Top 530 Stupid Quotes

Racist people are few, in the minority. But you can do nothing to change them. You can talk, you can do what you want, but you can’t do anything because they are just stupid people.
Mario Balotelli
Short of baseball and my family, it was gaming. And gaming is a $20-million to $200-million multi-year effort. It’s an insane, stupid and utterly irresponsible act. But I did it.
Curt Schilling
'The Sopranos' is filled with really retrograde humor.

‘The Sopranos’ is filled with really retrograde humor. Bathroom humor, falls, stupid puns, bad jokes – infantile, adolescent stuff, but it makes me laugh.
David Chase
A man must be both stupid and uncharitable who believes there is no virtue or truth but on his own side.
Joseph Addison
I was always playing very stupid people, or the fat mate of the main girl.
Kathy Burke
When everything is easy one quickly gets stupid.
Maxim Gorky
To me, racism is so played out and corny and stupid, especially in music, where you now have Nelly doing songs with Tim McGraw, on the hit single ‘Over and Over.’ Anyone who thinks about that just needs to get a life.
Clinton Sparks
When it comes to the draft process, I’m going to be – I’m not going to say anything stupid – but I’m going to be my authentic, true self, and hopefully someone in an organization says, ‘That’s my guy.’
Josh Rosen
I had no confidence at school. I was not a good student and I really thought I was pretty stupid. Just dumb.
Tommy Hilfiger
Maybe I’m stupid or whatever, but to me if I got a concussion, if I could see straight and I could carry a football then I’m not telling anybody.
Ricky Williams
Be talented enough to make it and stupid enough to keep trying.
David Alan Grier
Watching Italian opera, all those male sopranos screeching, stupid fat couples rolling their eyes about. That’s not love, it’s just rubbish.
Peter Shaffer
Success in almost any field depends more on energy and drive than it does on intelligence. This explains why we have so many stupid leaders.
Sloan Wilson
You have to be willing to accept the idea that people may think you’re stupid.
Anna Faris
The biggest misconception people have about me is that I’m stupid.
Billy Idol
If someone asks a stupid question, you can only give a stupid answer or appear arrogant.
Cillian Murphy
Ethnic stereotypes are boring and stressful and sometimes criminal. It’s just not a good way to think. It’s non-thinking. It’s stupid and destructive.
Tommy Lee Jones
I’m pretty sarcastic, and sometimes that doesn’t come across on the Internet. It seems like I’m being rude or stupid.
Sky Ferreira
My songs are my kids. Some of them stay with me, some others I have to send out, out to the war. It might sound stupid and it might even sound naive, but that’s just the way it is.
Thom Yorke
Your body – or my body – is just kind of stupid. Like, your body doesn’t know whether you’re acting something because it’s happening or whether you’re acting it because it’s in the script.
Zach Woods
I just went and saw ‘Crazy, Stupid, Love.’ Julianne Moore – I’ve been in love with her since ‘Boogie Nights.’ But also, ‘The Big Lebowski.’
Kyle Chandler
I am a profound pessimist both about life and about human relations and about politics and ecology. Humans are inadequate and stupid creatures who sooner or later make a mess, and those who are trying to do good do a lot more damage than those who are muddling along.
A. S. Byatt
I think I did a lot of really stupid stuff really quickly in my twenties and that sort of led me to want to sort of just relax a little bit. Relax a lot.
Jemima Kirke
My brother and I have always had this theory that, as stupid as it sounds, in video games, there is a certain hand-eye coordination and a thought process that you can learn.
Landon Donovan
I like giving people something they don’t want to miss the next time. It’s a show with little twists and turns and curves. It has me being silly and stupid and compassionate and completely deep.
John Mayer
To observe a profoundly stupid individual can be very enriching, and that’s why we should never feel contempt for them.
Claude Chabrol
You know, most people called rap stupid when it started, and it was one of the most innovative music forms of its time.
Dan Deacon
Facts are stupid until brought into connection with some general law.
Louis Agassiz
When President Ronald Reagan asked me a stupid question once, I called him an idiot in public! I thought I was going to be arrested, but he laughed and appreciated me.
Bikram Choudhury
I don’t really mind not being a part of a film – because if there is no part for me, I will never force myself upon a film. I feel like it’s just a distraction. If it is not organically incorporated into the story, it just feels like a stupid appearance, like a sort of wink. I hate that.
Xavier Dolan
Like wars, forest fires and bad marriages, really stupid laws are much easier to begin than they are to end.
Matt Taibbi
Love at first sight is probably for stupid people, but maybe I’m just cynical.
Greg Davies
I said something really stupid once. I told a friend that my mother was so beautiful, but my dad was ugly. My dad heard it and just laughed it off, but I felt guilty. It haunted me for years. I should never have said that.
Gene Wilder
If my ego was out of whack and I believed I could carry

If my ego was out of whack and I believed I could carry anything off, that would be a stupid risk. But so far there’s been no reason not to try anything.
Kathleen Turner
You know, at that age you want to show everyone else how wild you are. It’s a combination of being bored, looking for a cheap thrill and being really stupid – a dangerous combination.
Mike Judge
As an actor, you can certainly, at any moment and at any time, discover 400 people who think you’re stupid, fat and ugly.
Amy Poehler
I really wanted to make the worst thing: the thing that even people who liked bad, terrible music wouldn’t like – the stuff that people would ignore, always. Something really, really stupid. Something that is destined for failure.
Ariel Pink
I’m grateful for every stupid mistake and dumb joke I tried to make.
Bo Burnham
When a big company lays you off, they often give you a year’s salary to ‘go pursue a dream.’ If you’re stupid, you panic and get another job. If you’re smart, you take the money and use the time to figure out what you want to do next.
Bruce Schneier
I don’t want to treat my fans like they are stupid.
By the time you are in your thirties, most of the time, you’ve got a job, you can pay for your rent, you can create this nice world around you. And still, you’re only in your thirties – you’re not that far away from your twenties, which is when you’re making all of your stupid mistakes.
Katie Aselton
I can’t tell if I want to be a rapper who’s funny because I kind of enjoy just doing really stupid songs about nothing. But I want to have a career that’s long-lasting, and I don’t think people want to listen to a straight-up comedy rapper all the time.
I say really stupid things sometimes. When I go back and watch some of my old interviews from when I was younger, I just cringe.
Michelle Pfeiffer
I’ve got a 27-inch waist. Before, I was stupid smaller. Finding clothes in the South was impossible.
Justin Townes Earle
I’d be stupid not to take into consideration that there are certain things people will not consider me for because my name is Lopez. And I know I can do any kind of role. I don’t want anybody to say, Oh, she can’t pull this off. So those are barriers that you have to overcome.
Jennifer Lopez
I just think that people take me a little more seriously as a brunette. I don’t know if that’s just because of a societal preconceived notion that all blondes are stupid, but it’s a different kind of attitude.
Kate Bosworth
I watch a lot of hockey. There are some good hockey players and there are some awfully stupid hockey players.
Ted Lindsay
In my humble opinion, change is stupid.
Rafael Nadal
I’m gonna reveal something to you that’s going to come as a shock: If you’re a stupid young man, you’re usually a stupid old man. Most people, including myself, keep repeating the same mistakes.
William Shatner
I see these guys, they throw a guy into the ropes and they do a back flip and then clothesline the guy and it looks stupid. Why don’t you just clothesline the guy?
Owen Hart
Between a fellow who is stupid and honest and one who is smart and crooked, I will take the first. I won’t get much out of him, but with that other guy I can’t keep what I’ve got.
Lewis B. Hershey
Most people thought Gomer was stupid, dumb, a real klutz. But you study him, he really wasn’t any of those things. Gomer just didn’t want to see bad in anybody; you could never get him mad.
Jim Nabors
Not all journalists are really journalists. They ask such stupid questions sometimes, especially the newer ones, and because… these people can’t tell if you’re joking around, you just can’t have any sense of humour; you really can’t.
Ray Liotta
I hate pride, but if I were going to be proud of anything it would have to be something I’d done myself. Race pride is kind of stupid.
Carroll O’Connor
I love escaping into character. It’s a chance to try on people that you wouldn’t be brave or stupid enough to be in real life.
Andrea Corr
Mary Joe Fernandez rarely has a bad loss. She never tries for stupid shots.
Tracy Austin
In fact, when you get right down to it, almost every explanation Man came up with for anything until about 1926 was stupid.
Dave Barry
I was the youngest child. I got to be myself and ask stupid questions because I was the youngest. It is so important to listen to the questions children have and reward them for the wondrous questions they ask.
May-Britt Moser
The reality of climate change is a stupid thing to argue about.
Matt Gaetz
You can’t fix stupid.
Ron White
As an actor, you have to be open to doing things where you look stupid, to be experimental.
Jesse Eisenberg
The government does things like insisting that all encryption programs should have a back door. But surely no one is stupid enough to think the terrorists are going to use encryption systems with a back door. The terrorists will simply hire a programmer to come up with a secure encryption scheme.
Kevin Mitnick