni Nagar and Janpath. I am the one who shops on Indian street, in malls of Dubai and even vintage stores of London and New York.
Kalki Koechlin
I have a beautiful collection of albums and try to frequent record stores.
Ron Cephas Jones
The only change I can really see is that I don’t have to shop for pants in stores anymore.
Larry David
We got into all the trouble you could ever imagine. We figured that if the Jones boys and all the gangsters ran Chicago, we had our own territory now. All the stores, all the crime, we were in charge of everything, my stepbrother and my brother.
Quincy Jones
More and more people are opening online stores and online retail businesses. This market is expanding very, very quickly.
Tobias Lutke
What person could keep 59 stores open – beside God? It’s impossible, it can’t be done.
Mike Ashley
There’s all these stores all over the country and a lot of them are small but they’re like little Aladdin’s caves full of exciting nooks and crannies filled to the brim with products. Then you’ve got Hobbycraft, which is like a supermarket for crafts. What we want to be is a hybrid between the two.
Sara Davies
The Dover Street Markets bring brands of all disciplines together to sell their products in an open atmosphere that, most importantly, incites creativity. They are, along with the ‘Comme des Garcons’ stores, usually located in areas off the beaten track.
Rei Kawakubo
As a kid, I loved going to lots of thrift stores with my parents. There was a period where I thought it was embarrassing, and then I started to get older – I realized they were really cool.
Tessa Thompson
As a kid back home in Texas, I was followed by sales associates in stores and called derogatory names more times than I can count.
Marcus Smart
I believe that all brands will become storytellers, editors and publishers, all stores will become magazines, and all media companies will become stores. There will be too many of all of them. The strongest ones, the ones who offer the best customer experience, will survive.
Natalie Massenet
During the boom years of the 1990s, globalization emerged as the most significant development in our national life. With NAFTA and the Internet and big-box stores selling cheap goods from China, the line between national and international began to blur.
Noah Feldman
Costume designers don’t care about trends. They appreciate, above so many other qualities, that tailoring is everything, which is a mantra for the way I dress. Ladies: The most important thing in clothing is to find a good, inexpensive tailor, because clothes at the stores are made for bodies that are anomalies.
Ginnifer Goodwin
I like consignment stores.
Lucy DeVito
I used to go to Saks, I would go to Bergdorf, I would go to Barneys, I would go to thrift stores in SoHo.
ASAP Rocky
Emissions of greenhouse gases warm the planet, altering the carbon and water cycles. A warmer ocean stores more heat, providing more fuel for hurricanes. A warmer atmosphere holds more water, bringing dangerous deluges. Rising sea levels threaten coastal zones.
Johan Rockstrom
I never wore a watch. I always depend on public clocks, and stores have clocks, but that is strange.
Ben Katchor
Once they become AKC registered, the newspapers will become flooded with ads for them. And you’ll see Border collies in pet stores and animal shelters.
Donald McCaig
The openness of rural Nebraska certainly influenced me. That openness, in a way, fosters the imagination. But growing up, Lincoln wasn’t a small town. It was a college town. It had record stores and was a liberal place.
Matthew Sweet
Real power in the modern world is determined by a nation’s economic capabilities, not just the nuclear warheads it stores.
Sanjaya Baru
Like Disneyland, luxury retailers have long had to figure out how to overcome customers’ natural inertia. Unlike less pricey stores, they tend not to attract idle browsers who make impulse purchases.
Virginia Postrel
Grocery stores can’t afford to pay $80 a square foot. At that rate, we are going out of business.
John Catsimatidis
With more money to spend, workers can take their families to local restaurants, buy cars at local auto dealers and shop at local stores. That causes growth in these businesses, which can result in the creation of more jobs.
Mike Parson
I can remember in the late 1980s and early 1990s how many men with AIDS I saw everywhere in Key West. There were hospices and medical supply stores geared to people with AIDS. It seemed that every sick man who could afford it had headed for the warmth and the tranquillity and the gay-friendliness of the island.
Edmund White
Having diversity around the board room, the executive t

Having diversity around the board room, the executive table, and up and down our stores is really important.
Mary Dillon
An almost forgotten means of economic self-reliance is the home production of food. We are too accustomed to going to stores and purchasing what we need.
Ezra Taft Benson
California, in a sense, is almost Starbucks’ largest country, with almost 3,000 stores.
Howard Schultz
Rosewater & Glycerin spray is amazing as a mist. I get it at health food stores. It smells good and is really hydrating.
Stella Maxwell
Making a paper straw requires growing a tree, cutting it down, and pulping and pressing it into a tube. Manufacturers then use fossil fuels to ship the straws to stores and cafes. Many paper straws on the market are not even compostable or recyclable, as promised.
Annie Lowrey
All things take time. A lot of my films still run on cable and are in video stores, and there’s a whole generation that doesn’t know who I am. So, it’s a dichotomy. In some people’s minds I may never grow up.
Robby Benson
I probably have traveled and walked into more variety stores than anybody in America.
Sam Walton
90% of my clothes are from vintage stores. It’s not about where you buy but how you look.
Madison Beer
Small businesses are the heart and soul of South Carolina’s economy – from our bait stores to our restaurants and barber shops.
Jaime Harrison
Thanks to my mother, not a single cardboard box has found its way back into society. We receive gifts in boxes from stores that went out of business twenty years ago.
Erma Bombeck
True success for FEED would be the day we close our doors because world hunger is no more. Until that day, we measure our success through the number of products we are able to sell on our website and through stores, which translates into the number of meals we are able to donate.
Lauren Bush
I sell a lot of ebooks from my website and encourage authors to set up their own stores.
Michael A. Stackpole
I’m always down to share my secrets, share my beauty tips. Most of the stuff my fans never knew I get from CVS and stores like that. It’s fun sharing all the stuff that I use! I don’t use crazy stuff. There’s always ways to do it for less.
Kylie Jenner
No two of our stores are the same.
Richard Hayne isn’t the same as going down an aisle. The same as record stores. You’ll go for Billie Holiday, and you buy Gustav Mahler as you’re going out the door.
Pete Hamill
If you think you know the consumer better than anyone, then you’re in real trouble. So we take a close watch. You spend time in stores.
Mickey Drexler
We are very far from our potential, but you aren’t going to see 500 stores; that wouldn’t be consistent with the exclusivity of our brand. You also aren’t going to see a Loro Piana perfume, glasses, or watches, because we are concentrating on our core business.
Pier Luigi Loro Piana
Apparently the new high-tech Star Wars toys will be in stores any day now. The toys can talk and are interactive, so they can be easily distinguished from Star Wars fans.
Conan O’Brien
I want to put concepts in front of people that make them laugh or smile or even hate what I do. I’m not interested in just putting clothes in stores.
Thom Browne
I don’t get to go to the super fancy stores unless I am in L.A. so you stay pretty real and normal that way.
Kelly Preston
It’s hard for us in our stores to be a leader in technology.
Lee Scott
With my adult books, for the first six weeks or so, it’s about 60 percent ebooks in terms of sales. The kids’ books, it’s like 5 percent. Which means that the parents, the ones that aren’t going into stores now, they’re no longer buying books for their kids, which is not great.
James Patterson
In Vancouver, in Sydney and in Orange County, we live among fluorescent stores and streets so brightly lit that you can read a book after dark; in other places across our global body, there are blackouts and curfews every night.
Pico Iyer
Men will shop, but they only shop when they need something. Women shop with passion and because it’s enjoyable, and for some, it’s even entertainment. All you have to do is step into a mall and see how many stores are geared towards men and how many are geared towards women, and you’ll get the picture.
Brian Lee
I’ve taken regular gigs, I’ve worked in grocery stores, worked as a dishwasher, a porter in different places, all for survival. I don’t feel bad about doing it. I wished I could have done better. And still do.
Jimmy Scott
Every large brand has franchisees and stores that don’t make it. It’s unfortunate, and Cold Stone did everything it could to support its franchisees, but some failure rate is part of the business.
Doug Ducey
I tend to mostly take the day off from working on Sundays, but I do spend some time reading. Mostly what I’m picking up is what’s in stores. I really do love to read fiction from the last year or two.
Karen Thompson Walker
I’ve spent many hours of my life browsing in stores. At 21, I admired clothes I couldn’t afford. At 30, I bought them. At 40, I sometimes go simply for the pleasure, of seeing what is new, of learning what counts as beautiful now.
Rumaan Alam
Once I had my son, I stopped shopping in stores because it’s not an easy process to try on clothes – and I’m not an impulsive buyer. I need to do the dance in front of the mirror, the whole nine yards.
Solange Knowles
I remember growing up in suburban New Jersey, and all the computer stores were like, ‘Motherboard Mayhem’ and all these cheesy names.
Sam Esmail
In the dime stores and bus stations, people talk of situations, read books, repeat quotations, draw conclusions on the wall.
Bob Dylan
The Internet's changed everything. There are no record

The Internet’s changed everything. There are no record stores to hang out in anymore.
Nick Hornby
The desire to collect information on customers is not new for Target or any other large retailer, of course. For decades, Target has collected vast amounts of data on every person who regularly walks into one of its stores.
Charles Duhigg
One of my first fashion clients was Calvin Klein. We did his first freestanding stores. He was very exact and precise. But talk about high-fashion people who brand themselves!
Peter Marino
Sports Direct is on course to become the ‘Selfridges of sport’ by migrating to a new generation of stores.
Mike Ashley
Holiday binge-buying has deep roots in American culture: department stores have been associating turkey gluttony with its spending equivalent since they began sponsoring Thanksgiving Day parades in the early 20th century.
Adam Davidson
The best thing about high school football in the state of Texas is the whole town shuts down, and there’s shoe polish all over businesses and stores. Everyone rallies around you.
Dat Nguyen
With stores like Topshop and H&M you can find really great stuff, but I do like designer things as well, and I’m lucky because they approach me to wear their stuff. I really love Miu Miu.
Saoirse Ronan
Oh, I shop all over the place, really. Like I love department stores like Barney’s and Saks and stuff like that. But I also just like to walk in Soho and find some interesting boutique that doesn’t really have a huge name or following, and I’ll go in and find something amazing.
EJ Johnson
Very few people know this, but I love organizational products and tools. One of my favorite places to shop are container stores where you can get bins, boxes and crates to organize your life.
Kimora Lee Simmons
Vegetable box schemes, local greengrocers, farmers’ markets and organic stores are a great place to source package-free foods.
Sheherazade Goldsmith
Before, Tiffany sold watches only in its own stores. Now, Tiffany watches are sold in 1,500 stores.
Nelson Peltz
During the weeks before Christmas, though it’s not always possible, we make an effort to keep the kids away from shopping malls and stores. We also deliberately choose cards and decorations that have religious significance.
Rachel Campos-Duffy
Amaranth, the world’s most nutritious grain, is available from health food stores.
Yotam Ottolenghi
I have three kids who like Harry Potter so I was sort of aware of it. You can’t really move from it: it’s on buses, in stores, it’s everywhere. One of my kids has read the books; the other two are too small but they like the movies.
Gary Oldman
I love to shop at one of my favorite stores, Levi’s. They have the best button down denim shirts and jeans that are reasonable priced.
Skai Jackson
Many retail stores have consumer trackers that study how long your eyes linger on one product, whether you follow it through by touch, and things that you buy. You can redesign things on a shelf, all by tracking such information.
Jan Chipchase
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been reminded how important Virginia’s farms are to getting food into our stores and onto our tables.
Ralph Northam
You used to make records, record companies sold them, and people went to record stores and bought them. That’s all gone now.
Joe Walsh
I just think it’s really upsetting when you see a community just go out and burn down stores and trash cars.
Paul Pierce
Thanksgiving is the only day of the year when most of the stores here are closed during the day and reopen after midnight. Even restaurants shut down for the holiday, except for the fast-food chains.
Sayed Kashua
I grew up, really, in the days before air conditioning. So I can remember what it was like to be really hot, for instance, and I can remember what it was like when your barber shop and your local stores weren’t air conditioned, so it was hot when you went in them and they propped the doors open.
Bill Bryson
I do remember my first purchase: the Partridge Family’s ‘Greatest Hits.’ I got it for $3.99 at a failed chain of pre-Wal-Mart-type stores called Jamesway. God, I’m old.
Trent Reznor
When I was a kid I wasn’t allowed to watch horror movies at all. And actually, one of the genesis points for ‘Mandy’ and ‘Black Rainbow’ was this memory I have of being in video stores, reading the backs of videos and looking at the art, imagining some kind of non-existent imaginary film based on that.
Panos Cosmatos
When you think about it, department stores are kind of like museums.
Andy Warhol
At least 80% of fibre-optic cables globally go via the U.S. This is no accident and allows the U.S. to view all communication coming in. At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the U.S. The NSA lies about what it stores.
William Binney
When I was at college, I worked in a department store called Brit Home Stores, which is a pretty lackluster department store, selling clothes for middle-aged women. My job was to walk the floor and find anything that was damaged, take it to the store room and log it.
Dominic Monaghan
Starbucks was founded around the experience and the environment of their stores. Starbucks was about a space with comfortable chairs, lots of power outlets, tables and desks at which we could work and the option to spend as much time in their stores as we wanted without any pressure to buy. The coffee was incidental.
Simon Sinek
The government simply waits for farmers to grow their crops – nine months of growing grapes, then two to three weeks of drying them in the sun. Then it takes away a part of that crop and stores it in warehouses around California.
David Fahrenthold
When I was first starting out in the industry in the early ’90s, gay love stories were relegated to limited-release films that were hidden deep in the back of Blockbuster video stores.
Wilson Cruz
I love charity thrift stores. Amazing one-of-a-kind pieces at terrific prices, and all the money you spend goes to a good cause.
Lara Spencer
Of course I always like going to bookstores, but at stores, you’re mostly meeting kids who are already into reading.
Jay Asher
I gave away 'Life in Hell' when it was a little 'zine,

I gave away ‘Life in Hell’ when it was a little ‘zine, and sold it at record stores for $1, and I knew from the time that I first did it that I would continue to do it, because it was fun.
Matt Groening
Some white Milwakeeans still referred to the North side as ‘the cire’, as they did in the 1960s, and if they ventured into it, they saw street after street of sagging duplexes, fading murals, twenty-four hour daycares, and corner stores with ‘WIC Accepted Here’ signs.
Matthew Desmond
‘Lollipop Opera’ is the backdrop to Finsbury Park. A place that is very thriving, interracial and lot of music stores, Greek, Turkish, all sorts of immigrant music. It’s utter Englishness. It blends the Jamaicans, the Irish. It’s like what Jim Reeves did with American country music.
John Lydon
Ironically, I think some of the inspiration around Stitch Fix is really what was great about stores in the heyday of stores.
Katrina Lake
It seems to me like the Internet allows you to break that structure a little bit. You know, here’s your CD that’s going into stores, here’s your EP that you offer online, here’s a subscription for songs you recorded on the road, here’s your live stuff streaming.
Liz Phair
I think of my books as mainstream and that’s were most people who read them look for them in book stores.
Jean M. Auel
Purchasing items made in the U.S. for our stores here or Canadian goods for our stores in Canada makes good business sense because it allows us to ensure greater customer relevance and reduce delivery times.
Doug McMillon
I shop everywhere from Maxfield to antique stores. I love Alexander McQueen and Vivienne Westwood, and I love vintage. Golyester has the best selection of mint things and dead stock. I collect 1940s to 1970s platform shoes, and that’s where I got a few of my best ones.
Kat Von D
I’ve had my run-ins with department stores, like Harrods, which stopped selling fur coats, but I found some there with fur trim, which is just as disgusting. Foie gras production is appalling – there’s no excuse for selling it.
Joanna Lumley
And so if your competitors aren’t growing, if there isn’t a competitive reason to grow, and you want focus and discipline to add customers to existing stores, you adjust your strategy.
Jim Cantalupo
I hear all the big department stores like Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s in the U.S. playing hard hip-hop records to the shoppers, like Rick Ross at his gnarliest. That’s amazing. It makes me think grime can do a similar thing.
Ginza! Where I’ve done two Chanel towers and Louis Vuitton and Dior stores. I just feel at home there.
Peter Marino
There are a lot of bars and shoe stores in my early books.
George Pelecanos
Our international success started out first because we became the No. 1 casual wear brand in our home market of Japan. Then, we set up stores in the world’s major fashion centers of New York, Paris and London.
Tadashi Yanai
I like buying drones, hover boards, 360-degree cameras and fabulous cars. I am a little bit like a boy. I also spend a lot on books. I am a voracious reader, and I love vintage stores and first editions.
Priyanka Chopra
This is my hobby: growing stores, adding stores. It’s fun.
David Green
I tell everybody there are only three things that we do. We build sales at the store level, we build profits at the store level, and we build more stores. The first two things go in tandem, of course. It’s pretty tough to build profits without sales.
Fred DeLuca
As I was finding my musical style, I found my personal style as well, and moving from Germany to L.A. was part of that, raiding the secondhand stores in L.A. trying out different beauty themes, finding my love for huge lashes and big, long hair extensions.
Kim Petras
When we were kids, my favorite thing was coming to upstate New York where my family is from and hanging out with my grandparents’ friends pre-Internet and them asking if we had stores or ‘Do you have TV in Alaska?’
John Gourley
Research on the Internet, research what people say about the vintage stores, look online to see if customer service is good because that’s really important. Also to see online what other customers say.
Karen Elson
It seems the world of book publishing is constantly changing. Whether it was the rise of chain stores or their decline, or the digital revolution… fortunately, we have been able not only to adapt but to thrive.
Sonny Mehta
I’m really trying to respond to the foods that are in the stores and just pulling the things that are the very best and cook what looks beautiful and is seasonal. That’s the way to go. I love going to the grocery store and the market. None of it’s drudgery for me. Washing dishes is the drudgery.
Ted Allen
Fashion brands looking for explosive growth go the wholesale route, to get their products into stores, but then they end up relying on those sales.
Chad Hurley
One of my obsession is animals. I’m into dog rescues. It drives me crazy when people go to pet stores and buy dogs. There are so many dogs that need a good home. And this sounds crazy, but I really believe they know what is happening and are appreciative, and I just think they make for the best pets.
Jim O’Heir
Behind every small business, there’s a story worth knowing. All the corner shops in our towns and cities, the restaurants, cleaners, gyms, hair salons, hardware stores – these didn’t come out of nowhere.
Paul Ryan
It certainly would have been adaptive for ancestral man to have a chubby wife during stressful times of famine. Not only would she have had more calories to burn, and thus more energy and endurance, but since fat stores estrogen, she would have remained fertile for longer.
Helen Fisher
When we first started the company, I didn’t have any thoughts of franchising. We just had company-owned stores.
Fred DeLuca
I grew up horseback riding. That was my passion. I didn’t start shopping until about 16 or 17, when I could drive myself to stores and explore on my own.
Mary-Kate Olsen
In Mexico, a network of government-operated rural convenience stores is offering banking services to rural communities.
Sylvia Mathews Burwell
Stores can be indifferent to something new.
Greg Ginn
I don’t fret much about the natural life spans of shoe companies. If stores don’t do the right things, they cease to exist, and that doesn’t trouble me at all.
Steve Madden
'Commonwealth' is not a word I ever used growing up in

‘Commonwealth’ is not a word I ever used growing up in Colombo. There, in the late 1950s, it would have meant little more than New Zealand lamb and Anchor butter at the cold stores.
Romesh Gunesekera