Top 656 Republicans Quotes

I think Republicans really need to be disciplined, to stay focused on sustained economic growth.
Jeb Bush
The Republicans in the House and the Bush administration are bankrupting this country.
Tom Allen
Senate Republicans have engaged in a record number of filibusters and other obstructionist tactics.
Bernie Sanders
Republicans want to use Obamacare in the 2014 elections against Democrats who voted for it. They want to see it fail, even at the expense of people’s health.
Bob Beckel
As a former lifelong Republican, it pains me to tell you that today’s Republicans – and their standard-bearers, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan – just aren’t up to the task. They’re beholden to ‘my way or the highway’ bullies, indebted to billionaires who bankroll ads and allergic to the very idea of compromise.
Charlie Crist
Trump could teach Republicans in Washington a lot if only they stopped posturing long enough to watch carefully.
Tucker Carlson
People are clamoring to hear good ideas as opposed to the lesser of two evils… Either the Democrats are going to win or the Republicans are going to win, but the losers are all of us out here as citizens that really do want meaningful change, and none of it’s happening. There’s no dialogue regarding meaningful change.
Gary Johnson
One miscalculation I made is I did not fully appreciate

One miscalculation I made is I did not fully appreciate that the Republicans in Congress were going to just say no to everything. Even when there are ideas that have traditionally been bipartisan.
Valerie Jarrett
When I was sixteen, I borrowed a copy of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ from the mobile library. Democrats and Republicans were standing for very different principles, and I could see which side was going to represent me.
James Carville
Republicans think tax filing should be easier for you, not just the well-connected.
Joni Ernst
Most Evangelicals claim to be politically non-partisan, and say they only identify with the Republican Party because the Republicans are committed to ‘family values.’
Tony Campolo
In Washington, D.C., in 2006, Democrats had long since given up on the war in Iraq in terms of any tangible political support for it. The new factor was the Republicans were beginning to give up as well, and they were truly challenging the strategy and the lack of success.
Jack Keane
There are a great number of Republicans who are economically conservative but have hearts and a consciousness about their country.
Tim Robbins
Joe Scarborough was one of 74 Republicans elected to the Congress in 1994 in response to the missteps of the early Clinton era. He was the first Republican elected to Congress from his northern Florida district since the 1870s and handily won re-election three times.
Christopher Buckley
Violence against women in this country is not levied against just Democrats, but Republicans as well… not just rich people or poor people. It knows no gender, it knows no ethnicity, it knows nothing.
Gwen Moore
Well, you have the public not wanting any new spending, you have the Republicans not wanting any new taxes, you have the Democrats not wanting any new spending cuts, you have the markets not wanting any new borrowing, and you have the economists wanting all of the above. And that leads to paralysis.
Michael Bloomberg
The caricatures that the mainstream media and the Democrats have about Republicans have taken hold.
Kellyanne Conway
What I’ve said about compromise, I hope to build a conservative majority so bipartisanship becomes Democrats joining Republicans to roll back the size of government, reduce the bureaucracy, and get America moving again.
Richard Mourdock
Working together with Democrats and Republicans, I passed legislation to help break the grip of addiction. By investing in prevention, treatment, and recovery, empowering law enforcement, and stopping the overprescribing of painkillers, we can turn the tide.
Rob Portman
Republicans in Congress boosted the economy by cutting taxes and ending programs that don’t work.
Zach Wamp
Just think of what Woodrow Wilson stood for: he stood for world government. He wanted an early United Nations, League of Nations. But it was the conservatives, Republicans, that stood up against him.
Ron Paul
I’d hate to paint with a broad brush, but many Democrats don’t feel that we have a crisis in entitlements, and Republicans do.
Dave Camp
In order for Republicans… to grow its ranks, it must reflect America.
Ryan Frazier
Our citizens never hesitate to take sides against one another, whether it’s Democrats versus Republicans, Coke drinkers opposed to Pepsi enthusiasts or Yankee loyalists against Red Sox aficionados.
Jen Lancaster
You know, Hillary Clinton’s always saying how Republicans don’t follow science? Well, they’re the ones not listening to the scientists today, because doctors say that at 20 weeks that is a viable life inside the womb. And at that point, it’s a life that we have the right to protect, and I think we should protect.
George Pataki
After 1994, the public had the impression we Republicans overpromised and underdelivered.
Mitch McConnell
The Republicans would like to take us back to a darker time, when corporations ruled and the underserved had no rights.
Joe Baca
Donald Trump, like most Americans, like most Republicans, believe in protecting America’s core national interests.
Tom Cotton
I’m one of the people that, when I hear Republicans talk about repealing Obamacare, I just want to roll my eyes. Republicans talk about reform to the healthcare, and they talk about selling insurance across state lines, and that’s their solution?
Gary Johnson
I’ve got the most beautiful district. I can understand why Republicans want it.
Joe Garcia
The Republicans have chosen to neglect young Americans who need assistance with the costs of higher education.
John Conyers
When you have a Senate that is 50 Democrats and 49 Republicans and one independent, it’s quite obvious that the only way we are going to get something done is if we work together.
John Breaux
As a Republican Party, we’re going to have to have a conversation about it. But I think, ultimately, a majority of Republicans, like a majority of Americans, don’t want to let violent felons out of prison.
Tom Cotton
Historically, the Republicans have been geniuses at throwing away advantages.
Bob Packwood
For the most part, congressional Republicans represent people who are whiter, older and richer than most Americans, and our creaky old political system gives those Americans disproportionate influence over public policy.
Alex Pareene
Republicans will criticize whatever President Obama does because that is what they do.
Luis Gutierrez
The difference between a Republican and a Democrat is the Democrat is a cannibal they have to live off each other, while the Republicans, why, they live off the Democrats.
Will Rogers
It is hard to miss the irony in the fact that the very same week that Republicans were publicly heralding Congressman Paul Ryan’s plan to inject market forces into the American health care system, they were crafting a budget deal to strip them from the health reform law.
Ron Wyden
Democrats and Republicans agree on most of a unified, p

Democrats and Republicans agree on most of a unified, politically viable, and workable immigration reform package. Both parties agree that border security is a key part of any strategy.
Luis Gutierrez
When Republicans say they want to run government ‘like a business,’ they apparently mean ‘run government like a Trump casino headed straight for bankruptcy court.’
Tom Steyer
In mid-2014, 51 percent of American Republicans viewed Putin very unfavorably. Two years later, 14 percent did. By January, 75 percent of Republicans said Trump had the ‘right approach’ toward Russia.
Franklin Foer
I will make a bargain with the Republicans. If they will stop telling lies about Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.
Adlai Stevenson II
The good news is the Republicans have started to say the right things about net neutrality. The bad news is we’re not particularly close on what a bill would look like.
Brian Schatz
When I was in the state legislature, we asked for different examples of voter fraud, and the Republicans could never produce any sort of in-person voter fraud examples.
Marc Veasey
The Washington establishment think Republicans win elections by you don’t stand for anything, you keep your head down, you don’t rock the boat. You know what? Every time we do that, we get clobbered in the polls.
Ted Cruz
Anger in the black community towards Republicans is established and immutable.
Bob Beckel
Republicans can be a funny bunch. They’re against affirmative action, but they always seem to be able to find people of color to fill a slot just when they’re most needed.
John Ridley
In the end, all Republicans want to make sure we don’t increase taxes. That’s where we differ with the Democrats.
Tom Cole
Republicans are for both the man and the dollar, but in case of conflict the man before the dollar.
Abraham Lincoln
Republicans today have given the country conservatism in the spirit of Sarah Palin, whose ignorance about the world, contempt for expertise, and raw appeals to white identity politics presaged Trump’s incendiary campaign.
George Packer
Republicans constantly claim to be the party that defends the Constitution. We have no legitimate right to that claim until we get right on gay rights.
Mark McKinnon
We need to stand up to Donald Trump and the Republicans, but we also need to stand up against our own party establishment when it’s on the wrong side of an issue.
Seth Moulton
You talk about leading Republicans. That’s no easy task on just like you were trying to lead Democrats on the other side. We all have independent thoughts and independent ideas.
James Lankford
The Republicans can send the nation into turmoil, but we will not come to any agreement that does not include new revenue – and not just token new revenue. It is their choice.
Patty Murray
Since 1980, we’ve used reconciliation 22 times, and out of those times, Republicans used it 16 times. So, earth to my Republican friends, you can have your option but you cannot change these facts. They’re in the Congressional Record.
Barbara Boxer