Top 460 Democrats Quotes

Tony Rezko and Bill Ayers should lead the Democratic Party. They are the only Democrats with any convictions.
Evan Sayet
Republicans tend to be more steadfast in their allegiance, and Democrats read one headline in the ‘New York Times,’ and the sky is suddenly falling.
David Brock
I grew up in Queens, in New York City, in a middle class Jewish family. My mother was a public school teacher, my father was a lawyer. They were Democrats – kind of middle-of-the-road democrats.
Elliott Abrams
In 2012, when Mitt Romney named Russia as our greatest geopolitical foe, Democrats scoffed and accused Republicans of trying to ignite a new Cold War.
Kristen Soltis Anderson
The tendency among Democrats, especially after a devastating loss, is to come up with either a new individual to lead us, a new strategy, a new slogan.
Brian Schatz
Every single day, everywhere we went, people were coming up to me and Boyd repeatedly and saying, ‘We’re life-long Democrats, but we’re voting for you. We’ve never voted for a Republican in our life.’
Larry Hogan
This election presents a stark choice – we can continue down the road of the Obama Democrats, more and more spending, debt and government control of the economy, or we can return to the founding principles of our nation – free markets, fiscal responsibility and individual liberty.
Ted Cruz
I think there’s a lot of Democrats that would favor reducing the corporate tax rate as long as we find a way to close loopholes so we have a way to pay for it.
Amy Klobuchar
We know the Republicans are happy to keep the country in the dark, and if we Democrats are to recapture the power necessary to assert our values, we must find the energy, courage, creativity and unity to map out a brighter day for the people we sincerely want to serve.
John Yarmuth
Our forefathers never envisioned that a handful of staff write a bill and you rush it through a committee without reading it and you rush it to the floor without reading it, and you pass it just because you’re a Democrat and Democrats told you to do that.
Mike Ross
A lot of Democrats like to play the ‘If we were Republicans’ game. I usually hate it; I don’t want to behave like the Republicans do.
Jennifer Palmieri
Political correctness – the rigging of politics using different rules for different groups, and buttressed by the media – ensures that Democrats always have the upper hand.
Andrew Breitbart
From the takeover of Detroit and the failed stimulus packages to the enactment of Obamacare, the president and congressional Democrats chose to use Americas economic crisis as an excuse to expand government rather than as an opportunity to responsibly shrink it.
Jeb Hensarling
While Republican voters have remained universally supportive of their President, Democrats and Independents are returning to a more naturally critical stance.
Thomas E. Mann
Texas Democrats should be more concerned about what President Obama is doing to destroy the party, and the nation, than about what I am doing in going after him for that.
Kesha Rogers
The only way Democrats can govern in this country is by making common cause with moderates and independents.
Evan Bayh
The Republicans in the House and Senate took the district that I firmly represent, 22 in south Florida, from a D plus one to a D plus five almost a D plus six district, which means you are given a five to six percent registration advantage to Democrats. They drew in more Democrats into the district I represent.
Allen West
The Democrats can engage in the most reprehensible, mean-spirited, vile, vicious verbal attacks known in politics, and they get praised for it.
Rush Limbaugh
Though I often disagree with Republicans, I never learned to hate them the way the far right that now controls their party seems to hate President Obama and the Democrats.
William J. Clinton
Well, I was a very strong opponent of the war, in fact, one of those who went door to door to my colleagues and thus achieved 60 percent of the Democrats voting no against this war.
Jan Schakowsky
I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks. We can’t beat George Bush unless we appeal to a broad cross-section of Democrats.
Howard Dean
A political party is dying before our eyes-and I don’t mean the Democrats. I’m talking about the mainstream media, which is being destroyed by the opposition.
Howard Fineman
On the other side, I do believe that the rhetoric we ar

On the other side, I do believe that the rhetoric we are seeing from the Democrats today is unprecedented, is a new low in presidential politics and goes beyond political discourse and amounts to political hate speech.
Ed Gillespie
This is a struggle for the soul of the Democratic Party, which in too many cases has become so corporate and identified with corporate interests that you can’t tell the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Dennis Kucinich
We have a crisis in nuclear weapons, and again, thanks very much to the Democrats: Bill Clinton, who removed us from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty framework for nuclear disarmament, and then Barack Obama, who created a trillion-dollar budget for us to spend on a new generation of nuclear weapons and modes of delivery.
Jill Stein
I’m an independent, probably. I’m not dogmatic. I’ve supported Democrats and Republicans.
Jerry Weintraub
Some Democrats deserve to be criticized.
James Hansen
Democrats hate success.
P. J. O’Rourke
The Democrats are as much a part of the war machine as the Republicans. We can’t let Democrats get off the hook because they’re Democrats.
Cindy Sheehan
Most people are Democrats because they hate something; most people are Republicans because they love something.
Robert Green Ingersoll
My advice to the tea party freshmen: Slow the galloping horses to a trot. Big government was built over decades; it can’t be dismantled in a year, especially when Democrats control the White House.
Ari Fleischer
Briefly after the 9/11 attacks, Republicans and Democrats were united in identifying the evil of the radical jihadists and fighting it.
Pete Hoekstra
Democrats in Louisville were led by Courier-Journal editor Henry Watterson and were implacably opposed to blacks voting.
Rand Paul
Both Republicans and Democrats can agree that more choices and lower prices in transportation would benefit consumers. Democrats would consider it ‘smart government’ and Republicans ‘limited government.’
Marvin Ammori
Americans have long trusted the views of Democrats on the environment, the economy, education, and health care, but national security is the one matter about which Republicans have maintained what political scientists call ‘issue ownership.’
Samantha Power
The Democrats generally recoil from the subject of entitlements.
Bill Keller
Contrast that with the call of the Liberal Democrats in April, when they were prepared to call upon the British people to participate in a 24-hour strike. It shows how far to the right the Labour Party’s gone.
Arthur Scargill
I have written things that Republicans and Democrats and all kinds of figures have either hated or felt very uncomfortable about. Because in doing these long projects and books, you get close to the bone. And they’re not calling me up and asking me for dinner.
Bob Woodward
We make artificial divisions everywhere: Democrats and Republicans, black and white, millennials and baby boomers. Even those of us who are against building walls find ourselves pointing accusing fingers at those wall-builders.
Robert J. Waldinger
Democrats believe in reigniting the American dream by removing barriers to success and building ladders of opportunity for all, so everyone can succeed.
Nancy Pelosi
Anarchists are simply unterrified Jeffersonian Democrats.
Benjamin Tucker
If you’re going to be a big tent party as we are, and you’re going to help elect democrats who have generated support in their communities… the will of those voters is the will that we must respect.
Tom Perez
What I’d like to do is be able to work with Democrats to reform current entitlement programs for future generations, grandfathering all the grandparents.
Jeb Hensarling
Tonight, I want to say to every member of the democratic party, who believes in limited government, in personal opportunity and the united States constitution, and a safe and secure America, come home. To the Reagan Democrats, your party has left you. And the Republican party wants you, we welcome you back.
Ted Cruz
Obama’s policies have been approximately the same as Bush’s, though there have been some slight differences, but that’s not a great surprise. The Democrats supported Bush’s policies.
Noam Chomsky
Democrats should insist that a pluralistic democracy such as ours rely on bipartisanship in formulating a foreign policy based on moderation and the nuances of the human condition.
Zbigniew Brzezinski
When are American Jews going to realize that the Republican Party is far better for Israel than the Democrats?
Ben Stein
We are not jumping on the austerity bandwagon. A healthy economy is by far the most important thing for Social Democrats.
Helle Thorning-Schmidt
What I’ve said about compromise, I hope to build a conservative majority so bipartisanship becomes Democrats joining Republicans to roll back the size of government, reduce the bureaucracy, and get America moving again.
Richard Mourdock
You can unite behind a candidate and a vision for America without rejecting another candidate and their vision, because in real life, opposed to party politics, we Democrats are on the same side.
Joe Andrew
Republicans, Democrats, libertarians, and independents all agree on only one thing – our national politicians are bought.
Cenk Uygur
I think Democrats keep the commandments of the Lord more.
Lincoln Davis
But I’m not a member of the Democratic Party. If you know anything about me, anybody who’s followed me, I’m the anti-Democrat. I have railed against the Democrats for a long time.
Michael Moore
Democrats need an organizer who will energize the grass

Democrats need an organizer who will energize the grass-roots across this country to build the party from the bottom up.
Keith Ellison
Yes, more than 100 Democrats voted to authorize Bush to take the nation to war. Most of them did so in the belief that the president and his administration were truthful in their statements that Saddam Hussein was a gathering menace.
Bob Graham