Top 580 Succeed Quotes

Success is carved out of a hard tree. It doesn’t just happen. It’s people who stick to it that succeed.
Jaclyn Smith
I kept trying, proposing, pushing… If you want to succeed, you cannot leave work half done, and unfortunately, many things were left half done. The choice was made not to launch a second wave of economic reforms that I was proposing.
Emmanuel Macron
Asking why rappers always talk about their stuff is lik

Asking why rappers always talk about their stuff is like asking why Milton is forever listing the attributes of heavenly armies. Because boasting is a formal condition of the epic form. And those taught that they deserve nothing rightly enjoy it when they succeed in terms the culture understands.
Zadie Smith
You have tremendous flexibility in defining both the greater good and the greater community. If you don’t succeed in this, then you will continue to pull that heavy wagon up the mountain, and despite the fact that you are pulling it, it will somehow run over your own foot.
Srikumar Rao
Of course there’s pressure, and it’s still there with every book. Each one is harder to write than the last, basically because you’re always trying to write a better book. You won’t always succeed, of course, but that has to be what you’re shooting for.
Mark Billingham
My motto is more, ‘If you want to find something new, look for something new!’ There is a certain amount of risk in this attitude, as even the slightest failure tends to be resounding, but you are so happy when you succeed that it is worth taking the risk.
Yves Chauvin
It doesn’t matter if I don’t succeed in something, what matters is that I learn from my mistakes.
Linda Evans
To succeed in life in today’s world, you must have the will and tenacity to finish the job.
Chin-Ning Chu
When you’re coming up, and you have Matt Hughes, Tim Sylvia, Jens Pulver and Pat Miletich, Jeremy Horn to train with and compete with – guys that have fought in Japan, all over the world – and you see these guys every day, you just embrace the grind and get after it: you have no choice but to succeed.
Robbie Lawler
I believe a democracy needs men and women of conviction in its positions of leadership in order for us to succeed. That’s the subject of ‘A Perfect Candidate,’ a film I made 20 years ago about Oliver North and Charles Robb.
R. J. Cutler
There’s a touch of the gambler in anybody really competitive and somebody that’s willing to concede that to succeed, sometimes you need to cut corners and to make bold choices.
Josh Charles
When Ex-Im gives companies the resources they need to sell their products abroad, their employees, suppliers and communities succeed at home.
Stephen Fincher
I did ‘How to Succeed in Business… ,’ ‘Kiss Me Kate,’ ‘Godspell,’ and ‘You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown’ in high school, all of which were fun.
Jonathan Groff
In Europe and Australia, there is something called the Tall Poppy Syndrome: People like to cut the tall poppies. They don’t want you to succeed, and they cut you down – especially people from your own social class.
Mark Burnett
Have you noticed that the cleverest people at school are often not the ones who succeed in life?
Paul Arden
If you are going to be a writer, you have to have self-belief, every writer gets rejections, they say the difference between a successful and unsuccessful writer is an unsuccessful writer gives up, if you keep going you will succeed.
Anthony Horowitz
Like most female actresses, I am always aspiring to succeed and become a popular star, and my positive energy never dies out.
Liu Yifei
They already know all about brands… but what 16- and 17-year-olds won’t necessarily have is experience of the world of work. The more that businesses get involved with schools, the better, because businesses sometimes complain that students don’t have what they require to succeed in work.
Philip Green
I grew up poor. The fact that I had to struggle to succeed, that wasn’t a big deal to me. I’d struggled my whole life.
Carlos Mencia
My administration is focused on continuing to grow our economic foundation while ensuring emerging industries have the infrastructure and workforce they need to succeed in the global economy.
Steve Bullock
People have to understand that unless social enterprise is experimental, it will not succeed in making a difference.
Jacqueline Novogratz
Someone will eventually succeed in this hunt for a longevity pill, and when they do, one of the greatest advances in the history of medicine will have been achieved.
S. Jay Olshansky
No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Any attempt to dilute my support for Sen. Obama will not succeed.
Jesse Jackson
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try, try, try again.
Michael Chang
For us to become a nation, everyone – including Arabs, Druze, ultra-Orthodox and new immigrants – must feel that they belong. Their success is extremely important to us. If they succeed, they will come to understand the advantages of democracy and freedom.
Stef Wertheimer
At some point, an industry has to either succeed or fail on its own merits.
Mike Pompeo
I’ve decided that whether I succeed or fail, I have to give it 100 per cent. That way, at least I know I tried.
Manisha Koirala
Yankee Stadium is a natural venue for another lesson: You won’t succeed all the time. Even Ruth, Gehrig, and DiMaggio failed most of time when they stepped to the plate. Finding the right path in life, more often than not, involves some missteps.
Janet Yellen
I am very proud of my mom and consider her the most courageous woman I know. With perseverance, sacrifice and hard work, she raised a family of Olympic athletes and gave us the tools and the spirit to succeed. That is something that my brothers and I will always be thankful for.
Diana Lopez
Vinod Khosla is best known for shunning convention and taking massive risks on companies he calls ‘black swans’ -companies with a near-complete chance of failure. But, if they succeed, the world will be forever changed.
Emily Chang
Michael Sam will help us, and we’ll give him every chance to succeed, and you know what? It’s gonna be pretty cool.
Jeff Fisher
A longstanding dream of mine is to adapt ‘Dune,’ but it’s a long process to get the rights, and I don’t think I will succeed.
Denis Villeneuve
Well, any teacher or coach derives his greatest pleasur

Well, any teacher or coach derives his greatest pleasure in their profession or their process when they see their pupil succeed, so I would say I definitely enjoy that part of the game.
Frank Vogel
If you could get up the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.
David Viscott
Whether it’s raising the minimum wage, fixing our broken immigration system or supporting an economic climate that gives our businesses that chance to succeed, I hope to continue to fight these important battles on behalf of my constituents.
Joe Kennedy III
I pretty much believe, as everyone in the B Team does, that business must succeed beyond the bottom line. More important than profits is how you get to them. Measuring financial earnings and losses only is definitely not enough and has led us astray from creating a better world for all.
Guilherme Leal
You want everyone to succeed in your family.
Elizabeth Olsen
If I can be some kind of vessel to show people that, no matter the hard time you experienced, you can still succeed, I want to put out that positive energy to never quit and never give up.
Brian Banks
If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.
John D. Rockefeller
Only by acknowledging the success and sacrifice made by those who came before us can we fully understand what we must do to ensure the liberty of those who will succeed us.
Yvette Clarke
But in my life, the vast majority of people that have really afforded me the opportunity to succeed were white folks.
Tim Scott
When, who, and what things happen to becomes meaningful, then what happens starts to matter, and play can evoke strong emotions, fierce and ongoing urges to succeed, and a desire to leave a mark, drive meaningful change, or build lasting institutions.
Ed Greenwood
The most important characteristics you need to succeed in business are resilience, determination and persistence.
Karren Brady
When we rehearse, we’re always trying to aim for something else. But we never quite succeed in getting there.
Colin Greenwood
No idea can succeed except at the expense of sacrifice; no one ever escapes without enduring strain from the struggle of life.
Ernest Renan
To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered.
I look at each episode in two ways – from a design standpoint and from an entertainment standpoint – this is TV, after all. We usually succeed on at least one of the levels.
Douglas Wilson
You always want to try, in everything you do, to attempt something you’ve never tried before, and the only way to succeed at that is through failure, and the only way to succeed through failure is just banging your head against the wall over and over until you get to that interesting thing on the other side.
Beau Willimon
If you truly want to succeed, you have to stay humble – humble or crumble – because it can all go away in the blink of an eye.
Raven Goodwin
I try to be as fearless as possible. I don’t always succeed, but I like to think I try.
Zachary Quinto
There is no secret to success except hard work and getting something indefinable which we call ‘the breaks.’ In order for a writer to succeed, I suggest three things – read and write – and wait.
Countee Cullen
Imagine trying to learn without a dry place to sleep, eat, and do homework. Children cannot succeed in school if their lives out of school are in total chaos.
Kate Brown
I learned that kids in show business are so different from regular, average students. They would gather behind you and help you to succeed in any way possible.
Wally George
I think there’s a misconception about the industry, that you have to change who you are to look ‘cool’ in order to succeed, and that’s just not true.
Grace VanderWaal