Top 60 Trilogy Quotes

I’m a big ‘Star Wars’ fan and grew up watching the movies. I read all the books and have read ‘Star Wars’ fiction that went between the newest trilogy and the original trilogy and it was part of my childhood.
Jared Padalecki
I want to create a collection, almost like a trilogy of sorts. Whereas ‘Milk and Honey’ was very much like holding a mirror up to yourself, the second book is turning that mirror around and fixing it on the world. The book is a reflection of the times we are in.
Rupi Kaur
I would normally never set out to write a trilogy.
David Brin
Netflix was like, ‘We want all the books!’ So, thank you, Eric Heisserer. But I was really nervous at first. It’s one thing to hand over the keys to one trilogy, but it’s quite another to hand over the keys to 10 years of work.
Leigh Bardugo
I love the trilogy form. I like the idea that you can establish a character in book one. And then in the second part, you can take the characters down to their darkest point. And then in the third part, you have total freedom either to give them redemption – or just to kill them.
Adrian McKinty
If I had a story idea that I felt would work best in three volumes I might write a trilogy eventually. I’d very likely write it all at once, though, so I could work on it as a whole and not broken into individual volumes.
Erin Morgenstern
‘The Tales’ are an important part of ‘Hollow City,’ when the kids discover secrets encoded in them that end up saving their lives. I wrote two tales as part of ‘Hollow City,’ and spent the next couple of years finishing the trilogy but itching to write more tales.
Ransom Riggs
I was drawn to the role of Deena in the ‘Fear Street’ trilogy because she is incredibly passionate, strong, resilient, and brave.
Kiana Madeira
One of the traps or the pitfalls of writing a trilogy – or a triptych, or whatever term you want to use – is that the second book can be a long second act to get you from book one to book three, which borrows all of its energy from the first book.
Justin Cronin