Top 656 Republicans Quotes

Republicans are manufacturing a Social Security crisis that does not exist in order to dismantle Social Security.
Diane Watson
There’s a whole set of values, spawned by the vocal and highly visible Republicans, that appeal to the worst in people. Our society is moving in that direction.
Major Owens
Where Republicans encourage popular myths about taxes, spending, and climate change, Democrats tend to stoke our fantasies about the sustainability of entitlement spending as well as about the cost of new programs.
Jacob Weisberg
Republicans should simply focus on first principles and give the American people what they want – an honest party dedicated to common sense, fiscal responsibility and limited government. If we govern to save the country, we’ll do well as a party.
Tom Coburn
I believe in most of the things Republicans stand for.
Charles Evers
Republicans and Democrats are obsessed with making sure that illegal aliens are granted citizenship. The American people are not. They’re concerned about jobs, the economy, debt. They’re concerned about a plundering country. They’re concerned about a decaying, dying country.
Rush Limbaugh
One of the reasons we don’t have our deficit under control is because Republicans are wusses and won’t tell their base a simple fact that everyone knows. We can’t eliminate the deficit without raising some revenue… They’re wusses.
Ed Rendell
I don’t have the luxury of just hanging out in my primary and, once I win the primary, I’m fine. I have to talk to Democrats and Republicans.
Pete Gallego
Republicans know that government spending creates jobs. They just want that spending to be funneled to their projects and districts… and they certainly don’t want to say it out loud.
Jennifer Granholm
The Left has been frustrated because President Obama has allowed the Republicans to run all over him.
Ed Schultz
I guess the Democrats have to pretend to be more pious

I guess the Democrats have to pretend to be more pious than the Republicans because they are under suspicion of not being.
Richard Dawkins
In my experience, all Americans – Republicans, Democrats, and everyone in between – want roughly the same thing: an assurance that if they work hard, they can create a better life for themselves and their families. They want to feel safe in their communities and secure in their future.
Todd Young
We now live in a very polarized nation, divided not between Republicans and Democrats but between those who want to defend our liberties and those who want to defend politically correct stupidities.
Tom Tancredo
To understand how Republicans lost the African American vote, we must first understand how we won the African American vote.
Rand Paul
I think our country will keep Republicans in the majority.
Ronna McDaniel
Our goal as Republicans is to ensure gender discrimination ends once and for all, and to also help guarantee those who want to remain in the workforce and continue their careers aren’t hindered by clunky, outdated regulatory structures that penalize them for making that choice.
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
I’m a Republican; I’d say I’m a conservative Republican. My job as RNC chair is to elect Republicans all across this country.
Ronna McDaniel
The pro-Hillary groups needed to quit fighting each other and get down to business fighting Republicans.
David Brock
While only about half of the voters feel they know very much about Reagan or what he stands for, the Republicans who do have a very positive perception of him.
Robert Teeter
I am a mom from Michigan. I am an outsider. And I am going to do everything I can to make sure Donald Trump and Republicans everywhere are successful.
Ronna McDaniel
Republicans in the South… are trying to find ways, not so much to block black and brown people from voting, but to block black and brown people from getting people they want elected, which is a far more subtle thing to do.
Joe Morton
Republicans should embrace the possibility that Obamacare could pave the way toward lower health care entitlement spending overall. That won’t be easy. But it’s not unthinkable, either.
Joe Klein
Hopefully, at some point, people will at least credit the Republicans with carrying out their oversight responsibilities and with pursuing a principled course of action even in the face of everyone’s short-attention spans.
Barbara Olson
I see the demographics increasing, and by that I mean the notion of social acceptance is growing, not decreasing; I think the notion of fiscal responsibility is growing, not decreasing. And Republicans seem to be moving further away from those two categories than closer.
Gary Johnson
My father, Birch Bayh, represented Indiana in the Senate from 1963 to 1981. A progressive, he nonetheless enjoyed many friendships with moderate Republicans and Southern Democrats.
Evan Bayh
Today, grass-roots Republicans want to drink a bottle of 2010 small-government wine, but our candidates were bottled in another era, before the tea party’s ideas took root.
Ari Fleischer
Mitt Romney has won the 2012 presidential nomination by promising Republicans that he would end a so-called ‘culture of dependency’ on welfare – welfare defined as ‘free stuff’ and food stamps for poor folks, not tax breaks for Big Oil or tax shelters for Bain executives.
Christine Pelosi
I think, as Republicans, we need to stick by what we believe in. And that is fiscal conservatism and individual freedom.
We as Republicans have taken the easy way out a lot of times.
Rand Paul
Alaska and Montana are not in the south but they definitely form part of the crimson tide of red states where Republicans are dominant.
Juan Williams
I wanted to be clear that Republicans will continue to be a champion for expanding economic freedom to trade. It is at the heart of our free-enterprise system.
Kevin Brady
‘Moderate Republican’ is simply how the blabocracy flatters Republicans who vote with the Democrats. If it weren’t so conspicuous, the ‘New York Times’ would start referring to ‘nice Republicans’ and ‘mean Republicans’
Ann Coulter
Republicans are easy to make fun of.
Michelle Wolf
When it comes to social issues, Republicans don’t just need to be more empathetic. They also need to be more emphatic in explaining to voters what they believe, and why.
Gary Bauer
Because Republicans believe that the federal government is limited in its function-some have concluded that Republicans are somehow inherently insensitive to minority rights. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Rand Paul
Some people are surprised that the Republicans are waging a war on women, or that they voted against equal pay for women. I’m not surprised at all. In some ways, it may be a good thing. They’re defending the patriarchy, which is a wounded beast! And wounded beasts are always dangerous.
Jane Fonda
Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the Senate, said that Republicans’ number one priority was the defeat of President Obama.
Steny Hoyer
Romney still enjoys the Republicans’ traditional advantage among voters who are veterans, but the Obama campaign is confident it can chip away at that.
Mara Liasson
The 2004 presidential election that saw George W. Bush win with 51 percent of the vote was the last one Republicans will ever win with the overwhelmingly white and male coalition they have now.
John Podhoretz
The central question is whether Medicare and Medicaid should remain entitlement programs guaranteeing a certain amount of care, as Democrats believe, or become defined contribution programs in which federal spending is capped, as Republicans suggest.
Christina Romer
There are some in black robes sitting on federal benches all across this country. They’re Democrats, Republicans, liberals, and even conservatives that pervert the Constitution.
Paul Broun
Some of us believe, with good reasons, that the Republi

Some of us believe, with good reasons, that the Republicans are ‘mad-dogging’ Hillary Clinton with the Benghazi hearing to damage not only her presidential prospects, but also to damage President Obama’s credibility.
Donna Brazile
There’s very widespread grassroots support for Donald Trump, one that Republicans have not seen before.
Steve Mnuchin
Now, so, if you want to blame someone for wasteful spending, the Republicans are in the majority.
Chaka Fattah
We all know members of the House and Senate – especially the House – who are just crazy and say things that aren’t true, Democrats and Republicans.
Jake Tapper
Anyone who says the Republicans have been irresponsible aren’t looking at the facts.
Jim DeMint
I have worked for three decades as a staunch advocate of building a ‘big tent’ party that includes both pro-choice and pro-life Republicans.
Olympia Snowe
Incumbent White House parties have won 10 of the last 18 presidential elections; the odds are tight, but they favor Obama in 2012. And so gloomy Democrats, check your despair; gleeful Republicans, watch the hubris.
Jon Meacham
Every second, every hour, and every day we can stop radical Democrat policies, Republicans should do it.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Millennials don’t believe that government is the most effective in solving problems, and that lack of faith in big government is an opportunity for Republicans to win over millennials.
Elise Stefanik
As people do better, they start voting like Republicans – unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.
Karl Rove
So I really would like to see both parties respond to the poor with greater commitment. But I’ve got to tell you, the Democrats, I feel, are doing a better job in that respect than Republicans are.
Tony Campolo
The #MeToo movement doesn’t belong to Republicans or the Democrats. The #MeToo movement belongs to women who are having the courage to come forward and say this is wrong. People should be protected. We want that for all of our daughters and all of our sisters. We also want there to be rights for the accused.
Ben Sasse
Once the cry and the cause of a generation of progressives to make America safer, fairer and cleaner, ‘regulation’ is now a dirty word in our politics. Even Democrats are quick to talk about cutting regulations; Republicans hate them with – how to put it? – evangelical fervor.
Jon Meacham