Top 60 Attach Quotes

I try not to assign labels to myself. Sometimes I shop in the plus section, and sometimes I don’t. I feel we attach too much significance to labels, and ultimately, it doesn’t really matter.
Philomena Kwao
Most sponges in the ocean are sedentary: They attach themselves to a rock and sit and filter-feed the rest of their lives and reproduce, and that’s about it. Not that they are not interesting, but they are not that kinetic. They are not mobile. They don’t cook Krabbie Patties!
Stephen Hillenburg
The protection of biodiversity and, therefore, of endangered species is an issue to which I attach a great deal of importance.
Albert II, Prince of Monaco
I’ve learned not to attach personal feelings to critics who review your work. It’s their opinions, their perceptions – it’s a very subjective thing, and you can be hurt.
Steven Bauer
When I was little and I was introduced to Led Zeppelin, I didn’t know what a zeppelin was or who Zeppelin was or what the machine was. The real meaning is whatever feelings and memories you attach to the music.
Kyp Malone
I’m lucky: I’ve got great photogenic eyes. You’re up and running if you’ve got that and one brain cell to attach it to.
Art Malik
It’s not easy to get a celebrity to attach themselves to something. You have to build a relationship.
Brian Lee
I think failure is nothing more than life’s way of nudging you that you are off course. My attitude to failure is not attached to outcome, but in not trying. It is liberating. Most people attach failure to something not working out or how people perceive you. This way, it is about answering to yourself.
Sara Blakely
When people you don’t know say nice things about you, if you allow yourself, even subconsciously, to attach a shred of meaning to it, when the opposite happens, when people you don’t know say bad things about you, you can’t attach that same meaning.
Theo Epstein