Top 475 Fool Quotes

Anyone who works is a fool. I don’t work – I merely inflict myself upon the public.
Robert Morley
I am comfortable playing the fool, I think.
Ben Barnes
The world of the small business owner is all about moving multiple items forward at once, and it’s a fool’s errand to believe one person can do it all when the shift comes from linear to parallel.
Michael Gerber
The learned is happy, nature to explore; The fool is happy, that he knows no more.
Alexander Pope
Anybody that thought the genome was going to directly provide drugs was a fool. Biological networks are not simple, and making drugs to affect them won’t be simple.
Leroy Hood
It’s fun to explore behavior that you can’t explore in your own life, so you fool around with it in acting.
James Spader
A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.
William Shakespeare
When I was much younger, I sometimes felt rejected by feminists because of an image that I sold because it paid the bills. Any fool could tell my hair is dyed.
Felicity Kendal
When my body is covered and disappears, it’s not about the relationship between me and the wall, but the relationship between me as an individual and those slogans which are used to fool the public.
Liu Bolin
The greatest obstacle to being heroic is the doubt whether one may not be going to prove one’s self a fool; the truest heroism is to resist the doubt; and the profoundest wisdom, to know when it ought to be resisted, and when it be obeyed.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The first thing you have to get used to in any kind of acting is the ability to make a fool of yourself. If you haven’t learnt how to make a fool of yourself, you shouldn’t be on the boards. That’s absolutely what it’s all about.
John Hurt
Many politicians are in the habit of laying it down as a self-evident proposition that no people ought to be free till they are fit to use their freedom. The maxim is worthy of the fool in the old story who resolved not to go into the water till he had learned to swim.
Thomas Babington Macaulay
I don’t think I’m complicated at all. I’m not political, and I’m not trying to be diplomatic. I don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings, and I don’t say bad things about people. There is no agenda. There’s no trying to fool somebody.
Nick Saban
Don’t you understand how dramatic it is to be a comic? To be a fool, to get people to laugh at this show-off? Milton Berle could take Laurence Olivier and stick him under the table if he wanted to. And so could I.
Jerry Lewis
The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his own way.
Josh Billings
Trying to catch hold of yourself is a fool’s errand. There is no you, only a series of former yous, created in one instant, deleted in the next.
Jesse Kellerman
If you make a fool of yourself, you can do it with dignity, without taking your pants down. And if you do take your pants down, you can still do it with dignity.
William Shatner
‘Taskmaster’ taps into a universal humour of people making a fool of themselves.
Greg Davies
Fool that I was, upon my eagle’s wings I bore this wren, till I was tired with soaring, and now he mounts above me.
John Dryden
The young man who has not wept is a savage, and the older man who will not laugh is a fool.
George Santayana
Every success story has a parent who says, ‘over my dead body.’ Every success story has an old person who walks up to you and says, when you’re acting the fool, ‘you know I worry about you sometimes.’
Bill Cosby
I used to go to the stables and fool with the mules. My mother lived in constant fear that I might be brought home with a hoof print on my stomach.
Rudolph Valentino
Being funny is my biggest differentiator, and I think I’d be a fool not to use that, and there’s nothing I enjoy personally more than making a human being laugh. But then, I also think I have a serious side to me.
Lil Dicky
One disadvantage of being a hog is that at any moment some blundering fool may try to make a silk purse out of your wife’s ear.
J. B. Morton
A fool and his money get a lot of publicity.
Al Bernstein
I like to fool myself into thinking that whatever happens is OK.
Mark Lanegan
I don’t care what consequence it brings, I have been a fool for lesser things.
Billy Joel
The biggest fool in the world is he who merely does his work supremely well, without attending to appearance.
Michael Korda
As soon as you become afraid to make a fool of yourself

As soon as you become afraid to make a fool of yourself, you’re in trouble. I decided I may as well just see if I can live with myself making millions of mistakes and learn something from it.
Gelsey Kirkland
The hardest thing about being an unpublished writer is that there’s always that voice in your head that asks if you’re really being a fool. You might just really stink and not know it. You have to have a lot of blind faith in the process. You have to like it so much that you’re going to do it anyway.
Watt Key
Very often, say what you will, a knave is only a fool.
The fool shouts loudly, thinking to impress the world.
Marie de France
I would be a liar, a hypocrite, or a fool – and I’m not any of those – to say that I don’t write for the reader. I do. But for the reader who hears, who really will work at it, going behind what I seem to say. So I write for myself and that reader who will pay the dues.
Maya Angelou
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln
I believe that love between people is the greatest life-giving force in the world. It’s intensely frustrating and inevitably makes a fool of you, but you can’t stop going back to it, and it’s pretty much the defining experience of a human being.
Sebastian Faulks
I’m interested in women’s health because I’m a woman. I’d be a darn fool not to be on my own side.
Maya Angelou
You go from these high hopes when you’re writing to just a desperate want of not making a complete fool of yourself by the end of it.
Rian Johnson
He sells, he knows how to talk, he’s smart, he’s no fool. McGregor doesn’t fight, he just reacts, he’s never first to throw a punch. He goes in there to tease, not to fight. He’s like Muhammad Ali.
Glover Teixeira
I’m doing modeling to stay alive. I don’t enjoy my work. I don’t find it creative. You don’t need brains, and there are no heavy qualifications. All it takes is not to be shy and to dare to make a fool of yourself. But I shouldn’t complain, because I am privileged enough to be overpaid.
Paulina Porizkova
I’m not going to be caught around here for any fool celebration. To hell with birthdays!
Norman Rockwell
You give me nothing during your life, but you promise to provide for me at your death. If you are not a fool, you know what I wish for!
Marcus Valerius Martial
If we don’t plant the right things, we will reap the wrong things. It goes without saying. And you don’t have to be, you know, a brilliant biochemist and you don’t have to have an IQ of 150. Just common sense tells you to be kind, ninny, fool. Be kind.
Maya Angelou
I wouldn’t tell nobody to sign no slave deal or sign your life away or nothing like that, but if the deal is right and if it benefits you, you’d be a fool if you did not take advantage of it.
Dave East
Anybody who doesn’t think I want the Lakers to win is a fool. But I’m no homer.
Chick Hearn
People say child stars have a hard time ‘because of the entertainment business,’ but I think there’s a dysfunction before all that. I use the analogy, ‘If you’re a fool without money, you’ll be a fool with money.’
Tia Mowry
I wasn’t playing the music, the music was playing me… and once that went away, and I had the feeling I was playing music, I had to stop. The need to go onstage and get my brain flattened every night left me, and what I didn’t wanna do is go onstage and perpetrate a fraud… You cannot fool an audience.
Henry Rollins
Man was made to be immortal; else, he could not survive being the fool he is.
Douglas Southall Freeman
I think that people need to have the courage of their convictions and not be trying to fool people into thinking that they’ve changed overnight.
Chris Bell
To be able to write a play a man must be sensitive, imaginative, naive, gullible, passionate; he must be something of an imbecile, something of a poet, something of a liar, something of a damn fool.
Robert E. Sherwood
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There’s no point in being a damn fool about it.
W. C. Fields
I was always too mature for my age – and not very happy. I had no young friends. I wish I could go back to those days. If I could only live it all again, how I would play and enjoy other girls. What a fool I was.
Maria Callas
I have a past of making a fool of myself.
Jed S. Rakoff
In acting, you have to fool yourself – you mess with yourself into believing things.
Janhvi Kapoor
Men may change their climate, but they cannot change their nature. A man that goes out a fool cannot ride or sail himself into common sense.
Joseph Addison
I think one of the funniest things about ’30 Rock’ is that Liz Lemon is sort of like Buster Keaton – she’s always the fool, the joke is always on her.
Cristin Milioti
I’m dying to fool around with the distance between Selina Kyle and Catwoman. And, you know, the whole double identity thing is endlessly fascinating. I mean, you can always find another riff for it.
Ann Nocenti
I think fans can tell if you just slap a skateboarder on a game – you can’t fool kids.
Shaun White
Talking and eloquence are not the same: to speak and to speak well are two things. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.
Heinrich Heine
Anyone who has passed though the regular gradations of a classical education, and is not made a fool by it, may consider himself as having had a very narrow escape.
William Hazlitt
My ears won't fool me. Even when I do a session on digi

My ears won’t fool me. Even when I do a session on digital, we still warm it up somewhere in the process, in mastering or mixing, running the signal through some tubes somewhere.
Steve Cropper
Any fool can have bad luck; the art consists in knowing how to exploit it.
Frank Wedekind