Top 656 Republicans Quotes

I’m not worried about a ‘blue wave,’ I just think Republicans have to act like Republicans and govern like Republicans.
I grew up in a small town in the Mojave Desert where conservative Republicans were as common as cacti. Inexplicably, I grew up liberal and a feminist.
Sabaa Tahir
Right now, there are nearly 30 jobs bills passed by the House with support from both Republicans and Democrats that are awaiting action in the Democratic-run Senate.
Nan Hayworth
What we’ve been hearing over and over again is that the reason Republicans are opposed to the surtax is because of the concern of its impact on job creation. Well, if you carve out employers, you take away that argument.
Susan Collins
This is the crux of the problem: because the Republicans and the right wing have been successful in almost eliminating unions, everyone else has suffered as a result.
Michael Moore
I follow politics in a big way, and always have since I was a kid. I’ve got opinions, but they’re opinions on both sides – not just anti-Republican, which is a real popular thing for a rap artist to do. If you dis Republicans, nobody will get mad. I think the two-party system sucks. It’s absolutely ignorant.
Sir Mix-a-Lot
Republicans run the machine when it’s their turn, and then hand the wheel over to Democrats when the public has had enough.
Thomas Frank
Hurtling the Pentagon into an unprecedented budgetary meltdown is horrifically irresponsible. Obama doesn’t care. This is war – not against the Taliban, but war against the GOP. He has Republicans on the ropes, and that’s a victory he savors and desires – unlike Afghanistan, where he seems only to want to turn tail.
John Podhoretz
It’s time for Republicans to rally behind this campaign in order to put forth the best candidate to stop Hillary Clinton in November. I am confident Ted Cruz is that person, and I’m thrilled to endorse him for president.
Cory Gardner
Because Republicans have no ideas, they want to turn elections into the battle of dollars.
Ted Deutch
We’ve got a strong group of Republicans who are conservatives who know that their jobs aren’t finished when they finish their speech.
Lamar Alexander
What is a democrat? One who believes that the republicans have ruined the country. What is a republican? One who believes that the democrats would ruin the country.
Ambrose Bierce
Democrats always like to brag that their guys are smart

Democrats always like to brag that their guys are smarter than the opponents and Republicans always like to brag that their guys are more moral than the opponents. But if you’re looking for morals in politics you’re looking for bananas in the cheese department.
Harry Shearer
Republicans are the only one who can carry the banner of what I think millions of Americans are saying.
Jim DeMint
We’re doing exactly what the Republicans don’t want: getting more people involved in our democracy. Giving more Americans a voice in their future.
Jim Messina
I’m a Reagan Republican, which means I don’t speak ill of other Republicans.
Fred Upton
We create refugees, and then our Democratic Party, together with the Republicans, who are also a party to this, are criminalizing them and sending them back, inhumanely.
Jill Stein
What did Republicans get for 16 days of a government shutdown with people being hurt? We have absolutely nothing to show for it, other than a damaged brand.
Trey Gowdy
Candidates and their consultants keep making the same mistake. They assume that all independents are bundled neatly together ideologically between Republicans and Democrats.
John Sununu
It is important for women to have a choice, to have an opportunity to plan their families, because if they don’t, the Republicans have said this is an ownership society. You are on your own, and they’re going to begrudge that child everything, from WIC to a Pell Grant to health insurance.
Gwen Moore
A lot of Democrats like to play the ‘If we were Republicans’ game. I usually hate it; I don’t want to behave like the Republicans do.
Jennifer Palmieri
But the fact is that the vast majority of Republicans support the Sinn Fein leadership.
Martin McGuinness
Republicans are not a political party. It’s a mental condition.
Jesse Ventura
If Democrats were good at thinking like Republicans, they would see the light and stop being Democrats.
Ari Fleischer
Some of the most controversial things I’ve said about President Trump, I’ve heard from Republicans. But it’s just that I’ve heard them in the locker room. That’s what people actually talk about in the locker room – how terrible our president is.
Seth Moulton
The Republicans in the House and Senate took the district that I firmly represent, 22 in south Florida, from a D plus one to a D plus five almost a D plus six district, which means you are given a five to six percent registration advantage to Democrats. They drew in more Democrats into the district I represent.
Allen West
Reagan has been deified by the Republican Party, which is odd. The Reagan that modern Republicans revere is not the real Reagan.
H. W. Brands
I’ve been fighting amidst a lot of opposition from both Hillary Clinton as well as some Republicans who wanted to send arms to the allies of ISIS. ISIS rides around in a billion dollars worth of U.S. Humvees. It’s a disgrace. We’ve got to stop – we shouldn’t fund our enemies, for goodness sakes.
Rand Paul
The Republicans have lost their standards; they’ve lost their principles… Really, that’s why the machine in the Republican Party is fighting against me… They have never really gone along with lower taxes and less government.
Sharron Angle
Republicans say they want citizenship to truly mean something. Let’s be equal-opportunity about it and test everyone, including those very Republicans and others whose forbears came here generations ago.
Eric Liu
There have been so many times when I challenged Republicans on air – in big moments.
Megyn Kelly
Reaching out to Hispanics is critical to our future. The fastest-growing, and most conservative, segment of the population are natural Republicans.
Ken Mehlman
I will not negotiate the demise of the ACA with the Trump administration, but I would certainly be willing to work with responsible Republicans to fix some of the problems, particularly by strengthening the individual purchasers market to bring younger and healthier people into the risk pool.
Jimmy Gomez
Republicans should remember that when Trump campaigned, he wasn’t holding up a conservative manifesto at every rally.
Thom Tillis
Democratic politicians, liberal activists and liberal news outlets routinely deploy incendiary rhetoric and wicked accusations to marginalize Republicans.
Gary Bauer
When I arrived in the Senate, the moderate so-called Rockefeller Republicans held the balance of power.
Edward Brooke
I am perfectly happy to compromise and work with anybody: Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians – I’ll work with Martians if – and the if is critical – they’re willing to cut spending and reduce the debt.
Ted Cruz
Consider this for a moment: House Republicans would rather cut off a woman’s access to birth control, cancer screenings, and other preventative care from Planned Parenthood than continue to fund and operate the federal government.
Brad Schneider
Republicans always try to paint Democrats as weak on defense. This time, they can’t. After all, Mitt Romney’s idea of an overseas accomplishment is sending U.S. jobs there.
Chuck Schumer
Back when I was in high school, being a Republican was like cursing. Republicans were greedy people who didn’t take care of the workingman.
Richard Ojeda
Most Republicans and the business community extol the virtues of trade, depicting it as an engine of economic progress, while most Democrats and unions attack the exportation of American jobs, claiming that trade agreements are destroying our economy.
William M. Daley
Teddy Kennedy rose to become a liberal lion by collaborating with Republicans.
Juan Williams
I’m going to work with Republicans when they do things I agree with and I’m going to fight Republicans when they’re doing things that I think are damaging.
Claire McCaskill
All people are born alike - except Republicans and Demo

All people are born alike – except Republicans and Democrats.
Groucho Marx
There was no Congressional Club for my first campaign. There was no organized state group of Young Republicans, but there was a dedicated core of young people who volunteered to do anything my campaign needed.
Jesse Helms
Republicans should unite behind our promise to put the American people first, drain the swamp, and commit to putting a stop Democrats’ plans to revive pork-barrel politics.
Lauren Boebert
Republicans believe that problems are best solved at the level closest to the people and that the nation’s strength comes from the diversity of its people, not from an all-powerful central government.
Christine Todd Whitman
Most people are Democrats because they hate something; most people are Republicans because they love something.
Robert Green Ingersoll
We are hopeful that President Obama, in his State of the Union Address, will express a willingness to work with Republicans to enact all of these jobs bills.
Nan Hayworth
But I think there was a sense amongst the House Republicans especially that we didn’t just want to be opposed to Bill Clinton; that we wanted to tell the country what we were for and to brand ourselves in a more positive manner.
Ed Gillespie
You could accuse Republicans of a lot of things, but you could never convict us of being too conservative!
Jim DeMint
We’re the party that has fought for Medicare. We’re the party that has fought for Social Security. The Republicans have tried to privatize Social Security and voucherize Medicare.
Tom Perez
One of my messages to Republicans is very simple: One-third of your schedule should be listening to people in minority communities.
Newt Gingrich
2010 is not just a choice between Republicans and Democrats. 2010 is not just a choice between liberals and conservatives. 2010 is a referendum on the very identity of our nation.
Marco Rubio
The Republicans do not have feeling for people who are in bad shape.
Joy Behar
Republicans just don’t get that their idea of scandal is not what the average American thinks is a serious scandal.
Bob Beckel