Top 353 Controversy Quotes

Some of the most controversial things I’ve said about President Trump, I’ve heard from Republicans. But it’s just that I’ve heard them in the locker room. That’s what people actually talk about in the locker room – how terrible our president is.
Seth Moulton
Whatever one thinks of the wisdom of building a mosque near Ground Zero, this controversy now affords us an immense opportunity to examine who we are as a people. It provides us with the opportunity to get back to our foundational ideals, which have always stood as a beacon for the rest of the world.
Hamza Yusuf
For all its shortcomings, Wikipedia does have strong governance and deliberative mechanisms; anyone who has ever followed discussions on Wikipedia’s mailing lists will confirm that its moderators and administrators openly discuss controversial issues on a regular basis.
Evgeny Morozov
It is pretty hard to find the right result to a controversial issue.
Max Baucus
The 1930s birthed two great agrarian novels: ‘Gone with the Wind’ from the viewpoint of the ruling class, ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ for the underclass. And both were turned into movies that dared to be true to the books’ controversial themes.
Richard Corliss
I am of mixed minds about the issue of privacy. On one

I am of mixed minds about the issue of privacy. On one hand, I understand that information is power, and power is, well, power, so keeping your private information to yourself is essential – especially if you are a controversial figure, a celebrity, or a dissident.
Susan Orlean
You don’t want to endorse hate; you don’t want to endorse racism. You don’t want to support controversy.
Jabari Parker
I think I have a responsibility as a film-maker to bring not only controversial subject matter to the screen but also to inspire a thought process.
Lexi Alexander
The media thinks that only the cutting edge of science, the very latest controversies, are worth reporting on. How often do you see headlines like ‘General Relativity still governing planetary orbits’ or ‘Phlogiston theory remains false’? By the time anything is solid science, it is no longer a breaking headline.
Eliezer Yudkowsky
I’m a controversial guy.
Newt Gingrich
When I did ‘Uyir,’ I initially feared to do it. It was a controversial role. But thanks to my friends, they motivated me and helped me come out with aplomb.
Sangeetha Krish
Personally, when a controversy erupts, we decide first whether it requires clarification and, secondly, if it receives notice from authorities and the establishment, we submit responses to their queries.
Amitabh Bachchan
You know, this is – one can imagine how life would be different if one body of Congress was controlled by the other party, there would be subpoena power and there would be all – mechanisms to get to the bottom of all sorts of issues of controversy.
Michael Isikoff
In academia, I discovered that issues and insights, commonplace among the scholars, are viewed as highly controversial and even as ‘heresy’ in the churches.
John Shelby Spong
Who gets to decide the robotic bill of rights? It’s going to be controversial.
Gray Scott
I’m comfortable having a specific audience to write to. I like the idea that my audience doesn’t see what I do as controversial.
Dave Sim
The issue of human rights is one of the most fundamental human issues and also one of the most sensitive and controversial.
Ali Khamenei
I hate controversies and want to be in the news for the right reasons.
Kunal Khemu
On any given vote, on any given day, a smart senator who has taken a bold or controversial position can reach far more media outlets between the elevator and the Senate chamber than he or she could garner in a full press conference back home.
Jim Webb
Susan Boyle having a meltdown is not controversial. It’s human for a 48-year-old recluse to get a little wigged out when she finds herself on the world stage overnight.
Shawn Amos
I have never in my career embarked on a journey towards controversy. I have never deliberately set a flame.
Amanda Palmer
My job is about emotion. My job is about feeling. This might be controversial to say, but I feel like sometimes data gets in the way of that.
Bozoma Saint John
The greater the controversy, the more you need manners.
Judith Martin
Climate change is a controversial subject, right? People will debate whether there is climate change… that’s a whole political debate that I don’t want to get into. I want to talk about the frequency of extreme weather situations, which is not political.
Andrew Cuomo
But hey, controversy – well, it hasn’t hurt me in 50 years.
Joe Arpaio
There isn’t much question that the person who obtained the WikiLeaks cables from a classified U.S. government network broke U.S. law and should expect to face the consequences. The legal rights of a website that publishes material acquired from that person, however, are much more controversial.
Rebecca MacKinnon
You need guts to deal with controversies.
I think the reason that drones have become so controversial is because they’re used in Pakistan; they’re used in Yemen; they’ve been used in all kinds of places.
Tim Kaine
I follow the teachings of Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, United States Marine Corps. He won two Congressional Medals of Honor, and he wrote the highly controversial antiwar book ‘War is a Racket.’
Jesse Ventura
Bernard Manning is controversial but he had incredible timing. I wrote the character of Brian Potter in ‘Phoenix Nights’ for him to play but unfortunately he was too poorly to do it. I thought it would have been perfect casting but it didn’t happen.
Peter Kay
I’ve always viewed myself as a brand. When I started 10 years ago, that was very controversial. ‘Marketing’ and ‘PR’ were dirty words for the literary world, but that has changed. Once the book is finished, I want as many people as possible to read it.
Camilla Lackberg
I don’t go out of the way to create controversies, I know some actresses pay their publicist money to create a controversy, but I don’t know why this happens to me.
Payal Rohatgi
I’ve been a very effective leader in the gay rights movement, though at times I’ve been controversial.
Jean O’Leary
Anybody can decide a question if only a single principle is in controversy.
Felix Frankfurter
During my six years with them Dr Garnet Davey (subsequently Research Director) constantly supported me and, I have no doubt, fought many battles on my behalf to keep the initially controversial programme going.
James Black
Please don’t think that I got married on TV for publicity. I already enjoyed a huge fan following, courtesy my character in Bidaai.’ Instead, the controversy has traumatized me.
Sara Khan
To me the notion that Palestinians are actually Jews is

To me the notion that Palestinians are actually Jews is, I think, quite revelatory and very radical and a possible bridge that has been ignored, I think, in this entire controversy and there’s ample evidence to support it.
Lawrence Wright
The Obama administration has framed its defense of the controversial bulk collection of all American phone records as necessary to prevent a future 9/11.
Peter Bergen
We are too much accustomed to attribute to a single cause that which is the product of several, and the majority of our controversies come from that.
Marcus Aurelius
Vice President Biden’s surprising declaration of unqualified support for gay marriage seems to have forced President Obama into a public endorsement of a controversial social issue. It is difficult not to suspect that Biden’s pronouncement aimed to give the president some political cover.
Robert Dallek
If you want to initiate a broader debate about racism, is it really healthy to create an atmosphere in which it is not only statues that are being toppled but a range of cultural artefacts, TV series, celebrities, columnists and controversial broadcasters?
Claire Fox
As anchorman of the CBS Evening News, I signed off my nightly broadcasts for nearly two decades with a simple statement: ‘And that’s the way it is.’ To me, that encapsulates the newsman’s highest ideal: to report the facts as he sees them, without regard for the consequences or controversy that may ensue.
Walter Cronkite
In light of the recent controversy surrounding foreign management of U.S. Ports, a thorough review of foreign management of U.S. airports needs to occur.
Jon Porter
That’s the heart of it: My shows were not that controversial with the American people. They were controversial with the people who think for the American people.
Norman Lear
You cannot avoid controversy in this day and age – you really only can pick sides.
Sam Seder
It’s amazing to me that Glenn Beck can be on the cover of ‘Time,’ and there can be a whole article about him basically saying, ‘Well, you know, he’s controversial.’ It’s like, ‘No, he’s a dangerous idiot who needs the help of a good psychiatrist!’
Viggo Mortensen
The entire island knows our father, Fred Hemmings, Jr. – kids, adults, surfers, the governor, grocery clerks, gang members who call our house at night and threaten to kill us as soon as they get out of jail. Fred was a world-champion surfer and is now a well-known, controversial politician.
Kaui Hart Hemmings
I had hoped that the current presidential campaign debates might educate the public as to what is really involved in the ongoing controversy over campaign financing.
James L. Buckley
Not everything is about causing controversy. That would be a very boring way to go.
Derren Brown
I am always in awe of people who devote their lives to a good cause and are brave enough to take a stance, though it may be controversial in their time.
Rebecca Pidgeon
I don’t wear a lot of jeans, which I know is a controversial statement. I just don’t feel the most like myself in jeans.
Busy Philipps
I’ve been asked a lot about the state of dubstep in America, and everyone wants me to say something controversial, but I have no negative feelings toward anything, really.
James Blake
I’m always told that what I say is controversial. Why is it controversial? Because I speak from a tradition that has now fallen out of favor with the dominant media in this country. And so when I say things like marriage should be between one man and one woman, I’m called a bigot.
Rick Santorum