Top 700 Income Quotes

I’m living so far beyond my income that we may almost be said to be living apart.
Hector Hugh Munro
In London the average person is paying 50 per cent of their income on rent. Just think how much better off people would feel if that number was a lot lower.
Liz Truss
I think that on the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders talks about income inequality and poverty alleviation, and those issues are so important.
Kerry Kennedy
Most families rely on two incomes to make ends meet, and when a woman earns less, we put working families at a huge disadvantage.
Ann McLane Kuster
It isn’t only rich countries that suffer from the effects of tax havens. Developing countries also lose billions of dollars in tax revenues due each year because wealthy individuals and some companies use tax havens to move assets and income offshore.
Jose Angel Gurria
If I collected all the diamonds in the world, I’d have no ‘income’ but I’d have a lot of ‘assets’. Would my company be worth nothing because I have no income? A lot of Net companies are collecting assets. They have to be measured with a new set of metrics.
Vinod Khosla
Every two weeks, I’d get a small pay-check and notice the line where federal and state income taxes were deducted from my wages. At least as often, our drug-addict neighbor would buy T-bone steaks, which I was too poor to buy for myself but was forced by Uncle Sam to buy for someone else.
J. D. Vance
When you’re a self-made man, you start very early in life. In my case it was at 9 years old when I started bringing income into the family. You get a drive that’s a little different, maybe a little stronger, than somebody who inherited.
Kirk Kerkorian
Low-wage individuals barely get anything. I think we have to reward work, and I do think that we need to bump up the earned income tax credit to help low-wage workers.
Mike Coffman
I tend to split my activities into fun, income and legacy. The number of things in that finance bucket is pretty few and far between and doesn’t consume much time at all.
Tim Ferriss
Eventually, my W-2 income will wind down, and my investments can actually make that up.
Alex Rodriguez
I just think that – when a country needs more income and we do, we’re only taking in 15 percent of GDP, I mean, that – that – when a country needs more income, they should get it from the people that have it.
Warren Buffett
Timber extraction provides big profits at the expense of local communities. Providing communities with unfettered access to harvest a forest that is protected in perpetuity provides better and more reliable incomes.
Johan Eliasch
It is one thing to seek out new ways to grow your company and new potential streams of income from new services or products, but it is quite another to take on responsibilities that are far from your primary job as Entrepreneur.
Michael Gerber
During that first year, I felt guilty that my wife was out working bringing in all our income, while I was at home playing on the computer, so I made myself treat writing like a job.
Stephen R. George
We will have bigger bureaucracies, bigger labor unions, and bigger state-run corporations. It will be harder to be an entrepreneur because of punitive taxes and regulations. The rewards of success will be expropriated for the sake of attaining greater income equality.
Arthur C. Brooks
If the club is doing good, the club is getting income, then the club can share it with the players. But when the situation is not going according to plan, you have to look at the financial bit and see what you can change.
Henrik Larsson
Our agricultural economy in the Hudson Valley continues to face historically low prices and producer income, as well as losses due to weather and other disasters.
Sue Kelly
The dual effect of high growth creating higher income that’s taxed by government at all levels, combined with lessening demands placed on government that occurs during economic prosperity, is a worthy objective.
Jeb Bush
The impact of low interest rates is broad and deep. Many Americans rely on interest income from their savings to help cover their cost of living.
John Delaney
There are some writers who don’t write about people who do jobs. I’m not going to name them, but you watch one of their films, or you read one of their books, and you think, ‘What job do they do?’ They seem to have a nice house and a nice income. How have they got it?
Jed Mercurio
I support a guaranteed basic income. I think we should take care of sick people. I believe women can make their own choices and that the government is at its best when it’s building bridges instead of bombs.
Edward Snowden
When it comes to the income of the ministry, I have no problem talking about it or what happens to the money.
Benny Hinn
Our incomes should be like our shoes; if too small, they will gall and pinch us; but if too large, they will cause us to stumble and to trip.
Charles Caleb Colton
My dad and mom did what a lot of parents did at the time. They sacrificed a lot of their life and used a lot of their disposable income to make sure their children were educated.
Sundar Pichai
We are building a country where a person’s prospects are determined by their own initiative and hard work and not by the color of their skin, place of birth, gender, language, or income of their parents.
Cyril Ramaphosa
If the American public is so into morality in movies, why don’t they throw more of their disposable income at religious-themed entertainment? For every ‘Passion of the Christ,’ there’s a ‘Fireproof’ that comes and goes with no notice.
John Ridley
Man, I grew up like everybody else. Middle-low income family. My parents got divorced like most of the rest of the country.
Most Americans think that the typical low – income family lives in public housing or gets housing assistance. The opposite is true.
Matthew Desmond
I pay a living wage, I believe in healthcare, I declare all my income, and I don’t cut corners.
Tom Douglas
Income inequality has made having kids, much like getti

Income inequality has made having kids, much like getting a quality college education, a rich person’s privilege.
Ana Kasparian
As we segregate by income into different communities, schools in lower-income areas have fewer resources than ever.
Robert Reich
Many people do not understand that business investment is a critical prosperity-booster, leading to more jobs, higher wages, and stronger family income. Put another way, rising tax and regulatory burdens that penalize investors and businesses also punish middle-income wage earners.
Lawrence Kudlow
As white authors, bloggers, and readers, we must stop promoting diversity as a business opportunity or a chance to buy ally points with our disposable income.
Jennifer Armintrout
Income splitting benefits only fifteen per cent, mostly the wealthiest Canadians, but it’s paid for by everyone.
Justin Trudeau
Structured settlements are a common way for people who have been injured to receive an insurance payout. The periodic payments provide ongoing income and reduce the risk of blowing a lump sum through poor financial choices.
Suze Orman
The economic costs, the financial costs, the job losses, the income losses, the fiscal costs of bailing out financial system are becoming larger and larger.
Nouriel Roubini
Did you know that they introduced the 15 percent flat tax on individual and corporate income in Iraq? Something that some politicians very much wanted to push in the United States without success but in Iraq they do it.
Juan Cole
If governments start to go it alone on trade, it will become harder, not easier, to generate the jobs and rising incomes that angry electorates want.
Arancha Gonzalez
A year of service has the power to bring young people together from different races, ethnicities, incomes, faiths, and political backgrounds to work on pressing problems facing U.S. society today.
Stanley A. McChrystal
Expanding the EITC can get us close to a universal basic minimum income.
Ro Khanna
We will attract more people to Kentucky by lowering our income tax rate. In fact, lowering the income tax rate is the single most important thing we can do to create opportunity.
Ernie Fletcher
A broken heart is a very pleasant complaint for a man in London if he has a comfortable income.
George Bernard Shaw
You work hard for your income, and that hard work is what fuels the economy.
Emily Oster
This is the great crisis in football now. It’s not just Rangers; it’s a lot of clubs. Big clubs always create more debt despite the huge income they have. It’s almost an achievement, isn’t it? They make so much money, and yet, still, their debts rise and rise and rise. How does that happen? It’s absurd.
Johan Cruyff
On New Year’s Day 2008 I had two bailiffs turn up on my doorstep and because I had so little income I had not been paying bills, and I respect the concept of paying bills, I’m very much in favour of it, I just couldn’t quite get it together.
Anne Hegerty
The argument that any income redistribution is tantamount to socialism, and that socialism has always been unAmerican, has helped legitimise keeping taxes on America’s very wealthy very low.
Linda Colley
As a general rule, governments are wise to avoid taxation that is voluntary, as they need a steady stream of income.
Jacob Rees-Mogg
By the way, in Mrs. Clinton’s returns, you saw a lot of income coming from donors to the Clinton Foundation and people who benefitted from her State Department term as well.
Paul Manafort
It’s not fair that teachers are getting low income to where they get frustrated to where they don’t even want to teach.
Bushwick Bill
The liberal fiscal spending of the 2004-08 period was made possible both by rising government revenues and national income growth and by relative comfort on the external side. After 2009,these pillars of growth began to wobble. By 2012, they were shaking.
Sanjaya Baru
We will be returning to historical levels of inequality. We’ll view post-war America as a kind of strange interlude not to be repeated. It won’t be the dreams that we all had that virtually all incomes go up in lockstep at three percent a year. It hurts to give that up.
Tyler Cowen