Top 460 Democrats Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Democrats Quotes from famous people such as Michael J. Knowles, Richard M. Daley, Tim Pawlenty, John Fleming, Antonio Villaraigosa, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

President Trump committed obstruction. From the moment

President Trump committed obstruction. From the moment he defeated Hillary Clinton, Democrats have tried to overturn the 2016 election, and President Trump has obstructed their efforts every step of the way.
Michael J. Knowles
Well, the problem of the federal government is that they print money and go in debt. That’s their national policy, Democrats and Republicans it doesn’t matter. And this is where I differ.
Richard M. Daley
We need to be calling out the flaws and misguided decisions of the Democrats in Congress and the Obama administration.
Tim Pawlenty
There is no ground on which House Republican leaders should compromise until Democrats are finally ready to give up their spending addiction.
John Fleming
Look, you’re not going to get me to say that Democrats don’t make mistakes. We do. I mentioned two areas – pension reform and seniority and tenure. I’ve done both – I’ve advocated for both. I’ve advocated for – seek for reform as well.
Antonio Villaraigosa
I call on Democrats to use their leverage to fight for a clean DREAM Act and to reject Trump’s racist agenda – not only in word but in deed.
Opal Tometi
The Democrats have essentially decided to move more toward central power, control of just about every aspect of our culture and economy.
Jim DeMint
Not all Democrats are the same.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Closely allied to the assumption that Democrats can’t win because they’re too secular is the view that they can’t win if they’re too liberal. This assumption has steered Hillary Clinton toward the center, following her husband. I tend to share this view myself.
Jacob Weisberg
This ought to be a season for cooperation in terms of pushing our economy forward, job creation, steadying the middle class, and laying the groundwork for a better future. And that’s what we want to work on with Republicans and Democrats.
David Axelrod
The most important political task facing the out-of-power party – the Democrats for now – is creating a villain to run against. It’s certainly easier than developing some grand new ideas or policies on which to campaign.
Pat Sajak
I wish that Iraq had not happened – and that we had not lost touch with so many of our natural supporters. But this should have provided an opportunity for the Liberal Democrats as a party. Yet their protest gains are now diminishing.
Lucy Powell
Democrats hate America being a world power because world power gives power to the nation instead of to Democrats.
P. J. O’Rourke
Real Democrats don’t abandon the middle class.
John F. Kerry
I’ve been around all kinds of people, defense attorneys, working with cops, working with politicians, both sides of the aisle, including Democrats as former first lady of San Francisco, and the Republicans, too, so I’ve had a front row seat to lots of things in life.
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Welfare reform happened with reconciliation; half the Democrats voted for it. The Bush tax cuts happened with reconciliation; twelve Democratic Senators voted for it. You didn’t have a real partisan issue on those times that it was used.
Tom Coburn
I am very proud of the fact that many workers in my Gau, numerous former Communists and Social Democrats were won over by us and became local group leaders and Party functionaries.
Fritz Sauckel
If Democrats insist on looking for skeletons in the closet, they should take a long look at themselves. They’ve hidden more than their fair share.
Matt Gaetz
The men and women I work with in law enforcement deal with the consequences of the Democrats’ selfish policies to encourage reliance on government, dependency instead of independence, and victimhood instead of the promise of earning your way to financial security.
David A. Clarke, Jr.
If the Democrats want to insult women by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it.
Mike Huckabee
Most people don’t see themselves as Democrats or Republicans. They see themselves as Americans.
Michael Moore
Now, most of the time I’m going to agree with the Democrats and disagree with the Republicans.
Barney Frank
The Democrats’ drive to defeat Neil Gorsuch is the latest battle in a 50-year war for control of the Supreme Court – a war that began with a conspiracy against Richard Nixon by Chief Justice Earl Warren, Justice Abe Fortas and Lyndon Johnson.
Pat Buchanan
I can only speak to the Democrat side, but for the Democrats, everything is aggressively measured, and what that means is if you’re going to use Snapchat, you’re going to use it for a reason, not just for fun.
Harper Reed
As long as we’re focused on spending, there are only two ways to do that: One is spend less, and Democrats have no solutions for that. Or we have pro-growth policies that make the economy grow so the dead-weight cost of government becomes a smaller percentage of the economy and therefore less expensive.
Grover Norquist
Democrats fought to get health insurance for more Americans. Democrats fought for a strong consumer agency so big banks can’t cheat people. We fought, we won, and we improved the lives of millions of people – thank you, President Obama!
Elizabeth Warren
Reagan was president and had Democrats control the House and Senate, and they reformed the tax code. Clinton was president, and he had Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole; they reformed welfare and balanced the budget.
Kevin McCarthy
I have no love for the Republicans, but the Democrats drive me absolutely crazy.
Cenk Uygur
Last week in the Homeland Security Committee, Republicans were against port security; and today, one week after Democrats unveiled our Real Security Agenda, they’re for it.
Jim Clyburn
What Democrats call ‘nuanced’, most people refer to as ‘stupidity.’
Evan Sayet
I can fight better on the outside. I can’t fight too many Democrats on the inside like I can on the outside.
Steve Bannon
By keeping most tax rates at present levels, Obama and

By keeping most tax rates at present levels, Obama and the Democrats will claim that they have championed tax cuts for the middle class.
John Podhoretz
Howard Dean is no longer the brilliant mastermind of the Fifty State Strategy that enabled the Democrats to storm the White House and Congress. He’s the idiot wearing an ugly sweatshirt.
Nell Scovell
I will use whatever position I have in order to root out hypocrisy. Democrats have strong moral values. Frankly, my moral values are offended by some of the things I hear on programs like ‘Rush Limbaugh,’ and we don’t have to put up with that.
Howard Dean
If Republicans and Democrats commit to working together, we can reach a bipartisan, common-sense agreement to reverse Illinois’ economic decline and set the stage for a bright economic future.
Bruce Rauner
The Democrats and Republicans are the same guy admiring themself in the mirror.
Kinky Friedman
Republicans: steely, rational, paternalistic, respectful of authority, easy to herd, the party of No. Democrats: sugary, emotional, idealistic, yearning for novelty, hard to marshal, the party of Oh Yeah, Baby, Make Mama Feel Good.
James Wolcott
The Democrats want to destroy the country immediately.
Dan Bongino
The Democrats’ plan for 2006? Take the House and Senate and impeach the president. With our nation at war, is this the kind of Congress you want?
Ken Mehlman
My entire family were Democrats all our lives. But because how furious I was about the previous administration, I turned in my card to become a Republican. I did not want to be known as a Democrat under that person’s regime.
Danny Aiello
I think what Democrats need to do is they need to work for the country and make sure that not only the southern border but the northern border is secure – make sure that we have the ability on the borders to be able to screen every vehicle coming across to make sure that drugs don’t come into this country.
Jon Tester
Much of Mr. Bush’s 28 percent approval rating is born not of ‘failed policies’ – of which there are many – but of the ill-gotten gains pilfered from a pre-Bush inauguration strategy to send the message to Republicans that the Democrats play politics harder and better.
Andrew Breitbart
Let’s remember that Bruce Rauner has every interest in getting stories out there that hurt Democrats.
J. B. Pritzker
The Giants are usually described as rag tag, kind of a great garage sale team, and the Democrats are described as the Mommies to the Republican Daddies; and everyone hates the mommies, but wait, wait – I didn’t intend to get into the pathos and thrill of being a Democratic Giants fan.
Anne Lamott
We tend in this country to talk about Democrats and Republicans, and think there’s little group over there called Independents that’s maybe 2%. That is not the case, and it has not been the case for most of modern American history.
Adam Davidson
At the end of the day, Democrats go out and appeal to 30 percent of the far left; Republicans go out and appeal to 30 percent of the far right. Hey, there’s a big middle ground here that’s not represented. I think that, Bill Weld and myself, I think the Libertarian Party really occupies that ground.
Gary Johnson
Israel has, enjoys bipartisan support – both Democrats and Republicans – and we extend bipartisan hospitality to both Democrats and Republicans.
Benjamin Netanyahu
I will continue to stand strongly with my fellow House Democrats, with immigration reform advocates and with millions of hard-working, law-abiding families who want simply to remain together and contribute to our great country.
Jan Schakowsky
In New Mexico, I inherited the largest structural deficit in state history, and our legislature is controlled by Democrats. We don’t always agree, but we came together in a bipartisan manner and turned that deficit into a surplus. And we did it without raising taxes.
Susana Martinez