Top 350 Wealthy Quotes

Despite broad public support, raising the minimum wage is always difficult owing to the disproportionate influence that wealthy firms and donors have in Congress.
Angus Deaton
On the show, we are not trying to get people to eat their vegetables; we are not trying to get people to become Democrats. We are basically trying to encourage people to get involved with public life so that politics isn’t left to the wealthy and privileged.
Martin Sheen
I know people who are wealthy and they’re miserable.
CM Punk
The history of the Republican Party is marked by vacillation between its founding principle of opportunity and its domination by the wealthy elite.
Heather Cox Richardson
You aren’t wealthy until you have something money can’t buy.
Garth Brooks
The whole process of getting licenses to broadcast, which took place decades ago, was done behind closed doors by powerful lobbies, and wealthy commercial interests got all the licenses with no public input, no congressional input for that matter.
Robert McChesney
Wealthy people don’t even pay taxes. But everybody must pay taxes.
Petter Stordalen
Sometimes people who get wealthy when they are very, very young, it’s a curse to them. They don’t realize it.
Kato Kaelin
I think, as a kid, turning on the television and seeing that everyone seemed to be wealthy and white made me feel like an outsider, lesser than. I was not wealthy. I was not white.
Jacqueline Woodson
We should not allow wealthy people, including corporate criminals, to hide their assets and avoid paying their bills.
Jim Talent
Our entire political system is financed by wealthy private interests buying politicians and making sure the rules are written in their favor.
Michelle Alexander
The system that had grown up in most states is that wealthy districts with an affluent population can afford to spend a lot more on their public school systems than the poorer districts.
William Weld
Because a lot of people are hurting economically and being shafted by the very wealthy, it’s been possible here in the United States of America to organize them and persuade them that to elect a nincompoop like Donald Trump is actually in their best interest. When clearly it isn’t.
Roger Waters
One of my favourite books about hackers is ‘Masters of Deception’ about this hacking group in the 1990s. Many of them didn’t come from wealthy families. These are kids that are very intelligent; they just happen to be misdirected.
Harper Reed
Most people seem unaware that corporate influence and wealth has taken over public policy, such that government policy now favors the wealthy few at the expense of the people.
Hank Johnson
In the Eisenhower era, when earnings over $400,000 were subject to 91 percent taxes and the world was a smaller place, you could count the truly wealthy on one hand: Getty, Dupont, Mellon, Rockefeller, though even those fortunes were being dispersed to children as the old robber barons died off.
Michael Shnayerson
I have spent years as a leadership coach to the very wealthy and have been able to get behind the eyes of some of the world’s best, studying the minute details of what makes a person great.
Robin S. Sharma
Low interest rates wipe out savers and devastate middle

Low interest rates wipe out savers and devastate middle-class workers. The banksters have orchestrated this wealth transference of trillions, from the poor to the very wealthy. At the expense of everybody who isn’t at the top.
Max Keiser
I’m a very wealthy man.
Kenneth Copeland
Back in the really olden days, dinner was seldom a ceremonial event for U.S. families. Only the very wealthy had a separate dining room. For most, meals were informal, a kind of rolling refueling; often only the men sat down.
Nancy Gibbs
There are so many people out there struggling with racism, or their sexuality or where they’re brought up or how wealthy their family was ans these issues are not hidden, they were in the late 19 century and they’re still important today.
Amybeth McNulty
We are a wealthy country. We also are the global engine of innovation in health care, whether it’s the pharmaceutical industry or the creation of medical devices.
Ron Williams
The first rule of new media is nobody gets rich, but everybody gets paid, in a perfect world. Maybe you don’t get fabulously wealthy doing your webcomic, but as long as you can make a decent living.
Mark Waid
I’m not saying I’m wealthy. The best thing that ever happened to me in that context was turning everything over to Rita. And the business people. I am on a leash. That’s not the end of the world.
David Milch
Many people assume that since New Jersey is a wealthy state with a high per capita income that a lot of these issues of poverty and hunger don’t exist, and the fact is that they do.
Jeff Van Drew
The Skakel family, when they married into the Kennedys, was so wealthy, they could have purchased the Kennedy family.
Mark Fuhrman
After military service, the most patriotic thing you can do as a wealthy person is pay your taxes.
Mark Cuban
I don’t know anyone, from any class, who’s had a perfectly easy life. I’ve met people born into wealthy families who feel like they didn’t have much emotional support, and people who come from working-class families who had loads of love but no money.
Paloma Faith
I come from very conservative parents, and we weren’t particularly wealthy, but we were comfortable.
Richard C. Armitage
I never thought of myself as a wealthy person. I’ve thought of myself as a person who has had a lot of luck. I don’t have the same stress that other people have, but there are too many things I could have done differently if wealth was what I was after. If I was all about money, I would have lived in L.A.
Alec Baldwin
The Congo is very wealthy from oil money but is not paying its debts and at the same time is applying for special status at the World Bank. That’s shocking and disingenuous.
Paul Singer
While Matt Bevin helps insiders, wealthy CEOs and special interests, I’m running to be a governor who works for Kentucky families who are still struggling to get ahead.
Andy Beshear
All my life I’ve been prejudiced against wealthy people.
Ethel Waters
The money from wealthy nations to confront some very real global poverty and economic issues is largely given out of guilt.
Richard Grenell
You have to remember what a super PAC is: a bunch of wealthy donors who want to send a message traditionally other campaigns don’t do. This is the problem with the dark money that’s involved in politics right now.
Corey Lewandowski
Successful men don’t date up. They are intimidated by wealthy women unless they are blue bloods. Successful men want to always take care of their women, and that means financially.
Patti Stanger
Although globalization and technological change have disrupted traditional work arrangements, both processes have the potential to benefit everyone. The fact that they have not suggests that the wealthy have captured the benefits for themselves.
Angus Deaton
Most people want a lot more from us than stuff is worth because they think we’re extremely wealthy or something.
Rick Harrison
His name was Fred Rogers. He came home to Latrobe, Pennsylvania, once upon a time, and his parents, because they were wealthy, had bought something new for the corner room of their big redbrick house. It was a television.
Tom Junod
There are a few things that we can do. One of them is that we can increase the taxes that people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our communities. So, 70 percent, 80 percent, we’ve had it as high as 90 percent.
Ilhan Omar
As a member of the Senate Aging Committee, I’ve gone to bat for seniors by cracking down on senior fraud, combating price gouging by pharmaceutical companies, and pushing for wealthy individuals to contribute their fair share to Social Security.
Kirsten Gillibrand
You don’t have to be born wealthy and have an aristocratic last name or have connections or all these things. If you have a dream, you can believe in something and work hard and struggle and fight for it and still have a chance to succeed.
Jeremy Scott
Money is a tremendous advantage in just about everything, but in terms of reproduction, if you’re a poor woman and you are infertile, it’s like too bad, so sad. And if you are a wealthy woman, you can kind of buy whatever you want.
Jennifer Weiner
There are no wealthy people on Rikers Island because if you are wealthy, you go free because you make bail.
Kerry Kennedy
I am the wealthiest man, not just in Europe, but in the whole world. I collect emotions. I am wealthy in that the people of Russia have twice entrusted me with the leadership of a great nation such as Russia – I believe that is my greatest wealth.
Vladimir Putin
Anyone who has followed the U.S. economy in recent years can tell you while corporate America and their wealthy executives have recovered from the last recession, middle-class families have not. About 95 percent of income gains between 2009 and 2012 went to the top one percent.
James P. Hoffa
There is an unwritten social rule now that you can harangue the wealthy to give money away, but you mustn’t ask how the money was made. There are no galas celebrating the money people knew better than to seek. Charity begins after profit.
Anand Giridharadas
Since FDR’s New Deal, corporations and wealthy families have been non-stop finding new ways to get tax breaks, deregulation and entitlements from the government.
Adam McKay
Given the success rate, if you want to get wealthy, ent

Given the success rate, if you want to get wealthy, entrepreneurship is a horrible way of doing it. There are significantly easier ways of doing it.
Tobias Lutke
I walked around the music industry for a bunch of years, right? I saw a lot of rich people. I didn’t see wealthy. I got into the tech industry, I see wealthy every day.
Beyond the borders of wealthy countries like the United States, in developing countries where most people in the world live, the impacts of climate change are much more deadly, from the growing desertification of Africa to the threats of rising sea levels and the submersion of small island nations.
Amy Goodman