Top 590 Give Me Quotes

My father used to give me a lot of advice.
Paolo Maldini
Art helped give me confidence.
Jeff Koons
‘Give me your poor.’ It didn’t say, ‘Give me your poor who can afford a $680 citizenship.’ If I had my way, it would be free. If I had my way, the state would subsidize every eligible application, period.
Andrew Cuomo
You can collect all the plastic bottle caps you want as long as you give me the money so we can get off this death trap, find somewhere else and have tremendous fun screwing that up as well.
Felix Dennis
If you catch him, just give me four seconds with Saddam Hussein.
Bruce Willis
Give me an 18-hour day on set or in the theater, and I will be the happiest person alive.
Zosia Mamet
Publishers give you deadlines for those last phases of production that are perfectly comfortable for them. So, to whatever extent I can, I like to push those to give me a little more time, and make it so that they’re as uncomfortable as I am.
Charles Frazier
Comedy Central is what these young people are viewing. The network speaks to their audience, which is saying, ‘Give me fast jokes. Give me party stories and party language.’
Bill Cosby
We were always in church, and always singing, so once I realized that music was something that I had a knack for, I sort of latched onto it, and it helped give me an identity and figure out who I was as a person. It informed my way into theater, which informed my way into television.
Tituss Burgess
I grew up feeling voiceless and powerless as a kid. I turned to books – fantasy books in particular – to give me comfort. As I grew up, I realized I could find that sense of power and voice if I simply started writing.
Sabaa Tahir
Questioning my spiritual life has always been germane to what I was writing. Always. It’s because I’m not quite an atheist and it worries me. There’s that little bit that holds on: ‘Well, I’m almost an atheist. Give me a couple of months.’
David Bowie
There are new words now that excuse everybody. Give me the good old days of heroes and villains, the people you can bravo or hiss. There was a truth to them that all the slick credulity of today cannot touch.
Bette Davis
Life is always a tightrope or a feather bed. Give me the tightrope.
Edith Wharton
I leave my career totally to the creative staff and Vince McMahon. Whatever they give me to do, I’ll go in headfirst and I’ll just perfect it and make it happen. I’m ready for whatever they have to throw at me.
I embraced everything that I thought would hold me back from pursuing my dreams and used my insecurities to give me the courage to inspire and advocate for others who possessed many of the same insecurities I had.
La’Porsha Renae
Now, I am about to be nailed as the man who disliked ‘Howl’s Moving Castle.’ Lord, give me strength! Also, IT, please disconnect the e-mail thing.
Stephen Hunter
Hey, it’s been a great ride for me, a great life. Everything I have I owe to baseball. Baseball owes me nothin’. Ain’t nobody has to give me nothin’. I would be embarrassed if I had a day somewhere. I don’t want no day. I want friends, to live my life the way I wanna live it.
Don Zimmer
I didn’t go on a campaign of developers asking, ‘Please give me money.’
Enda Kenny
I’m like any other composer. If you give me five years to write a symphony, I’m still going to be asking for more time two days before it’s due.
Darren Criss
I collect crystals and gemstones, and I’ve been collecting them since I was a little girl. They give me positive energy and strength. They make me feel connected to the earth. I cherish them.
Isabel Lucas
The only downside to playing the violin is that you never know when you’re going to be asked to play. I could be out to dinner or having a drink at a bar, and someone could just give me a violin, and I’ve got to be ready to play.
Charlie Siem
Give me a fruitful error anytime, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections.
Vilfredo Pareto
When I was interviewing Hillary Clinton, I knew when I’d ask her something that she wasn’t going to give me the complete truth because she would break eye contact with me.
Amanda de Cadenet
While the government can tell you that I am an innocent

While the government can tell you that I am an innocent man, the government’s letter cannot give me back my good name or my reputation.
Richard Jewell
The big one I missed out on was ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.’ MGM wanted me for it, and Warner Bros. wouldn’t give me permission to do it.
Carroll Baker
I thought I should go to New York because it was the place to go to study. I went and tried to get an application from the Juilliard School but they wouldn’t even give me one because I didn’t have my high school graduation.
Maureen Forrester
It doesn’t matter who is playing or how old they are. I just worry about what I can control. It doesn’t give me more or less motivation.
Monica Seles
I only really and truly fully relax on my own. Give me a sun lounger, a pool and a sea view, and I’m happy.
Miranda Hart
With the way I worked, a client can give me everything they know about something, and then I go away and come back with advertising that knocks them out of their chair. They finally understand what kind of a company they are.
George Lois
If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.
Cardinal Richelieu
Personal trainers, however nice, give me PE teacher flashbacks.
Naomi Alderman
I love movies that are saying things that people might find odd at times. I don’t find them odd at all. They give me comfort.
Jake Gyllenhaal
You don’t get paid a whole lot for theatre, but you know, I feel more like, ‘Where could I buy this experience, and how much would it cost? Who else would give me this kind of focus and put me in a room with this kind of talent?’
Dennis Christopher
I think they should give me a spot on ‘Dallas’ or ‘Dynasty’ or one of those shows.
Tiny Tim
To some degree, Hollywood doesn’t know what to do with me because the characters I do are so different. But hopefully, that will give me longevity.
Sharlto Copley
Early on I did all the production for UGK, like on ‘Southern Way.’ Yeah, 90 percent of the production and not for any other reason then I couldn’t find anybody that would give me what I needed, so I had to make it myself.
Pimp C
If I want to know how I’m doing at work, I don’t wait for a pat on the back; I ask the people who will give me a clear, objective opinion. When I need a real, arms-wrapped-around-me hug, I go to someone who does that. I stopped getting disappointed by my expectations from non-huggers.
Chandra Wilson
I grew my dreadlocks 12 years ago because they give me the freedom to roll out of bed and not spend hours on my woolly, thick hair. I get tons of dropped jaws and compliments, so I reckon folks like them all right.
Valerie June
The thing with physical preparation is I have tons of friends who train at a really high level and who can give me advice. But with mental training, I don’t really know anybody who has a much better mind for climbing, I guess, so I don’t really know where I would go. It’s not really a limiting factor for me.
Alex Honnold
One of my favorite reggae songs is Wayne Wonder’s ‘No Letting Go.’ And Sizzla ‘Give Me A Try.’ That’s one of my favorite songs as well.
Tory Lanez
Give me life, give me pain, give me myself again.
Tori Amos
My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram, or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation.
Arthur Conan Doyle
Give me rice, dal and some aachar any day, or a Spaghetti Bolognese.
Dia Mirza
Sometimes kids used to give me a hard time. But they’re on my side.
Emmanuel Lewis
In my own personal life, God plays a great role in the risk, because I pray before I go into the operating room for every case, and I ask him to give me wisdom, to help me to know what to do – and not only for operating, but for everything.
Ben Carson
We all have our prejudices, and we may or may not be aware of them. Sometimes people walk by me and give me a wider berth. It happens. I wear hoodies all the time because my head gets cold. Something innocuous can be misunderstood.
Sterling K. Brown
The best thing you can give me is your time. The easiest way to get me angry is to waste my time.
Lorene Scafaria
Trotsky rises to give me his hand, then sits at his desk, gently allowing his regard to light on my person.
Georges Simenon
My husband was a serial adulterer, and there was nothing I could do about it: no questions I could ask him, no argument I could have with him, no explanation he could give me or pleas he could make for forgiveness.
Ingrid Seward
Fans come with pictures. People give me headbands, and girls have bracelets. It’s really cool to get to meet them.
When I left my home to become an actress, my father didn’t give me a single penny. I struggled a lot, and they had no idea what I went through. My grandfather even asked me to drop my surname when he learnt I was joining films.
Kangana Ran
If you give me enough questions honestly answered, I can get you to the hollow core of any liberal position.
Ken Cuccinelli
Tell me who you want to see on the Left, and I’ll hire them. If you give me a big name that’s out there, that’s floating around and wants work, I’d be happy to hire them.
Roger Ailes
Retirement isn’t so bad. Give me a tall drink, a plush sofa and a rerun of ‘Matlock,’ and you can have the rest. Matlock is my hero. He never loses.
Ken Venturi
What the war did was give me the opportunity of three y

What the war did was give me the opportunity of three years of continuous reading, and it was in the course of reading that I became convinced that I should become an economist.
Douglass North
I have a great relationship with everyone in my family, but I’m closer to my brothers than anyone else because they give me a lot of guidance.
Kendall Schmidt
I think that any business that thinks that the transaction is ‘you give me money and I give you food, next, you give me money and I give you food, next,’ without understanding that people deeply want to feel restored is in danger.
Danny Meyer